The True Dragon Emperor

By FIREscale

244K 4.7K 1.9K

Dragons are incredible creatures. They are powerful, follow their own rules, bow to no one and most important... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 1

14.6K 218 215
By FIREscale

{??? / 1st person POV}

Strange............. So very strange.........

At this moment I stood in the infinite emptiness of space, nothing was around me except the vast number of stars that were peacefully shining within space. Is rather confusing to be sure but something equally as confusing was my very self.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself so let's back track for a moment....

I 'woke up' about an hour ago (or at least that's how long it felt), for the first five minutes I was trying to get my bearings and try to rationalize the situation I was in. I was in space, somehow able to survive in space and I was not entirely human.

The space part was pretty wild but after realizing I was okay, I stopped focusing on that in favor of focusing on something else, namely my new inhuman form.

Upon first seeing my new body I was reasonably shocked but...... not as much as I thought I would be. It was not something I was familiar with but it did not feel wrong or unnatural. I studied myself a bit more and I can safely say I am one badass looking Dragon, it felt very different than what my normal squishy human body felt.

For one my senses were heightened, allowing me to see things in detail no human should. I could also feel the flow of some type of energy coursing through me. As confused as I was about the whole situation, I could not stop admiring my new form, all the little details, all the little sensations....... They all just felt...... right.

I shook my head to regain some focus then began to think for a moment. So, let's recap:

1. I died due to blood loss after helping a woman.

2. I woke up inside a star in the middle of space.

3. I am no longer human but instead a cool looking dragon.

With those points down I think I can lay down some guess work,

First of all: How?

Well I don't really know HOW but I can think of a few reasons (Reincarnation, getting isekaid, God granting you another chance etc.), the reason may be lost to me but I am alive and that's all that matters.

Second of all: Why?

Well......... I refer you to my first question, for one I did not meet any divine being so they can give me the 'you are going to another world' talk, I am also not getting the urge to strangle puppies which means I was not cursed by some devil so that's out too. Really there is no real reason why.... at least none that I know of.

I would probably be getting a headache by now from all these questions, thankfully my new dragon self does not feel any of that so that's nice.

Despite all my questions one thing is clear: I am a Dragon in space. Standing around and racking my brain for an answer I don't have will lead me nowhere, the best I can do now is figure out what I can do and hope I can find an inhabited planet (Hopefully earth) because I don't want to be stranded in space forever.

Rex: ''*Sigh* What a mess......''

Even though there should be no way for me to speak or sigh in space I still do it anyway, was that I sign of something? Maybe....

Regardless, is time I do a good old-fashioned training montage.

{1st month of awakening}

About a month has passed. During this time, I tried to figure out what I can do and my first surprising discovery was...... that I already knew.

It's hard to explain it but the moment I asked myself 'what am I?' I somehow received an answer, like my mind already had that knowledge stored inside it and I just had to ask so I can know it. Crazy right?

Anyhow, when I asked 'what I am?' the answer was... Well it was this...


Name: Rex Excel

Title: The Heavenly Dragon Emperor.

Race: Dragon / Age: 21 / Gender: Male

Rank: Cosmic


· Strength: EX

· Agility: EX

· Endurance: EX

· Magic: EX

· Charisma: EX

· Luck: EX

....... That was.... Very informative.

Pushing aside the fact I have a screen display tell me all this stuff I am starting to understand everything better, and can I say HOLY SHIT I AM OP!!!

From what I can tell my ability [Analyse] is what allows me to see this information which is great.

But as I read, I was getting more references that tie my powers to an origin, the most glaring one being my tittle: Heavenly Dragon Emperor. Couple that and some references and I can safely conclude what world my powers come from: High school DxD......

A show infamous for is extreme amounts of PLOT and ecchi... 

Not sure how to feel about that...

On one hand dragons in the DxD world are the shit and are always treated as a big deal, on the other hand they come from a world that has boobs as the answer that will save the day... yeah...

That aside I now had a good idea of what I can do and if the descriptions are to be trusted (which I am trusting) than I have an idea about what I am doing next.....

{2nd month of awakening}

Rex: ''Ten, eleven, twelve......nice''

As I continue to count, I felt nice when I saw that I beat my previous score, for the record I am currently trying to see how many hits I can do in one second.

The past month has been rather productive as I tested and experimented with my abilities. I flew around for a bit until I found an empty 'earth like' planet which I can use as a testing ground, after that I just kept trying the different things my [analyse] ability showed me.

