Made For You | BOTW Link x Re...

Oleh daetiris

466K 15.3K 36.2K

"You will aid the hero during his journey in defeating Calamity Ganon." That was the order that was given to... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 31

8.4K 294 1.6K
Oleh daetiris

"So," you plopped a berry into your mouth and chewed slowly, savouring the delicious taste, "while I was walking around the village earlier today, I overheard these two people talking about a fairy fountain that lies around this region."

"Fairy what now?" Link raised an eyebrow as he led you through a crowded part of the village. The end of the day was starting to near, but the festival continued. Music still played, and lanterns were lit to brighten the darkening area.

"Fairy fountain," you repeated yourself. "Apparently people used to visit these fountains to offer the Great Fairy rupees, and in exchange, they would be granted extra protection... or something along those lines." You shrugged and placed the rest of your berries into your satchel, wanting to save some for later.

"That sounds cool," he chirped, glancing at you. "We should go to this fairy fountain. Do you know where it is?"

You smiled back and nodded your head. "According to the villagers, it's south from here," you said. "I think they said it was a one day trip, but I'm not quite sure."

"One day? That's pretty good. And hey, we'll be headed to Gerudo Town since it's south as well," Link noted with a soft chuckle. The boy then hummed and raised his head to look at the different colours that were being cast on the fluffy clouds in the sky. "The sun will be gone soon... do you want to start the journey tomorrow?" Link glanced down at you and half-smiled.

You looked up at the clouds and pursed your lips in thought. "I rather travel now," you spoke, with your eyes glued on the beautiful sky. "The more ground we cover the better."

Link studied you, taking in the gleam in your eyes and the movement of your lips as you spoke. "Okay, if that's what you want to do," he said, taking your hand in his. It was such a simple thing, holding your hand. He had done it several times before, but this time he felt something burn inside of him. A warm feeling bombarded his cheeks as he felt your delicate fingers wrap over his hand, causing his heart to beat quickly. "Do... Do you remember where the horses are?" He asked, losing train of thought as you looked up at him innocently.

"By the inn," you said, tilting your head when you noticed the red hue on his cheeks. You smiled shyly and raised your left hand slowly. You brushed his bangs to the side, getting a better view of his captivating blue eyes. "Why are you red?" You hummed, bringing your hand back down.

The action, though small, was enough to make Link's heart burst. He shivered at the feeling of your gentle fingers brushing over his forehead and the sound of your sweet voice speaking. He almost forgot to respond, but when he felt you squeeze his hand he came back to his senses. "No reason," he cleared his throat, putting on a sweet smile before tugging you toward the inn.

You knitted your eyebrows as a confused smile played on your lips. Deciding not to question it, you let Link tug you toward the inn. When you reached the horse pens that were built beside the large structure you slipped your hand out of his grasp and strolled toward Zephyr. Your horse responded to your presence happily, which made you giggle. "Missed you too girl," you said, snickering when Epona snorted, wanting your attention. "Yes, and you too Epona."

Link laughed softly and walked over to Epona, but he scoffed when she only paid attention to you. "I think she likes you more than me," he pointed out, observing his snorting horse.

"I guess I'm very likeable," you grinned as you moved away from the horses. You went to untie their reins from the wooden poles and when you were done you led them out the pens. You handed Link his horse's reins and then walked over to Zephyr.

Link took the reins and shook his head with a chuckle. He threw the leather strap over Epona's head and moved toward her saddlebags. After placing a few things inside the bags he closed the flap and walked to the saddle's stirrup. "Do you have everything?" He asked as he mounted Epona's back. He held onto her reins with both hands and looked down at you.

You hesitated and checked Zephyr's saddlebags. "Yes," you said after making sure you had all your belongings. You nodded to yourself and headed toward Zephyr's saddle, but when you raised your foot to place it on the stirrup you frowned. The dress you wore prevented your leg to go farther up. "It's so hard to do things with this dress on," you muttered, having to lift the dress over your knees to have more mobility.

"Need some help?" Link snickered, watching as you struggled to get on your horses back.

You stomped your foot down and huffed. "Yes please," you mumbled, turning around to look at him with a pouty face.

The boy grinned, finding your expression adorable as he hopped off Epona's back. "Since you're wearing a dress, you're gonna have to sit on the saddle differently," he said, resting his hands on your waist gently.

"Wait, really?" You raised an eyebrow, letting him help you onto Zephyr.

"Yeah. You have to ride on your side," Link explained as he placed you on the horse's saddle. He made sure you kept both of your legs on Zephyr's right side and when he was done helping you he took a step back, suppressing a laugh. "Looks funny... but at least you won't ruin your dress."

You bit your lip and shifted, trying to find a comfortable position. "It feels weird," you said as you grabbed Zephyr's reins. You tugged the reins gently to the right, having her face Epona. "I feel like I'm going to fall off."

"Well if you do," Link said as he mounted his horse with ease, "that'll be hilarious." He glanced at you, laughing when you sent him a glare. "If you want to ride more comfortably, why don't you just change into your trousers?"

"In front of everyone?"

"I'm sure no one will look."

You gave him a dead serious face, to which the boy responded with a light chuckle.

"It was just a suggestion," he joked.

"Yes, and it's one I won't be doing," you shook your head. "I'll change later."

Link rolled his eyes playfully and pulled out his Sheikah Slate. "Anyway," he stressed on the word as pressed a few things on the screen. "Let's get going, yes?"

