
By Halayna123x

394 33 5

Roots are all about you, where you've come and what you are. A story about a girl who becomes so troubled, bu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nine

12 2 0
By Halayna123x

Elena's P.O.V

"We are now in Peshawar, Pakistan. "The flight attendant said over the intercom. "It is currently 9:30 am, it is 28 degrees outside and we hoped you enjoyed your flight!"

I looked outside the window with a smile on my face, after eight long months, i was going to finally see Faron.

Rayanna looked at me."It is that hot and i'm wearing black."

"It is okay Ray, you are overthinking this."I replied with a smile on her face.

Then i went back to my thoughts, i was going to finally be in Faron's arms and tell him how much i missed him and we were going to have our long night drives and just be together.

The plane landed onto the runaway, everyone began to get up and rush themselves as me and ray sat down, waiting for everyone to sort themselves out.

Everyone began to get off the plane, Ray and me got up. I looked at her and smiled. "Have your passport ready."

Rayanna nodded, Dad's friend was probably waiting for us by the immigration area. We walked to the door of the plane and walked out, the heat hit us but in a good way.

I turned around to Rayanna and smiled. "Like it?"

She nodded with such a massive smile on her face. We walked down the stairs and walked to the airport building, the lines to immigration were really long.

"What line should we go into?"Ray asked me as we both looked at the lines.

"We don't need to go the lines, My dad's friend is going to come for us now."I replied as i kept a eye out for Ayan mama (Another word for uncle.)


Ayan mama walked to us and looked at Rayanna then looked at me with a smile on his face. "Elena! Sanga yi? Der wakht osho."

Elena, how are you? It has been so long.

"Za kha yama mama."I replied with a smile on my face. "Ta sanga yi?"

I'm okay uncle, how are you?

"Sahi yama. Sta passport mata raka o tho bal jenaii wala ."He replied with a warm smile on his face. "Faron kho bahr de, lag zur oka bya da kho khafa kigi" He added with a laugh

I'm okay too, give me your passport and the other girl's aswell. Faron is outside, you better hurry before he gets upset

I let out a laugh and handed him my passport, i turned around to rayanna. "I need your passport."

"Okay."She said and pulled out her passport and handed it to me, i gave it to ayan mama.

Ayan mama held them in his hand. "Kha, ta byo os si da bal kuta ta o za byo sta tol saman byo wakhlma, sahi sho?"

Okay you'll go to that other room and i'm going to get your things. Is that okay?

I nodded. "Sahi sho mama."

Yeah its okay.

I turned to Rayanna. "He's going to get all our things, we have to go to this room and wait for 5 mins."

"Yeah sure but do you trust this guy?"

I nodded. "Whenever i come, this what he always does for me."

She linked my arms with her, then we walked to this room. We sat down, I looked at Rayanna, she didn't look too good. "What's wrong? You look a bit pale, do you need some water?"

"N-No."She replied as She looked at her. "I'm just in a bit of shock i guess cause i'm actually here."

I let out a chuckle, I looked at me. "Wait till you get outside. "

Rayanna was going to love Peshawar, it was such an amazing beautiful place and it was a city you could never forget.

Then the door opened, to see Faron stood there, my husband, in his white drua (traditional clothes) by him was Naz in that stupid maroon drua and ami standing by Faron. I jumped out of my seat and ran to Faron.

I threw my arms around him and pulled me into a hug, i inhaled his scent, a scent which i missed so much. He picked me up and twirled me around. He put me down then whispered in my ear. "Mo khista lewanai ralagh da."

My pretty crazy has come.

I smiled and looked at him. "Mara, Faron."

I turned around then Naz looked at me with a cheeky face, urgh it was so hard not punch him in the face so badly. "Bas, tol pekhwar byo os kharab shi."

All of Peshawar is going to get ruined now.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Ta kho pekhwar kharab ko, mo na."

You already ruined peshawar, not me.

I turned to ami and hugged her so tight. "Mara ami, tata pata nhasta za sumra khosla yama da za tasa tol yama."

You dont know how happy i am that im with you all.

