The twilight saga:Young Love...

Par jodie_Stewart11

49.5K 702 118

This is five years after breaking dawn. What I think might happen to Jacob and Renesmee. There's drama tears... Plus

Chapter 1.The twilight saga:Young Love Forever
chapter 2 torn and broken
Chapter 3. I was hurt and then a miracle happened
Chapter 4. A new start (again)
Chapter 5. Double birthday party
Chapter 6. Shock, new start and fight!
Chapter 8. Start of something new
Chapter 9. Strange happening
Chapter 10. I'm not in love with Sam
Chapter 11. Revealing
Chapter 12.Kiss and make up
Chapter 13. Engaged with a happy end

Chapter 7. Learning to drive/ preparing to fight

2.4K 40 6
Par jodie_Stewart11

We parked in the mall parking lot. Alice and mom tried to ring dad, but Emmett answered and said he was hunting with Jasper and Carlisle. None of us were in the mood for shopping. Not even Alice. We did it anyway, I felt guilty for making them come out for a phone when they should be telling everyone what is happening. Mom and Alice tried their phones again. No one answered. We went shopping and found my phone. The same place as mom's and the same price.

We headed home. Alice sped down the road towards our new home.
We turned into our garage; only two cars were in there. Emmett's, Rosalie and Esme's. 'Shall I look for the others?' she asked. Mom nodded and we got out of the car.
We walked into the house. 'Hello'. Esme came round the corner to the door. Smiling. 'Hello Esme'. We both said.
'Renesmee, your dinner is in the kitchen'. She said. I walked into the kitchen. Lasagne.
I heard them talking quietly in the living room.

I was so angry. Even though we were at peace with the Cullen's. No more. The whole pack knew how important this was to me. They understood me clearly. Saturday was the night to destroy the Cullen's. I came up with a plan. Sam tried to convince me to leave it. Even though he seen how much it meant to me. I told them if they didn't help me I would go alone. So they were reluctant to join me. I would kill the Cullen's and run away with Renesmee. I already had the ring.