You nodded and kicked Zephyr's right side gently. The action made you slip from your seat a bit, but you managed to stop yourself from slipping completely off by grabbing onto her reins tightly. You parted your lips to agree to Link's words, but you momentarily paused when you gaped at the crowded path. People had to squeeze between each other just to get from one place to another, which made you grimace. "I don't think we'll be able to get through all these people Link," you said, observing the travellers and villagers closely.

Link followed your gaze and furrowed his eyebrows. "We'll just have to try," he replied, giving you a sideways look. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the packed road. Link inhaled through his nose and tapped Epona's sides lightly, that way he could guide her with ease and prevent trampling anyone. "Excuse me! Coming through!" He would say in order to alert people.

Some people would move, while others decided to ignore Link's voice and stay put. The boy, seeing this, sighed and had Epona move another direction. He pressed his lips together, pulling back on the reins when a couple of kids rushed in front of Epona out of the blue. He looked back at you, seeing you were having trouble getting through the crowd as well. "Should we try to head another way? There are too many people on this path," he pointed out.

You turned your head to the left, checking to see the other paths that went through the village. "They're just as packed," you stated, "and it looks like more travellers are arriving."

Link looked back at you with wide eyes. "More travellers? Really? Woah... a lot of people must be coming to the festival then."

You nodded and scanned the busy area. "Yeah, but no one seems to mind how crowded it's getting," you snickered, seeing that people continued rejoicing, despite how packed it was. "Maybe we should wait for some travellers to leave before leading the horses out. There are just too many people right now."

"(Y/n), the exit of the village is right over there," Link pointed with his finger to the stone arch that served as the exit and entrance of the village. He subconsciously kicked Epona's sides, forgetting to shout an 'Excuse me'. "It's better if we continue now rather than wai—"

"Ow!" Someone shouted, interrupting Link's sentence.

Link's eyes widened as he abruptly pulled back on Epona's reins. "Oh my goddesses," he mumbled, slipping off the saddle quickly. He rushed in front of Epona, only to see a brown-haired girl sitting on the floor with a scrunched face. His face went pale as he knelt in front of her. "I am so, so sorry!" He exclaimed hastily, his eyebrows knitting together in worry. The boy cursed under his breath as he thought about what to do or say.

"You should've watched where you were going," the girl spat, rubbing her back with a grimace. She kept her head low, keeping her face hidden as she worked on soothing the aching feeling in her back.

Link gulped and parted his lips to apologise once again, but he stopped when he heard your footsteps behind him. He slowly glanced over his shoulder, internally wincing when you shot him a deadly glare. "I-I know, and I'm sorry that I wasn't," he spoke to the girl, though his eyes were on you. He gave you an apologetic look before turning back at the muttering girl. "Are you alright...?" Perhaps it was a stupid question to ask after having hit her with his horse, but it was the only thing that came into his head.

"Oh yes, I'm alright," the girl said sarcastically, finally raising her head to look at the concerned boy. Her striking grey eyes stared into Link's familiar blue ones, which made a perplexed expression come over her soft features. She tilted her head, studying the shape of his lips and his facial structure. There was something about the boy that seemed awfully familiar and as she continued looking at him, a memory clicked inside her mind.

You shook your head and went to Link's side. "Here, let me help you up," you said, offering your hand. You looked at the girl with gentle eyes, and when she flickered her attention to you, you raised an eyebrow. The way she stared up at you made you fidget. "Uh... unless you want to get up on your own?" You slowly moved your hand back, but the girl took it and hurriedly hoisted herself up.

"(Y/n)!" The girl said, her lips now curling into a delighted smile. Her sudden demeanour changed drastically, which threw you off.

You blinked at the sudden excitement that her voice portrayed. "How do you...," you began, but your voice gradually trailed off as you stared into her grey eyes. The twinkle in them was one you had seen before and after a few seconds of pondering, you remembered who she was. "Alena!"

"Alena?" Link questioned as he slowly got up from the ground. "Wait... the girl we saved all those months ago?" He made eye contact with the brunette and chuckled a bit nervously.

Alena smiled sweetly and tucked strands of hair behind her ears. "That's me," she confirmed his question, giggling when Link sheepishly looked at the ground.

"I, um, I'm sorry for hitting you," he repeated, peering up at her with knitted eyebrows. He felt slightly worse, but the gentle smile Alena displayed calmed his nerves. "It really wasn't my intention to do that."

"It's alright," she said, dismissing his words with a wave of her hand. "It could've happened to anyone. Besides, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going either." She fiddled with her fingers, taking in how nervous Link looked before glancing at you.

You looked at the two before faking a cough. "Uh, wow... it's been so long," you ran your fingers through your loose hair. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was travelling around the Woodland region earlier today and—"

"Wait, you were travelling?" You interrupted her. "Like, by yourself?"

Alena seemed to brighten up at your question. "Yes!" She squealed. "When Link and you left, I took your advice and decided to travel around Hyrule. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. My survival skills were put to the test several times, but I've adapted to the travelling lifestyle."

"I can tell," you said. When you had met Alena, she was a village girl with a lean figure and porcelain skin. But her appearance, after having travelled for many months, changed in a good way. "I notice you have a sword strapped to your belt. I assume you've been using that weapon during your travels?"

Alena looked down to her hip and hummed. "Yes, but I'm not that good with it yet, despite how long I've used it," she said sheepishly. She then shook her head and waved her hands, wanting to change the subject. "Anyway, what are you two doing here? Did you both come for the festival as well?"

"Oh no, we just happened to be here when the festival began," you shrugged. "But we don't plan on staying long."

