Bad News // Johnny Lawrence

By spacewalker11

621K 13.2K 32.1K

You and your twin brother Daniel had always been close. But when Johnny Lawrence fights his way into your lif... More

Part 1: The Valley
Part 2: Day at the Beach
Part 3: The First Day of School
Part 4: Sick
Part 5: Confrontation
Part 6: Mr. Miyagi
Part 7: The Halloween Dance
Part 8: The Halloween Dance 2
Part 9: Sensei
Part 10: Sorry
Part 11: The Favor
Part 12: The Morning After
Part 13: Dating
Part 14: The Country Club
Part 15: The Country Club 2
Part 16: Playing Hookie
Part 18: Wingwoman
Part 19: The Tournament 1
Part 20: The Tournament 2
Part 21: The Tournament 3
Part 22: Love
Part 23: The Semi-finals
Part 24: The Finals
Part 25: Celebration

Part 17: Birthday

20.2K 435 992
By spacewalker11

Bruh I started writing this and forgot it's your birthday too so I had to start over LMAO. I hate myself.

You woke up to the smell of bacon. Walking into the kitchen, you saw your mom cooking up a large batch as well as pancakes. You wondered what the special occasion was. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you thought about what it could be.

"Good morning, ma." You said to get her attention.

She smiled at you. "Good morning sweetheart. Happy birthday!"

Your eyes widened as you completely forgot. You were happy, but still surprised. "Thanks Ma."

"Could you go wake up Daniel, you gotta leave for school soon."

You nodded and did what she asked. "Good morning birthday boy." You said as you hit him with one of his pillows.

"You too." He groaned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

You walked out into the kitchen again, listening to your mom wish him a happy birthday and him gush over all the food she cooked.

While they were talking, you ate your food and waited for the time Johnny would come by to pick you up.

As you ate, you noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under a cooking book and picked it up. After reading it you quickly put it back where you found it.

Your mom had put a reminder to get eggs for the cake she would be making for you and Daniel. You had the sinking feeling you weren't supposed to see that. You decided not to say anything about it so you wouldn't ruin her surprise anymore than you already did.

You left before Daniel, hopping onto the back of Johnny's motorcycle. You liked his car better, not liking being so out in the open on the bike. The ride to school was quiet, as you couldn't really talk over the loud machine.

Once you got to school, Johnny placed his arm over your shoulders as he walked you to your locker.

He leaned against the one next to yours as you got your books out. "I won't need a ride home today." You informed him.

"Why?" He asked.

"It's my birthday so I gotta go home with Daniel." You said.

"It's your birthday?" He asked, perking up a bit. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Not gonna lie, I forgot." You laughed.

He smiled and shook his head. "If I would've known we could've done something to celebrate."

"Let's say yesterday was the celebration." You said, thinking back to your night under the stars.

"I was thinking something a little different." He said, trailing his hand down your side until it stopped on your ass.

You quickly slapped his hand away. "Johnny!"

He laughed, enjoying how flustered you were.

"It's actually good you don't need a ride. Sensei is making us all go in early for practice since the tournament is tomorrow."

"Looks like it works out then." You trailed off as your attention was drawn to the Cobra Kai's trying to get Johnny's attention from behind him.

You pointed, showing Johnny his waiting friends. He turned back to you, pulling you in for a quick kiss. "I'll see you later. You'll be cheering me on tomorrow right?"

You smiled. "Of course."

As he turned to leave you slapped his butt, making him turn back to you with wide eyes and a red face. Now it was your turn to laugh.

"Not cool." He said while shaking his head.

"Ya big baby." You teased as he walked backwards away from you.

He smirked. "I'll get you back for that."

He turned and walked over to his friends, not waiting for your reply.

*** *** ***
"Mr. Miyagi invited us to his house today." Daniel said as he started to pedal in the opposite direction of your apartment. You hadn't seen him in a while and were excited for the visit.

"Okay, but mom's baking us a surprise cake so we can't stay very long."

"How is it a surprise cake if you know about it?" Daniel teased.

"She doesn't know I know. And I intend on keeping it that way."

Once you got there, you were surprised to see a cake made for you two. Mr. Miyagi came singing his heart out while you and Daniel were blowing party horns in each others ears until he placed the lit cake in front of you both.

"Make wish." Mr. Miyagi said as he eagerly looked at the two of you.

"Oh man, I know what I'm wishing for." Daniel said with a smile.

You on the other hand didn't know what exactly to wish for. Things were going great for you. Daniel and you were as close as ever, and Johnny and you were making large strides forward in your relationship. It was too bad they didn't get along.

Your face lit up as you came up with your wish. Together, you and Daniel blew out the many candles spread across the cake.

