Steven Universe AU by: Samuel...

By Samuel152

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This AU (Alternative Universe) is about Steven who is 100% Human, not 50%. He also is still with the Crystal... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Laser Light Cannon
Chapter 3: Study Buddies
Chapter 4: Spinning Rooms
Chapter 5: Lion
Chapter 6: Sugilite
Chapter 7: Water Fountain
Chapter 8: Reflective Friends
Chapter 9: Ocean Gem
Chapter 10: Warp Tour
Chapter 11: On the Run
Chapter 12: Foreign Mechs
Chapter 13: Encrypted Message
Chapter 14: Invasion
Chapter 15: Jail Break
Chapter 16: Fears
Chapter 17: False Fusion
Chapter 18: Friendship
Chapter 19: Answers
Chapter 20: The Drill
Chapter 21: Below the Surface
Chapter 22: In the Barn
Chapter 23: Mystery
Chapter 24: Bismuth
Chapter 25: Secrets
Chapter 26: Space Prison
Chapter 27: Sacrifices
Chapter 28: Identity
Chapter 29: Homeworld Savior
Chapter 30: Spinel
Chapter 31: Volleyball
Chapter 32: Friends in Need
Chapter 33: New Enemies
Chapter 34: Rebellion
Chapter 35: The Fire Rises
Chapter 36: Deployment
Chapter 37: A Lost Boy
Chapter 38: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 39: To Be a Diamond
Chapter 40: Schemes
Chapter 41: Evil Intentions
Chapter 42: Acquired
Chapter 43: Entropy
1 Year Anniversary!

Chapter 44: Happily Ever After (Finale)

655 14 77
By Samuel152

Original Chapter at first but the last of it is "The Future" But written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

(Pearl) My Diamond?!

(Pink Diamond) Shh!

She looked around to see if anyone else is around.

(Pink Diamond) I need your help

She whispered.

(Pearl) W-with what? What is it about?

(Pink Diamond) It's about Steven.

(Pearl) What do you need from him?

(Pink Diamond) I need to talk to him but I have to be alone with him.

(Pearl) Why?

(Pink Diamond) It's... personal. I just need to talk to him but I can't really show myself around everyone else yet. Garnet, Bismuth, Spinel, the Diamonds especially.

(Pearl) Steven is with the Diamonds at this moment. When he returns, what do you want me to do?

(Pink Diamond) Tell him that someone needs to speak with him alone at the... Garden.

(Pearl) You wish to speak with him there?

(Pink Diamond) Yes, it's the only place I kn0w nobody would come across anymore.

She went to the Warp and Warped to the Garden while Pearl waits for Steven to come back home Homeworld.

At Homeworld

(White Diamond) So, you discovered the healing element to a gem's shards?

(Steven) Yes. It requires all 4 Diamond essences to restore the shards of a gem.

(White Diamond) Thank you for the useful information, Steven. I'll inform Yellow and Blue about this when they come back from their daily tasks. Farewell, Steven, please do come again soon.

(Steven) I will.

He went to leave. On his way to the Warp Pad, he can see the shards of different types of gems on a table. He still has some of the cure left so he pours out a limited amount onto the shards and they stuck together like glue.

He saw the gems illuminated and he went back onto his path to the Warp Pad. He can see the gems reform with a confused look on their faces as he used the sequencer to Warp back to Earth.

Back on Earth

Steven steps off the Warp Pad and sees Pearl waiting for him.

(Pearl) Steven.

(Steven) What is it?

(Pearl) A certain gem wants to see you.

(Steven) Who?

(Pearl) ...Just go to the Garden and she'll be there...

Steven was confused at first but assumed that Spinel would be at the Garden. It didn't make much sense since he last saw Spinel going to Blue Diamond's room to inhale more of those clouds and Spinel, besides Pearl, is the only gem who knows where the Garden is.

(Steven) Alright, I'll go there.

He steps back on the Warp Pad and Warped to the Garden.

At the Garden

Steven Warped there and steps off the Warp Pad. He didn't bring his armor because he didn't think he would need it, he's just talking to a gem.

(Steven) Hello?

He expect to see someone standing around but he didn't see anyone. He was about to leave and--

(???) Steven.

Steven stopped in his tracks and turned around. That voice sounded familiar.

(Steven) Hello?

He looks around and spots something pink.

(Steven) You.....

He clenched his fists.

(Pink Diamond) It's nice to see you...

She looks a bit embarrassed and nervous. Steven's mind was flooded with the memories of all the times he was nearly killed because of her poor decisions. Or how many insults he had been called because he was fixing her problems.