"Oh? Why not?"

"Because we're heading to a place called the Great Fairy Fountain," Link said, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

Alena flickered her eyes toward Link shyly. "Great Fairy Fountain? Hmm, I've heard about these fountains when travelling... Apparently, there are four of them in all of Hyrule." The brunette paused to think for a few moments. "If I'm correct... there's one in this region, right?" She looked at Link, smiling when he responded with a nod. "I was actually thinking about searching for it, but many people say the journey toward the fountain can be dangerous."

Link and you glanced at one another. "Well," he began, turning to look at Alena once again, "the fountain we're headed to is a one-day trip. If you want, you can come along."

The girls' eyes lit up. "Really?" She asked, looking at you as if to make sure you were alright with it as well. "I'd love to."

You nodded, sending her a small smile. "Great, do you have a horse? Or have you been travelling on foot?"

"I've been travelling on foot."

You clenched your teeth. "Hmph... well if we come across a herd of horses, you should try to tame one. For the meantime, you can either ride with Link, or me." You shrugged, though you mentally guessed what her answer was going to be.

"I'll ride with you," Alena told you with a happy gleam.

Her response caused you to raise an eyebrow. You fully expected her to choose Link, but you said nothing about it. "Alright, let's get going. We have maybe an hour until the sun goes down," you figured, glancing up at the sky.

Link hummed and walked toward you. "Want me to help you get on Zephyr again?" He asked with a smug grin.

"I'm sure I can manage now," you snickered. You raised the hem of your dress with one hand, pulling it over your knees carefully. This allowed you to place your left foot on Zephyr's stirrup with ease. You let go of your dress and grabbed the saddle, hoisting yourself up. Once on the saddle, you placed both of your legs to the side. "That wasn't so hard." You smiled to yourself and looked down at Link, who stared up at you with a caring look.

He laughed softly and looked down at Alena. "Do you want me to help you?" He asked her sweetly.

Alena nodded her head, a blush setting on her cheeks as he picked her up without a hint of difficulty. Link swiftly placed her so she sat behind you, and when he was done he smiled at her before jogging toward his horse. The brunette bit her bottom lip, her eyes lingering on Link as Zephyr began to trot slowly through the village. She loosely moved her arms around you to keep from falling off and exhaled. "It's so nice to see you both again," she said, her voice sounding honey-like as she spoke.

"You mean it's nice to see Link again," you teased, keeping your voice quiet so the blonde boy wouldn't hear.

Alena felt her cheeks heat up, but she didn't deny your words. Seeing the Hylian boy once again caused her heart to flutter. "Well that too," she giggled, her eyes flickering to observe the boy and his horse.

You glanced over your shoulder and then followed her gaze. Ignoring the sudden tug your stomach gave, you directed Zephyr toward Epona so she could follow her.

"Are you two still just friends?" She asked, her eyes never leaving Link.

You caught a hint of hopefulness in her tone. "Uh, yeah," you nodded, moving Zephyr a bit to the right. "Still just friends." Saying it sounded strange. Just friends. Something about that term bothered you, and you couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows lightly. "Why?" You decided to ask, keeping your gaze on Link and Epona.

"Just wanted to know," Alena said, smiling to herself a bit. The girl then cleared her throat and changed the subject. "Hey, do you think we can have another duel one of these days?"

"A duel?"

"Yes, like the one we had when you were teaching me how to use a sword months ago," she mentioned. "My sword skills have gotten better since then, but I know I can still improve. And I'm sure a duel with you will help me see what I need to work on."

You smiled at the idea. "Well, our focus should be on reaching the fairy fountain first. Maybe we can have a small duel after we've found it," you looked over your shoulder, sending her a sideways smile. "Sound good?"

Alena smiled back and nodded her head. "I'm looking forward to it."

You turned your head away from her and followed Link out the village. "Likewise," you replied.


You had been correct. In less than an hour, the sun had finally tucked away behind a couple of mountains, letting the bright glow of the moon and thousands of stars brighten the heavens. But, rather than stop and set up camp, Link, Alena, and you continued travelling without rest. None of you felt fatigued, therefore all of you decided it was best to continue venturing rather than pause your journey. However, the chilly air that accompanied the beautiful night threatened to halt you three.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get really cold," Alena said through chattering teeth. She wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to feel at least a pinch of warmth.

You sucked air between your teeth, shivering as the cold air slammed against your red cheeks. The cold air hit you more, with you wearing a dress and all. "Maybe we should set up camp," you suggested, glancing over at Link. His cheeks were turning a bright red colour, which made you frown. "Yeah, we're setting up camp," you decided.

"Good idea," Link shuddered, rubbing his arms. He took a deep breath and led Epona off the dirt trail. When she was off the road he had her come to a stop before dismounting her. He rubbed his cold cheeks and glanced at Alena and you. "I'll start a fire."

You nodded and directed Zephyr to the side of the road. The horse naturally came to a stop, allowing Alena and you to slip off her back with ease. "I'll make the beds."

"Do you two sleep out in the open often?" Alena asked as she opened the large satchel she had with her.

"Yes," you responded, going toward Zephyr's saddlebags. You glanced at the girl and arched an eyebrow. "Do you?"

"Not really," she shook her head as she took out a two rolled up blankets from her satchel. "I usually stay at inns or stable's. Very rarely do I sleep out in the open." Part of that had to do with the fear of being attacked by monsters, but she didn't mention that at all. Alena faked a cough and turned on the heel of her boot. "Where do I set up my bed?" She turned her head to look at you.

