
By One_HOE_Sock

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Everything is not what it seems More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 20

421 38 100
By One_HOE_Sock


Hyungwon's POV

Its been a few months since we've dated, and a few months since the incident happened and Wonho was acting strangely ever since then. I could sense something was wrong but I always dismissed it, thinking it was nothing until the others pointed out.

To be honest, I thought Wonho was only being over protective after that incident, making sure that I don't experience something like that ever again, which I find really sweet, even though I do experienced it at school. One of the few reasons why Max decided to bully me.

I mean, the mafia leader is still sweet like he always was to me, that angelic gummy smile along with his unrealistically nice personality, it's all the same.

But something changed. He changed. Like something has awoken inside him.

I can't seem to place my finger on how he changed. His still acting the same as before, but something was just, not right at all. Like, the answer was there but I don't know what it is and it's becoming so damn frustrating.

But whatever it was, Wonho was not acting like before.

The members seemed to noticed it too, as they warn me to be careful around him. It's like they sensed it too, the change in Wonho that none of us could figure it out.

But one thing is for sure. Whatever change that is happening to him now is nothing good at all. And we have to figure it out before it gets even worse.

If my boyfriend is still acting like that because of that incident then I'll just smack some common sense into him. It's been months and it's not even that bad, like seriously.

I've gotten much worse treatment than this thanks to Max. A disgusted glare is nothing compare to what that short ass put me through. Yes, I did feel uncomfortable that time, but it was all over now. I've gotten over it, so Wonho should also get over it right?

And another strange thing I noticed out of all of this, is that he had been asking me to get a real lip piercing for quite a lot of times now. When I'm hanging out with him, cuddling him on bed and just being with him in general.

I would find this weird but never mentioned it, refusing his offer to get a real one because I don't really want to. And plus, this fake one he gave me works just like a real one. Without close or careful glance no one would suspected it to be fake, and it works like a charm. So no, I won't be getting a real one anytime soon, or at all.

Right now I'm in our share bedroom. I've moved in to sleep with him ever since the first day we came back from the trip and all the moving and breaking my spine was worth it

I also may or may have not abandon Minhyuk so now whenever the sunshine opens the door to my room it's empty and no ones there. He kept complaining and whining about how it was so lonely and quiet without me but I told him to suck it and get used to it, which resulted in him whining even more.

His gotten used to it now, but occasionally he would still whine but it wasn't as bad as it was the first few days when I moved into Wonho room, so I would just laugh it off, patting his shoulder and move on to the next topic of our conversation.

Laying on the king sized bed and lazily scrolling through my phone, which I almost dropped when a knock rang through the entire room, startling me as I whipped my head to the door, the person outside waiting for my approval.

Since coming back from vacation, my schedule had changed a little. From training every day to only specific days, still getting my mental training from Kihyun, but other than that I'm free to mostly do what I want, since I didn't want to bother Wonho from his work, knowing that that man was busy and I didn't want to cause any distractions to him, so I just roam around the mansion looking for something interesting to do.

Today was one of those days.

Moving to a sitting position and resting my back against the headboard. It could be one of the members but I didn't want to risk it, since sometimes people I've never met will come knocking on the door and I didn't want them to think that I'm a stuck up slump since I'm dating their boss after all.

"Come in" I said, fixing my hair quickly and putting my hand down twice as fast when the door opened, revealing a worried Shownu. Looking at him, my back straightened a little, lifting away from the headboard as I stared at my friend.

"Can I help you, Shownu?" I asked the older and he stared at me, blinking as he opened the door a little wider so he could step in, and I slightly tilted my head, patiently waiting for the older to answer.

"Wonho wants to see you, his in his office" Shownu said after a while and I stared at him, my mind processing the words before I tensed up a little, my mind processing it and I could see Shownu looking at me, and I know he knows how I'm feeling.

People would take one look at Shownu and think that his dumb because of how he always look and don't really pay attention to him. But if you truly know him, he isn't what people paint him to be. Shownu is actually a very observant and sharp person, able to know how you feel just by staring into your eyes alone.

His like a mind reader.

Nodding a little as I stood up, stretching myself and pocketing my phone, making my way to Shownu who was out the room and waiting for me. Closing the door, we looked at each other before the older lead the way, even though we both know that I know the way. I've been there so many times during the months. But Shownu always walks me there so I decided to let him be, must've been used to it because he was, after all, Wonho's right hand man.

The walk there was silence, none of us saying anything as I looked around the familiar place, trying to distract myself while Shownu just looked ahead of him, like a statue walking. He looks like he wanted to say something but can't bring himself to, and I didn't want to pry in either. So hence the lingering silence.

Soon, we reached my boyfriends office, the all to familiar set of doors greet us and we stopped once we were in front of it. I was about to knock and announced my presence when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from doing so.