She could tell he was angry.

(Pink Diamond) I know you--

She didn't get to finish when Steven punched her at her face.

(Pink Diamond) Okay, I deserved that...

He punches her right in the stomach. If he had aimed a little bit lower, Pink will have a crack on her gem.

(Pink Diamond) And that...

He pushed her to the ground and stomped on her back.

(Pink Diamond) Okay, that was a bit overboard but I deserve that, too...

She held her hand up, asking him to stop.

(Pink Diamond) Okay, okay! I get that you're angry!

(Steven) Angry? I am beyond angry. Do you realize what I been through because of you?!

(Pink Diamond) Not really.

(Steven) I had to put up with insults, concussions, death threats for almost a year because of what you did!

(Pink Diamond) Okay, I know you may not believe this but I'm sorry.

(Steven) Sorry?! I had to put up with the Crystal Gems before I had to deal with Homeworld! And they treated me worse than what the Diamonds ever did and they were the enemy of the war!

(Pink Diamond) I should've down something better than to just leave like that...

(Steven) Something? Do you even care about how many gems that were hurt and shattered because of you? Pearl, Bismuth, your original pearl, Spinel, I can name the entire gem race for all I care! You hardly did anything and you left me to deal with your mistakes!

(Pink Diamond) At least I saved the Earth just once.

(Steven) Saved?! No, you didn't! You only delayed it's expiration date and put it in danger again. Who stopped the Cluster? Me! Who liberated Homeworld from it's tyranny and ended the war? Me! Who stopped Spinel's injector? ME! Who stopped the second rebellion? ME! I did all of that while you hid like a coward!

(Pink Diamond) Okay, you're right about that.

She looked scared right now but Steven doesn't care at this moment.

(Steven) Where have you been this entire time?! And why did you leave?!

She took a moment before answering.

(Pink Diamond) I was in my room back at the Temple the whole time. I never left Earth. I left because I was just scared, I know it's no excuse but I was.

(Steven) Scared of what?

(Pink Diamonds) The Diamonds.

(Steven) The Diamonds cared for you. You did misbehaved quite a few times.

(Pink Diamond) Is that what they told you? (Chuckles) Of course they would.

(Steven) Told me what?

(Pink Diamond) What did the Diamonds tell you?

(Steven) They said when you misbehaved, you get put in the tower for a period of time before release. That isn't such a bad punishment.

(Pink Diamond) Yes, it was. And that wasn't their first option of punishment. Yellow used to poof me and keep me in a bubble for a few weeks, Blue made me cry, and White...

She shudders at the memories of what White had done to her. Steven knew what she did.

(Steven) I'm sorry. But that doesn't excuse you from everything else.

(Pink Diamond) I know... Please don't take me back to them. I-I'll do anything you want, please...

(Steven) I have to take you to them.

(Pink Diamond) Steven, please!

She was on her knees and gripping his hand.

(Pink Diamond) I don't care what punishment you have for me here but please don't take me back to the Diamonds! You can shatter me if you want to! Please, don't take me back...

He moved his hand away from hers.

(Steven) I have to, Pink. I made a deal with them and they wanted me to bring you back.

Tears formed out of her eyes and she fell on the ground, softly crying as she was afraid of what they were going to do with her once Steven leaves her with them. Steven thought about it for a moment.

(Steven) Pink.

She looks up, eyes slightly red from crying.

(Steven) I'll take you back to the Diamonds but we'll have a talk about what will happen next. But you have to go with me.

He offered her his hand. He helps her help.

(Pink Diamond) Okay... Okay, I'll go. Please don't let them--

(Steven) I won't. But you must face punishment from everything else.

(Pink Diamond) Fine, but don't let them decide.

They walked to the Warp Pad. She grabs his hand to hold so her anxiety would go away but it only helped a little bit.

On Homeworld

(Blue Diamond) Oh my, Spinel. How many clouds have you inhaled?

(Spinel) (Slurring) What's the number after 151?

(Blue Diamond) 152.

(Spinel) There you go... (giggles)

She fell on the ground, laughing.

(Yellow Diamond) The wonders of your clouds, Blue.

(Blue Diamond) At least they put gems at a positive state than a depressed state.

(White Diamond) Please no arguing. Steven said he would be returning soon with a surprise guest.

(Yellow Diamond) I'm not so sure this guest would surprise me.

The Warp Pad illuminated and Steven and his surprise guest has arrived.

(Pink Diamond) (Waves awkwardly)

(White Diamond) Pink?!

(Blue Diamond) Pink?!

(Yellow Diamond) (surprised) Pink?!

