The Tail of the Sword and Shi...

Oleh Laura-the-bard

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NOW GOING THROUGH HEAVY EDITING!!! When the King of Eldoria dies, leaving the throne unprotected, Alkanos, C... Lebih Banyak

Dramatist Persona
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook
Chapter 1:The Arrival
Chapter 2: Because You're Not the Sovereign
Chapter 3: Escape By Night
Chapter 4: The Foretelling
Chapter 5: Obtaining Supplies
Chapter 6: Clash of Lances
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook : Dealing in the Wilds
Chapter 7: What Happened to Alkanos Anyway?
Chapter 8: Flying Lessons
Chapter 9: The Fae Realms
Chapter 10: When The Mice Are Away
Chapter 11: What Purpose Does A Sidequest Serve?
Chapter 13: The Abandoned City
Chapter 14: He Found Jewelry
Chapter 15: It's Gonna Get Icy
Chapter 16: Batten Down The Hatches
Chapter 17: The Sword of the Rightful King
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook: The Dragons Are Our Friends
Chapter 18: The Dragon King
Chapter 19: Negotiations Don't Go As Planned
Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!
Chapter 21: To Bring Down A King
Chapter 22: The Best Laid Plans, of Humans, Sirens, and Dragons
Chapter 23: To The Gates of Death and Back
Chapter 24: Partings
Coming Soon!
Chapter 25: Getting Some Help
Authors Announcement
Chapter 26: If the River Don't Rise
Chapter 27: To Bring Back A Friend
Eldorian Guidebook : The Underwater Realms
Chapter 28 - The Undersea Kingdom
Chapter 29 - If You Know Where To Look
Chapter 30 - Amazing Who You'll Meet In The Crypts
Chapter 31 : The Wizard of Naming Went on Break
Chapter 33: "M" is for Minions
Chapter 34: Reptiles In The Dark

Chapter 32: The Sinking City

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Oleh Laura-the-bard

Trigger warning for an explosion resulting in hearing loss. And for a being taken captive.


"So that's what happened?" Thea asked, looking away from the marble to her brother. 

"Something like that." Volsair replied he sat on a wooden crate. 

"I actually don't blame her for reacting like that," She slid a hand over the preliminary cut marble. She wore a dress the color of saffron that fell midway of her calf. Around her waist was her Artisan Guild belt, signifying her standing in the guild.  "And no, it's not because we're both females. It's just that from what you've told me, she thought she was protected when y'all deposed Martin."

The beads in Thea's hair clicked softly, as she picked up a tool, to begin smoothing the marble's sharp corners. "In her eyes, in hindsight, she would have taken unnecessary risks thinking that she would it would have been alright."

"I know that. I just didn't know how to tell her."

"Well," There was a pause. The only sounds in the room were the marble being smoothed. "As soon as you found the ring had been lost, would have been a good time. "

"Do you think she'll ever want to speak to me again? We haven't spoken in days. And the palace cats have taken her side!"

Thea sighed. "She just needs some time. Can't say if she'll take you back or not, but she may speak and not screech at you."


Alkanos sat in a study, pouring over reports that had come in concerning The Magician.

After a bit, he rested his face in his palms. His temples felt tight, and it was spreading throughout his head.

"Hey dad, got a question for you." He finally said aloud, since he was alone.

"Ask away." Marco replied, appearing beside the table.

"How did Cordelia know what we should have gone looking for. You know, back at the beginning of all this?"

"When I suspected something was causing me to be sick, I made arrangements with The Dragon Ambassador and with The Dragon King, to hide The Sword, until you were ready," he explained "As for Cordelia. She was in the room playing music at the time. I allowed her to stay in the room because I knew she would remember it,  and she was loyal to me. Like you, I trusted her with my life."

It all made sense to Alkanos now. When she had met him in the corridor, she really had meant it when she showed him respect. It was just the cream on the dessert that it had irritated Martin at the same time.

He couldn't help but smile.

"Now, if only I could get her and Volsair to work together again."

"Have you tried having them attend a teamwork seminar?"


In the weeks that followed, Cordelia and Volsair went out of their way to avoid each other.

Sometimes going as far as walking out the same room if the other was in it. Whenever they were in close proximity to each other, the air would shift as if they were about to have an argument. 

That is until Alkanos received word of the Court Magician having been spotted. Alkanos called them into the Palace Library, informing them of the message and that they would be leaving at daybreak. 

"And dress warmly, we'll be flying there," he said. 


The sky was overcast with brief patches of sun showing through. A sea breeze blew through the city. Except for the crashing waves and the carrying voices of soldiers, all was quiet. 