For starters I used my [Shape-Shifting] ability, mainly because while I liked my new dragon body, I still wanted to return to something more familiar. Lucky for me the power worked perfectly well and my body immediately began to shift and compress as I mentally activated my ability. 

Once it was done, I looked at my slightly pale human hands and sighed in happiness, I missed the feeling of proper skin...

While I was in human form i noticed many physical differences. For one my body was very muscular putting me slightly bellow the appearance of a body builder, two there was no unwanted things like facial or armpit hair, three and most importantly...... 

My Rex junior has become a VERY big boy....

There could be more but I don't have a mirror to see, all that matters is that I am back in my normal human body.... in space... And naked.... because apparently [shape-shifting] does not come with clothes pre-installed......

Nakedness in space aside I began to test the powers that my body possessed. The results were awesome:

Strength: Casually punched a continent to bits.

Speed: Ran fast enough to circle the entire world in 10 minutes tops.

Endurance: Took a dip in an active volcano and dove to the core.

Reaction speed: Caught some self-made fast-moving projectiles.

Intelligence: Calculated hundreds of equations I remembered form high school.

All in all I can say that I am at a pretty high point in terms of power both physical and mental, following my physical tests I decided to use some of my abilities namely..... my magic.....

I have been wondering since I woke up what this weird energy coursing through my body is, I figured in the end it was magic or more specifically 'Mana', the raw energy of magic. I honestly did not know how I was going to test this since I had absolutely no idea how to cast a spell but once again my answer came easily.

While thinking of different spells I remembered from games my mind lit up and I began to 'download' for a lack of a better word the knowledge necessary to cast that spell. I was genuinely confused but, in the end, I deduced it was thanks to my [Absolute Magic Potential].

And so I took my first step to becoming a wizard when I casted [Fireball], and let me tell you: it was one HELL of a fireball! One second I looked at some small rocks I pointed my finger at, the next second after I casted [Fireball] I saw a scorching crater twice my size!

Needless to say, the next spells were just as generic: a minor heal, a small ice blast, a small wind blade etc. I could not cast anything more than the basic stuff but this will be enough for now.

Anyhow, the good stuff was with my powers. As I began to test them, I realized just how fucking powerful the original dragon emperors must have been, I always knew they were strong since I read the story but it's one thing to read about it and another to experience it. 

[Boost] and [Divide] were already pretty bullshit to begin with but since my versions are stronger, they are even more so.


When I boosted for the first time, I felt my entire body grow in power. It felt like I was a balloon and that boost was expanding me well past what my full power should have been. I took a rock and willed my power to [Transfer] to it, it instantly grew to twice times its size. 

Lastly, I tried something more 'abstract' and boosted the oxygen in the atmosphere.... it somehow worked.


I did not have anyone to divide but after testing my boost I am pretty sure it would work. What I did test it on was some boulders, I willed my power to affect those boulders and it did, making them half of their original size in an instant. 

Finally, I tried dividing something more 'abstract' and I divided the distance between me and an object...... it worked...... somehow......

One thing I discovered on accident was my ability to detect stuff, funny story actually but at one point I sat down to meditate and closed my eyes. When I did, I began to sense the different things around me as a sort of 'zone' spread out from my body, soon enough I began to feel everything around me even when I could not see anything.

What I did not discover on accident was my domains. At first, I wanted to see what Supremacy and Domination do but I did not have a proper way to do so, instead I chose to try Creation. I held my hand out and concentrated, as I did I felt power draining from my body, I kept my mind on what I desired and only on that.

Once I opened my eyes there it was... in the palm of my hands stood a small knife, to think that in the palm of my hand is the essence of Creation itself is a...... scary thought. 

Regardless I immediately created some clothes to cover my body once I got the handle of my domain. I chose to go with a simple long dress coat-suit over a standard black suit with a white shirt underneath, short black knuckle-less gloves, and brown steel-toed shoes along with a pair of black trousers. 

I got to admit... For as crazy as he was, Yuki Terumi did have a killer sense of style.

The rest of my abilities gave similar results, [Dragon Aura] shot blasts that resembled Issei Hyoudou's dragon shot, my [Reflect] ability send back an attack I created and ran fast enough to intercept it back to its source etc...

Suffice to say that they all work properly, I may not have tested what their upper limits would be but for now I am satisfied.