(Spinel) (sobered) Pink?!

Steven moved Pink forward. The surprise was so huge that some of the clouds was coming out of Spinel's mouth.

(White Diamond) Pink! You found her! Thank you, Steven! We'll take it from here.

(Steven) Not so fast. I need you three to tell me the truth.

(Yellow Diamond) What truth?

(Pink Diamond) What you did to me.

White shot her a glare and that made Pink hide behind Steven.

(Steven) You said you only put Pink in the tower. You never told me that you poofed her, made her cry, and tampered with her mind.

White looked like she had a rebuttal for Steven's claim but she stopped herself when she realized Pink told him the truth.

(White Diamond) It's true...

(Yellow Diamond) We changed our ways.

(Blue Diamond) A-and we changed our ways to other gems, too.

(Steven) Doesn't matter. You lied to me about how Pink was treated. Yes, she was childish but what you three did to her was wrong.

Before he continued, he turned to Pink.

(Steven) I'm only defending how they treated you. I'm not defending you from everything else.

He turned back towards the Diamonds.

(Steven) If you three had treated her differently and taken her seriously when she didn't want to go through with her colony, she wouldn't have ran away in the first place.

Yellow crossed her arms and Blue looked down at the floor in disappointment. White inhaled and exhaled before speaking.

(White Diamond) You are correct, Steven. We should've treated Pink different instead of extreme forces whenever she misbehaved. Pink...

She flinched at her name being called.

(White Diamond) I am deeply sorry for going into your mind and tampering with your privacy and memory.

(Blue Diamond) I'm sorry I made you cry all those times... I won't do it again, I promise.

(Yellow Diamond) I apologize for destabilizing you countless times and keeping you away for a short period of time.

She couldn't believe the words out of their mouths. Steven really did change them, whether he convinced them or threatened them with physical violence.

(Steven) Pink, is there something you want to say to Spinel?

She turned to see her former playmate with a new look and a very, very angry looking face. She had her arms crossed as she puffed some clouds out of her nose.

(Pink Diamond) I'm sorry.

Spinel slapped her.

(Pink Diamond) Ow!

(Spinel) Oh, c'mon, I didn't hit that hard.

(Pink Diamond) No, Steven hit me there eariler and it still hurts.

She noticed a bruise was left in her cheek. Steven really did a number on her. Spinel turned and walked to the hallway section.

(Steven) Where are you going?

(Spinel) [In the hallway] I gotta get me some more more clouds!

Steven lets out a small chuckle.

The next day

Steven had Pink put on trial for her crimes she had commited: Fake shattering, abandoning her team, leaving Spinel to rot, damaging her original pearl, bubbling Bismuth, and starting a war.

That's a lot of charges being put against her. She can be forgiven for some of those but she still must face punishment. She was sentenced to be put in the tower for 5 hours a day for 3 years.

The Diamonds themselves took partial responsibility for Pink's actions since they molded her that way. They're punished by bending the rules for gems who were treated unfairly during Era-2.

Today, Steven is leaving Beach City. He wanted to leave so he can get his mind off things and to relax. He is no longer needed anymore since everything is fixed.

Homeworld is happy, Earth is happy, most of gemkind is happy, no more war and rebellions anytime soon. Steven doesn't have a sense of direction but plans on going wherever he thinks is best. The hardest part about this is telling the gems.

He doesn't know how they all would take it but he has to tell them anyway. His father already knows but he did let out a few tears before hugging his son. Steven had a plan on who to tell first.

He went to Little Homeworld and gathered Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth.

(Bismuth) What is it, Steven?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

(Bismuth) YOU WHAT?! What's the problem, Steven?! Are you mad at me?

She kneeled to his height.

(Steven) Of course I'm not mad at you.

She hugged him.

(Bismuth) Then don't leave!

She pulled away.

(Bismuth) Oh, no! Am I smothering you?!

She stepped away.

(Bismuth) I get it, I get it!

(Steven) Bismuth--

(Bismuth) How about I build you a nice vacation house just outside of Little Homeworld?

(Lapis) Listen to me, Steven!

She got in front of him.

(Lapis) You can't run away from yourself. Wherever you go, you'll be there. Trust me, I know.

Before he could respond, he heard Peridot falling on her knees, crying.

(Peridot) (sobbing)

(Steven) Peridot, it's okay.

(Peridot) Where am I going to find another Steven as good as you, huh? I like this one so much!

She hugged his leg.

(Steven) I'm sorry that I'm leaving. Here, I want you to have this.

He reaches into a box and gives her one of his star shirts (any color you want it to be.).

