Dragon Kings: The Youthful Ki...

Bởi TempralSinz

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Young and full of life, being the youngest has its benefits. The one thing that seems impossible to shake is... Xem Thêm

Sweet Scent
Midnight Stroll
North Tower
Healing Scent
Butterfly's Kiss
In The Moonlight
Between Us
A Cave Of Wonder
Rough Patch
A Moment
The Scent Of Blood
Small Things
Moss and Brimstone

Anger And Fear

326 32 5
Bởi TempralSinz

 I sat waiting just outside one of the rooms on the upper east hall of the Palace. Jungkook was with Namjoon waiting to hear more about Yoongi and Mr. Lee. Jimin was inside the room helping Citrine. She didn't look good, and I was worried she had too many injuries- Not just the ones we could see, internal and mental as well.

Jungkook came down the hall at some point, It was dark and that's all I knew.

"My precious butterfly, are you going to sit out here all night?" He asked as he gripped the sides of the chair I was sitting in, next to the large doors into the room where Citrine was. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Not moving until I know." I said, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Jungkook wiped it away with his thumb and leaned down, capturing my lips with his. The kiss was soft, but firm. Like he was telling me he wanted me to go with him to bed. But my mind was on my friend, one of the girls I relied on a lot over my time at the club. These girls were everything to me... they were my family when no one else would be.

He pulled away from my lips slowly and pressed his head against mine.

"I understand my little butterfly. I'll have someone bring us some blankets and pillows." He said softly. "Would that be okay with you?" He asked, a smile on his face. I nodded and pressed my lips together.

"I'd like that." I replied. He kissed my forehead and lifted himself upright.

"I'll be right back then." He gently caressed my cheek and walked off back down the hall. Some time later, Jungkook arrived with some palace maids who had blankets, padding and some pillows. The women laid out the thick padding on the floor near the door, they layered a few blankets and then added a few more on top. The pillows they set out were nice and firm but soft, Jungkook nodded to them as the women bowed out of respect.

"Do you need something to eat? Have you eaten since we got back?" He asked me. I shook my head, I had been too focused on what happened, too worried about Ames and Citrine. I got up slowly and walked to the bedding where Jungkook was. He took my hand and gently pulled me down into his lap.

"Everything will be fine my sweet butterfly." He kissed my nose, then my forehead. I flashed a slight smile, but mostly out of being pleased by his love for me. Jungkook didn't say anything more, he knew me well enough now to know that now was not a time for talking or anything. He just sat there on the bedding and held me to him, gently rubbing my back and running his fingers through my hair.

Eventually I melted into his arms more and let my drowsiness overtake me.

I awoke to someone's voice. Two people, then two more joined the conversation. I kept my eyes shut and tried to sleep a little longer but then I felt shifting beside me. After it stopped I opened my eyes and turned over to see Jungkook standing there, putting on a shirt while he spoke to Jimin quietly.

"He's going back out there to check on things. The children are with Pearl and Sapphire at the moment, and I'm about to go in to change Citrine's bandages." Jimin spoke quietly.

"I'm going with him then. For Emerald, she's worried for Amethyst and that makes me worry. So I'm riding out there with him." I could hear Jungkook reply.

"I don't think he'll let you and you know that. Kook it's too much and too soon. You're needed here, your wife needs you here." Jimin rebutted.

"I don't care- and he will allow me. I know she needs me, but she's strong. She will know why I had to go. Namjoon will too." I heard Jungkook respond. I knew he was wanting to help, he felt so unable to and I could feel it was bothering him.

"Alright. What do you want me to tell her then since you're sneaking off?" Jimin asked. I sat up, rubbing my eyes a bit.

"He doesn't have to tell me anything. I know." I said groggily. Jungkook spun and crouched down beside me.

"I didn't know you were awake little butterfly. I tried not to wake you, you really need the rest." He said softly as he placed a kiss on my forehead and gently caressed my cheek.

"I know, but I heard sounds. It's fine thought- I want to see Citrine." I said in response. He looked at Jimin who nodded to both of us.

"You go try to convince Namjoon to let you go with him, and I'll make sure everything is fine here. Emerald can help me with Citrine." Jimin said with a nod of his head. Jungkook nodded back and then looked back into my eyes. A softness was there in those deep eyes of his. He smiled and held my face in his hands before placing a gentle but loving kiss on my lips.