The city was still furnished, shops were still stocked. House's windows were covered with brightly painted shutters that contrasted with the white stone buildings. 

Some buildings were already showing stress fractures. Garden walls were crumbling.  Blue glazed, shattered roofing tiles littered the narrow, uneven cobblestone streets. 

"Best stay quiet as best we can." Alkanos commented. I'm glad the citizens were able to evacuate. But it would be nice to have the cover of a crowd. We're too exposed. he thought, tentatively sniffing the air. The air still had the smells of a fully functioning city, but the scent of broken masonry, mixed with the air, was beginning to overtake. 

With the looming threat of earthquakes as the day wore into early evening, combined with quietly and thoroughly searching, made for not a fun time. On top of that, Cordelia and Volsair were still doing minimal communication as a possible thing. 

I'm just glad they're not relying on me carrying messages to each other. You two are friends, partners! Work something out!  he thought, stopping himself from blowing smoke out his nose.


They ascended the crumbling stone steps into another level of the city. The new level was the same as the last, it showed signs of citizens without the citizens. 

No signs of soldiers. The less explaining the better.  Alkanos thought, having not felt the need to inform the city's Head of Operations, had just dropped himself and his passengers on to a deserted street. Though if it does come to that, I'll do the talking. 

There was a low rumble. The street shook like ice in a punch bowl. 

"The doorway! Hurry!" Alkanos urged, grabbing Cordelia and Volsair by the arm, and hauling them into a doorway. 

The ground pitched underneath them, causing them to stumble over the doorstep. 

The ground continued to shake.

Alkanos wedged the three of them into the stone door frame and the thick green-painted, wooden door. 

He gritted his teeth, and prayed for the shaking to stop, and that the door held. 

There was the sound of breaking glass, the shatter of roofing tiles, and the crumble of masonry. 

Alkanos shut his eyes. 

Eventually, the shaking stopped, even the aftershocks. 

All was quiet...Alkanos forced his jaw to relax. He slowly opened his eyes. Dust from the stone masonry floated down from the door frame. When he breathed, it tickled his throat. 

He cleared his throat, "Everyone alright?" 

"I'm okay." Volsair said. 

"I wanna go back to bed." Cordelia said. 

Alkanos smiled and looked down. 

In the rush, he was over them. His arms out bracing himself on the door and frame, his heels were against the other side of the frame.  If the frame had given way, he would have shielded them. 

All he could smell was dust. "Let's get this over with so we can go home." He said.

They traversed the city's narrow streets. Sometimes having to go blocks out of their way, due to debris or the city watch. 

Cordelia and Volsair still weren't speaking to each other. As far as Alkanos could tell, they were hardly acknowledging each other. He hated to see them like this, considering how much they'd gone through since he met them. 

Alkanos sniffed the air. Something smelled off. Maybe it's just the dust.  He thought. 

Then something fell from the roof, landing on the cobbles with a light thud! 


Volsair noticed it first. He carefully approached the purple, and grey colored, walnut-sized rock. He carried a shield for this assignment he held it low as he approached the rock, to protect his legs from any possible shrapnel. 

Alkanos backed up against a garden wall that came up to his waist. 

While Cordelia surveyed the rooftops and upper story windows.

Volsair bent down to pick up the rock.

Alkanos could still smell that odd smell. This time, it was growing stronger. What's that smell?   He thought.

When Volsair's fingers brushed the rock, purple smoke began to pour from the rock. 

"CLEAR THE AREA!" Volsair barked, jerking his hand back. He danced away, taking cover behind his metal-plated wooden shield 

Cordelia dove behind an overturned fruit cart. 

Alkanos climbed over the garden wall and ducked, laying flat to the ground,  his hands covering his head. 

The rock blinked a furious shade of maroon, as the smoke continued to issue forth. The blinking grew faster until it stayed maroon. 


The rock exploded.

Alkanos yelled as the sound overpowered his acute hearing, forcing him to uncover his head to protect his ears. 

Something hit the back of his head.

The last thing he saw was stars.


"Are you okay?" Cordelia called out to whoever would respond. 


She adjusted her scarf and drew a knife. She looked around the cart to see if it was clear. 

Volsair was still crouched behind his shield, his chin against his chest,  eyes closed. 

Several windows from the buildings had been blown out, leaving angry jagged teeth-like shapes in the frames. 

Alkanos was nowhere to be seen.

Cordelia approached Volsair, carefully viewing the street for another possible attack. 

When she got to him, she gently touched his shoulder.


