The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

By ImperatorTiberSeptim

54.9K 1.4K 180

Peace has finally returned to Westeros, but the neighboring continent of Essos is far from calm. In many plac... More

Part 2: A hot bath
Part 3: The wisdom of a dragon
Part 4: The slaves of R'hllor
Part 5: News from Westeros
Part 6: The prince is riding
Part 7: Grief
Part 8: Like a phoenix from the ashes
Part 9: Empire
Part 10: Imperial Majesty
Part 11: Shall we begin?
Part 12: Tyrion
Part 13: Sansa
Part 14: Jon
Part 15: Mhysa's return
Part 16: A short victorious war
Part 17: The Small Council
Part 18: Good and bad surprises
Part 19: R'hllor save the Empress
Part 20: The meeting at the lumber mill
Part 21: The League of Free Cities
Part 22: The greatest city that ever was and ever will be
Part 23: The fall of Braavos
Part 24: Before the storm
Part 25: Guilt and failure
Part 26: World War
Part 27: Allies
Part 28: Gendry Baratheon
Part 29: Lys
Part 30: Preparations
Part 31: Volon Therys
Part 32: Small mercies
Part 33: The Empress sends her regards
Part 34: Lunch at Winterfell
Part 35: Pentos
Part 36: Rebellion
Teil 37: Tyrosh
Part 38: Out of control
Part 39: The grace of the Empress
Part 40: Under control
Part 41: Daarion
Part 42: An exhausting council meeting
Part 43: An unexpected encounter
Part 44: The decision is near
Part 45: Fear of love
Part 46: These Imperials are crazy
Part 47: The Alliance war council
Part 48: Pasha
Part 49: Ar Noy
Part 50: Skirmish
Part 51: Hold the line
Part 52: The Iron Fist
Part 53: The Mother of All Battles
Teil 54: After the battle
Part 55: A guest in the Imperial Palace
Part 56: Breakfast with the Empress
Part 57: Eastwatch
Part 58: The exiled samurai
Part 59: Brothers
Part 60: The shadow of the dragon
Part 61: A gesture of goodwill
Part 62: The right side of the coin
Part 63: The end of the war
Part 64: Arrival in Braavos
Part 65: Premonitions
Part 66: The house with the red door
Part 67: To the sky
Part 68: Duel in the clouds
Part 69: The first enemy killed
Part 70: Three words
Part 71: Findings
Part 72: The Treaty of Braavos
Part 73: The proposal
Part 74: The flight home
Part 75: Back in the capital
Part 76: News from Essos
Part 77: Lyanna
Part 78: The arrival of the wedding guests
Part 79: The queen of love and beauty
Part 80: United
Part 81: Wedding favors and fireworks
Part 82: The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

Part 1: Resurrection

3K 40 4
By ImperatorTiberSeptim

I have already finished this story in German and decided to do an English version as well. Here at wattpad there are tons of resurrection stories, but there can never be enough.

I put the German version (also with the title 'The Age of Daenerys Targaryen') on on the Internet.


Kinvara stood on the roof of the Red Temple at Pentos. Below her the great city stretched out under the night sky, but her gaze was directed to the west, toward the Narrow Sea that separated the continents of Essos and Westeros. She had come here from Volantis because the Lord of Light had sent her a sign ... but had she read it correctly? Too often, R'hllor's messages had been misunderstood. Even Melisandre, one of the most pious and respected servants of the Red God, had this happened and many people had met a senseless death as a result.

The hours passed. It was not far from sunrise when a huge winged shape suddenly peeled out of the darkness. Kinvara immediately recognized that it was a dragon. The beast flew straight at the priestess, who stood in awe.

The dragon landed elegantly on the flat roof of the temple. Its scales were black while the wing skins were a dark red hue. Kinvara was so moved by the majesty of this being that it took her a moment to notice the motionless body the dragon was holding in its claws.

It was a beautiful young woman with silver hair. Her black robe was soaked in blood, and the handle of a dagger protruded from her chest. The dead woman was none other than Daenerys Targaryen, whom Kinvara believed was her god's chosen one.

What had happened? As far as the priestess knew, Daenerys and her army had left for Westeros to recapture the lost realm of her ancestors. To counter the threat posed by the White Walkers, who sought to destroy all life, she had temporarily abandoned her plan and allied with the Starks. According to the latest reports, the impending doom had also been averted. Daenerys had then marched against King's Landing, but no news of the outcome of the battle had yet reached Essos.

The dragon gave Kinvara an expectant look from its slit eyes. She understood it as an invitation to come closer. Careful not to make any sudden movements, she went to the corpse, which the beast had gently placed in front of her.

It didn't look like Daenerys Targaryen had died in battle. The dagger had hit her right in the heart, but Kinvara could see no further injuries. Apparently she was assassinated.

The priestess grabbed the dead woman's cold, frozen hand. She must have been dead for about twelve hours, but not very much longer. There were still no signs of decomposition. Kinvara went to the skylight and called for the temple servants. Half a dozen men and women in red robes stepped outside, staring fearfully at the dragon.

"I can't promise anything", Kinvara said to the dragon. "It is in the hands of my Lord alone."

The black beast gave her an understanding look. Then it spread its mighty wings, rose into the air, and disappeared into the darkness as quickly as it appeared.

After Daenerys Targaryen was brought into a chamber and placed on a stone table, Kinvara sent the male servants out. While the other women lit the four fire baskets at the corners of the table, Kinvara carefully pulled the dagger from the dead woman's chest and set it aside. Then they undressed and washed Daenerys. Her upper body was covered with blood and the internal injuries had also caused a thin thread of blood to come out of her mouth and nose.

Kinvara set about trimming Daenerys' hair with scissors and throwing the cut strands into the fire. During this time she kept repeating a prayer in High Valyrian.

Of course, the priestess knew that R'hllor very rarely brought anyone back to life, and then only for an important reason. Now that the White Walker threat was removed, Daenerys may no longer matter. But why else would the Lord of Light have brought Kinvara here? On the other hand, even a drunken good-for-nothing like Thoros of Myr had, with the help of the Lord, been able to bring the knight Beric Dondarrion back from the dead several times.

Again and again the Red Priestess said her prayer ... until the mother of the dragons suddenly opened her violet eyes. She took a deep breath, as if coming back to the surface after a long dive. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her hands felt for where the dagger had pierced her heart. The fatal wound had closed, though a scar remained.

"Jon", Daenerys gasped. "Jon ..."

"Calm", said Kinvara. "You are safe now."

"Who... who are you?", the Dragon Queen wanted to know.

"Don't you remember? I am Kinvara, the high priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, Flame of Truth, Light of Wisdom and First Servant of the Lord of Light. You see, you are not the only one with many titles", she remarked with a smile. "We met before in Meereen."

"So am I in Volantis? What about Drogon?"

"We are in the Red Temple of Pentos. The Lord of Light sent me a vision that brought me here. You were carried across the sea by your dragon. He's probably roaming around town somewhere now. But tell me what happened to you?"

Instead of answering, Daenerys Targaryen burst into tears. Kinvara handed her a mug of water to which she had added some milk of poppy. When the Dragon Queen fell asleep, she had her taken to one of the priests' quarters.

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