My Tarzan (Robert Irwin / OC...

By Christmas2580

59.6K 623 67

When Danielle Lawson travelled to The land down under for university she had no idea of just how much it woul... More

First day of classes
First day at Zoo
Surfing gone wrong
A photoshoot
A possible Date
Perfect date untill.....
Chriatmas with the irwin's
Double date
Back to the states
Days blend together
Wenlock Trip
Family  emergency
Hard times
 permanently moving
Wedding planning
Last bit's and pieces
Wedding day
Honeymoon in tahiti
Returning home


6.1K 43 6
By Christmas2580


The blistering heat was the first thing that hit Danielle as she exeted the Gold Coast Airport.

Looking around she spotted her destination.

Near a bus there was a man holding a sign

"Queensland university transfer student's"

She noticed a few people already standing there with there suitcases.

Tucking loose strands from her ponytail behind her ear, she grabbed her suitcase and carry on, and proceeded to walk over to the crowd of students already waiting.

Her luggage was quickly taken off of her and placed in the bus.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity the last of the students had found the group.

If Danielle had to guess she would say there were around 15 students gathered in the group.

A short, stocky man with a clipboard and bullhorn stood in the centre.

"Okay I'm gonna read out the names on the list and once I say your name please respond with here."

"Jennifer Cole"

"Patrick sharp"

The list some went on though Danielle didn't pay much attention to busy surveying her surroundings.

It was so different from the swamps of Louisiana, with Louisiana being the second wettest state in America rainfall was quite frequent which compered to here that didn't seem to have much at all.

"Danielle Lawson!"

Danielle quickly turned her head to the leader.

Realising that her name had been called multiple times.

Blushing Danielle quickly said here.

"Okay well that's everyone, anyway my names John Bishop and I'm the program manager. Each of you here is set to be with use for the school year 10 months including Christmas and sprint break each of you have been recommended by your university for this course, which means I expect that you are all hard workers, because you will be expected to put in 100% to your course of choice if you are unable to meet our expectations you will be removed from the course. Now if you will all board the bus you shall be taken to checked in and given all you schedules and then shown to your dormitory. Each dormitory has 6 floors, each of those floors house 14 students, you each get your own room with a bathroom, there's a communal kitchen and laundry room."

The door bus's doors opened and we all walked up the steps.

Out of 35 students in my class I had been selected by the professors of my course to study wildlife science, apparently my professors believed I would be the prefect candidate. At Louisiana state I had completed my first year of wildlife science and was offered a place for my second year on the transfer program to study wildlife science in Australia for my second year.

By the time we reached the university none of us could get of the bus quicker, the humid temperature in the bus was nearly unbearable.

Our suitcase were handed to us, then we followed the John to check in.

All around me were student new and old arriving at the campus.

Parents hugging the freshman goodbye, the sophomore's and juniors all taking there luggage to the dormitory's and catching up with friends, the seniors who were already studying worrying about all the exams.


Well I've finally been checked in given my lanyard, a map of the campus, my schedule and everything else I could possible need.

I was assigned to dormitory F6 R8.

In other words I am in building F on floor 6 and in room 8.

Finding the dorm was quite easy, luckily there was an elevator, because I was not looking forward to carrying two suitcases and a carry on up 5 flights of stairs.

Once the doors open I haven't even taken two steps outside the door

Before I was met with a door flying open and a boy and girl fall onto the floor in noting but a towel both soaking wet.

They both stop laughing when they see me.

There is an awkward pause, no one knows what so say.

Finally after what felt like a eternity of cricket chirps, the girl in a towel stands up with a smile on her face.

"Hi I'm Tanya, are you one of our new dorm mates."

I take her out stretched hand and shake it.

"I'm Danielle, I'm one of the transfer students."

"Well it's really nice to meet you this is my boyfriend Jackson were both juniors studying art history."

By now the man I now know as Jackson has gotten up of the floor.

"welcome to dorm F4 Danielle if you ever need anything then come and find us okay."

With that both Tanya and Jackson hurriedly make there way back into the room.

With a quick chuckle to myself I am able to find my room.

Not much.