You took out your quilt and blanket, holding it close to your chest as you walked beside her. "Over here," you said, leading her toward Link, who was focused on starting a fire. You placed your things on the grass and glanced at the mumbling boy. "Need some help?"

"No... well, actually yeah," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "Do you have any flint?"

"Oh, I do," Alena spoke before you could. She opened her satchel and rummaged through it. "It's around here somewhere... oh, here you go." She held out two pieces of flint, smiling at Link brightly.

Link smiled back and took the flint from her hands. "Thank you," he said, turning his attention back to the wood. He stood up, threw the flint beside the wood, and struck it with his sword. It didn't take long for the sparks to show, and pretty soon they developed into large flames. The heat started to sting his cheeks, so the boy took a step back. "Behold, fire." He spoke in a goofy tone, which made Alena and you snicker.

You clapped your hands. "Now then, let's set up the beds."

Link nodded and hurried toward Epona, while Alena and you arranged your blankets near the fire. "(N/n), aren't you cold?" The boy asked as he walked toward you with his balled up blankets. He gestured at your dress with his chin.

You looked down at your attire. "Hmm, no. Not anymore at least. The fire is keeping me warm," you answered as you continued arranging your bed. Once you were done you looked over at Alena to check if she needed help. Seeing that she didn't, you plopped down onto your blanket and moved you knees close your chest. You pulled the hem of you dress to your feet to keep them warm and glanced at Link, who was setting up his blanket and quilt beside yours.

"Are you guys hungry?" Alena asked as she sat down on her blanket. She looked at Link and you while pulling her hair into a loose ponytail. "I can make something before we go to sleep."

"Mmm, like what?" Link inquired, scooting closer to you. His hand naturally brushed over yours, causing a smile to tug at the ends of his lips.

Alena pursed her lips in thought. "Does a honeyed apple sound good?"

Link perked up. "That sounds delicious," he nodded.

You snickered, finding his sudden perkiness adorable. "Everything sounds delicious to you, Link."

"Well food is delicious."

"I agree," Alena chimed in with a soft giggle. She brought her satchel onto her lap and started to take out the ingredients she would need. "(Y/n), will you want a honeyed apple as well?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. I'm not hungry," you shook your head, smiling at her softly. A yawn then escaped your lips, and weight began to fall upon your eyelids. Having been awake for hours, your body was starting to yearn for rest. You rubbed your eyes with one hand and exhaled through your nose.

"Are you tired?" Link asked.

"Yeah," you yawned again, stretching your arms outwards for a few seconds.

He chuckled and grabbed the quilt you used to cover yourself with. He draped it over your shoulders and ran his hand down your back soothingly. "Go to sleep then," his voice was soft, which somehow added to the sleepiness that was coming over you. When you responded with a simple nod, he leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to your temple. The action caused both of you to turn a light shade of red.

"Goodnight," you mumbled shyly, trying to hide the smile on your lips. You gulped and looked at Alena, who was staring at Link and you with a tilt of her head. "Night Alena."

"Goodnight (Y/n)," she said, half-smiling at the end of her words.

You smiled and took one last look at Link before laying down on your blanket, that acted as your bed. You laid on your side, pulling the covers over your shoulders to keep the cold air from hitting you a lot.

Link chuckled quietly when he heard you snoring. He looked at Alena, who sat on the other side of the fire. "Want me to help make the honeyed apples?" He asked, not wanting to let her do all the work.

Alena glanced up from her satchel and grinned. "Yes," she said, patting the spot next to her.

He obliged and crawled around the flames, stopping once he was beside her. He sat down, crossing his legs. "So... how do you make it?"

"You just pour honey on an apple," she said, handing Link a tiny jar of honey. She proceeded to take out two apples from her satchel, and plates to put them on. "It's the simplest meal ever, but it has an amazing taste." Alena, after getting everything she needed, moved her satchel to the side and faced Link. "Here."

Link looked down at the plate and apple she offered. He took it, mouthing a 'thank you' as he placed the plate on his lap. "How much honey do I put?" He asked, uncapping the jar he held in his hand.

"As much as you want."

The boy grinned and tipped the jar, letting the dense honey fall onto the apple. The honey's aroma rose to his nose, making his mouth water in anticipation. As the nectar trickled down the apple's sides, Link faced the jar up and capped it. "Here you go," he said, handing Alena the jar.

"Thank you," Alena hummed, opening the jar to pour honey onto her apple. She looked up at Link, laughing quietly when he grabbed the sticky fruit.

Link took a bite into the sweet fruit and honey, gasping almost instantly. The combined flavours exploded in his mouth. "Holy Hylia," he mumbled, taking another few bites."This is so good!"

Alena snickered as she poured more honey onto her apple. "I know, it's the best," she said once she successfully honeyed her entire apple. The girl capped the small jar and stashed it away in her satchel before taking a bite out of the mouthwatering meal.

The two ate in silence, listening to the crackling fire and the howling wind. Link, finishing his honeyed apple after taking another few bites, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and glanced over the flames, his eyes landing on your sleeping figure. He exhaled, observing your features until Alena cleared her throat.

"So," the girl began, wanting to fill the silence. "What do you and (Y/n) plan to do after reaching the fairy fountain?" She lifted the apple to her lips, taking another bite as her grey eyes rose to look at Link.

"We plan on going to Gerudo Town," he said, turning his attention to her.

"Gerudo Town? Why?" Alena asked curiously, placing her sticky apple onto the plate she held.

"To appease Vah Naboris," he answered nonchalantly.

