The Kingdom of MAE | George W...

By diggoryhiraeth

2.1K 85 27

George Weasley has a secret world of his own. Well - it wasn't his, but it might as well have been. It was ha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Six

74 4 3
By diggoryhiraeth


"Does this mean we're best mates now?" said Theodore after Nephthys sat down in between the two boys rather than going back to her friends.

"Temporarily," said Nephthys as she rested her head on her palm just as Professor McGonagall entered the hall with the new batch of Hogwarts students. She remembered when she was a small, wide-eyed first year too. When she was sorted into Slytherin, Rosie cheered the loudest from the Hufflepuff table and Nephthys could hear it over the Slytherin claps. She had looked over where Rosie was standing and the smile on twelve-year-old Rosie's face melted away all of Nephthys' fears in that moment.

Nephthys was half asleep by the time the sorting was done. She woke up when she heard Dumbledore's voice travel through the Great Hall.

"Welcome!" said Dumbledore, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it's best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast. As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

Nephthys's eyes drifted over to the Hufflepuff table. She couldn't see Rosie, but she imagined her face to be quite pale. Dementors were one of Rosie's biggest fears and they would be everywhere for who knew how long.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the ground and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises — or even invisibility cloaks. It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors. On a happier note, I am blessed to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

It was the teacher that confronted Draco. There was some scattered, rather unenthusiastic applause. Only a few clapped really hard, but Nephthys couldn't find it in herself to care about who they were. She saw Snape seething in the background and couldn't help but be amused. Snape was alright. She didn't like him, but he mostly ignored her.

"As to our second new appointment," said Dumbledore as the applause for Professor Lupin died down, "Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeepung duties."

Now that was something Nephthys didn't expect. The Gryffindors table erupted into a loud cheer and Nephthys stared at their table with a blank stare as Theodore said some snarky remark under his breath. Nephthys turned back to look at Hagrid.

"Aww, look," said Nephthys, "I think Hagrid's crying."

Nephthys didn't mean to tease Hagrid, but she didn't remember who she was with. Theodore sniggered beside her, "I imagine it's one of the only things going for him."

Nephthys stared at him, but didn't respond. It didn't matter that she wasn't making fun of Hagrid, because Theodore was and he wouldn't care that she wasn't.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!"

Nephthys wasn't really hungry. She had a little bit of salad and a little bit of chicken. She picked at her food for most of the time and Blaise kept glancing at her, as if he were judging her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said.

She glanced over at the Hufflepuff table where Rosie had turned her body and was mouthing something aggressively over to the Gryffindor table to Fred, George, and Lee. Nephthys couldn't the boys faces, but Rosie burst out laughing, which made Nephthys smile.

She stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?" asked Blaise.

"This again?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm trying to make sure you don't do anything stupid," said Blaise, "Must I remind you that last year, you dumped a cup of pumpkin juice over Malfoy's head because he looked at you for a second too long?"

"No need to remind me," said Nephthys as she pointed a finger to her temple, "I recorded it in here."

She walked along the table until she spotted the person she was looking for.

"Flint," she said as she squished herself between him and one of his friends, who glared at her when she tossed her hair back and smacked him on the face.

"What do you want, Black?" said Flint as he looked up at her.

"When are Quidditch tryouts?"

"Why do you want to know? Does your little boyfriend want to be on the team?" He was referring to Vincent, who was not her boyfriend. She'd rather drown herself than willingly have anything to do with him. There was no guarantee he wouldn't end up like his father and she wouldn't end up like his mother.

"Something about that sounds a little discriminatory, which I'm sure would never be your intention. A shame it would be if you missed out on future donations."

Flint turned his head to look at her, "Don't tell me. You want to join? Even if you did, I already have in mind who I want on my team. There's no point."

"Yes, there is a point," said Nephthys, "We all want the same thing here. To win. I reckon I have the skills and I refuse to be shut down simply because I don't have a dick. I'll see you at tryouts with Snape's recommendation." 

And with a final crude smile, Nephthys pushed herself up from the seat and walked out of the Great Hall, ready to call it a night.

That was too much to ask for because by the time she had gotten ready for bed, the rest of the Slytherin had finished dinner. She was laying on her bed on her stomach, doodling on a journal, her curtain closed around her bed when the door opened.

"I can't believe I'm the bad person to you, Black," said Ruby as she stormed over and ripped the curtain open, "You decided to ditch us the whole evening and hang out with third years?"