Everyone knew the news, they were going to fight Jacob and the pack. We didn't know much about this except when and where it would happen. I tried to convince everyone to leave it. But dad had heard Jacob's thoughts whilst hunting, he wasn't going to let Jacob take me away and if he was fighting, so was the rest of the family.
Dad planned what was happening. Mom was joining in because she was still fast and strong. I didn't want them to. If they all died. Would I want to go with Jacob, after he killed my family. I would probably want to die as well.
It was getting dark. Mom and dad came to say goodnight to me. I was starting my driving lessons tomorrow. Dad needed me to learn to drive by next Saturday. I was going to a hotel near to the fight. Mom urged me to take my phone with me Saturday. If my family got killed I was to change my identity and move away from here. I told my mom and dad I would rather die if my family died but they told me I needed to be realistic.
The next morning was Sunday. I woke up at 10:30. Dad woke up. Esme made me breakfast. Egg, bacon and toast. Plus hot chocolate. I was wide awake to start my driving lessons. Firstly with mom in the morning. Dad was going hunting again, he was getting prepared for the fight. He would be going with Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper. Mom would be going hunting with Esme, Alice and Rosalie. Dad would be taking my driving lesson this afternoon. Mom was taking me to the mountains where it was quiet and no one was around. Alice had designed a course for me to do. I was ready.
Once I had finished eating I got my coat and shoes on. Mom came into the living room with a pile of paper work. 'Where do you think your going?' she asked.
'Erm, driving lesson'. I said back confused. She shook her head.
'Oh no you don't we have paperwork to fill in'. She said sitting me at the table. She handed me a pen.
'You have half an hour to complete this'. She said. I just stared at the piece of paper in front of me.
'You're kidding, right?' I looked at her. She seemed serious.
'Not kidding Renesmee, get on with it'. She said. She went into the living room to deal with the rest of the paperwork.
I sighed and started reading through the booklet. It wasn't so hard after all. I finished in twenty minutes. 'Mom, I have finished'. I said. She came into the kitchen and took my paper off me.
I made a drink for myself while mom was checking my answers. Ten minutes later I was sat at the table with my hot chocolate. It was too hot to drink so I put more milk in it. 'Renesmee come here please'. Mom shouted from the living room. Her voice seemed more upbeat. I took my hot chocolate with me.
'Ok Renesmee, the results of your test are in. I marked it myself. You passed it Renesmee. Well done'. She hugged me. I sighed in relief.
'When are we going outside for the practice test?' I asked.
'We are going now'. She said. We both put our coats on. 'What about my hot chocolate?' I asked.
'Bring it with us'. She said. I followed her out of the door. It was a little cold now it was late September. We were starting school in a few days. I was the most nervous out of everyone. 'Ok I am going to drive us to the Pizza pallet. You have to study my every move because you are driving us home'. She said. She was more careful than normal so I could easily follow. She made sure our seatbelts were on. Adjusted the mirrors and started reversing out of the driveway. She braked, and the car stopped. She then turned round the corner slowly pressing on the brakes at the end of the road.
I was easily following mom's drive. She was explaining things to me as we went. I made little notes on my phone. We drove up the mountain carefully. The cliff was right over the hill. If we went off the edge we would die. Mom was driving very slowly now and carefully.
I sighed in relief when we had past the mountains. We eventually reached the pizza place where we found a parking space. Mom opened the door for me. I just mouthed thank you to her. She smiled at me. We sat at a table close to the window. A waitress came up to us. She had blonde curly hair tied up high on top of her head with a few curls dangling in her face. She was wearing too much lipstick. 'Hello, my name is Kristy. Would you like to look at the menu'. She asked. We both nodded. Kristy stared at mom with a confused look. Then wandered off for the menu's. Me and mom started giggling. Krystie came back with the menus.
She hovered over us. I could see mom was getting irritated so I ordered quickly. 'Can I have a can of cola and Spaghetti and meatballs'. I said. I gave her the menus. She looked at mom. 'What about you'? She asked. 'Can I have a can of cola as well please'. She said politely handing her menu. Kristy wrote our orders down and disappeared. 'Thank god for that'. Mom whispered. Relaxing again. Mom's eyes were changing. 'Mom. Your eyes'. I whispered. Kristy came back. 'Here is your drink and food'. She handed us our food and left. Mom was searching in her bag for her contacts. 'Got them'. She smiled. She put them in. I drank and ate quickly. Mom left the cheque on the table and we hurried out with the other cola. Mom was holding her breath.
Once we got outside mom was fine. She was happier. 'Thank god for that, I didn't know how long I would have been able to last for'. She said as we got to the car. I just nodded. I understood well.
Now it was my turn to drive. I got in the seat. Taking a deep breath. I fastened my seatbelt. Rearranged the mirrors and then I froze. 'Mom I'm not sure what to do'. I cried. Frustrated. 'Check your phone'. She whispered. I unlocked my phone and checked my notes.
I put my phone back in my pocket and reversed the car. I stopped just before I hit the other car. I turned around and headed home. I was fine driving home. Mom was helping me when I needed it. She was getting excited. Until now.
We were at the mountains. A steep hill 1200ft drop. Leading to the forest which we lived near. 'Mom please don't let me drive down here'. I said. We were at the top of the mountain. Just the thought of it made me queasy.
'You will be fine, just take it easy'. She said. It wasn't very reassuring. I started down the hill. My foot was near the brakes in case I needed it. It was going fine. Then the car started going faster down the hill. I was screaming and crying. Mom was giving me directions but I was in shock I wasn't listening. I slammed on the brakes fast. The car stopped. I breathed a second until I realised we were on the edge of the cliff. I was screaming and panicking which was making the car move.
'Stop moving please stop moving'. Mom was screaming at me. I was crying. 'We are going to die'. I screamed getting my phone out. There was a text from Alice.