Volsair's eyes snapped open at her touch. His breathing was ragged from the explosion. The only thing that hurt was his shield arm and the side of his head that had been closest to the shield 

His ear was hurting like crazy, but he tried not to let it show.

He saw Cordelia's lips moving.

He could bearly hear her. Honestly woman, speak up. 

He watched her lips and tilted his head. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

Volsair raised his non-shield hand and snapped his fingers lose to his hurting ear. 

He faintly heard it. 

It took a moment for it to register with him. He had lost a good amount of hearing in that ear. It could be temporary or it could be permanent But one thing was for certain, he needed to get it checked out by a healer. 


"Are you alright?" Cordelia asked this time raising her voice back to her normal volume. She hadn't noticed how softly she had been speaking since the blast until she saw Volsair's confused expression. 

"All things considered." He said, touching his ear, he removed his hand and examined it. 

Seeing nothing, he tried to stand.

His joints popped audibly as he rose to his feet.

Then he nearly fell on his face.

"Oh blast!" Volsair said, teetering dangerously.

Cordelia grabbed his arm and held on until he could compensate for his balance.


Volsair hated it that he needed her help right then, but it was better than hitting the ground. He held onto her arm until the wave of dizziness passed. 

He snapped his fingers close to his ear again. He heard a little bit more than the last time, but it was still faint. 

Hopefully, it's only temporary.  Volsair thought, looking around.

"Where's Alkanos?" he asked, a little bit too loudly. 


Alkanos slowly woke up, a fireworks display shown behind his eyelids, forcing him to close them again. 

He licked his dry metallic tasting lips.

Whatever he was on felt like a stone slab underneath him. 

He slowly opened his eye and was met with darkness this time. He blinked but the darkness didn't go away.

He strained his eyes trying to see in the dark.

That's odd.  I can usually see in the dark.  Alkanos thought, trying to move his arms.

They were pinned together behind his back. Metal clinked when he tried moving them.

Alkanos swore under his breath.

He could still move his legs with ease.

He tilted his head to the side. He felt the room, wherever he was, spin. To fight the dizziness, Alkanos laid his head back down, eyes closed until it stopped.

When the feeling passed, he still felt light-headed

Alkanos opened his eyes, just as a match was lit. 


"Alkanos?" Cordelia called, still steadying Volsair. Maybe he got hurt like Volsair.  She thought. She turned to Volsair, "Where did you see Alkanos last?"

"I saw him dive behind the garden wall., Volsair said, pointing at the wall.

Cordelia and Volsair walked to the garden wall and looked over.

Alkanos was gone.

Volsair swore, looking around. "Of all the times for this to happen. Why now?" he said, still not letting go of Cordelia's arm. "ALKANOS! WHERE THE BLAZES ARE YOU?!"

Still no reply.


Alkanos shut his eyes against the brightness of the match.

When he opened them again, the flame had gotten smaller and became two. The original flame winked out, leaving the steady glow of the second flame in its place.

Must be a candle. Alkanos thought as the flame illuminated more of the room.

From what he could see, there was a grate in the floor by a wall. He could see it from the glimmer of the metal. There was also the sound of ocean waves coming from there.

"Looks like the little prince is finally awake." Said a voice.

Alkanos could see two faint shadows by the candle.

Why can't I see clearly? Was the blow that hard?  He thought. "What do you want with me?" He croaked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Asked a second voice. Another candle was lit. "The Magician wants you."

Now with more light, Alkanos could finally see who was speaking.

One of the speakers was male, the other was female. They both looked about Alkanos's age and bore a strong resemblance to each other.

"He just didn't specify if he wanted you alive." The female said, stopping to check on Alkanos's shackles.

"They'll hold him." She said standing up.

"I think not!" Alkanos growled, preparing to change into a dragon.

A white-hot band of pain, from the shackles, stopped him before he could even elongate his teeth.

Alkanos held back a yelp of pain.

His captors laughed until the male said "Stupid lizard. Those shackles were made to hold a Dragon. You can't transform, and you have so many drugs in your system, you won't be able to for days."

Alkanos pulled against the chain but to no avail.

"Then you're the one who set off the blast?"

The male raised his hand. "Guilty." He said with a smile.

"And your two protectors are either dead or too tied up in a fight to even try rescuing you." The female said.

Blast it! Alkanos thought, knowing full well that their teamwork needed help, for any chance of rescuing him. That is if they were still alive.


That's it for now.

Sorry if it seems shorter than usual, a lot of stuff happened.

Thanks for reading! Please comment and fav. I'd like the feedback.

'Til Next Time


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