Don't Leave Me Here - Starker

By superrspideyy

140K 3.7K 1K

Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but on... More



2.4K 78 2
By superrspideyy

Peter's lungs burned by the time he reached the bathroom. Bear followed him in and he locked the door. Resting his arms on his head, and sucking in deep breaths, he was able to steady himself.

He sank to the floor, and cried into Bear's fur. He felt like an asshole. All Tony asked, was for him to let him know. It wouldn't have been hard. And Peter felt even worse because he knew he wouldn't want Tony to do that to him. Yet, that part of his brain that didn't want Tony to worry, had taken over. And look how that ended up.

"He's ri-right. It was stupid." He cried.

Bear whimpered, licking the tears off Peter's face. "I didn't want him to worry about me... and I made it so much worse for him..."

Peter cried harder thinking of the way Tony looked when he found him. "I'm s-sorry..." He whispered to the thin air.

He laid on the floor, holding Bear and let himself cry. He let himself be weak in that moment. All of the stress, fear, anger, sadness, any of it, all coming out after being built up for so long. Peter cried for what felt like hours, until eventually, he fell asleep.

Tony sat outside the bathroom door, listening to Peter's sobs. His heart seized with guilt. How could he have acted such a way to Peter. What he did wasn't enough to warrant a response like that. Peter hadn't even done anything wrong. Tony let his fear get the best of him again.

Tears pooled in his eyes as he listened to Peter's sobs die down. He was sure his sadness wasn't just about this incident. And now he didn't want to see Tony.

Listening to Peter cry himself to sleep, tore him to shreds. He regretted the words he said and the way he acted.

"I'm so sorry Peter."

• Tony •

I woke up a bit disoriented. I didn't remember falling asleep, and I have a pillow under my head with a blanket over the top of me. I sigh standing up, and putting the two back on the bed. Even though I was an ass, he still took care of me. I shouldn't be surprised, it's just who he is. Another reason I love him.

The clock read three am, and I glanced at the bathroom, seeing it was open, and Peter and Bear were no longer inside. I frowned noticing he wasn't in bed.

I went to look into his old room, and he wasn't there either. Nerves bit at my body, but I pushed them down. I headed to the living room, to my relief, finding both Peter and Bear snuggling each other, asleep on the couch. I smiled at the sight.

I walk towards them, and I notice Bear's ear flop to the side. He grumbles at me, and huffs when I get close. He must be upset with me too.

"I'm sorry Bear. I didn't mean to make you upset too." I whisper, petting his ears. He touches his nose to my cheek, and I take that as his forgiveness. "Thanks bug."

"Alright, bed time. Let's go."

I lift Peter off the couch, the blanket falling off him. He sighs, tucking his face into my chest. I smile, noticing he's wrapped up in my sweatshirt. He is absolutely perfect...

I lay him in the bed, and Bear follows him up there. Tucking them both in, I kiss Peters forehead, and I notice a small smile on his face.

"Goodnight Pete. I love you." I whisper, grabbing a pillow from my side of the bed, and walking back to the living room.

"I deserve a night out here..."

I sigh, getting as comfortable as possible. After watching thirty minutes of watching Home Alone 2, I fall asleep.

• Peter •

I hid my eyes from the light pouring in through the window. Realizing I was in our bed, I looked around for Tony. He must've brought me in while I was asleep. Bear whines, as he wakes up, and I move the blanket word of us. I don't see Tony anywhere, so I'd assume he's in the lab.

"C'mon Bear. Outside, let's go." He stretches, and jumps off the bed, racing to the door.

I let him out, and move back through the kitchen. I don't hear music from the lab, so Tony I know Tony isn't down there. I see the tv still on in the living room.

Tony is on the couch, four blankets wrapped around his sleeping figure. I feel guilty. Just because of last night, he didn't have to sleep out here.

I'll let him sleep, while I make breakfast. It's Monday morning, and I have school, so I make two omelette quickly, and out some hash browns in the oven to bake, for Tony. Bears crashes into the half opened door, and runs all through the house.

I thought about last night again, and felt terrible. I shouldn't have done that. I know how bad Tony's anxiety can be. Not once did I stop and think how it could've effected him, just myself and what I wanted.

I hear his footsteps tip toeing through the kitchen towards me. I stood in place, trying to blink away the tears that pooled in my eyes.

His hand touched my shoulder, and he spun me around towards him. I chewed my lip, and looked at his shirt. He lifted my chin, so I would meet his eyes, and smiled at me. I felt my lip tremble, and more tears pooled in my eyes.

"Oh bug." He whispered, pulling me into his arms. "Don't cry baby."

I wasn't able to keep in a few tears. I felt terrible, and he was here smiling at me.

"I'm s-orry..." I mumbled against his chest.

His kissed my hair, pulling my face out of his chest to look at me.

"No, I'm sorry. For the way I handled yesterday. Nothing you do, deserves the way I responded." He says softly, wiping my tears with his thumb.

I lean into his touch. "But I am sorry. I feel terrible for not thinking of you. I didn't think of how what I did would've effected you."

"We both messed up yesterday. And that happens. But what's important is how we use that to communicate better in the future. Okay?" He smiles.

I nod, leaning back against his chest. He always knows the right things to say, and I'm relieved by that. I still feel bad about what happened, but we've worked it out. So that's a step in the right direction.

"I love you Tony."

He kisses my cheek. "I love you too."

I hear him gasp, and follow his gaze to his omlette on the counter. "You made me breakfast?"

"Of course I did. You're still healing, and I don't need you burning the place down right now." I laugh.

He rolls his eyes, grabbing his plate. "Please. Dum-E would extinguish the fold before it was able to catch on fire."

"Tony, he can't use the elevator!"

He laughs, and kisses me quickly. "Thank you for breakfast."

He leaves to the living room, and I make Bear's breakfast, before joining Tony.

As the three ate their breakfast, they watched the news, that was still covering Tony's accident. They had concluded that Tony was still in the hospital after having no word from Pepper, or any appearance from Tony himself.

"I'm hope she lets them think I'm still hospitalized as long as possible." Tony laughed.

"They'll figure it out eventually." Peter stated, collecting their plates.

Tony frowned, realizing Peter had to go off to school.

"Take it easy today love. And don't forget about Bear." Peter pointed, kissing Tony gently.

"I won't, I love you."

Peter smiled, pecking his lips again. "I love you too."

The oven timer dinged, catching Tony's attention.

"What's that?"

"I baked some hash browns for you, too."

Tony smiled, racing into the kitchen. Peter said goodbye to Bear, and left for the elevator.

"Have a good day!" Peter called out.

"You too bug!"

I kept losing motivation to write the rest of this. I really like parts of my book, and others I think are just boring bc they're fillers. Idk, but it's going to end soon. Sorry lol. But I love y'all! And thank ya for reading! <3

Edit: 12•16•21

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