{3rd month of awakening}

Remember when I said that I have not tested the upper limit of my powers? Well...... I thought it was about time I did exactly that. That's right, I felt it was time to get to know just where my body's limit lies.

Up until this point I have been doing minor tests with half-hearted attempts meaning I did not get a good feel of how high my power was, so I decided to change that.

With that said I did three tests for Strength, Endurance and Speed. Starting with speed my plan was to run between two planets that were roughly the same distance as the earth and moon.

When I found a suitable location, I got ready and pushed energy throughout my entire body at the highest point I could. In a single second probably even less..... I reached the other planet.

It was strange...... my entire body felt completely free of any pull, free of any force that would act against it and just sailed through space so fast that I could not even start counting before I reached the other location. So, it's safe to say I am pretty freaking fast....

Next came strength, after finding another empty planet I dropped down on the surface and got ready to strike it with all my might. 

Soon enough the planet became less a world and more of an.... Asteroid field, as my fist impacted the ground gigantic cracks began to spread around the world until everything started to collapse.... and then everything went boom.... Fun....

Finally, and probably most dangerous: Endurance......

Frankly I was not sure how to test this one, I already took a dip in magma deep in a world's core, I already survived inside a star so there was not anything I could think of that would allow me to test the upper limit of my durability..... 

Well.... All except one thing.....

A supernova.........

Yeah that's right...... one of the most dangerous events imaginable and I was thinking of testing how tough I am with that..... I am starting to think I might not be okay in the head....

Regardless I made up my mind and I was not about to back down, as a pro gamer I have my pride and I refuse to back down from a challenge. It might be stupid or down right suicidal but damit! I will push through no matter what.

So, there I was...... in front of a star at least a billion times my size. I have done some crazy stuff this month but this must be the biggest one yet, regardless there is no backing down now and as I reached out with my hand, I pushed energy into my hand to fire a blast strong enough to detonate the star.

Finally....... It happened.......

.... There was no sound.... just the heat and destructive wave of power from the collapsing star.

In all honesty... I thought I was going to die once again.... 

it was not nice, not nice at all....

The blast continued as the material stored within the star was flung everywhere, in the future those materials will inevitably turn into starts themselves. But I won't be around to see them do that...

As the blast finally died down all that was left was the light that once illuminated the empty void, soon enough even that disappeared leaving behind only me......

Rex: ''Hah..... Hah..... hah.....''

My rugged breathing and sore body were all that was left, the explosion did not kill me but it certainly did not leave me unharmed. My body was intact, the only visible damage was in the form of cuts, burns and bruises.

If my mind was not occupied by the pain I was feeling I would probably have been marveling at the fact I just survived a supernova, a cataclysmic cosmic event that can erase entire worlds in the blink of an eye...... and I survived it. 

I wanted to laugh... I wanted to laugh hysterically... I was once a normal person who died to a simple knife and now I am a mighty dragon who withstood a supernova... if I was not in pain, I would have laughed like a maniac...

The pain soon disappeared, it could not have been more than a few seconds but my body began to heal. Bruises disappeared, cuts were closed and burns were healed, soon enough I was back to perfect health.

Rex: ''Ha...hahaha......''

I laughed slightly, where once stood a giant light bringer there was nothing... nothing but me...

{Final month of awakening}

......... Its time...........

For the past month after putting an end to my tests I decided to do something, something that needed a bit of experimenting before I attempt it. It took a while to get the hang of it as the thing I wanted to do was not necessarily...... easy.

But now it's time....

I stood in the emptiness of space, dragon wings out and concentrated on myself.

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

[Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!]

I felt it...... my power was affecting the universe itself and before my eyes space itself was beginning to twist and break, sparks of electricity ran in the empty space and at the center of it was a hole that grew continuously as I kept dividing.

The hole threatened to fall apart at any moment so I continued to boost its stability as It continued to grow. Soon enough I stopped, the hole had become big enough for a person to walk through without issue and it was completely stable.

I did it...... I created a gateway....

Now it might be confusing so bear with me...

Right before me there is a gateway, a gateway to another universe. It might be crazy but it's true, during my tests I concluded that my powers can affect things such as space and time, with that revelation I was thinking if it was possible for me to create a way to travel to new places. 

And surprisingly enough... there was.

In a way my instinct has been helping me quite often ever since I woke up, it helped me get a feel for my new body, it helped guide me in the usage of my powers and it helped me realize my limits. Since my instinct helped me so much, I decided to trust in it and take a leap of faith which thankfully worked.