Next thing you knew, a delicately wrapped present was placed into your hands.

"Awe Mr Miyagi what'd you do. You didn't have to do this." Daniel said as he was handed a present of his own.

Curious, you unwrapped it to find a small cherry wood box. Inside was a beautifully made bracelet with a bonsai tree pendant holding it together.

"Oh wow." You breathed out.

Mr. Miyagi took a hold of your hand as well as the bracelet. His nimble fingers clipped the bracelet to your wrist as he smiled gently to himself. "It belonged to Mrs. Miyagi. Now you."

Your mind went over what he said. He must miss her with all his heart. "If you ever want this back, I'll understand."

"I know you understand." He said as he squeezed your hand one last time before letting go.

You looked over to see Daniel putting on a karate gi with a matching bonsai tree on the back.

Mr. Miyagi placed a piece of cake in front of you and you happily dug in.

"You get driver license?" You heard Mr. Miyagi ask both you and Daniel.

"Oh yeah, yeah look!" An ecstatic Daniel took his license out of his pocket and held it up for him to see.

He smiled at Daniel. "Congratulations." Then he turned to you. "You not get license?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't see the big rush in getting it. Eventually I will, but not right now. Besides, I'm too busy looking after this kid." You said, nudging Daniel's shoulder.

"Understand." Mr. Miyagi said before turning his attention to a small picture from Daniels wallet. "I never know you have sweetheart."

"Oh no, I don't." Daniel said downheartedly.

"Is it a picture of Ali?" You asked with a mouthful of cake.

Daniel nodded to you before Mr. Miyagi spoke again. "Look good together. Different, but same."

Daniel took another sip of his drink. "Nah. Different, but different."

You wondered what happened with him and Ali. But before you could ask Mr. Miyagi spoke again. "Too bad mother not here."

When he said that you choked on your cake and turned to face Daniel who had wide eyes and an open mouth. "Shoot! Damn. Ah Mr. Miyagi we gotta go. We were supposed to meet our mom. She was gonna make this surprise cake for us."

"Miyagi understand." He said as he grabbed Daniels jacket for him.

"We weren't supposed to know about it." You said as you put your own jacket over your shoulders.

"That's okay." Mr. Miyagi said.

"I'm sorry." You and Daniel said together.

"Miyagi once have mother too. Good outside. Have something show you." He said, gesturing towards the door.

"What?" Daniel asked curiously.

"Number two present." Mr. Miyagi answered.

"Two presents?" You chuckled.

"You don't have to give us anything. You've given enough already." Daniel said to Mr. Miyagi as he continued out the door.

"He's right," you added "thank you but really, you've given more than enough."

"No, no, no." Mr. Miyagi continued to say until all of you were standing outside.

He rose his arm to point at the row of cars in front of you. "Choose."

Your jaw dropped and you were left speechless.

"Oh no." Daniel said but was quickly shut down by Mr. Miyagi. "Hurt old man feeling. Choose."

"Oh wow." Daniel said, finally going towards the yellow car he favored.

You on the other hand kept your feet planted. These cars were nice. They were clearly worth a large amount of money. More than you could take.

You thought about how much money these could get Mr. Miyagi if he needed it. God forbid he got sick or injured. He would need the money.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Mr. Miyagi. "Choose."

You shook your head with a frown. His small smile was replaced with a frown of his own when he saw your reaction.

It broke your heart a bit seeing him upset, but you knew it was for the best. "I can't. It means so much to me that you would give up one of these beautiful cars for me, but I just can't. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I took something this valuable from you."

He brought you into a hug. "You are more valuable to me than any car could ever be."

You released him from the hug, but you kept a hold of each others elbows. "Daniel and I are twins. We share everything. And we'll share a car too."

Pleased with the compromise, you and Mr. Miyagi hugged once more before returning to Daniel who was now sitting in your new car.

You hopped into the passenger seat, loving the feeling of the soft leather on your legs.

"Just remember, license never replace eye, ear, and brain." Mr. Miyagi said.

You ran your hand along the car's interior. The craftsmanship was truly something special. You were happy with your decision to share the car.

You were brought back to reality by the sound of the engine coming to life. "Go find the balance."

As you drove away, Mr. Miyagi yelled out, "Bonsai, Daniel-san!"

"Bonsai!" Daniel repeated.

Next he replaced Daniel's name with yours, and you answered back with a loud "Bonsai!"

And then you were off speeding down the street towards home.

Guys I'm excited for the next chapter it's gonna have some action and our favorite character haha...not really

Without further adieu, Mr. Johnny Lawrence

When he sucks toes😳

Okay here's the real picture lmao. I've decided to save the ones where he's in the black gi for when I actually get there in the story (they're my favorite)

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