"I'm not even a whole year older than Zabini," said Nephthys, "We would've been in the same year had my mother not given birth four months earlier than she was supposed to."

"Do you realize how embarrassed I was?!"

"That sounds like a you problem," said Nephthys.

"Leave her alone, Ruby," said Belle, "We're all tired. We can talk tomorrow."

"No, we can't," said Nephthys.

"Knock, knock," said another voice from the door.

"Chelsea!" said Ruth.

Nephthys looked up to see Chelsea enter the room. Her hair color was green today. The best thing about Chelsea wasn't that she was a metamorphmagus, it was that she constantly made people think they were crazy. What did they mean her hair was pink? It always was pink. She was born with pink hair. She'd proceed to show them a photograph of her as a baby with pink hair.

"I like your hair today," said Nephthys.

Chelsea grinned, "Slytherin pride and all. You know, got to do the best I can to welcome all those cuties into our house."

"Chelsea," grumbled Ruby, "I'm assuming you were made prefect?"

"It's great, isn't it?" said Chelsea, "It's like I have power at the end of my fingertips. It's so exciting! Nephthys will know exactly what I'm talking about next year."

"Can't wait," said Nephthys.

"I'll drop out if Dumbledore makes Nephthys prefect," said Ruby.

"We all know he will," said Belle, "Most likely."

"She always gets what she wants," whined Ruby.

"Not this again," groaned Nephthys, "I'm going insane. Save me, Chels."

"Ooh, I'd love to but duty calls," joked Chelsea, "My boyfriend is waiting for me to — help with something."

"Gross!" said Belle as Chelsea hurried out of the room.

Nephthys shut her curtain again.

"I want to go back to bed," yawned Nephthys as she stretched her arms over her head.

"You've been awake for an hour," said Ruby after she checked her watch.

"A very long hour," mumbled Nephthys.

"Don't be dramatic, Neph," said Belle, "It's our first day back! We should be excited for the year ahead of us."

Nephthys didn't respond as she stared at Belle's smiling face. She wasn't excited for the upcoming year. She was tired. Every year, it was the same thing over and over. Life was incredibly repetitive and there was nothing for Nephthys looked forward to.

"You're too happy for a morning," said Ruth.

Nephthys led them to where Blaise and Theodore were sitting in the Great Hall.

"Good morning, Blaise, Theo," said Nephthys as she sat down in between them. Ruby made a face but set across them with Belle and Ruth.

"Morning," said Theodore, "Snape should be passing out the time tables any moment now. How'd you sleep after running off?"

"The best sleep I've had in a long while," said Nephthys. It was true. Without her dreams haunting her mind, she slept in peace.

"Good morning!" greeted Chelsea as she came up behind Nephthys. She placed one hand on Blaise's shoulder and the other on Theodore. Blaise shoved her hand away but Theodore didn't seem to mind.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" said Ruby.

"I broke up with him last night," said Chelsea as if she were simply talking about the weather, "Neph, I overheard Flint discussing you."

"He discusses me now?" said Nephthys as she turned her head to look at Chelsea. Chelsea dropped her hand from Theodore's shoulder and wrapped her arms loosely around Nephthys neck. She bent her torso down to rest her chin on Nephthys' shoulder. Nephthys made a face at the close contact, but decided to allow it since it was Chelsea.

"Oh yes," said Chelsea, "A lot, actually."

"What's he saying?"

"Let's see. . . he said crazy runs in the Black family and you're probably as insane as your mass murderer relative, how you irritate him with your face because you're just so pretty —"

"Did he actually say that?"

"—Shh! Do not interrupt me, Black. Where was I? Oh right! How he can't believe you want to join the Quidditch team and you probably aren't even that good, but Snape will probably be on your side if you whined to your daddy —"

"How's he going to talk about the Blacks and then call a Malfoy my daddy?"

"Interrupt me one last time and you'll meet your real daddy a whole lot sooner."
threatened Chelsea as her arms inched higher. Nephthys pursed her lips and didn't respond. Chelsea smiled and continued, "That's what I thought. As I was saying, he was saying how he'll do anything to get you off the team."

"Wait — I was too scared to interrupt Maureen, but you want to join the Quidditch team, Nephthys?" said Theodore as he turned to look at her.

Chelsea, who had moved her chin to the top of Nephthys's head (who had the urge to swing her head up but restrained herself), nodded in satisfaction. "You're a very smart boy, Theodore. If only Nephthys could learn as fast as you do."

