One Piece: Law of Flame

De M-B312

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Harbinger D. Daisuke. A soldier, an assassin, a pirate, a powerful Devil Fruit User, and the eldest brother t... Mais



55 6 1
De M-B312

|| The Moment of Resolution - Corazon's Farewell Smile! ||

Corazon was acting weird when he finally came back. By then, however, Law had fallen unconscious again due to his sickness.

Corazon's stumbling, pained, limping motions worried Daisuke, but the tall bird kept shrugging off Daisuke's concerns due to the fact did he had it. The Ope Ope no Mi.

The Barrels Pirates' hideout was still up in flames and the small, quiet ghost town wasn't safe for the three anymore.

So Corazon carried Law in his arms as Daisuke followed close enough to keep an eye out for anyone who would dare to attack them.

Corazon hid behind a small brick wall that had two large, snowcapped trees at both ends. There was another section of rock that had been broken off from the wall, and the crack gave Daisuke a perfect view to scope out anyone that could be approaching the wall.

Corazon waited for Law to open his eyes as Daisuke was perched on the rock, the most observant he's ever been. Eventually, however, he somewhat dropped his guard when Law awoke.

"Cora-san..." Law mumbled, slowly opening his eyes. Corazon held a small smile as he gave Law his signature "peace-sign."

"Good. You are okay." Law continued, getting used to being awake. "Silence." Corazon said, snapping his fingers as he activated his Nagi Nagi no Mi powers, placing Law, Daisuke, and himself in an invisible soundproof dome.

"Look!" Corazon chimed, pulling out a red, swirly, heart-shaped fruit from inside his coat, "it's the Ope Ope no Mi!"

Law, who was now propped up against the wall and still rapped in the beige cloak-blanket, was breathing quite heavily as he gestured to the burning building atop the hill with his eyes.

"The building is on fire and I heard some gunshots so I thought maybe something had happened to you..."

Daisuke jumped down from where he was perched, walking over an kneeling down next to him. "I told you not to worry, Kid! Cora-san would be fine!"

Law's tired, slightly pained silver eyes met Daisuke's determined, yet worried, deep blue. "Oi! That's beside the point!" Corazon barked, bringing both Law's and Daisuke's attention to him.

The snow was still falling from the dark, cloud-filled royal blue sky. The sea was still raging on down below, and the Barrels Pirates' hideout was still blazing on in the distance.

"You gotta cheer up!" Corazon cried, not caring about how loud he was being due to the soundproof dome, "This Devil Fruit will save your life!"

"Cora-san..." Daisuke trailed, reaching a hand out to place on the tall bird's arm but he decided against it. He wished he could be as optimistic as Corazon, but he didn't even know for sure if the Ope Ope no Mi could cure Law.

"But even if I eat it, you don't know if it will cure my disease." Law said, voicing the unheard doubt that clouded Daisuke's mind.

Suddenly, Corazon grabbed Law's shoulder. "What are you talking about?! It will!" He then shoved the fruit into Law's mouth, forcing the young boy to eat it.

"Now, eat it! Here! Eat it quickly!" Corazon yelled. "C-Cora-san! Oi! No! Stop!" Daisuke yelped in surprise.

"What are you doing...?!" Law mumbled out, struggling to speak because of the Devil Fruit being forcefully shoved down his throat.

"Gross!" Law complained. Daisuke sweatdropped. Did... did I forget to tell Law about how bad they taste...?

"There! Chew it like this! Chew it up and swallow it down!" Corazon continued on, moving Law's jaw as to forcefully make him chew the magic fruit.

In the end, Corazon was successful. Law painfully gulped down the fruit, his body not used to swallowing something so big.

Law fell to his knees, his breathing increasing sharply. The effects of the fruit were beginning to affect his body.

He looked to his hands, feeling an odd, tinging sensation ripple throughout his whole body.

Daisuke quickly placed his hands on Law's shoulders again. "Oi! Take a breath! It's overwhelming, I know, but everything's fine!"

Law listened to Daisuke's advice—since he's had the experience with being forced to eat a Devil Fruit, and caught his breath before rising to his knees.

"O-Oi, Cora-san! I wasn't even ready to become a—" he was cut off however by Corazon's arms falling limply to his sides as he then fell down face-first into the snow, "—a Devil Fruit User!"

There was a pause as the rendering of what just happened to Corazon processed through his mind, yet Daisuke was quicker to his feet. "Cora-san!"

