Falling for Him

By flowergirl2o2

472K 22.7K 964

"Did you love her?" I looked down not wanting to see the expression in his eyes. His warm hand gripped my ch... More

Welcome to my cliche world!
~Preperations and Betrayals~
~Wedding and First looks~
~New home and first nights~
~Morning and Family breakfasts~
~Misconceptions and Apologies~
~Regrets and Guilt~
~Silent Treatments and Care~
~Small talks and Jet lag~
~Lost and Found~
~Anger and Understandings~
~Unexpected Moments and Fancy restaurants~
~Racing hearts and Flashbacks~
~Job hunt and Intense moments~
~Jealousy and First Kiss~
~Kisses and Friends~
~Teasings and Marks~
~Talks and Business trips~
~Outings and Rumours~
~Trust and Flashbacks~
~Emotions and Reunions~
..Bonus Chapter 1..
..Bonus Chapter 2..
..Bonus Chapter 3..


8.3K 454 6
By flowergirl2o2

Hello people!
Hope you all are doing well and staying safe at your homes:)

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this update. Be sure to vote, comment and share.

Inaya's POV:
For minutes everything froze. There was no sound, nothing except the one of my heart thudding in my chest. And then it was as if reality crashed in and I could feel myself falling onto the knees as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Zayaan clutched his leg as he groaned. The men released me and I crawled over to Zayaan. There was so much blood, it was everywhere. "Zayaan, no no no." I kept on muttering while Zayaan groaned in pain. "This doesnt account in any way for the year I spent in jail."

"But For the sake of our old friendship, this is the only damage I will do. The bullet hasn't pierced any vital nerve.

Zayaan glared at Adam, at the same time grabbing his leg. Adam turned around but then paused, turning his head back slightly. "I hope after this we wont be ever seeing each other again Saith." And with that he left.

Within minutes, the two black jeeps were driving away, leaving us alone. I felt all the senses coming back to me finally as I got up from my position. Zayaan was losing blood fast, and I needed to act quickly. Thankfully, there was a first aid box in the trunk and I quickly rushed it to Zayaans side.

"Zayaan, listen to me, you can't close your eyes." I tapped his cheek lightly. "I cant do much here, so right now I'm just going to tie a bandage to stop the bleeding." I grabbed the gauze and started wrapping it around the wound. He hissed in pain and I could feel my heart hurting.

"Almost done." I whispered. "Can you walk?" I questioned and he nodded. Dropping his arm around my shoulders I helped him get up. I kept most of his weight on my shoulders, trying not to fall as we stumbled to the passengers seat. Once he was seated, I quickly ran to the drivers seat.

Within half an hour, I had pulled up to the nearest hospital. After that everything happened in a blur, as they took Zayaan inside, me along his side throughout the time. Once he was inside, I called his parents and my parents who informed that they will be here within 15 minutes.


Half an hour later, everyone was here and the doctor walked out of the operation theatre. Ehtesham abbu was the first one to stand up with Rabia Ammi behind him. I just listened to them from the corner. "How is he?"

"He's ok. The bullet didnt pierce any vital nerve or bone for which we are grateful. There wasnt alot of blood loss either. Right now hes on anesthetics but within an hour or so, he'll be awake and you can visit him."

"When can we take him home?"

"I think within a day or two, you're good to take him home. He might need support with walking for a while and even some rest but within 2 weeks, he will be healed." The doctor explained and Ehteshaam abbu nodded. I could feel the atmosphere becoming lighter as everyone sighed in relief.

I could finally feel all the panic settling down and the tiredness settling in. My vision started getting blurry as I grabbed something for support. "What's wrong bhabi?" Anums voice sounded distant and I could see black dots filling my vision.

Within seconds, I felt the darkness enveloping me and this time I gave in. The last thing I heard was my fathers voice calling out my name.


I groaned as I slowly peeled my eyes open. Squinting, I tried to adjust my vision of the surroundings. The first thing I came face to face was the white wall. I felt something tugging at my hand and my gaze went to the IV connected to it.

Voices from outside caught my attention. The door opened and Kanwal walked in. "You're awake." She noticed with a smile and walked over to my side. "What happened?" I croaked out. "You fainted due to weakness so the doctor had to attach an IV to you." She nodded towards the drip and I nodded uncertainly.


"Yeah, your glucose level fell." I nodded my head. That was probably why I had been feeling dizzy these days. "Everyone was so worried about you especially Zayaan-"

"Wait Zayaans awake?" I sat up quickly. A bit too quickly because I felt the dizziness hit me again and I blinked a few times. "Yeah he is. And from the time he has woken up, he wouldn't stop asking about you. It's really starting to get on my nerves now, that's why I came here to check on you." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled a bit.

"I want to go to him."

She sighed. "Fine, let me just ask the doctor-"

"Now." I added and she shook her head. "You know what. You both deserve each other." I laughed at her irritated voice before pulling the IV out of my hand. "Where is he?"

