My Tarzan (Robert Irwin / OC...

By Christmas2580

59.6K 623 67

When Danielle Lawson travelled to The land down under for university she had no idea of just how much it woul... More

First day of classes
First day at Zoo
Surfing gone wrong
A photoshoot
A possible Date
Perfect date untill.....
Chriatmas with the irwin's
Back to the states
Days blend together
Wenlock Trip
Family  emergency
Hard times
 permanently moving
Wedding planning
Last bit's and pieces
Wedding day
Honeymoon in tahiti
Returning home

Double date

2.2K 21 0
By Christmas2580

Chapter 10

We were now in the middle of February, and it would soon be mating season for the dingo's, they only mate once a year and we are hoping that koba and Lana would be the one to mate as out of all the dingos they seemed to hold the most affection for each other.

No luck so far.

Mike seemed confident that it would happen.

"She's not yet in season but once she is I can assure you he will be all over Lana."

My work with Dr Rosie had really picked up as well.

I was now able to assist with the other vet techs instead of just shadowing them, only the other day I was asked to assist in tranquillising one of the tigers so that he could have annual check up.

It felt good to know that I was finding my role in the zoo.

I was keeping on top of my work at collage, apparently all my professors were really pleased with my progress.

As of right now I was getting ready for a double date with bindi and chandler.

Over the Christmas break bindi had mentioned that it would be great if the 4 of us would go on a double date.

Well we all finally found an evening when we were all free.

So it was a Wednesday evening and we  are meeting at a very nice sea food restaurant, I would be meeting the three of them there.

The hour drive was starting to become a bit bothersome, not only for my petrol miles but also because it made it harder for me and Robert to see each other, it's not like I can just pop over after classes.

Tanya was starting to bug me about meeting Robert, well she didn't Know it was Robert.

"This is your third date and your going on a double date with his sister, you are officially together yet you won't even tell us his name."

It's not like I was purposely not telling anyone about my relationship with Robert but the Irwin's are such private people and Tanya likes sharing news with people.

Me and Robert both agreed to keep our relationships the down low right now just until we are sure that it's going to last.

It's around 6:37 when I arrived a little late.

I see the 3 waiting for me by the entrance.

I quickly hope out of my car careful  of my heels and quickly make my way over to them.

"I'm so sorry late there was a big pile up and was caught in traffic."

"Don't worry we only just arrived ourselves, you look amazing by the way."

I look down at my outfit, though only the shoes and jacket are mine the rest I got from Tanya,
And in her words.

"This dress looks better on you than it ever did on me."

Bindi is breathtaking in a blue long sleeved dress and beige pumps, and the boys are wearing dress pants and a button down shirt.

We make our way into the restaurant and are quickly seated.

After ordering our drinks we look through the menus

"It all looks great what do you guys recommend." I ask bindi and chandler who informed me this was a favourite restaurant of there's.

It's bindi who speaks up.

"Well chandler and I usually get the Terrace Tasting Plate sharing platter for entrees you get to try a bit of everything then."

"That sounds ripper, that okay Danielle."

"Great so we'll get two of those sharing platters and then what do you want for mains."

After looking through the opinions I decided on the grilled fish.

Once our orders were taken and our drinks arrive.

Bindi was the first one to break the silence.

"I really love that dress where did you buy it.

"it's not mine I borrowed it from my friend Tanya."

"Well she has really good style, would you ask her for me where she brought it."

Conversation few by easily, and we had just finished taking about holiday destinations when the sharing platters arrived.

"Bindi you were right these look Delicious."

Bindi smiled and we soon began to dig in.


Halfway through our mains and Robert was making us all laugh with sharing some of his funniest croc stories.

"So by now I'm covered head to toe in mud and every one is laughing and the Casper gets away."

"well I'm sure you still liked very handsome."

Robert laughed and placed his arm round my shoulders pulled me to him and kissed my cheek.

Soon conversation turned to what was going on in the zoo.

It's Robert who brings up the wenlock river trip.

"In a few months were going to be croc tracking in wenlock and I was wondering if you would like to come with us, it will be in the middle of August."

Seriously , they want me to come on the annual croc trip, but then I remember.

"I'll already be back in the states my then but I'm sure I could get a flight back out. Then stay in a hotel for the night."

"Nonsense you can stay in the our guest room again or in the house with mum." Bindi reassures me.

Chandler and Robert look at me hopefully.

Well I have no reason not to attend.

"I'd love to."


We all talked about different subjects for the rest of the night and before we knew it we were asking for the check.

We split the check into thirds and added a tip.

Thank goodness I was recently paid, while the food is amazing it's not someplace I could go on a regular occasions.

Standing outside the restaurant we were all saying goodbye to each other, well I was saying goodbye to the 3 since they would be driving back in the same car.

Bindi and chandler jumped in the car to give me and Robert some privacy.