Daisuke quickly ran over to Corazon's side as Law was still processing what he was seeing. "Cora-san? O-Oi!"

Corazon was breathing heavily, his eyes closed. "It's good... you can... cure yourself now... we have outsmarted Doflamingo... we won..."

From Daisuke's position, he saw a trail of blood pour from Corazon's temple. Daisuke immediately tensed, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. Cora-san...

"What's wrong, Cora-san? Are you just tired?" Law asked, concern in his voice as he kneeled down to Corazon's side. Then, blood started to pool from under him, staining the snow.

"What?! Wait a minute!" Law then attempted to flip Corazon over. Seeing what he was trying to do, Daisuke helped him out, causing Law to fall on his back.

Once Corazon was rolled over, Daisuke paled, his eyes going wide. Corazon's body was stained with blood, his light pink shirt with darker pink hearts all over it was riddled with bullet holes.

"You're covered in blood!" Law cried, yelling a bit after seeing Corazon's body. "Cora-san, did you get shot?!" Daisuke barked.

Corazon was still heaving, "Yeah, I made a little blunder." He said with a strain. "Now ain't the time for jokes!" Daisuke yelped, hearing his voice brake slightly.

"Damn! What are you doing, Cora-san?!" Law cried. Corazon didn't answer however as he kept convulsing in pain.

"Oh, yeah!" Law suddenly remembered. He held out his arms over Corazon, "Get better!" He begged, but nothing was happening. "Get better!"

Daisuke looked at Law sadly. He just wants to help Cora-san, he thought as his eyes wandered back to Corazon's body, but that's... not how the Ope Ope no Mi works...

Daisuke couldn't bring himself to tell him that. Daisuke gripped his jeans, his eyes filling with tears. Dammit! I'm fucking useless!

"Get better!!" Law continued, "Stop bleeding! Stop!!" Corazon chuckled deeply as he weakly placed his hand on Law's head. Well, his hat.

"Ope Ope no Mi power, heal him!" Law wailed. "That's foolish of you... we told you the ability doesn't work like magic." Corazon smiled.

Daisuke felt warm tears fall down his cheeks as he began shaking. He was a warrior, a tool of death. He can't do anything. Hell, he didn't know what to do. Too many thoughts kept running through his mind for him to even think straight anymore.

"What am I supposed to do then?!" Law cried as Corazon's arm fell limp again. "You... got shot because of me, didn't you?!"

Law whimpered quietly as tears fell from his eyes and onto Corazon. "I said it's not like that... I just messed up," he said, his smile never fading.

That's when he realised Daisuke hadn't spoken up in a while, "Law, Daiko... I'll be alright! These wounds won't kill me."

He began coughing, blood spraying out of his mouth as he winced in pain. "Cora-san!" Daisuke and Law both barked out worriedly.

Corazon's breaths became hoarse and gasp-like. "But I want to stanch the bleeding for a while..."

There was a pause for a moment, making Daisuke wipe the tears from his eyes using the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Listen carefully, Law. Daiko. We sure did get the Ope Ope no Mi. But it won't stop Doflamingo running wild yet!"

He rose his head, meeting Daisuke's eyes and Law's. Daisuke could see his reddish-brown eyes dulling, filling his gut with fear. "I'm sorry to use you when you're weakened and worried, but I need you to do me a favour."

Law and Daisuke shared a look as Corazon began to explain, "I saw a Navy look-out ship off the west coast of the island..." he held up a small black cylinder.

It had a lock on it as well as the Navy's symbol. "I want you to hand this over to them. All the Navy soldiers will know what it is once they see this cylinder,"

Daisuke stared at the symbol on the cylinder. This... this proves that he's a Navy soldier... does he...

"This one small package will save," Law took the cylinder from Corazon's hands, the small black package fitting a bit big in Law's smaller palms, "... a far-off kingdom called Dressrosa."

"A kingdom? But I hate the Navy..." Law said, gripping the cylinder tightly. Corazon brought his hand up, cupping Law's hand that held the package.

"You're the son of a doctor, aren't you? You'll be able to save more than just sick people from now on, Law. Daiko will help you master your new abilities. He knows more about Devil Fruits than anyone in the world. So don't get so bent out of shape." Corazon said, Daisuke smiling sadly at the praise he received.

Corazon tightened his grip around Law's hand. "As soon as you finish delivering this, let's all get off of this island!"