Looking at my side, I saw Shownu looking at me, his lips pursed and brow slightly furrowed, making me slightly furrow my eyebrows too. We were in that position for a while, just staring at each other and like usual, I tried to ask what was wrong when the older beat me to it.

"Be careful" He said softly, voice barely a whisper and I stared at him with wide eyes, shocked. I mean, I know what he was talking about, everyone in the group knows it, but it's the look in his eyes that made me realized something, and I dreaded for it.

"You're... not coming in with me?" I asked, voice as soft as him because if we do raise our voice, it could be heard on the other side and we definitely do not want that happening.

Shownu would usually accompany me into the room whenever Wonho calls for me no matter what, so to see him shaking his head was a huge news for me.

A news that I really didn't want to hear.

"No. He told me to get you and go do what I needed to do" The older replied back and I gulped, already dreading. It's not like Wonho did anything bad. It's just the feeling that all of us got after that homophobia incident with the dude, that is when it all started to go wrong.

We all also agree to be on aware and not be with Wonho alone, which was a huge struggle for me considering, well, we were dating and it's bound that we would be together. The others quickly agree that they would watch from afar, different person each time so the mafia leader wouldn't suspect anything, hopefully.

And now it's going to be me and him, all alone.


I looked at Shownu and he just offered a small smile, patting my back and warning me to be careful one more time as he let go of my hand before turning on his heels and walking away, leaving me alone.

Hand still hovering over the door, I decided screw it and knocked the door a few quick times, hearing a come in and my hand went to the knob, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, reassuring myself that I could do this.

Though not as good as Wonho, I still knew how to fight so I'll do that if necessary, to hopefully slow the leader down from doing anything to me so I could run the fuck away.

Opening my eyes and a last reassurance, I slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open, seeing the man himself, busy with his paperwork, but stopping when I came in, papers in both hands as his eyes moved to look at me and I smile slightly, closing the door gently.

Fuck his gaze is really intense.

I felt my face heat up under such an intense gaze without me knowing, but the older saw it, of course he does, and one of the corner of his lips curled slightly upward.

Deciding to get over it, because even though he is my boyfriend and I love this man with all my internal organs. He really isn't himself right now and I don't want to risk anything bad happening.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked the man sitting on his desk, looking at me like some sort of prey, his eyes a such a dark shade of brown that it could be mistaken as black.

And that is when the dread start to settle in.

He stood up suddenly and my eyes widen but I tried not to show it. He must not know that I know he isn't acting like himself right now, but boy am I shitty at acting.

I yelped when I was being lifted off the ground, bridal style, into his welcoming arms, and my dread from before was gone. I felt so safe in his embrace, like nothing could go wrong in this world, leaning into his touch and snuggling my face into his chest

I should have known better

"We're going on a date, love" He said, finally speaking for the first time after I entered in this office and I looked at him, confused. A date? Right now? That's so sudden. Wonho usually informs me a few days before we go on a date, not on the spot. I look like shit.

Saying nothing but nodding, I let the mafia leader lead me to wherever that he was going, enjoying the warmth that he was producing, making me feel safe and sound.

My head laid on his chest as I my eyes lazily blinked, watching where we were going with half lidded eyes, slightly paying attention to where we were headed, my mind going places as I distracted myself.

I tilted my head slightly when we ended up in front of a set of doors that I've never seen before, only realizing now that I should have pay attention to my surroundings when Wonho brought me here.

God damnit.

Shifting me a little in his arms, the older unlocked and open the door, a flight of stairs presented before us, the stairs looking endless as it continued and disappeared into the darkness as I stared at it, my brain confused.

Didn't he say that he was taking me on a date?

This is some weird date.

Saying nothing, Wonho stepped in as he closed the door, stepping by an oil lamp that was hanging from the wall as Wonho asked me to grabbed it, which I did and held it in front of me, creating a little light source for us and Wonho walked down the seemingly endless staircase.

I hummed softly, sleepiness taking over me as I rested my head on my boyfriend chest, thea creaking of the oil lamp as it slowly shook back and forth from the movement, the little thing providing us a massive amount of light as we continued making our way down.

Just how long is this flight of stairs?

After what seemed like hours, we finally reached the bottom, where another pair of door were presented before us. Actually, there were multiple pair of doors. One pair right in front of us, two on the left and two on the right.

Wonho began walking to the door that was in the middle, the one right in front of us. Asking me to open the door again, which I did, he stepped in and closed it with his foot.

I squinted my eyes, trying to see what was in the room through the source of light we were getting, only managing to see a few silhouettes of objects and my confusion only grew from there. Why did Wonho bring me down here?

My head still on his chest, I slightly cranked my head to get a better look at him, though I couldn't see him clearly, he know I was looking at him from my movements.

"Wonwon?" I asked in a soft voice, speaking after a while and I heard Wonho soft hum, indicating that he was listening. "What are we doing here?" I asked again, this time my voice a little louder.