Just a bed, a desk with a chair and lamp,a closet, a few shelves, Duvet and pillows but no covers and a door that I'm pretty sure heads to the bathroom.

Though one of my two suitcases is filled with all my dorm room stuff such as covers, towels, decor. And I'm sure once I get it all unpacked it will look great.


Finally I'm done, it took nearly 2 hours but I'm unpacked. I changed the blue and white striped cover for grey duvet cover, plane white pillows for some black, and gold pillow covers, a black fluffy blanket on the bottom of my bed. Then on walls I put on some fairy lights, a black and white picture collage of all my friends and family back home, and on the shelves I put some old records, a few hats, some books and a few framed pictures of more friends.

Not much but it started to feel more like me.

Once I set up my laptop I went on my emails, a few from my friends, some from family, but one caught my eyes.

It was from the Australia zoo.

While I was out here I have to do a placement at a wildlife sanctuary and I choose Australia zoo it's one of the reason why I decided to accept the program, I mean I love animals but in Louisiana the only animals your will really see as a vet are cats, dogs, rabbits etc.

By the time I finish it's gone 5 and I'm just about to head down to the canteen for dinner when there is a knock at the door.

A now fully dressed Tanya walks through the door.

She looks stunning in a tight black dress, with tie high boots and jacket.

Her ginger hair has been curled and the smoky eyeshadow really enchanted her green eyes.

"Hey Dani you ready to go."



Seeing my look of confusion.

"Didn't anyone tell you?"

"Tell me what."

"First night of every year everybody on the floor goes to one of the local bars."

Looking down at my outfit, jeans and a hoodie not exactly going out material.

"I think I'm gonna pass, I mean classes start tomorrow and I want to get a good nights sleep."

"Oh come on you will have plenty of night to go to sleep early, this is your first night here in Queensland you should enjoy it."

"I don't know."

But it didn't seem like Tanya was gonna give me much choices

Because before I new it she had me sat down on my bed while she rummaged through my closet.

"Girl we really need to get you some sexier clothing."

In record time she had dressed me in a white with black striped blouse, some jean shorts, black boots and a black choker style necklace.

as for my hair and makeup she took it out of the braid I had it in and let cascade freely down my back.

"Girl you are so lucky, your hair is stunning. I wish mine was like yours, seriously has anyone ever told you how stunning you are."

I blush

I mean I guess I'm okay.

My mother always said out off all my siblings I took after her in the looks department.

my mother was quite a beauty.

I had been blessed with her golden skin, and hazel eye's though mine also had small flakes of green which I got from my father.

While most of my sibling's got my fathers caramel hair, I had bark brown same as my mother.

Recently I had decided to go for a change in my appearance, so i booked an appointment at my local salon and had my waist length wavey hair transformed into a trendy above the shoulder Lob with a Balayage, it was a big shock and disappointment for my mom , who had adored my long hair.

But for me it was a big relief.

I will probably let my hair grow out again though it won't nearly be as long as it has been.

Tanya quickly moved onto Makeup which was simple, just some mascara, lip gloss and blush.

I still wasn't so sure about This but Tanya had push so much effort in, i didn't want to let her down.

So as she dragged me out the dorm, off the university campus, down to the main town.

I put on a smile.

We finally arrived at a bar called Jimmy Rum's Mixing Lounge.

Tanya lead me to a booth where there were a group of people.

"Guys this is Danielle she's our new dorm member."

There were  greets from everyone.


It was passed 11

I've met all my dorm mate's

There was

Tanya of course
Jackson who was tanya's Boyfriend.
Grace sophomore in journalism
Peter senior in science
Gary freshman business
Holly sophomore child studies
Serah senior social studies
Bree junior hospitality
Conner sophomore sports
Sophie freshman fashion textiles.

They were all really welcoming and nice.

Though it's clear me and Sophie were the only ones still sober at this point.

that meant we were the ones in charge of making sure everyone got back okay.

Oh joy.

So far

Tanya and Jackson had nearly gotten arrested for public indecency

Peter fell into a bush

Holly puked all over herself

And Conner has lost his top

Yh just how I wanted to spend my first night.

Anyway it can only go up from here right

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