Law gave a determined nod as Daisuke's sad smile formed into a cheerful one. Corazon gave Law a closed-eyed smile, "And let's travel all around the world! Just the two of you and me!"


Law made Daisuke stay back to take care of Corazon. He was against letting Law go on his own, but Law promised Daisuke that everything would be okay.

"Are you sure...? Law's alright...?" Corazon's pained voice asked from Daisuke's side.

Daisuke had helped move Corazon to where he was propped up against the brick wall. Corazon's soundproof dome was gone, making Daisuke stay on high alert.

After Daisuke propped up Corazon, he stayed by his side whilst holding one of his knives in his palm. His fingers were bleeding from the many cuts from when he would get so absorbed in his surroundings that he didn't realised he had nicked his finger. Multiple times.

"He promised me, Cora-san," Daisuke replied, his eyes continuously scanning the white world around them. The snow would fall in front of his face, making him distracted for a split second as he saw his breath. "Law's stronger than he looks."

Corazon watched Daisuke, his eyes reading what was on the back of his sweatshirt, semi-hidden by the tail of his scarf. The one simple word written within the red heart. Corazón.

Corazon smiled as he closed his eyes. The sounds around him were calming. He couldn't hear any Navy soldiers, or any pirates. All he did hear was the occasional sharp breath from Daisuke when his blade would nick his finger.

Then, they heard a voice, "Cora-san! Daiko-ya!" Daisuke looked up and tensed up immediately. Law was on the back of a Navy soldier, waving to them.

But he wasn't on the back of a Navy soldier. He was on the back of... Vergo.

"He said he's gonna give you first aid! Cora-san!" Law continued on, his voice hopeful for once.

That's what's making this situation worse, Daisuke thought, taking a protective, but unnoticed step in front of Corazon as he tightened his grip on his knife, Law's so hopeful. He doesn't know who that man is... so the mission they sent Vergo on... was to infiltrate the Navy?!

Corazon groaned softly, weakly opening his eyes at the sound of Law's voice. When his eyes adjusted, the first thing he saw was Daisuke's tense stance, like he was about to pounce on something.

Then, his eyes trailed to the man who stopped in front of him and Daisuke. That man being Vergo, with what appeared to be a piece of squid stuck to his cheek.

"Vergo?!" Corazon barked. "Corazon?! Harbinger-san?! What are you two doing here?! Wait, did you just talk?!" Vergo replied, just as shocked to see Corazon as Corazon was to see him.

Corazon face-palmed angrily. Damn! Don't tell me his secret mission is...

Vergo narrowed his eyes at Corazon, making Corazon do the same back. Daisuke let out a warning growl, his eyes flashing green for a mere second.

Vergo's eyes moved over to Daisuke. "So, you're still alive, Harbinger-san?" As he stood up straight, Law fell off his back. All he got in response was a low growl from Daisuke.

"You know each other?" Law questioned once he sat up. "Vergo... is he..." Law trailed off as his eyes widened. He remembered the first ever actual conversation he had with Corazon, and how Daisuke explained that Vergo was away from the Donquixote Family on a secret mission.

Law's jaw dropped as Vergo ripped open the lock on the cylinder. "Don't! That's—!" Corazon reached out, trying to stop Vergo but his wounds prevented him from doing so. He writhed in pain, falling to the ground.

Vergo read through the scroll that was rolled up into the cylinder. As he did, Corazon tried to make his way over to Vergo but the pain of his body was too much to allow him to walk.

The look on Corazon's face made him seem angry that out of every Navy soldier, Vergo was the one to get the note. But it wasn't Law's fault.

He never met Vergo, so how was he supposed to know that this man was him?

"Understood. Rosinante." Vergo said with malice dripping from his words as he watched Corazon painfully crawl up to him. As he did, Daisuke lowered his stance, ready to attack at any second.

"Give that back—!" Corazon was suddenly cut off by Vergo kicking him in the face through the brick wall.

"Cora-san!!" Law and Daisuke cried out. Daisuke's eyes widened as his stance relaxed. He did not see that one coming.

Corazon's body was thrown through the brick wall, the wall breaking upon impact. He skidded in the snow, causing massive damage to his back.

"Rosinante!" Vergo growled, attempting to walk forward to Corazon when suddenly Law jumped on him. "Stop it! You! You! Dammit!" He tried punching Vergo, but it was doing nothing.

"Law! Get away from him!" Daisuke cried as Vergo looked to Law, who was latched onto his body. "You! You! You! You!"