He answered by walking, seeming to know where he was going even in the limited light source we were getting and I looked to see where we were heading, or tried too, squinting my eyes to get at least a knowing of what this room was.

Stopping in front of something, I looked down to see a metal table, which he gently laid me down onto, taking the oil lamp from me and set it down on a table before he took my hand and a series of clicks were heard.

That's when realization hit me and my eyes widen.

He was strapping me to the table.

I watched as he strap both my hands to the table and I struggled, confused and panicking. This isn't a date, it's not a date at all.

I stare at Wonho, whose silhouette was towering over me like some creature ready to hunt their prey and me being the prey. I tried breaking the strap to no avail. What was I thinking anyways.

I saw a his hand raising as it came close to my face, and I winced a little, the hand gently laying on my cheek as his thumb started caressing it gently, like he didn't strap me to a metal table while looming over me like some fucking psychopath.

His hand then trailed down to my lip, his thumb running across my lower lip slowly before stopping when it came to the lip ring, and his thumb trailed along it, fingers gripping the chain connecting to it as he traced it gently, up until the end, caressing my ear gently with his thumb before letting go.

"To answer your question"  Wonho finally spoke as he turned, back facing me as he walked off to somewhere, his silhouette disappearing into the darkness as he appeared again, placing something beside the oil lamp, but before I could even take a glimpse of what it was, Wonho body blocked me from seeing it, his hand going to lay on my face again.

"Something I should have done months ago" His voice barely a whisper as he stroke his thumb on my cheek before going down to grip the lip ring and took it out, doing the same to the two earrings that were connected to the lip ring.

Back turned against me once again, he began doing something that I couldn't see and frankly I also don't wanna know, trying my hardest to get out of these straps.

Should have listened to Shownu's warning, fuck me.

As I struggled with it, Wonho came back with something in his hand, which kinda looks like a thick needle, and it took me a while to figure what it was.

A permanent marker.

A free hand coming to grip and stretch my lower lip open, his hand now gloved as I could feel the tip of the marker making a line on my lip, hearing the cap close as he rummage through something and I felt a cold sensation on my lips.

An ice cube.

He left the cube on the marked part of my lip until it turned numb, throwing the cube away carelessly before grabbing something else and it took me a while to identify it but my eyes widen when I realized what it was

A piercing needle.

His free hand grabbing my lower lip and pulling it open, I could barely feel the needle touching my skin. "You refuse to get your lip pierced no matter how many times I asked of you" The mafia leader spoke as he then leaned down so his mouth was beside my ear.

"So I decided to do it for you"

The next thing I felt was the needle piercing through my lip, but thanks to the ice which left my lip numb, it didn't hurt that much, but it was still slightly painful and a pained groan sounded from my throat

Pulling out the needle after a while, Wonho then proceeded to put the lip ring in, before moving to put the earrings in too which wasn't as bad because I got my ears pierced before, and the hole was still there so it was fine.

I only had a few seconds of calming down and processing the situation before a needle came and injected itself into my arms before it left and I felt drowsy and sleepy hitting me almost right after the needle left.

I tried to fight it, my eyes slipping close to open again, the process repeating until a hand came to stroke my hair, whispering sweet nothings and I let sleep take over me, my world darkening.

3rd Person's POV

Undoing the straps of his lover and gently scooping the taller up, Wonho began his journey back to their shared room, taking the oil lamp in his mouth as he made his way out the room, closing the door and climbing the endless flight of stairs.

It was built that way so people that were imprisoned here wouldn't have the energy to make it up all the way. How can they when they were all so weak and tired? Wonho had never seen anyone that was kept here managing to climbed up all the way to the exit door, they all gave up not even a quarter up the stairs.


Easily, Wonho made his way up the endless amount of stairs, tip toeing and stretching his neck to place the oil lamp back at it's place before opening the door with a little struggle and closing the door with his foot, locking it up and continued on his way.

No one questioned when they saw his Hyungwon in his arms, sleeping without a care in the world because they have done this a couple times now, so it wasn't a new sight to see. They failed to notice the swollen lip that Hyungwon now has, not that Wonho mind anyways.

Reaching their shared bedroom, Wonho opened the door and closed it with his foot, bending his knees slightly to pry open the blankets as he laid Hyungwon down gently, as if the taller was a piece of glass, covering the blankets back on Hyungwon.

Wonho used a pretty heavy dose, so he expected his partner to wake a few days later. Gently moving Hyungwon hair out of his face, the older leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head, smiling before leaving, closing the door softly behind him as he made his way to his wanted destination.

Now with a knife in his hand as he stared at a specific painting, eyes gazed at the drawing he made for his lover, face blank of any emotion as the painting the spent weeks on had a huge slash on it.

He stared at the portrait painting of his love, twirling the knife in his hand expertly as the corner of his lips curled a little. It could not be seen if not observed closely, but the very little smile was there.

"Oh dear, guess I'll have to fix it up"


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