Now comes the obvious and most important question: 'Why did I do this? Why did I create a portal to another world?'

Well.... it was because I found earth....

As I kept traveling around, I came across some planets and constellation close to earth's solar system, I followed those and eventually came upon earth's solar system. I took a moment to admire the planets around the sun for they were every bit as beautiful as they could be especially from up close.

When I came upon earth however..... I felt wrong....

I can't really explain it but.... It felt wrong to return. No matter how much I rationalized I could not push myself to go there, it was understandably very confused and uneasy.... but in the end, I already knew the reason....

Right now, I am no longer the man that used to live a human life because that life died....

Right now, I am a beast with power beyond this world's comprehension....

It's strange.... Even though I know I can't lead a normal life anymore and can't live on earth I am strangely...... at peace.

I used to live a normal life, I had friends, a family. I did not have a girlfriend but I was okay, I would have gotten a regular job and probably led an okay albeit boring life. 

I guess that idea...... the idea that in the end I would have lived 'OK' just....... did not feel right.

Now I am not criticizing anyone for wanting such a life and I would have found such an alternative nice to be honest, but now? I can't do that.......

As it stands now, I have no place here... The man that used to live here has died and that's final...

As I gaze into the swirling entrance to my new destination I look back, I am light years away but I can vaguely see the outline of earth's solar system and as I do....... I smile.

Rex: ''..... It was nice..... the time I spend there and the memories I made....... I would never trade them for anything, for they are what makes me who I am....... Goodbye''

I turn away for this will be the only time I look back, from today..... 

I gaze at the future...


...... The swirling vortex continues to extend further and further as I continue to sail through the gateway between worlds, soon enough I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and much like the light that I was born in it obscured my vision. 

The light died down and I have finally exited the gate, I checked behind me but by that point the gate had fulfilled its purpose so it permanently close until I may open it again.

Checking my surroundings, I found myself in space once again, unlike last time however I was not lost at all. That was due to the fact that in front of me stood a familiar blue and green planet....... Earth......

I smiled to myself as I looked at it, I should mention right now that this is not the same earth, why would I go through a portal just to end up back home? That would be just stupid....

No...... after careful consideration I selected a perfect place to start my journey. If you are wondering how I was able to specifically chose what place I end up in from the infinite possibilities of the multiverse well.... magic.

Putting that aside its time I set foot into the new world, my slow flight towards the planet evolves quickly into a rocketing flight, fire formed around my body as I entered the atmosphere of earth. From bellow I would have looked like a falling star graciously flying through the sky.

I made sure to arrange my path towards one specific country......

I continued to rocket through the air and before I collided with the ground, I spread out my wings, the powerful beat of my draconic wings completely halted my descent and created a great hurricane from the power behind them. The raging winds settled quickly and I slowly hovered over the ground before finally setting my feet on the soft ground of earth.

I missed proper ground....

I took a deep breath something I have not done since I awoke, the crystal-clear air filled my lungs sending a wave of nostalgia and calmness through me, it was great to be back home...

Looking around I saw that I was in a forest not too far from the place I had wanted to go to and from the looks of it no one noticed my descent, good. One of the basic spells i got with my [Absolute magic potential] was called [concealment], it helped hide my magical energy so I do not alert every being on this planet when I drop in.

I stretched my limbs for a moment to adjust to the new gravity before setting off on the path towards my destination. I could have arrived at my destination instantly if I used my speed but.... I wanted to enjoy the sights okay.....

I casually walked and enjoyed the scenery, soon however I came upon a sign......

Kuoh city – 1 Km distance.

I smiled....... Kuoh city....... A city belonging to fiction and I stood on the path towards it. Right now, everyone should have realized where I currently am.

The world of High school DxD. A world looking very normal on the outside but beneath the surface dwelled many secrets: Angels, Devils, Fallen angels, Youkai and many more......

Now, why did I decide this to be the first world I step in? three reasons really:

1. It's rather appropriate since my powers originate from here.

2. The world has many secrets and things to learn so I won't be bored while I stay here.

3. And most importantly..... Waifus...... I don't need to explain any more than that.

Reasons aside is time I make myself comfortable here......


Rex: ''*munch**munch**munch*''

Mhm~ these donuts are great, nothing beats a jelly filled donut!

Over the past three days I explored the place and done some minor things, I was mostly trying to settle in rather than do anything big. First thing I did was buy myself a house, my ability to create stuff saved me a lot of time so when I found the first available mansion, I took it faster than you can say get out!