Alena snickered. "You're kidding, right?"

Link blinked and shook his head. "No. We're going to appease the Divine Beast," he repeated.

The girl moved her plate to the side and ran her fingers through the ends of her hair. "Isn't that... dangerous? Those mechanical beasts have been tormenting many places for over a century," she said, knitting her eyebrows together.

"I know. Which is why (Y/n) and I are going. I've already appeased two Divine Beasts, so Vah Naboris shouldn't be too hard."

Alena's jaw dropped slightly. "You've... appeased two?" Her tone was one of disbelief.

Link nodded, a tiny grin playing on his lips. "Yeah. Vah Ruta and Vah Rudania," he stated.

Alena looked at Link with surprised eyes. "Wow, that's very brave of you," she said as she twirled her hair around her finger. She glanced at you and sighed. There was an envious feeling stirring in her as she thought about the amazing travels Link and you experienced. "Does (Y/n) enter the Divine Beasts with you?" Her eyes were glued on your resting figure as she asked her question.

Link followed her gaze and shook his head slowly. "No, I don't let her come with me."

Alena rose a brow and whipped her head around to look at him. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want her to get hurt," he answered, his blue eyes softening as he stared at you. "I rather have her waiting for me." He sighed quietly at the end of his words, his mind drifting off as he studied your alluring appearance from afar.

Alena caught a different tone in his voice when he mentioned you. She scooted a bit closer, admiring the way the fire's warm orange hue painted his handsome face. "You care for her a lot."

"I do," he replied, his eyes never moving away from you. "A lot."

The brunette half-smiled as a thought entered her mind. She tilted her head, observing how he stared at you before speaking up. "Well," she sighed, stretching her arms over her head, "that apple got me a little drowsy. I think I'll head to bed now."

Link snapped out of his small daze and glanced at her, nodding. "Me too," he said, standing up from the ground. He cleared his throat, looking down at the girl with a soft smile. "Goodnight Alena."

Alena looked up at him and smiled back. "Goodnight Link."

Link turned around, walked around the fire, and then sat on his blanket. He looked over at you, grinning when he saw you curled up in a small ball position. Sighing, the boy laid on his blanket, facing you. He extended his hand out, brushing strands of your hair away from your face. A smile overtook his lips as you unconsciously responded to the physical contact. Pressing his eyes closed, he began to focus more on your soft breathing instead of the crackling fire. And pretty soon, he fell asleep.


"(Y/n)," someone whispered to you as they tried to shake you awake.

You groaned and pressed your head deeper inside your quilt, which resulted in the person laughing. "I don't want to get up," you grumbled subconsciously.

"Oh come on," the voice said, sounding female. With a grungy face, you moved your head out of your quilt and quietly hissed when you opened your eyes. You were momentarily blinded by the bright light, but once your eyesight adjusted you could finally make out the girl that spoke to you. "I found this really nice lake you can freshen up in."

"Freshen up?" You mumbled sleepily, sitting up from your bed slowly. You hadn't exactly bathed yourself in while, so the idea sounded appealing. You yawned and looked to your right, smiling when you saw Link sound asleep.

"Yeah," Alena said as she stood straight. She offered her hand and smiled. "I just went to take a quick dip."

You took her cold hand and hoisted yourself up from the ground. "Oh," you said, moving your hand away from hers. "Where is it?"

"Past those trees over there," she pointed east with her finger.

You glanced at where she pointed, leaning down to grab your satchel. "Hmm okay," you said, bringing a hand up to rub your eyes. "Good morning by the way."

"Morning," the girl giggled. "Are you hungry? I can make something for you to eat when you come back."

"Uh, yeah. I'm pretty hungry," you nodded. You took a glimpse at Link and then looked back at the brunette. "If Link wakes up, could you tell him where I am?"

"Sure thing," she said as she took a few steps backwards. "Anyway, I'll try to have the food ready by the time you come back."

"What are you going to make?" You asked curiously.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Guess you'll have to wait and see," she shrugged, sending you a half-smile.

You rolled your eyes playfully and waved. After taking another look at Link, you hummed and began walking east. You didn't stop walking until you reached the trees she had pointed at, and then you saw it. A beautiful lake surrounded by trees, which gave the area a sense of privacy. You smiled and walked toward the edge of the lake.

Wanting to test out the water, you dipped the tip of your toe in. A long shiver ran up your spine when the cold water touched your skin. "Cold," you mumbled as you dropped your satchel to the side. Taking one last glance around your surroundings, you started to undress (though you decided to remain in your undergarments). It was somewhat relieving to finally be out of the dress Link had gotten for you, and you couldn't wait to change into a pair of trousers once you were done bathing.

As you placed the dress beside your satchel, a gush of fresh air blew against your exposed skin, causing goosebumps to form all over your body. You hugged yourself, shuddering as you entered the clear lake little by little. The cold water stung you almost instantly, but as you submerged yourself more, your body began to accommodate to the cool temperature. You took a deep breath and dove in, engrossing every part of your body before plopping your head out the water.

Time passed by as you cleaned yourself. A soothing sensation came over you as you moved your hands to your wet hair. It was difficult to run your fingers through its wet state, but after trying you were able to comb your hair slowly. I think I'm clean enough, you thought as you swam back to your satchel and clothes. You made sure no one was around before getting out the water, dripping wet. Water trickled down your body as you reached for an old cloth you used as a towel.