We are on our way. Don't panic
I relaxed a little. 'Mom. Alice is on her way now'. I said. She also relaxed a little.
We felt the car move back onto the road. 'Are you ok'? Alice asked. Everyone was here. They all made sure we were ok. We were drove home together.
When we got home. Dad was fussing round us both hugging us and kissing us. 'Maybe we should get into more accidents'. Mom winked. I giggled and hugged them both.
Carlisle checked us both up and we were fine. 'I think that is enough driving for today'. Dad said.
'But dad. What about our afternoon test?' I asked.
'You think we are going driving after this afternoon?' Dad said.
I sulked to my room. Mom and Alice had bought me a computer. So I checked my emails. I had one from grandma and Phil. I opened it.
Hello Renesmee,
I am sorry I didn't really talk to you much. I am still in shock. Hope you are ok anyway. I love you and say hello to your mom and dad and the rest of the family.
See you soon xx Phil and Renee
I wrote back to her.
Hello Renee. We are all fine. I am having driving lessons, they went a little out of control today but we are all great. I will say regards to my family thank you. Love you too and I don't blame you for going into shock. Hope you are ok. Love you xx Renesmee.
I went back into the living room. Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie and Alice were playing a board game. Mom was flicking through the TV. Dad was with her.
'Mom, dad. Grandma said hello to all of you'. I said moving mom's legs out the way so I could sit down. 'Ok send her my love and everyone else's'. Mom said.
I just sat with mom watching a film. Summer was coming to an end now. We were starting school in two days. Mom and dad had both been talking about my driving lessons. Mom was still in shock after earlier. She also told dad about the waitress at the pizza place. 'Go hunting'. He said. Firmly. Mom couldn't really say no.
She tried anyway. 'But Edward it is dark'. She said. Dad laughed.
'I never heard of a vampire afraid of the dark'. He chuckled. Mom hit him with a cushion and he growled at her playfully. They started kissing.
'Ew gross'. I said moving away. They both fell on the floor laughing. Emmett walked over. 'Do you two mind? You do have your own room for that'. He laughed. Mom and dad straightened up sitting down again.
'Ok Renesmee go to bed. We will go hunting, and we will talk about furthering your driving lessons tomorrow'. Dad said.
'I don't want to go bed'. I said. But then I yawned. 'Damn it'. I whispered.
Mom and dad nodded.
In my room mom and dad tucked me in and said goodnight. It was half ten and I was so tired. Mom and dad walked onto the background and jumped off. I watched them. Then I got up and shut the balcony doors and curtains.

Mom and dad woke me up in the morning. 'Morning Renesmee'. Mom opened my curtains. She was smiling and happy. Dad was kissing her and hugging her.
'Why are you two so happy?' I asked. They shrugged.
'Why not be happy?' They said. I got up.
Dad was already downstairs in the kitchen. 'Here is your breakfast'. Dad said handing me a plate. It had bacon, eggs and sausage on it.
'Thanks dad'. I smiled eating my breakfast. He also gave me a mug of hot chocolate.
Mom joined us in the kitchen. 'Renesmee. I want you to sort out the clothes you want to wear for school tomorrow'. She said. I nodded.
'Well eat your breakfast. Have a shower, get dressed and give your mom your clothes. Then get ready for your lessons'. Dad said. I finished my breakfast quickly and skipped upstairs. I did what they said and bought my clothes downstairs to give to mom.
'Come on get in the car'. Dad hurried us out the door.
'Ok seat belt first'. He growled. He was picking at every little thing I was doing. I did prefer mom. 'Dad I can handle it'. I told him for the fifth time now. He just sighed and put his hands up to me. 'Hey don't give me attitude, you wanted to learn to drive'. He said.
We just drove around town. Dad was asking me if I knew how to do the things he asked. Like parking and swerving fast to avoid things. I already knew. I was taking it easy. If I didn't understand anything dad would show me how to do it. In the afternoon dad wanted me to drive to the forest. I did as he said. We went hunting together. It was great although he disappeared and I couldn't catch up with him. I was finding it hard to breath. Dad found me again after we had eaten and we drove home.
When we got home. I lay on the sofa tired. Dad was wrapped round mom. 'What is with you two today?' I asked.
They completely ignored me. It was getting late now. I had school in the morning. When dad tucked me in he had a surprise for me.
'Renesmee me and your mom have been talking and we decided that if you drive as well as you did today tomorrow then we will pass you. But there is one exception. You keep your phone on you the whole time'. He said. I hugged him tightly.
'Thank you dad'. I said. Mom walked in and smiled. Dad grabbed her and swung her close to him. 'I take it you told her'. Mom said. Dad nodded. Mom started sniffling.
'I can't believe our baby is growing up so fast she is going to be leaving us soon'. Mom said. Dad just put mom close to his chest.
'It's ok Bella'. He soothed.
'Yeah it's ok mom I'm not going to leave you'. I reassured her.
'But you won't want to stay with us forever'. She wailed.
'Why not?' I asked. Dad whispered to mom and she left the room.
'Come on Renesmee. Sleep'. Dad said tucking me in. I instantly fell asleep.

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