Hey if I am going to be living anywhere might as well go big you know? Anyhow, after creating some fake documents and finally getting a place to settle down I decided to take a look around town. 

Unsurprisingly the moment I stepped in the middle of town and spread my senses I immediately picked up multiple magic signatures, some coming from the esteemed academy of the city and some coming from an old church.... so, things are in order....... good.

Before I decided to barge in to the story of this world I had a few matters to attend to, first of all... some tests.

While I may have tested my combat-oriented powers I have yet to test my more.... social oriented powers...

Being super strong is okay and all but i prefer to have every area covered, with that being said I decided to have a little... experiment if you will.

I met up with six subjects, two of each falling into one of three types: a school girl, a prostitute and a married wife.

Now why did I do this? Simple, it was to test the effects that two of my powers have namely my [Dragon's charisma] and [Dragon's scent]. For that I created two groups of three each containing one of the aforementioned types so I can test the individual effects my powers had on people.

To ensure I had accurate results I set some rules for my tests:

1. Ensure that all subjects initial view me as a stranger.

2. Make sure that each interaction is done in secret away from anyone's view.

3. Wipe the memories of each subject after each encounter.

With those rules set I began my first batch of tests. I met up with each subject individual and asked each of them the same things:

I asked them all to give me some Yen, they all smiled and complied without issue. This test was to see how they would react to trivial things.

I than asked them to show me their breasts. This is where the things got good.

The school girl blushed but showed her chest regardless, the prostitute laughed and undressed without hesitation, the married wife was hesitant but after a 'pretty please?' from me she complied.

Finally, I asked them something more risqué.

I asked the school girl to drop out and become my girlfriend, I asked the prostitute to give me a 'free session', and I asked the married wife to give me her ring. The results speak for themselves...

The school girl was shocked and blushed but after thinking for a minute she smiled and said yes.

The prostitute looked at me, turned around, placed her hands on the wall and said 'go ahead'.

The wife hesitated and was unsure what to do, once again after a bit more coaxing, she gave in.

Now.... this may not mean much to anyone else but to me this says a lot. These results show how powerful my charisma is if at the lowest level it can make normal people do things they would not normally do for a stranger. When analyse said that 'it can make most people commit the evillest of acts' it was not kidding....

I should also mention that I did not chose those three types just for fun, no there is a reason namely speaking: inhibitions and willpower. Let me give you an example...

If I asked each of them to bend over and let me have my way with them the results will go something like this:

The school girl will hesitate but not necessarily be against the idea, she is young and her inexperience is getting in the way, but since she is young she has a much more open mind.

The prostitute would most likely drop all her clothes and do exactly as I say without hesitation, is literally her job so it would not be anything different than what she usually does.

The married wife would be the one to hesitate completely at the idea, she is mature and has experience plus she would view the act as detrimental to her life making her much more likely to refuse.

Granted all these results are at a low level of my power so I technically could just brute force it by raising the intensity, still this provides excellent data to work with.

The finally thing I needed to test was my [Dragon's scent], supposedly this ability should bring those of the opposite sex around me into heat which can be 'very' useful in the future. 

For this test I took three new candidates of the same types as the previous three but instead of interacting with them I would just hang around them and see how my power affects them at different intensities. Once I started the results were just as good as before:

At one percent the school girl looked unaffected but I could see her body shifting in place and her face adopting a blush, the prostitute became more liberal and began to flaunt her body more, the wife much like the school girl was overall okay with just a few symptoms.

As I kept increasing the intensity, they all began to be affected more and more, they even began to sense where the intoxicating feeling they were experiencing came from and approached me.

It started slow, the school girl held on to my hand without looking as I felt her breath becoming heavy and her body becoming hot, the prostitute showed much more initiative as she began to rub her body against mine, the wife did not do anything but she did stay close enough that we were basically in contact.

Finally, after raising the intensity to about 10% things got very heated...

The school girl got In front of me and began to kiss me as she undressed, the prostitute dragged me in a secluded area and she spread her legs begging me to fuck her, the wife did not do anything but no matter where I touched or groped her she did not respond and allowed me to do as I please with her.

I stopped everything once I got my results and left after wiping their memories, as fun as it would be to 'play' with them I had things to attend to, plus I could have as much fun as I want later. I can safely say that the results I got from these tests were worth the effort.

Now than..... I think is time I say hello to the plot......


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