You tapped the fabric on your skin, letting it soak up the water from your body before drying off your hair. Once you were done, you crouched and opened your satchel to take out your trousers and blue tunic. "I should probably clean these," you muttered, inspecting the dirt stains on the trousers and the grass stains on the tunic. Not wanting to be exposed for too long, you quickly turned around and placed your clothing inside the water.

You began to scrub the clothes together, rubbing away any stains they had. It took a while, but with enough patience, you were able to successfully clean your attire. You squeezed the tunic first, getting rid of any water from the fabric before moving onto the trouser. Seeing that the tunic was no longer soaking wet, you put it over your shoulder and quickly went on to squeeze your trousers. When you were done you smiled and stood up. You got ready to slip into the pants, but a sudden twig snap caused you to stop abruptly.

"(Y/n)? Are you here?" A deep voice, which you realised belonged to Link, called. The boy neared the lake, but his eyes still hadn't landed on you.

Your breathing hitched when you saw him. "Don't look!" You practically shouted as you started to change into your trousers at a hasty pace, but the sound of your voice only made the blonde turn to look at you.

Link went wide-eyed. He stared at your half-naked body for a split second until averting his gaze. He covered his face with his hands as heat spread all over his body, mainly his face. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look!" He squeaked, turning around so his back was facing you.

Your cheeks dusted a dark red as your heartbeat raced. "I-It's fine," you stuttered out, changing into your damp clothes. You moved your wet hair behind your ears and swallowed hard. "You can... look now."

The boy hesitantly dropped his hand and glanced over his shoulder. His red cheeks resembled the colour of yours, which made him feel slightly embarrassed. He parted his lips, his eyes falling to the floor as he kicked the ground a bit nervously. "Um, good morning?" His voice went a bit high pitch as he said the words like a question.

You smiled thinly. "Morning," you said, your voice sounding just as high pitch. You cleared your throat as an awkward silence grew between the two of you. "D-Did you just wake up?"

Link peered up, taking a few cautious steps toward you. "Yeah... Alena told me you'd be here so I came. But I didn't expect to find you... well," he paused, rubbing his arm a bit sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," you bit your bottom lip, a strange flutter going on in your stomach. "It was an accident."

"Yes, exactly."

It went silent for a few seconds. "Want to just forget that ever happened?" You asked, to which he responded with a quick nod. You smiled more genuinely and ran your shaking hand down your damp hair. "Well, I'm gonna head back." You bent over and picked up your satchel and wet cloth. "Are you going to freshen up as well or no?"

Link hesitated, his gaze flickering toward the water. "I'll freshen up," he said with a shrug, moving his eyes back to you.

You nodded and looked down at the cloth you held. "I don't have anything you can dry yourself with."

"That's alright. I'll just use my shirt."

You snickered and glanced up at his still blushing face. "Okay. See you in a bit," you said, staring into his eyes. You didn't walk away though. The two of you just stood there, looking at each other until a rustling sound of leaves snapped you both into reality. You smiled shyly and quickly walked away, leaving Link alone. You could feel his eyes on you as you strolled away, and you were tempted to glance over your shoulder to look at him, but you decided to keep your gaze ahead.

"Well you sure took your time," Alena hummed when she saw you nearing her already. She glanced at you and displayed the sweetest smile you had ever seen. "Are you feeling fresh?"

"Oh yes, very." You set your satchel down beside your blankets and then sat. A mouth-watering scent started to fly into your nose, causing you to gasp and sit up a bit. "What are you making?" You asked, intrigued as you got closer to the sizzling pot.

"Wildberry crepe," Alena answered, her grey eyes focused on the food she cooked. She grabbed a glass bottle of milk she had beside her and poured some into the pot, where a few other ingredients cooked.

"Sounds interesting."

"Mhm, and it tastes really good."

You moved away from the pot and stood up. "How long till it's ready?"

"Few minutes, give or take. Why?"

"Just asking," you replied as you went over to Zephyr and Epona. The horses mindlessly chewed on a patch of grass, and they responded to your presence with a simple snort. You shook your head with a soft chuckle, going over to one of their saddlebags. "Don't you girls prefer apples over grass?" You cooed, taking ahold of two apples from the bag. You skipped in front of them and held out the fruits happily.

The horses lifted their heads and neighed as they stepped closer to you, eating the apples from your hands in few bites. You made a fake disgusted face as you wiped your hands on your tunic. "You girls want more?" You asked, smiling when they answered with a snort.

"The food's ready!" Alena sang with a soft giggle.

You looked back, seeing that she was already serving the food onto three plates. "I'll give you girls another apple later, okay?" You said, giving the horses your attention for a few moments. You smiled at them softly and then strolled toward Alena, who was already handing you your plate of food.

"I hope you like it," she chirped as you took the plate from her hands.

"I'm sure I will," you spoke in the same tone cheerful tone. Now, you considered yourself a happy person, but Alena was a whole other level of happy. She radiated so much goodness that it just stuck to you, which you liked. You plopped down beside the brunette and looked at the strange food. The wildberry crepe certainly caught your attention, with the appealing scent it had and all, so you brought it up to your mouth and took a hesitant bite. "Oh my gosh."

Alena grinned, as if knowing you would react that way. "It's good?"

"It's delicious!" You exclaimed wholeheartedly. "How did you learn how to make this?" You stuffed more of the crepe into your mouth as you spoke.

"By putting random ingredients together," she admitted with a small laugh. "I've ended up with some culinary masterpieces, but most of the time I end up with dubious food."