He paused to catch his breath as he then looked Vergo right in the eyes, "You're the Vergo guy, aren't you?!"

Vergo grabbed Law by the throat holding him up. "LAW!" Daisuke screamed.

"The Vergo guy? So I guess you're Law from the White Town," Vergo said as Law frantically kicked his legs to try and make Vergo release him, "I heard about you. I heard the two of you along with Harbinger-san went missing. You have no sense of propriety!"

Daisuke's eyes narrowed as he growled. Corazon was knocked down on the pile of ruble the wall made from it smashing. Law gripped hard on to Vergo's hand, struggling to breathe as the stoic, black-haired man held him.

"If you know that I'm your great senpai, you call me Vergo-san!” Vergo cried as he then threw Law away as if he were nothing more than a ragdoll.

Law landed a bit further away then Corazon then, but Vergo's action was enough to piss Daisuke off.

Maybe Doflamingo forgot to mention what happens if you hurt him in front of Daisuke.

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Daisuke roared, his eyes flaring the same green colour as his dragon form.

Vergo looked over, meeting Daisuke's eyes. "Don't think I forgot about you, Harbinger-san." He said darkly.

Daisuke's grip on his blade was so tight that the knife snapped in two.

The two pieces of the blade, still coated in Daisuke's blood, hit the snowy ground. "You just destroyed your weapon. How do you plan on killing me?"

Daisuke's lips curved into a psychotic smile. "Who said anything about regular weapons, Vergo-san?” Je said Vergo's name with obvious, venomous sarcasm dripping from his words as he arched his hand back, making the formation of a claw.

Vergo watched closely, not sure what exactly Daisuke had planned. Suddenly, however, Vergo's eyes widened when Daisuke's hand caught fire.

"I'm going to burn you alive. Faiyāsurasshu!” With a cry, Daisuke leapt into the air, his hand now a flaming dragon's claw.

Vergo narrowly avoided the attack, making Daisuke hit the snow-covered ground instead. Upon contact with the snowy ground, the snow instantly melted around Daisuke's claw.

"You're a Devil Fruit User, Harbinger-san? I didn't know." Vergo said as Daisuke quickly caught his balance to face him again.

"There's a lot you and your shitty family don't know ’bout me." Daisuke snapped back, his clawed-hand still burning with the fire of the sun.

Vergo let out a silent sigh. He heard things about Daisuke when Doflamingo talked about him over the den den mushi, but he failed to mention a Devil Fruit.

Then again, there were Daisuke's words of: there's a lot you and your shitty family don't know about me. Does Doflamingo even know about Daisuke's abilities?

"It's stupid to pick a fight with me, Harbinger-san. You should know this." Vergo condemned, effortlessly dodging Daisuke's attacks. Although, there were a few that got too close and Vergo could feel the burning flames.

"I don't give a damn! You hurt the people I care about!" Daisuke was panting a bit now, his energy seemed to be mostly drained. Was this because of his Devil Fruit?

"I've had enough of you," Vergo hissed out slowly, his hand becoming coated in Busoshoku Haki, "you shouldn't have tested my patience, Harbinger-san."

Daisuke's eyes widened as Vergo ran towards him at blinding speeds, rearing his arm back for a punch. He was too fast for Daisuke to dodge, and the next thing Daisuke knew was Vergo's fist colliding with his ribcage.

Daisuke choked out a gasp, blood flying from his mouth. Vergo leaned into him to whisper something in his ear, "I promise to make Rosinante and Law's deaths quick."

As he pulled his arm back for another punch, Daisuke could barely hear Corazon cry out his name before Vergo's fist made contact again, this time throwing him back a significant amount.

There was a sickening "crack" sound that came from the right side of Daisuke's chest. Blood poured from his mouth, tricking down his chin and the sides of his neck.

He was breathing even heavier as he saw his breaths in the cold air. As he tried to roll over, there was a sharp pain from his chest as he felt something pierce his lung. He fell to his knees, coughing up blood whilst heaving for air that wasn't full of the crimson liquid.

Daisuke's vision was starting to get blurry as he saw Vergo walk up to Corazon, tearing up the note that came from the cylinder.

"C-Cora... -san... L-Law..." Daisuke stuttered out before crying out in pain and holding his sides and falling to the ground again. Then, things started to go black.


When Daisuke awoke, he was in some sort of abandoned building lying down on the stone floor next to Law.

He sat up with a groan, instantly regretting his decision as pain erupted from his body, forcing him into a coughing fit.