"I'll be back as soon as I can- And hopefully with Amethyst. I promise you I'll make sure we bring her back." He said to me, and in his eyes there was something as he spoke those words. Jungkook felt responsible, he wanted to take my worry away. So here he was making a promise, but I felt uneasy- what if it wasn't a promise he could keep? Was this really a promise he should make?

I didn't want to say anything, so I just accepted what was and nodded to him before wrapping my arms around him and giving him a hug before he left.

I stood, Jungkook kissed me once more and then headed off to find Namjoon.

"Have you ever injected a needle into someone?" Jimin looked at me and asked.

"Um.. no, not exactly." I replied.

"Eh, there's a first time for everything." He said with a grin and a shrug of his shoulders. He wouldn't trust me giving someone a shot... would he?

I followed Jimin into the room, hoping Citrine was looking better and no longer unconscious.


(Amethyst's POV)

The boat rocked, and rocked as I was carried over the shoulder of one man, then tossed to a much larger man. I was fading between being conscious and not.

"Brutus! Here- Take this one below deck and lock her up tightly. If she screams, gag her." I heard the voice I'd been hearing for days. Followed by the much larger brute that had manhandled Citrine.... Oh my god Citrine.

"Yes, my Lord. Are we going back for the other?" The brute asked. The other man seemed to keep quiet and suddenly I felt him walking away, down some stairs with heavy feet, and finally I was tossed to the ground. My head came in contact with something, a bucket. I opened my eyes and rubbed my head to find a bit of blood now on my finger tips. I touched the sensitive spot on the side of my head again but winced in pain this time.

"Get comfortable. We'll be here a little while. Then soon... heh. Well we'll see." The beastly man snarled at me with no sign of sympathy in his eyes. Then again why would there be? These were killers, rebels, people who took pleasure in the pain of others.

"Is she all secured? Aw, you didn't gag her? What a pity." A voice came as the door leading up to the deck shut.

"Lord Jarvis said to only gag her if she screamed. She's been silent." Brutus replied to the shorter, leaner looking man.

"Shame, I'd like to hear this pretty bird cry." The man commented, his arms crossing over his chest as he pouted a bit.

"You'll have plenty of time to play with her later Lucas. For now Jarvis wants us to deal with the ones tailing us. Let's go." Brutus put his large hand over Lucas's shoulder, the two turned and left me to sit in near darkness as the boat rocked.
I pulled my knees up to my chest, holding my torn clothing to my body as I tried to tie my dress onto me so I wouldn't be so exposed. They mentioned people tailing the boat... I hope it was the others, I hope Citrine is safe and the others are coming to help me.


(Lee's POV)


Pure rage fueled me. I knew I had to reign it in but right now it's what kept me hopeful. The boat wasn't far, and I'd be damned if I let them get away with what they've done. I saw Citrine, I was not about to let the same happen to Amethyst.

From up here I could see two of the rebels shift and soar into the sky. Bring them on-

I made a charge right to them. They parted but I swung my tail around and caught the one on my left with the short spikes on my tail. Whipping my body around I gripped onto the wing of one of these rebels, figures- damn kids didn't know how to fight properly. He struggled, his friend swooping under me and trying to get a good chomp on my tail but I smacked him between the eyes with it and he growled in anger as he flew up and tried for another approach.

The one struggling was now snapping at me as he wriggled his way around as best as he could. I bit down on the flesh just above his wing and pulled out, tearing the wing right from the source. The bone snapping didn't phase me as all I could think of was how much worse Amethyst must be going through.

He collapsed, shifting back as he fell into the water which caught him. He would live... until the sea took him anyway. I noticed the other dragon flying around the boat and my eyes caught the reason- Yoongi was hanging onto the side, he hadn't shifted. He was just working his way around, trying not to be seen I think.
I rushed down and stuck my talons into the other dragon, he would give Yoongi away in a heartbeat. I noted not many rebels were on the ship, which gave us more of a chance to extract Amethyst without too much trouble. My concern for now was on Yoongi.