You faked to pay attention, but it was hard to do that when you were so focused on the crepe you were eating. You simply nodded your head as Alena spoke, and let out occasional hums to agree with whatever she was saying. Suddenly, as Alena began to feast on her portion of food, she raised her eyes to look behind you and almost choked. Your head whipped up, and you stared at her with a concerned expression. "Are you okay?" You asked with a full mouth, causing your words to sound muffled.

Alena's cheeks went completely red as she patted her chest. "I'm fine," she coughed, moving her shy gaze away.

You raised an eyebrow and chewed on your food as you turned around. There, coming back from the lake, was a shirtless Link. His tunic was draped over his shoulder, but obviously, your attention wasn't on that. You felt your own cheeks turn a light red as you snickered, directing your eyes to the other blushing girl. "You sure you're fine?" You swallowed your food and suppressed the urge to laugh.

Alena, now controlling her breathing, flickered her eyes back to Link, who was mindlessly walking toward the two of you. "Yes," she said, though her voice was a mere whisper. Her grey eyes went over his attractive frame, but she looked away again when she heard you snickering. She silently wondered how you managed to act so normally around him, especially when he was shirtless. The girl bit her bottom lip and picked at the food, constantly flickering her eyes between Link and the wildberry crepe.

"What's that amazing smell?" Link asked when he reached the two of you. He pulled his tunic off his shoulder and rolled his arm around, stretching it. When he was done, he glanced at you and then at Alena, waiting to see which one of you replied.

"Alena made this thing called wildberry crepe's," you answered as you finished your food. You moved your empty plate to the side and looked up at him. "She made you one."

"Oh, really?" He smiled, his blue eyes flickering up to meet Alena's grey ones.

"Ah, yes," she nodded, her cheeks burning more. Alena quickly grabbed his plate and held it up for him. "Here it is."

"Thank you," Link said gratefully, taking a seat beside you. He immediately plopped some of the crepe's berries into his mouth and hummed out in satisfaction.

"You didn't dry your hair that well," you pointed out.

"I didn't?" He took more bites out of his food. He ran his fingers through his hair and scrunched his face when he felt a river of water trickle down his neck and back. "Oh well."

You rolled your eyes playfully and faced Alena. "We should start packing up. If we travel now, I'm certain we can reach the fairy fountain before sunset."

"Want me to help pack?" Link asked as he ate.

"You have to help. But finish your food first and then we can start."

Link grabbed the entire crepe and stuffed it all into his mouth. His cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, giving him an adorable look. Alena and you began to laugh, which made him chuckle as he worked on chewing the food. "Done," he swallowed hard and patted his chest with a fisted hand.

"How can you eat that fast?" Alena scoffed, smiling as she got up from the ground.

"It's a gift."

You burst out laughing. "A gift?"

"Yes," Link replied innocently. He grinned and stood up from the ground. He picked up the plates and a few other things, holding everything in his forearms. "Now, let's start, yes? I really want to see what the fairy fountain looks like."


It took hours to find the Great Fairy Fountain. But after traversing between a large canyon and through a dark forest, the three of you stumbled upon a wide clearing that was surrounded by tall trees. Very little light touched the new area you were in, but in the centre of the clearing there was a massive bud type thing. A small circle of water surrounded the bud; however, glowing orange petal-like steps lead to a small platform.

The wind howled as the three of you stared at what you assumed was the fountain. "So this is it?" Alena whispered, her eyes glancing side to side. "I don't see any fairies."

"Maybe they're hiding?" Link said quietly.

You took a step forward, carefully watching where you placed your foot. Fluttering sounds entered your ears, but you kept your focus on the large bud that began to shake lightly. You glanced behind you, waving your hand so Link and Alena could follow behind you. "Come on," you whispered, turning your head around to face the trembling bud.

Link quickly took his place beside you, his blue eyes glued on the bud that shook back and forth. "I think we have to go up those steps," he said quietly. He didn't know why he was talking so hushed, but he made no attempt to raise his voice.

You nodded and looked over your shoulder once more. "Alena, aren't you coming?" You asked.

The girl stared at Link and you blankly before shaking her head. "I... I'll go wait for you two by the horses," she said with a bit of fear. She didn't know what to expect, but one thing was certain in her mind. Staying with the horses was probably safer than heading toward something foreign and unknown.

Link and you looked at each other before saying in unison, "Okay, we'll try not to take long." The simultaneous sentence caused the two of you to giggle quietly before directing your attention back to the wiggling bud. Both of you heard Alena walk away as you began stepping onto the petal-shaped steps that went over the water.

Your presence caused the green bud to move a bit more violently. This made Link hold your hand out of instinct as you both reached a wide platform that was casually placed in front of the shaking bud. A distorted voice started to speak, but neither of you knew where it was coming from until the platform shook.

"Boy," the voice echoed, "sweet boy. Please... listen to my story."

Link raised an eyebrow, his fingers lacing around yours a bit protectively. The urge to say Nah, I'll pass, rocked his brain, but he didn't exactly want to come off as rude. "Uh... okay?" Link said, guessing that the voice was coming from inside the bud. And if it was, he really needed to speak louder. What if the person —or whatever was inside the strange thing—couldn't hear him due to the bud's thickness?

"I am the Great Fairy," the voice began to say, echoing through the lonely forest. "This place was once a beautiful spring. But as time passed, fewer and fewer travellers arrived to offer me rupees. As a result, my power has abandoned me." The Great Fairy spoke with so much sorrow that it caused you to knit your eyebrows together sadly. "I'm nearly powerless now, so I beg your help. I need rupees to become whole again."

"We have rupees or well, you do," he glanced at you. "I don't have much left."