Robert had his hand around my waist mine were playing in his hair.

"You will come on the trip to wenlock right?"

"I promise you robert I will try my hardest to go, but plane tickets aren't exactly cheap."

Robert looked like he was going to say something.

But instead pulled me to him, and gave me a quick peck, though a quick peck turned to a longer peck, which then turned to a longer kiss, before it could go any further I pulled away before it could escalate.

We promised each other that we wouldn't go further than kissing until he turned 18, which was 10 months away.


Another quick peck.

We separated.

I jumped in my car, took of my heels and I was starting to blister, put on some music and started the engine.


I quietly tiptoed to my room, not wanting to wake any of the others up.

On my phone the time was 11:45.

I was able to make it back to my room with no trouble.

Well nearly no trouble's

There sat on my bed was Tanya.

She had tears down her face and was dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie not exactly something I would normally catch her in being the girly person she is.

"Hey dani." She sniffed her Nose clearly bunged up from all the crying.

"Hey Tanya." I sit down opposite her, she lays her head on my shoulder.

In an attempt to sooth her I run my fingers through her matted hair.

"What's wrong."

She looks like she's going to speak but then just starts crying.

By now it she's nearly inconsolable.

It's then I'm that I take notice of something sticking out of her pocket.

The familiar white stick is poking out.


Shakily I reach into her pocket and pull out the stick.

The double line tells be all I need to know.

I wrap my arm round her and pull her closer to me, offering silent comfort.

"is it Jackson's." It's more of a statement then a question.

She nods her head on My shoulder.

"Does he know yet?"

She quickly lifts her head panicked.

"Please dani you can't tell him, please not yet."

Oh jeez


"Well first thing you need to do is book an appointment just to double check, pregnancy tests aren't always correct, if you are we need to find other how far along you are, then we can go from there."

I look at the time.


Doctors won't be open now.

"tomorrow I have a free day, I'm not at the zoo and if I'm correct you don't have your first class until 2 in the afternoon, so first thing tomorrow morning we're gonna get you an appointment just to double check."

Tanya seems to of composed herself.

"I can't face Jackson right now."

"Do you want to spend the night in here?"

Tanya smiles and nods.

I take my pjs into the bathroom and quickly change.

Wiping of my makeup and brushing the nots out my hair, I walk back into my room to find Tanya laying in my bed on side that's right against the wall.

I scoot in next to her and bring the blanket over us both, I then grab my laptop and log into my Netflix account and let Tanya pick out something for us to watch.

Though halfway through animal planet we are both out like a light.

Next morning

It took some work but I finally coaxed Tanya out the car and into the GP'S office.

we were able to get an appointment for 8:30, one of the first slots of the day.

"Tanya hollow."

Me and Tanya look up, a male nurse calls Tanya's name from a clipboard.

I turn to face a nervous Tanya.

"You ready."

She looks at me and nods.

We both get up and follow the GP to a office with a bed and chair.

In walks a woman in her late 50s.

"which one of you is Tanya."

"That would be me." Tanya piped up.

"Hi Tanya I'm Dr Parker, Okay on your chart it says you think your pregnant and have taken a test."

Tanya seems to shy to answer so I do it for her.

"Yes she did a test yesterday which was positive but she just wants a confirmation."

The Dr Parker looks at me.

"And you are?"

"Oh I'm just a friend of her's from collage."

The Dr smiles.

"well then, Tanya I am going to take a sample of blood, so if you would just lift up your sleeve."

The blood is drawn quite quickly.

"Well we should have the test back very soon, while we wait I would like to go over your options with you, does that sound okay."

Tanya just nods

It's worrying to see a girl that is always so lively and happy so quiet and meek.

"Well you have termination..."

"no, I don't believe in it." Tanya mutters

"Okay, well then you have two options left, are you looking into adoption or would you rather keep the baby in question."

Tanya looks conflicted.

"I haven't thought that far, I don't know."

Dr Parker nods understandably.

"That's okay, you don't have to make any choices yet."

There is an bing from her computer.

"Well the result are in and it appears you were correct."

Nobody says anything.

Dt Parker sensing that this wasn't the desired news respectively gives us a moment.


I try to get her attention though she doesn't acknowledge me or even the GP.

Turning to me the GP starts to speak.

"When she's feeling a bit better, I would recommend finding an obstetrician, if you like I could give you a list of some good ones."

"Yes please."

She hands me some cards along with some pamphlets about general care.

It's a very quiet and uncomfortable drive back to the campus.

I'm very worried for Tanya it's like she's in shock.

We make it up the stairs.

Im about to speak but Tanya has already opened the door to her room.

Still carrying the pamphlets given to her by the doctor, I decide to give her a moment and just drop them by later.

Ugh..... it's only 9am and I already feel a massive headache approaching.

I lay down on my bed in darkness just trying to process what I've just found out.

Lord help me

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