Blood spilled from his mouth, staining his hand and slipping through his fingers to land on the stone below him.

"Easy, Daiko, you shouldn't move too much," Corazon's voice said, immediately catching Daisuke's attention. Looking over, he saw a badly beaten Corazon standing by the shattered window of the old stone house they were in. "I'm no doctor, but I'm positive Vergo broke a few of your ribs."

Daisuke wrapped his arm around his gut as he looked around the abandoned, crumbling stone house. "I'm... sorry, Cora-san..."

Corazon looked over, seeing that Daisuke's gaze was on the floor and not on him. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't fight Vergo. I'm sorry I let you and Law get hurt." Daisuke whimpered quietly, his heart aching as he saw Law's bloodied and beaten body next to him.

Corazon sighed, "Daiko, Vergo's on a completely different level than you. He's had years of training to hone his skills, and you're just a kid. True, you were trained for most of your life to be a soldier, and you do have a Devil Fruit, but you don't have full mastery of that power. We knew that stealing the Ope Ope no Mi would make us enemies of Doffy's. And we still did what we did. Now, we have to suffer the consequences."

Daisuke smiled softly as he looked up at Corazon. "Y-Yeah. You're right... thanks, Cora-san."

Corazon returned Daisuke's smile as he went back to looking out the shattered window, staring at something Daisuke couldn't make out in aggravation.

Soon, Law began to awake, much to Daisuke's relief. "Cora-san, Daiko-ya, what happened to us?" He asked slowly, his eyes adjustding to the new room he was in. Realising he wasn't outside, he spoke up again, "Oh. Where's Vergo?"

Not receiving an answer, he looked over to see what Corazon was glaring at. Daisuke did too, now seeing the faint outline of string-like objects in the sky, acting like the bars of a cage.

"What's that?" Law asked, voicing the question Daisuke wanted to ask but couldn't since Corazon silently banned him on taking.

Not with his Nagi Nagi no Mi, but with taking his advice since even breathing was difficult with a pierced rib.

"It's one of Doffy's abilities, I suppose," Corazon answered, "I've never seen it before, but there's one thing I know... we have nowhere left to run."

Daisuke and Law's eyes widened in horror at Corazon's words. Outside the house were screams of people murdering each other, but in a way that seemed like they had no control over their own bodies.

Daisuke knew about a few of Doflamingo's abilities. He asked Doflamingo about the Ito Ito no Mi, since the Family knew about Daisuke's obsession about learning of the many kinds of Devil Fruits.

One of Doflamingo's abilities was called the Birdcage. It made it so you couldn't escape if you're trapped within it. No matter what you do.

Based on the worried look on Corazon's face... they were really in a lot of trouble.

Corazon kept his gaze out on hell that raged on outside. Using the Parasite String in the cage, huh... there's no hiding it from them, not when Daiko knows... yeah, this is like hell.

"Cora-san, what's going on?" Law asked after hearing the noises from outside, and after seeing Daisuke's paled, tired face.

Corazon looked over, seeing how Law struggled to keep awake. Eventually, however, Law closed his eyes again as he couldn't stay awake any longer.

Corazon watched as Daisuke worriedly looked to Law, but he relaxed when he saw that Law was simply just asleep again. Then, Daisuke's eyes began to close slowly before he too fell asleep again, resting an arm over Law.

Corazon moved over to the two boys, remembering everything they've been through in the past four to five years. The smiles, the fights, the stupid times, the near-death experiences. They each had rocky beginnings, but there was no denying it.

They were his family. His sons. Even if they wouldn't admit it—Law most likely wouldn't while Daisuke definitely would—they saw him as a father. They loved him, as he loved them.

Maybe I can get Law and Daiko away, just them, Corazon thought as he watched the two sleep peacefully, unaware of the hell that was truly about to rise, I have no chance to survive now, but... will you remember me even after I die? His lips slowly formed into a smile, I'll die with a smile so...

He picked both boys up, using his Nagi Nagi no Mi ability to mask their sounds. Because... if you think of me someday... he didn't realise the extremely goofy smile that formed on his face, I'd rather have the two of you remember my smile.

"Law, Daiko, we have to get going," he said, waking both boys up. As their eyes slowly opened, they suddenly widened at Corazon's smile, Law's in shock and fear while Daisuke started laughing before going into another bloody, painful, coughing fit, to which he painfully groaned afterwards. "Let's go!"

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