Acquaintance {supernatural fa...

By Diana_Superwholock

824 53 7

I tripped and found myself in the middle of the street, a car was honking like crazy at me to move out of its... More

Chapters 1 & 2
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Victims of Emotion
Chapter 5: Victims of Emotion Part 2
Chapter 6: Wrapping my Head Around It
Chapter 8: A Stroll Down Memory Lane
Chapter 9: Belong Or Do Not Belong
Chapter 10: No Explanation

Chapter 7: Hello Boys!

79 5 0
By Diana_Superwholock

"If you sir could calm down, we can help you out." Sam and Dean were trying to calm the man down. Dean gave me his Dad's journal and asked me to call some numbers and ask about some demon activities that are somehow connected to the man. And of course they wouldn't tell me a thing.

"Look at your faces! Stay away from me! You are monsters." And  the man started running. "Wait!" The man dared not stop. We got in the car and tailed the car behind him. Dean ordered me to continue calling. "Who is this?" Finally, someone picked up the phone. "Hey I am a friend of the Winchesters. They would like to know of any demon activity going around. I turned the GPS on. You can check our exact location."

"A friend of the Winchesters? I am not going to answer a friend of theirs. Put Dean on the phone." "Look sir-" Dean gestured for me to give him the phone. I did. "Hey. Sorry I would have called you but we are in a bit of a jam here. Has there been any demon activities lately?" Pause " are you sure? Yea--yes I here you. "

Long pause while Dan, that was his name from the journal, explained something to Dean. "That just doesn't make sense--- yeah ok. Sure." He closed the line and handed me the phone. Dean sped up then turned the wheel and stopped the car fast in front of the man.

We got out. "What ever you see is not real. Remember that." The guy looked at us. "How do you know?" Sam answered back. "We do. Now please sir come with us you don't have long." He agreed and got in the car. His name was Mark Marshalls. He was a bank manager. Happily married for 15 years and his wife is expecting a baby girl next month. "Have you made any deals with anyone 10 years ago?" "Deals? With who?" "Any one. Did they grant any wishes you wanted so badly". "I don't know what you are talking about."

Sam turned around and looked at the man. "Look Mr. Marshalls, not telling us the truth would not get you anywhere. You are hallucinating. You are propably hearing some howling and you know that an unusual dog is chasing you. Usually, from past experience this is what happens when you make a deal with a demon. They come to you or you summon them on a crossroad and they would grant you a wish in return for your soul. They usually collect it after 10 years. So did you make a deal?"

The man freaked out. "Stop the car! I don't know who you are. I did not make a deal with -with a- a- a demon. Their is no such thing sir. You need help." Sam gave Mark his stern look.  "Look sir, hell hounds are at your tail and we need to know how long you exactly have so we can try saving you, despite how impossible it is." Mark started crying. " I did not make any deal with a- a demon. My wife couldn't have children and then suddenly she was pregnant eight months ago. I promise I did not make a deal with a demon. I'll be damned if I ever make a deal with one."

Sam looked at the road again and said to Dean "So what now. Demons are playing Santa giving away free wishes." "No Sam not free. They are collecting debts early." "Does Crowly know about this?" "Well, there is only one way to know." Dean pressed down on the gas pedal and hurried to the closest motel. We got out. Mark was shaking from head to toe. Dean gave him a pat on the back which made Mark jump five feet in the air. "Hey keep it together man. We will do all we can  to get you out of this." Dean got us a room and we got in. He drew some pentagrams on the floor put a plate down, added some stuff in it, said some summoning spell, as Sam explained it, and then nothing.

Sam stood next to Dean. "Did you do the ritual right?" "Yes." I stood up and walked up to them. "What are you trying to do?" Dean looked at me "We are trying to summon the King of Hell." I looked at them funny. "The king of what?" A strange unfamiliar sound then said. "Hell." We looked around and I couldn't believe my eyes. A short man in a black suit appeared out of the blues. He stood right in the middle of the pentagram. Sam and Dean all moved quickly and stood at the edge of the pentagram. The man then said. "Hello boys!"

Sam stiffened. "Hello Moose!" The he looked at Dean nodded "Squirrel." Then he looked at me "I see you have added a new member to the zoo." I straightened my back and buffed up my shoulders and then said with the most authoritative voice I can do "Who are you?" "The name's Crowley." Dean looked at Crowley. "We have a little situation here, one of yo- " Crowley interrupted.

"No, no, no, no. You see. You called me here. I'm not  going to help with anything inside this little circle of yours." I could tell he was British. Maybe even Scottish? Sam pulled a chair into the circle. Then Dean said. "Yes, so you can dissappeare on us. No, you either sit down and help us or you stay stuck in here." Crowley smiled. Dean continued "One of your demons is collecting souls without prior knowledge. Are you aware of that?" Crowley frowned. "I haven't the foggiest."

Dean grabbed Mark's arm and made him stand next to him. "His time will be up soon for a deal he did not know nor agree to."

Crowley looked at Mark. "Alright. His deal is called off. Yet I do not know who collects the souls for the stray demon." "Hell hounds" Dean said. Crowly smiled again. "That is impossible. All hounds are under my order." Sam stepped forward. "Ya, then why does he see things that aren't real."

I looked at Mark. He was acting strange. He was looking all around himself. His hands were on his ears. Crowley shouted something about a dog. Sam turned around to see Mark backing away to the wall.

Dean took out a knife and threw it to Crowley to catch then grabbed Mark and and shielded him with his body. Both Sam and Dean had guns out. Crowley was outside the circle and looking at me. I looked back at him. "Stand down boy!" Crowley screamed at me. Then I smelled it. The smell of really bad breath and its pressure against the back of my neck. I turned around and heard a growl. "Iris! Back away slowly." I froze. It was sniffing me. Invisible hell hounds. Oh brilliant. From the sound of it, these hounds did not sound like the sorta dogs that play fetch. It lashed out and pushed me away giving me a nice scar on my arm.

I was thrown a good three meters across the room. Hit the wall, and fell down. It was painful, I just hoped it looked as good as the movies portrayed it. Crowley stepped forward. "Step down NOW THIS IS AN ORDER." Crowley stepped forward and grabbed the dog. He looked at poor Mark who has definitely lost it. "You pal are going to be fine. I'll send someone to look after you" He raised his hand. Snapped his fingers and was gone.

Dean ran to me. "You OK." He helped me stand up. "Yes, just a nice bloody scar on my arm." Dean looked at it. "It needs some stitches." I looked at him. He was going to take me to the hospital right? He went to his bag and got out a small first aid kit. Nope, he was going to play doctor on me. "We don't have time to take you to the hospital. Sam can you take Mark back to his house?" He looked at Mark. "Sam will explain everything to you. Sam will have people look after you. I don't trust Crowley." Sam and Mark went out.

Dean took out some stitching threads and a needle. No! Was that dental floss? No!  Oh well. "Sit." I sat. He handed me a flask. I looked at him questioningly. "For the pain." I took the flask opened it and smelled it. Alcohol. I closed the flask and handed it back to him. Not what I had in mind for the pain. I never drank a drop of alcohol in my life. He took it and told me it was not going be roses and flowers. I shrugged and waited for the needle to penetrate my skin. 



Thanks for every one who has been enduring my writing  all this time. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

Hope you are enjoying yourselves reading as much as am enjoying myself writing.

Wish y'all the best.

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