Chapter 12.Kiss and make up

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I was prepared for this, more than I had been ready for anything in my whole life. All the pack had tried to talk me out of doing anything I might regret, I just told them nothing will change my mind if they helped me or not.

So now I was circling the field outside of the Cullen’s house. I was in the opening of the woods shading under a tree. I could see the Cullen’s house.

Only Seth was with me but he was asleep under the tree next to mine. Leah had forced herself to come because of Seth. Seth was a little annoying but at least I had some company even if it was Seth’s snoring and Leah’s pacing around.

“Leah will you quit it.” I finally shouted to her after she had woken Seth up. Leah just gave me an evil look and continued to pace. “What time are they coming?” Leah asked impatiently.

“I don’t know Leah, ok? It could be minutes or even hours.” I said. I was beginning to get angry. Seth who had now phased back as human was getting dressed behind the tree he had fallen asleep under.

Leah was pacing somewhere on the other side of the forest. At last peace and quiet. I thought.  

Seth didn’t say anything. He just sat there in complete silence. I think since I shouted at Leah, Seth was scared I might bite his head off.

About five minutes later a rustling cam through the bushes. “They are here.” Leah said.

I ran out of the trees into the blank field. Leah and Seth followed me.

I could hear them getting closer, I could smell them as well. By the strong scent I had guessed they had all come. I was so prepared to kick vampire ass.

Leah was licking her lips ready for action. She had a glint in her eye.

When Carlisle emerged out of the bushes I could see that he didn’t want to fight. My guard was lowering. He looked worried as his family came out from behind him.

“Jacob.” He nodded respectfully. The rest of them just stared looking impatient. Emmett was practising punching jasper.

“Hello Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Bella?” I was a little confused. Why was Bella here? Was she going to protect Edward as I attacked him. Thinking of Edward had he cowered out. I knew he would never attack me.

Everyone just nodded at me like Carlisle did. They fanned out around me. Suddenly Renesmee came out of the bushes. I was even more confused. Even Leah and Seth tilted their heads. “What is she doing here? I asked. I know saying she wasn’t the nicest thing to say to someone you would give your life to, I was still a little annoyed that Edward hadn’t turned up. I didn’t mean for my voice to sound so bitter.

“I came to see you Jacob.” Renesmee smiled she looked so nervous. Esme had her arm on her shoulder.

“Where is Edward?” I spat his name out. Like a bad taste. He was a bad taste. Renesmee flinched when I spat out his name.

“Edward will be here shortly.” Carlisle walked towards me, everyone else followed. I stepped forward to close the gap. Leah and Seth followed.

“Now Jacob, let’s not be immature about this.” Carlisle said calmly. He looked very calm and peaceful. He didn’t want to fight, I didn’t want to fight him or his family except Edward. All of the pain and hurt I have felt from the last few months is all his fault.

“I have no trouble with you Carlisle.” I said. Carlisle just looked around for Edward.

“Yes but Jacob, you have caused trouble in my family. So yes, this has got something to do with me.” His voice was still smooth.

Everyone surrounded me. “So are we going to do this or can I go home and watch the game?” Emmett laughed. Jasper was trying hard not to laugh at him.

“Shut up Emmett” Alice shouted.

“Edward.” Alice shouted. everyone seemed pleased he had turned up.

“Jacob will you quit being a baby and talk with Edward.” Bella hissed at me.

I just laughed at her.

“what did you do with Sam?” Emmett asked.

Edward didn’t look like he cared whatever Emmett was talking about.

“Sam is perfectly safe.” Edward whispered to Renesmee. Renesmee hearing this cheered up a little.

“Alright, let’s fight.” Emmett yelled throwing his fist in the air.

“I think we should back off a little and let them talk.” Carlisle led them all to a little log in the shade of the trees.

“Ok Jacob what is your problem?” Edward hissed. He looked angry. I wasn’t scared of him.

“Edward I just want to tell you some home truth.” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Such as?” Edward asked.

“When you were in your coma or whatever it was, I was in your house. I was going to take YOUR daughter to the prom.” I waited for him to start shaking. I was disappointed.

“You can’t stop me seeing her Edward, just because you don’t like me.” I shouted at him.

He just looked at me not speaking for a second.

“She is my daughter. I can do whatever I want to do.” He said.

“You don’t need to protect her, it is my job to do that.” I said.

“She is my daughter and you will stay away.” He screamed. He was shaking now getting right in my face. I just laughed at him. “Oh yeah and who will make me.” I yelled back.

We stepped away from each other. Staring angrily still keeping our gazes. “I will make you, and I swear to god it will be you who will be in a coma.” He spat.

Just then Bella came in the middle of us.

“Ok guys you two are never going to get on. Edward you can’t just keep Renesmee away from him, it is partly my decision and if he does anything bad again I give you full permission to bite his head off.” Bella said. I just laughed. Edward hissed. Bella had obviously gave him a look because he stopped hissing.

“and you didn’t have to stroll out of our lives like that. You are making a big deal out of nothing. This could of been sorted ages ago.” She yelled at me.

Bella had stepped back a little knowing what she had said had made us more angry.

I had tried to talk things out this obviously didn’t work. Edward just bared his teeth at me.

“Ok I’ve had it.” A voice from the log said. We both looked over to see Renesmee coming towards us.

“Can you two please stop fighting for me?” She said. She looked angry.

“Dad please back off and Jacob stop threatening my dad.” We both took a step backwards. Esme and Bella were stood beside Renesmee.

“Can we have some privacy.” She shouted. Carlisle led them all into the bushes and Leah and Seth walked off. Leah was disappointed but Seth was smiling.

“Dad please understand that I love Jacob. There is nothing you can do about it.” She looked at Edward who was still hissing under his breath.

“DAD.” She yelled. He stopped hissing. “Ok but I swear one thing goes wrong..”Edward started before Bella had elbowed him. He had backed down.

“Jacob I am so sorry for everything that has happened. I love you.” Renesmee took hold of my hands. I just wrapped them around her. Bella was smiling. She led Edward away so we could have some privacy.

“I am also sorry, I never should of left you when your dad was ill. Am I forgiven?” I asked. She just nodded and smiled at me.

I felt so happy. The first time in ages that I was happy. I held Renesmee like it was the last day I would ever see her. I did need to speak to Bella and Edward for one reason though. But It would be a lovely surprise for Renesmee. The snow started falling softly around us as we kissed the day away.

And as long as Renesmee wanted me in her life. I would be there always and forever

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