"They shifted him to a room down the hall. I sent Ammi and abbu home because it was pretty late. Ehteshaam abbu is paying the bills while Rabia Ammi, Mehak and Anum are with Zayaan bhai." I nodded as we walked down the hallway. We finally stopped infront of his room and she knocked on it.

As soon as we entered, my gaze fell on the one person who I didn't want to see even once. Sarah sat beside Zayaan, who didn't even look a bit interested in what she was saying. His gaze fell on me, as I walked in and I gave him a weak smile. I also gave Sarah a forced smile who threw a dirty look my way.

Oblivious to the tension in the room, Rabia Ammi walked over to me. "How are you feeling now, beta?" She smiled at me and I turned my gaze towards her. "I'm okay now." I reassured her and she nodded. "Come inside. Zayaan has been asking about you."

I walked over to the other side, across from Sarah as I took a seat beside him. "I can't believe you got shot. I came rushing here as soon as I heard about it." Sarah ranted in her high pitched voice and I had to stop myself from cringing. "You should take more care of him rather than roaming around with other people." It took me a second to realize she was talking to me.

I had to hold myself from lashing out at her as I took a calming breath. Before I could speak something, Zayaan spoke out. "She does take care of me. To the point that she herself got sick." Sarah's expression dropped as she thought of something else to say.

There was a knock at the door and a doctor entered. "Visiting hours are over now. You can come back tomorrow to meet the patient. Only one of you can stay here."

"I'll stay." I piped in and Rabia Ammi smiled at me then nodded. "We will come tomorrow morning." She stood up followed by Mehak and Anum. Reluctantly Sarah also got from her seat as she threw a look full of hatred my way which I not so subtly ignored

"Take care of yourself Zayaan." She placed her hand on Zayaans and it took everything in me to not just throw her hand away. I kept on throwing daggers at her until she left the room.

"Shes gone now." Zayaan chuckled. "Huh?" I turned towards him. "I said she's gone now, you can stop mentally killing her." He replied, amused. "How did you know, I was planning to kill her?"

"Your eyes said it all."

I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you a little too observant?" I teased and he chuckled. "Ofcourse I am. Especially of my jealous wife." He added and I glared at him. "I'm not jealous!"


I knew I was denying it but internally I believed his words. My jealous streak, sometimes scared me too."How are you feeling?" I questioned.

"Like I just got shot." He chuckled and I smacked him lightly. "You can't just joke about getting shot. What if something had happened to you?" I could feel all the emotional turmoil inside me, as the scene replayed itself in my head. The bullet, my scream. It was all too fresh.

"Come here." He grabbed my hand pulling me on him. "I was so scared." I muttered and he stroked my head. "But I'm completely fine love." He replied in a soothing voice. "What if-"

He placed a finger on my lips shaking his head. "I already knew he won't kill me. That is why I didnt react when he pointed the gun at me." He explained and I nodded.

I held in the rest of the questions for later because now wasn't the right time. "Enough about me. You tell me, what happened to you?" He placed a hand on my cheek.

"It was nothing." I shrugged it off and he sighed, shaking his head. "It wasn't nothing, you had an IV attached to you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?" I laughed a bit and he raised his brow. "Why are you laughing?"

"Its funny how you're the one who got shot and yet you're worried about me."

He shook his head. "You have absolutely no idea. Thses damn doctors and drips were the only things stopping me from coming to you."

"Well I'm okay now. My glucose level had dropped slightly and that's why I fainted." I reassured him and he sighed. "You really should take more care of yourself." He scolded me and I rolled my eyes.

"You need to rest now Zayaan. You'll be free to go within 2 days." I was about to get up but he just pulled me close. "Oh no you don't." He shook his head and I gave him a confused look as he started making space on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"This bed is big enough for the both of us. I want my wife beside me throughout the time." He stated. "Are you crazy? What if someone walks in?" I pointed out and he shrugged, pulling me close. "That was my last checkup for the day and besides rather than sleeping on the sofa, isnt it better here?"


"No buts. You're sleeping here, right beside me." I sighed in defeat. There was no limit to this man's stubbornness. A smile formed on his face when he realized I wasnt going to argue any further. We laid in silence for a while before he spoke. "I'm sorry."

I frowned at his apology. "Why-"

"Our date was ruined because of me." I shook my head. "It wasn't your fault Zayaan and it's just a date. We can have many more later, but right now I'm just glad that you're alright."

He pulled me close, as he dug his nose in my neck. "And That is why I love you." He muttered against my neck and I smiled. "Does it hurt?" I asked and he pulled back. "Like a bitch." He confessed and I laughed. "Serves you right." He gaped at me. "I take it back, I don't love you." A small pout formed on his lips and I laughed out.
Life seems to be going pretty good for these both, dont you think? Well I would sadly like to day that Falling for him would soon becoming to an end. Only 3 to 4 more chapters to go before it would be the end of this journey:(

I might post some extra chapters just for fun or if ya all want, an interview with the characters too? But for now I'm just going to focusing on finishing the book.

Also there will be a double update today so stay tune for that:)

Until then

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