She pulled away from the hug and looked at me with a smile on her face. "Mung kho tol khosla yawo da ta ralagh yi."

We are all happy that you have come too.

Then she looked at rayanna and looked at me. "Tho sok di?"

Who is this?

I let out a chuckle. "I forgot!"I said as i looked at her. "You dont know pashto do you?"

"What's pashto?"She said as she kept her gaze on me.

"The language of pashtoons."I replied. "I'll teach you, but this is my husband, Faron."i pointed at Faron then I rolled her eyes and pointed at Naz. "This is Naz, the annoying one."

Naz decided to introduced himself in english.Rayanna got up from my seat, She walked a bit closer to me and pulled out her hand for him to shake. Naz had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Erm... We don't shake hands here."Faron spoke.

"Oh okay, i didn't know."She replied.

I introduced her to ami "This is my mother in law, her name is Rabia."I said then i looked at ami. "Tho Rayanna da."

This is Rayanna.

"Does she shake hands too?"Ray asked as She bit my lip.

I nodded. "Yeah she does."

Rayanna hugged ami then Naz looked at her with that stupid smile still on his face. "Welcome to the city of gulona or flowers is what you say in english."

He was up to something already and he was going to get it from me.


Rayanna walked into her room. I let out a sigh and opened my room door, i walked into the room and closed the door behind me. Faron was sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at me and smile. "Are you really here?"

I let out a chuckle and walked over to him, I kissed his lips the pulled away. He wrapped his arms around me then pulled me closer to him. "Is that real enough?"

He grinned. "Maybe it isn't enough."

I furrowed my eyebrows with a cheeky grin on my face. "Oh really?" Then placed my lips back onto his, our lips pressed against each other and began to move in sync.

He got himself up and picked me up, pulling my lips away from his. I wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tight, inhaling his scent once more. 

"We shouldn't right now."Faron said as he placed me on the middle of the bed, he laid himself next to me. "You had a long flight and you are really tired."

I turned my head to him along with my whole body and looked at him. "I'm not tired though." 

He turned his head to me, his blue eyes on me and he stroked my cheek. "I think you've forgotten how well i know you, you've got five weeks with me."

I let out a sigh and placed my hand on his chest. "Five weeks isn't enough. It really isn't Faron."

"I know jan. (love)"He said as he let out a sigh. "Everything will fall into place soon, dont worry."

"Okay, fine then."

He wrapped his arm around me and smiled. "Let's enjoy our time now."

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "You are right, let's just enjoy it now."

"Why don't i take you out for dinner tonight?"Faron suggested with a smile on his face. "Just us two?"

"I can't leave Rayanna on her own just yet."I replied as i let out a sigh. "What about we bring her with us?"

"That's okay, i guess."

I kissed his cheek once more and looked at him with a smile."Cuddle and watch a movie at least?"

He let out a chuckle. "Khub na razi nan o sa?"

Sleep isn't coming to you or what?


He sat up on the bed and picked up the remote from the nightstand, he turned the tv on and looked at me. "What do you want to watch?"

I laid my head on his chest and looked up at him. "I don't know, what abo-"

I was cut off by his phone ringing, i sat myself up and he picked up his phone from the nightstand. He answered and held the phone to his ear. "Rekithya? Os za byo korm?"He spoke in a frustrated tone.

Really? I have to do it now?!

"Mara, ta wele na ka washle? Mo lag preida khana." 

Can't you do it? Just leave me alone for a bit.

"Kha, bas za derzama."

Okay, fine, i'm coming.

Faron let out a frustratered sigh, he looked at me. "I'm so sorry baby, it ju-"

I cut him off with a nod. "It's Naz, i know, he always does this."

He kissed my cheek. "Bas, i'm going to do this one thing for him then i'm yours for the next five weeks."


He got up from the bed and kissed my lips. He pulled away and stroked my cheek. "I won't be gone for long."

Then he left the room. I let out a sigh and turned on my side, i should go sleep now. But this always happens, it was like Naz could never let us be us and it was really doing my head in.

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