Chapter 9. Strange happening

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He asked. I just nodded trying to get away from him to see what was wrong with my family.

Everyone was crowded around Alice who was staring at the ground.

I got up and rushed over to my family. “What’s happening?” I asked. Alice snapped back to us. “We need to go somewhere more private”. She said.

We found an empty closet where no one was around. “What happened?” I knew my dad already knew obviously because his face looked troubled. “The fight is in four days. I saw us fight and  one of us got hurt. I knew it was one of us I could feel the vibe. I don’t know who it is blurry. I..Oh”. Her face creased up like she had just been punched.

“Renesmee”. She whispered. Everyone stared at me and hissed.

“But how can that happen, I’m not even at the fight”. I said.

“Yes I know but I saw you talking to what seemed like Edward and Jacob. You were trying to stop them fighting then Jacob got angry with everything and blurted out the whole truth about the accident. Edward just stood still calmly which wound Jacob up even more and Jacob phased in front of you and hurt you. I just shook my head. “But that won’t happen because I won’t be at the fight”. I said.

“Exactly well as long as you aren’t at the fight then it will be okay”. Dad said.

I was still upset about this but I was determined not to be at the fight. If I wasn’t at the fight does that mean that dad will get hurt. No I doubt it I think my dad can handle himself and even if he can’t my family will handle the situation. I knew I shouldn’t worry but it was natural I couldn’t help it.

Alice went home after lunch because she had a migraine and she needed to tell Carlisle and Esme what was happening. I had to go to class though. I felt a little sorry for Sam after he took so long telling me what he felt for me and I blew him off like that. I hope he wouldn’t mind too much I obviously can’t tell him why.

The rest of the day went slow and boring. I had math and geography which seemed to drag along. The weather was now dark and thundery. It was really raining outside hard. I just wanted to go home though I had had enough of today now.

Finally the class finished I sighed in relief when 5th period was over. I was in the same class as my dad so we walked to the car. We waited for mom and Jasper which seemed to take ages. I was afraid the rain would break the windshield.

We headed home quickly to tell granddad and grandma what Alice saw. “I will make sure Renesmee isn’t at the fight.” Esme said after dad had finished telling them.

“Yes, that would be the best idea.”Carlisle said.

“I don’t need looking after.” I tried to say, every time I did they gave me a disapproved look.

“Seriously, I don’t need looking after.” No point in arguing. I was defeated. They all just looked at me as if I had just said that I had seen an alien.

“Now Renesmee listen to us ok? We are doing this for your safety. So please just do as we say.” Mom asked me. I just nodded.

The rest of the night was dull. I was so worried about my family that I couldn’t relax at all. Not even in my new bedroom. Mom and dad had gone hunting again so they were strong enough to fight. Everyone else was hanging around the house. I couldn’t hear any of them so they must have been watching TV or talking very quietly.

That night I had the worse sleep in the world. When my alarm woke me up in the morning, I felt like I had been squashed by a large lorry.

“Renesmee. Time for school.” Mom shouted to me. I groaned and rolled over. She came into my room and pulled my quilt off of me. “Come on sleepy head.” Her voice was a little gentler now. Once she saw me she looked shocked. “Renesmee, what have you been doing all night?”

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