I grabbed at the dragon again as he wiggled out of my grasp, narrowly missing I swooped down and then flew up to get a little more height. When I wound down to prepare myself into a spiral I felt the wind strike me and a claw dig into my hind leg. I roared in frustration and spun up to catch his hind as he tried to break away. I pulled him down to me and swung him around before catching his front right arm into my mouth. My teeth sank in slow at first then as he roared out I bit down harder and tried to crush the bone with my teeth.

He let out a horrible roar and I felt something wiz past me with a whistle, it was a large movable crossbow that was stationed on the back of the boat. I quickly bit harder into the dragon and released him, ripping flesh off his arm. He shifted and fell into the water. I had to dodge a few arrows as they came my way. There were a few of these gun like crossbows attached to the sides of the boat as well.

My eyes searched for Yoongi, finally I saw him pulling himself up over the railing near the front, most of the rebels were watching me and had no idea he was there. I kept them distracted while he took care of who he could.

Once I noticed there were not too many left now I decided to swoop low and shift right above the boat, landing on the sail I quickly worked my way down the mass and made it to the deck. With sword in hand I helped Yoongi take care of the few rebels left. Then it was just three. A slow clap came from behind us, Yoongi and I turned.

"Bra-vo" The man who I knew all too well drew out. "Wow, you really got me." He looked at us and sighed. "You know Lee, you could have had it all. You could have been great- If only your fucking morals didn't block your gifts." Jarvis snarled at me.

"Give it up Jarvis. Fighting never was your strong point!" I yelled to him.

"Oh you're right about that old friend. Never my strong point in deed. But then... who said I'd be fighting you? Oh Brutus..." Jarvis said simply and the large burly man beside him jumped down from the top deck with ease. He stood and stretched a bit as he stalked forward. Jarvis was grinning from ear to ear like the victory was already his. But he didn't know King Yoongi as I did, he also didn't know what I had a feeling was happening even while we stood here awaiting to see what would happen.

Yoongi stood his ground. I walked up next to him and drew my sword.

"Don't die." He muttered from beside me. I nodded to him.

"Same for you, my King." I replied, I glanced at him to see a small smirk appear on his face. He was far from the young dragonling I remembered, and more of the stoic strong man I know his parents would be proud of.
The Brute came close, he swung a large mace at us which caused Yoongi and I toll roll in opposite directions to the side of us. Once to my feet I charged at the large man's side and tried to stab him, but he caught me- wrapping his hand around my sword he grinned and chuckled. Yoongi came from the other side and instead of following through with his sword raised high, he flipped his sword last minute and stabbed the brute's foot. Brutus, as he was called- let out a scream as pain shot through him. I pushed away and stabbed at his arm, he didn't block but I only managed a cut along his forearm. Yoongi removed the sword from his foot and came at the man again. Brutus struck Yoongi as I came back in for a stab to his other foot. Unbalanced Brutus fell in pain, Yoongi charged him one last time- stabbing right through the brute's neck. He withdrew his sword and glared up at Jarvis and the last man standing with him.

"Well done, not as out of touch as I thought you were- Lee." He grinned.

"You lost Jarvis. Just stop." I replied as I let out a breath.

"Lost? Lost what? I think I've won here. You're both tired.." He looked at Yoongi and frowned for a moment, then looked back at me. "Well one of you are. I'm sure the boy wouldn't mind handing my friend Lucas here without you old man." He smiled smugly and nodded to the man next to him.

Lucas was much more spry. He also leapt down from the top deck with ease.

Yoongi seemed to be assessing him, unsure of his fighting style- however it didn't take long for Lucas to be sword to sword with Yoongi. He was pushing hard against Yoongi's sword, a giant grin on his face.

"Wow, a King they call you hm? It will be fun gutting you like a fish." He laughed maniacally. I charged for him but he rolled out of the way, leaving me to charge right into Yoongi, luckily we only fell over each other. We got to our feet and tried to focus on this much more agile opponent. From my side view though I could see Jarvis starting to flee. Typical of him to run when things were not going his way.

"Over here." The laughing voice came and Yoongi and I looked back toward the rear of the boat. He jumped down and charged at me. His sword making contact with mine, he managed to swing and land a small cut on my upper arm. Yoongi swung and managed to cut his leg, Lucas rolled to the side and got to his feet with ease, he then picked up another sword from one of the dead rebels on the deck.