You rolled your eyes and looked back at the large bud. "How much do you need, Great Fairy?"

The fairy stayed silent, as if processing your words. "I need 100 rupees. Once my power is restored, I can help you do great things." A small part of the bud split open, and through it, a hand, the size of your body, came out with its palm open. "Now, if you have rupees, hand them over to me. Quickly!"

"100?" You mumbled quietly. You shook your head, not at all questioning the amount the Great Fairy needed. You opened your pouch full of rupees, took the amount needed and held them out.

The hand snatched the rupees from your palm roughly and a sudden moan of relief was heard. "Thank you. You are too kind!" The fairy said as the bud began to shake a bit more. The platform began to tremble and to keep from falling Link wrapped his arms around you and held onto you tightly. Purple smoke started to seep through the bud's cracks, fogging his eyesight and yours. With your vision fogged, you paid attention to the noises and the fairy that now giggled in blissfulness.

The bud sprouted open, and as the purple fog began to disperse, you were able to see a small pool of water inside what looked like a large flower. Sparkles started to shine over the water and for a few seconds, nothing happened. Suddenly, the platform shook once more and out of the water emerged a beautiful, giant fairy. The Great Fairy extended her arms out, exclaiming something as light entered the area that was once dark.

Link and you stared at the fairy in awe, admiring her sparkling outfit and her gorgeous features. The Great Fairy sighed in content as she lowered her hands gracefully, letting some of her bangs fall over her crystal-like eyes. "Oh, what a feeling! The first breath of fresh air after an eternity of decay... It's just so intoxicating. Thanks to you two, I've been returned to my former glory. And as they say— one good deserves another."

"Fresh air... yeah," Link mumbled, not really paying attention. His mouth hung open slightly as he stared at the alluring fairy. Noticing this, you nudged him in the ribs, snapping him out of his temporary daze. He looked at you sheepishly, a pink colour painting his cheeks.

The Great Fairy clasped her hands together, humming happily. "Oh, you're very handsome," she sang to Link, her voice sounding so soft and inviting. "And oh, your pink cheeks make you look so cute."

Link brought his free hand over his cheek and smiled shyly at the compliment. "T-Thank you," he stuttered.

The fairy then flickered her gentle eyes to you. "And you. Wow, you have such a pretty face," she giggled, her hands cupping her cheeks as she admired you. Her compliment caused you to turn your head down shyly, which made the fairy giggle once again. "Now then, let's skip to the good stuff, yes? As you know, Great Fairies have the power to offer one protection."

You raised your head to make eye contact with her. "What do you mean by protection?"

"Well, I have the power to enhance one of your clothing," she explained, "doing so grants you more protection when in battle, or when you are in any situation that may risk your life."

"So... it makes the garment of our choosing more powerful?"


"That's amazing," Link said.

"Indeed. So, what would you like me to enhance?" She asked both of you, waving her hands around gracefully.

"My Champion's tunic," Link responded almost immediately.

"Eager I see," the Great Fairy delicately placed a hand over her lips and giggled. "And you, my dear?"

"My Champion's tunic as well," you replied softly. "Please."

"Very well. Just so you both know, this may tickle," she cautioned, pressing a gentle kiss on the tips of her fingers. Light pink fog blossomed in her hands, and when she extended her palm out, she blew the magical fog toward the two of you with sweet eyes. She then placed her index finger under her chin, her crystal eyes fixated on Link and you. "Well, how do you feel?"

As you received the magical fog, you expected the tunic's fabric to become tougher, but nothing happened at all. "I feel... the same?" You touched the hem of your blue tunic. "Is that normal?"

"Oh yes. The enhancement won't make itself known until needed," she responded, her crystal eyes then flickering toward Link.

Link lifted the garment and put it to his nose. "My tunic smells like flowers," he said, arching an eyebrow.

The Great Fairy giggled and tilted her head. "Yes, it's a lovely scent, is it not?"

He shrugged and dropped the tunic. "I guess it is," he nodded, glancing at you. "Does yours smell like flowers?"

You hesitated and grabbed the collar of your tunic. "Yes," you replied, smiling at how sweet the nice aroma was. "Thank you, Great Fairy."

"Oh, I should be thanking you, my dear. If it weren't for you two, I would still be trapped inside that small little bud," she sighed, glancing at the large green petals that once held her in a tight prison. "Well then, I hope the enhancement comes in handy for you both."

Link and you nodded. He took your hand in his once again and smiled softly at the gorgeous fairy. "I'm sure it will," he replied, bowing his head. "Thank you, again."

The Great Fairy bowed her head in return. As she lifted her head back up, her crystal eyes landed on your linked hands. A smile graced her plump lips as she studied the two of you. "You two are a very cute couple," she squealed, her eyes crinkling as she smiled.

You blushed and glanced down at your hand, which was wrapped around Link's. Rather than address her mistake, you simply showed her another smile and bowed your head as well.

"I wish you both safe travels!" The Great Fairy giggled, extending her arms up. She sent you both a wink before sinking deep inside the pool. Her giggle echoed throughout the forest and as it slowly came faded away, Link looked at you. You half-expected him to bring up the Great Fairies misconception, but instead, he smiled at you charmingly and led you down the petal-shaped steps.

"Come on. We should head back to Alena before the sun goes down," he said.

A fluttering feeling sprouted inside your stomach as he played with your fingers as you both walked through the thick forest. You looked down and kicked a few rocks, a stupid smile taking over your face. "Okay," you responded, gently playing with his fingers in return.

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