I'll never stop loving you (J...

By brodeen2006

482 13 13

You came from an abusive family and left when you turned 18. You traveled all the way to New York and ran int... More

I made it
Omg he is hot
Shopping spree
First day
The Winters Ball
Authors note
Last day together
Promise to write me
I love you
Im doing it for you
Uh Alex?

Oh my god ive missed you!

24 1 1
By brodeen2006

So my decision is to allow you four to join me at camp. I am looking forward to your arrival and when you arrive come straight to my tent so I can give you instructions." My jaw dropped and I yelled "OH MY GOD WE DID IT!!!!!" Then I heard their squeals and we all hugged. We had to have a plan so Peggy spoke up saying "We should leave by tomorrow morning. I'm sure the General doesn't was to be kept waiting too long." We all nodded are ran to our rooms to pack all the necessities. I for one didn't pack too much because I knew we would be provided with nurse scrubs so I only packed around 4 casual dresses and all my bathroom utilities. By the time I was finished it was already late and I knew we would be waking up early tomorrow so I changed and laid down knowing it would be the last time in this bed for awhile. Then my thought drifted to John. Don't get me wrong I'm almost always thinking of him but this time it was different. I was going to be with him so soon and I couldn't wait. Then I thought about something that I haven't thought about since I got here. My family. I didn't miss them one bit but I was curious on how they reacted when I was not home. Oh well their loss because I'm awesome. I then felt my eyes become heavy and finally fell asleep.

I was woken up by Peggy calling my name. I sat up and realized that we left soon. So I ran and got ready as quick as I could. I put on a casual dress and grabbed my suitcase. Before I left my room I took another look at my room making sure I didn't forget anything and I was pretty sure I had everything I needed. So then I made my way downstairs to see the Schuyler sister waiting for me smiling. I squealed and ran down the stairs and they all looked like they were ready to go so within a few minutes all of our luggage was packed into the carriage. We knew it would be a days long journey so we all made sure we brought a few books to keep us busy. I was think about John and I guess that my smile was visible because Eliza said "Someone's excited to see a certain someone." I  blushed and looked down. It was getting dark outside and soon the carriage had to stop so the horses could rest and we all would get rest. So the next morning we were back on the road. Only an hour or so until I could be reunited with my John. I looked out the window and I could only see trees but I liked the sight. There were not many trees back home and certainly none that looked and healthy and colorful as these ones. Soon enough I started seeing white tents in the distance and I practically jumping out of my seat. I looked and saw that the girls were sleeping so I gently shook them awake and told them that we were here. They all squealed and in a minute or so we stopped. I jumped out and stretched my legs and waited for the Schuylers to get out of the carriage. We all grabbed our bags and the carriage slowly left the camp. I saw that a few soldiers were staring at us and I walked up to the closest man to ya and asked "Do you know where the Generals tent it?" And he nodded and replied saying "it's just 4 tents down." He said pointing to the slightly larger tent. So I thanked him and walked over the the Schuyler sisters and told them what the soldier told me and we made our way to the tent. I walked up to the zipped door and yelled out "Sir are you in there?" And I heard a loud voice say "Yes come in." So I unzipped the door and I saw him writing something down so I walked in with the girls following me. He looked up and smiled saying "Ahhh there you guys are. I'm so glad that you are joining us. So first things first. You guys will have your own tent that I fairly close to the medical tent." We all nodded and he continued "So I can take you guys there now." And Angelica said "that sounds great!" And he smiled and walked out of the tent and we all followed. We soon arrived and we all set down our bags. Then the General said "You guys can start in the medical tent tomorrow and the rest of today and can just walk around and get to know the place. So any questions?" I took this chance to ask the question I have been wondering about since we got here. And I said "Do you happen to know what tent John Laurence is in?" I saw him nod and he said "Yes I do. In fact his tent is right across from this one. Now I have work to do but I am glad to be working with you ladies." And we all thanked him. As soon as he left I turned to the girls and said "How do I look?" They all giggled and Peggy said "Y/n you look amazing as always. Now go find lover boy." I smiled at the name and ran out of the tent. I saw him tent and ran to it and I knocked on it and Hercules answered and I wasn't expecting him but I smiled and hugged him. He was very confused and said "Y/n what are you doing here?" And I replied "I am a nurse and I am accompanied by the Schuyler sisters. He nodded and turned to the inside of his tent and he said guys look who is here. And I took a step into the tent to see Alex and Laf sitting confused and when they saw me they jumped up and both hugged me. And I told them about me being here to help and how I wasn't here alone. But I needed to see John. He wasn't in the tent and I wasn't sure where else he would be. So I asked the guys "Where is John?" They all smirked and Alex said "He went on a walk in the woods. You could probably catch up to him if you go now." I didn't even reply and I was running as fast as I could. The wind blew through my hair and I saw the beginning of the woods. So I entered cautiously just Incase there were large logs or anything I could trip on. I ran deeper into the woods and stoped to listen. I heard light footsteps to my left and I looked to see my curly haired boy looking at a small stream. I walked up to him and I guess he didn't here me so I spoke up saying "Is water really that interesting?" And his head shot up. As soon as he realized what was happening he pulled me into a tight embrace and I hugged him back with just as much energy. I couldn't put into words how much I missed him. Then I heard him say "Oh my god I've missed you!" And he pulled away and said "Not that I'm upset that you are here it anything but why are you here?" So I told him that I became a nurse with the Schuyler sisters and he looked happy and proud at the same time. We looked deep into each others eyes and he leaned down and kissed me softly. I kissed back immediately. We slowly pulled away and I said "I'm so happy to finally be back with you." He smiled with that adorable smile he has and said "Me too."

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