Now armed with two swords, he swung them as he came at us. Both Yoongi and I parrying with Lucas for a while before he managed to land another cut on me, then Yoongi. Nothing serious but the sting was annoying.

Yoongi landed another hit, then a second one after it. Lucas's side was in pain as blood seeped out slowly from the fresh wounds.

"Lucky." Lucas snarled before slicing much more erratically now. His assault was too all over the place though. Yoongi smirked and rolled to the side.

"Stay back Lee, this guy isn't worth the energy." Yoongi said loud enough for me and Lucas to hear. The smirk on his face didn't fade. Lucas snarled again.

"You think so? Those are some interesting last words, kid." Lucas once more continued the assault, keeping his focus on Yoongi while Yoongi kept waiting out as long as he could before he rolled out of the way, dodging the two swinging swords.
"Stay still like a good boy!" Lucas yelled. Yoongi still smirked as he breathed heavily from continually rolling to dodge.

"Not my fault you can't hit a slow moving target- Do you need me to stay still just so you can.." Yoongi rolled out of the way and grinned brightly as he got to his feet again. "Actually hit your target." He chuckled. Like adding salt to a wound Lucas was so furious he started to lash out even more. But doing this with two swords only lowered his chance of success. Lucas's sword came in contact with the mass, because of the force he was putting into each swing- the sword stuck deep into the thick wood."

"GAH!" Lucas screamed out in anger and frustration. Yoongi waited for him to use both hands to try and pull his second sword from the wood. Once he did, Yoongi glowed red and as the flame that started to rise from his hands traveled down to the tip of his sword- He swung with one clean swoop. The crackling sounds of fire mixed with a searing sound as Lucas's head fell from his shoulders and rolled along the deck. I stared at Yoongi for a moment as he huffed, the flames slowly being extinguished. He looked at the head and then looked up at me.

"Sometimes that doesn't always work." He said plainly.

"What doesn't? The fire manipulation to your sword?" I asked.

"Yeah- I once caught a field of rice on fire by accident." He said nonchalantly as he swung his sword over his shoulder and walked passed me. "I saw a small boat over here. Jarvis took the other one- We'll take this one. You get the girl." He said as he walked to do what he intended.

My eyes darted to the stairs that went below deck, I followed them and hurried down, past some barrels of rice and grain, some crates that held things only the gods knew of.

There in the back was a wooden cage, inside was Amethyst. Her once vibrant lavender colored hair now a dusty color from being dirty. Her face covered in smudges and a few bruises, her lip was cut as well. I noticed her clothing barely hanging onto her and looked for something.

"L-Lee?" Her voice was so small sounding.

"Amethyst. Hold on." I continued to look for something to put over her. I did manage to find an old slightly dusty blanket. It was all that was around. I didn't have the key to the lock but being made of wood I knew a few good kicks would weaken it plenty.

"Move back and to the far right. I'll have to kick it in." I said to her. She pulled her knees up to her chest more, her whimpers as she moved made my heart ache. I kicked once, Amethyst yelped a bit. Another kick, then one more and the door was broken enough to push open and pull Amethyst out as carefully as I could. Once out I set her on some crates and wrapped the blanket around her.

"Lee... you can't. There's too many..." She said weakly. I watched her as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was exhausted. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally. I lifted her back into my arms, more securely this time and carried her up to the deck.
I heard a whistle as I passed by the right railing.

"Lee! Here!" I looked down and Yoongi was inside the boat, lowering it to the water.

"Wait. Don't lower it, help me get her in." I said to him. He pulled the rope and the boat raised back up. I managed to keep a good grip on Amethyst and get over the railing and into the boat. Yoongi's eyes went to Amethyst as I sat down with her on my lap, still in my arms. He tore his eyes away and lowered the boat back down to the water.

He pulled out the ores and started to row us back to the shore near where we left the others. I knew they hadn't waited for us. As he rowed I couldn't help but to notice how much he was staring at her. He seemed the calm Yoongi from before, but He had snapped before. Even in how he toyed with Lucas, the fire dragon within Yoongi was not one to mess with- And I had to wonder if she was the reason this time.

I looked out behind Yoongi to see the lights from that tower, the torches still lit. The smiling faces of two Kings waiting for us. Soon we'd be back to the Palace where we could get some much needed rest.

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