Nephthys ignored Chelsea and nodded at Theodore's question.

"That's — great," said Theodore, "Maybe you can finally show Flint that he doesn't need an army of half giants. Blaise! You should join her."

". . .Maybe next year," said Blaise.

"I'll take that as a promise," said Nephthys as she turned to look at him, "You can't leave me hanging, Zabini."

He stared at her blankly before he sighed, "Alright, fine."

"Just thought I should warn you," said Chelsea as she finally released Nephthys, much to the latter girl's relief. "The whole team will either be trying to get you kicked out or make you quit."

"I'm beginning to question Flint's identity based on how hard he's trying to keep his team strictly boys," said Belle, her eyes opened wide as if she though of something traumatizing. "Maybe it's not such a good idea for you to join, Nephthys. You'll be outnumbered by them."

"So what?" said Nephthys as she shrugged, "They don't scare me."

"Besides, Malfoy will be on team," said Ruth.

"Something tells me he'll be the worst," said Nephthys as she shook her head.

"At least you know he won't try to murder you?" said Ruth as she tried to take back her statement. She didn't seem to sure herself as it came out a question.

"We could only hope," sighed Nephthys.

"He won't murder her," said Ruby as she rolled her eyes, "You're all so dramatic."

"Blaise," said Nephthys as she turned her head to face the boy beside her, "Would you accompany me to speak with Snape later today? I think he likes you. I'd ask Malfoy, but he'll say no. If he says yes, it's to sabotage me."

Blaise considered it for a moment before he nodded.

"I can't believe you'd agree to scrub all the cauldrons clean just to experiment in his classroom with your ingredients. What's it for anyway?" said Blaise as he stared at her weirdly.

"Can't tell you because I'm not sure myself," said Nephthys as she pondered over it for a second, "It doesn't really matter what it's for anyway."

"You're too confident. How do you expect to brew a potion correctly when you don't even know what to look for?"

"I expect I'll know what I'm looking for when it happens," said Nephthys with a shrug.

Blaise stared at her skeptically before he clicked his tongue, "This is for that half blood friend of yours, isn't it?" Nephthys paused for a moment, but quickly composed herself. She and Blaise weren't the closest of friends and it threw her off that he acted as if he knew her extremely well.

"Rosie? How would you know?"

"I just do," said Blaise as he glanced at her.

Blaise was quiet most of the time, but it allowed him to be observant and extra vigilant of his surroundings. He knew more than he should've.

"Neph! Blaise!" They turned around to see Belle walking towards them. With their attention on her, Belle picked up her pace and hurried over to them, "Neph! Did you get Snape's recommendation to join the team?"

"Sure did," said Nephthys as she held up the sealed letter, "I'm sure my dad being on the team helped. That and Snape being close to the Malfoys."

"You're amazing, Neph," said Belle in awe, "The world's yours."

"It can be yours too," said Nephthys.

Blaise nudged Nephthys. When she looked over at him, he gestured towards the end of the corridor where a certain Gryffindor had just turned towards them.

"Well, if it isn't Marco," said Nephthys with a smile as he got closer to where they stood.

Perhaps he didn't notice them or perhaps he had been trying to avoid them, but he seemed rather startled at the sound of her voice. Afterall, he didn't particularly care about Zabini or Rowle, but he definitely did care about Nephthys. She was aware that he went out of his way to avoid her, but she made sure to greet him every time they did meet.

Marco didn't turn his head and turned on his heels. She laughed quietly as he could've just kept walking forward, "Won't you say hello, Marco? It's been a while."

Marco turned back around to the direction he was originally facing, but finally turned his head to look at Nephthys, "What do you want, Black?"

"Nothing at all. Can't I just say hello to an old friend?"

"Old friend?" repeated Marco before he clenched his jaw. Nephthys nodded and he rolled his eyes, "Hello and goodbye."

"How rude," said Nephthys, "It was nice to catch up, Marco."

"Shove off, Black."

"Why don't you leave him alone?" said Belle with a frown as Nephthys watched Marco storm off in amusement.

"It's fun," said Nephthys with a shrug, "He can be cute when his face is all bunched up and flustered. He doesn't even know how to act."

"What happened between you anyway? You never tell us anything about Marco and Rosie," sulked Belle.

"And I never will," said Nephthys.

Rosie, Nephthys, and Marco on their own were just Rosie, Nephthys, and Marco, but together they made up The Kingdom of MAE and Nephthys desperately wanted to forget about its existence.

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