(Peridot) My very own (Reader Color Choice) Steven shirt?

(Steven) Be the Steven you want to see in the world.

(Peridot) (sniffles) (wails)

She used the shirt to blow her nose.

(Steven) Lapis, this is for you.

He reaches into a box and gives her something.

(Lapis) What the... 142 pieces? 60 crayons? 24 oil pastels? It even has water colors?!

(Steven) Do you like it?

(Lapis) I... love it!

He goes to the box and brings out another item. He walks towards Bismuth.

(Bismuth) Stay back, Steven!

(Steven) Bismuth, take this. The original Crystal Gem flag.

(Bismuth) Oh, Steven!

She takes the flag.

(Steven) Also, I want you to have this.

He grabs the box itself and carries it to Bismuth. She reached inside and pulled out a peice of Steven's armor.

(Bismuth) Your armor?

(Steven) You made it, it belongs to you. Besides, I don't think I would need it for a long time. You can put it out for display for other gems to see or have it contained in a safe area. You may do whatever you want with it.

She lets out a few tears. Peridot puts on the shirt. Lapis hugs the art set.

(Bismuth) If it wasn't for you, none of us would be who we are today. You make me so proud to be a Crystal Gem!

She hugs him.

(Peridot) (crying) Why did you have to put it so well, Bismuth?!

She joins the hug.

(Lapis) I'm gonna use my tears to make a water color painting of you.

She joins the hug, too. They all let it out while Steven remains in his normal demeanor, not a single tear to be shed.

(All) We love you, Steven!

As uncomfortable as the hug was for Steven a little bit, he lets them have their moment since this was the last time they would ever see him for who knows how long.


On Homeworld

Steven was telling the Diamonds next. On his way there, he stopped by the cells to visit a certain gem.

(Jasper) What is it?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

(Jasper) Why are you telling me this?

(Steven) Just thought you should know. And if you get released while I'm gone and start trouble, I won't hesitate to come back and throw you back in here. And next time, I won't be so patient with you, do you understand me?

(Jasper) Yes...

(Steven) Good.

He went on his quest to tell the Diamonds.

In Blue Diamond's room.

(Blue Diamond) (humming)


(Blue Diamond) Come in.

The door opened.

(Blue Diamond) Steven, what brings you by?

(Steven) I have to tell you something.

(Blue Diamond) What is it?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

(Blue Diamond) What? Where are you going?

(Steven) I don't know. I'm not leaving because of you or anyone else. I feel like I'm not needed anymore and that's a good thing because peace is now established across the galaxy and potentially the universe.

She lets out a few tears before emitting her old powers.

(Steven) Blue, you're using your powers.

(Blue Diamond) Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, force of habit.

(Steven) It's okay.

(Blue Diamond) Will you return?

(Steven) Probably. If I'm ever needed again or if I feel like it, I'll come back and visit.

(Blue Diamond) Okay, good.

She hugs him.

(Blue Diamond) I will miss you. I promise to be a better gem than what I was before, even while you're gone.

(Steven) Good.

She pulls away and wipes a few tears off her face.

(Blue Diamond) Goodbye, Steven.

(Steven) Goodbye, Blue.

He left her room.

In Yellow Diamond's room.

(Steven) Yellow?

(Yellow Diamond) Steven, how is everything on Earth?

(Steven) Fine. I came here to tell you something.

(Yellow Diamond) What?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

Her face went into shock before she was fighting back the tears.

(Steven) Are you okay?

A singler tear falls down her face.

(Yellow Diamond) I'm fine... Just got something in my eye eariler.

She wiped her tear away.

(Steven) I'll be back. I don't know when but I will return one day.

(Yellow Diamond) And I hope that day is very soon. Farewell, Steven Universe.

She salutes him in the Diamond salute gems normally give to their commanding officers.

(Steven) Farewell, Yellow Diamond.

He returned the gesture.

In White Diamond's room

Steven walks up to White as she was scrolling through the newsfeed.

(White Diamond) Steven, it's nice to see you again.

(Steven) Nice to see you, too. But I'm here to tell you something.

(White Diamond) You're leaving.

(Steven) How did you know?

(White Diamond) I read your mind.

Well, that took away the emotional impact this part could've had. White stands up from her chair and walks to Steven.

(White Diamond) I'm not much for saying farewells permanently but...

She trails off into an awkward silence. She pats Steven's hair which did nothing but made it more awkward. Steven gives her an annoyed look.

(White Diamond) Sorry. I don't know much about human affection. But I did learn this.

She holds out her hand.

(White Diamond) I know this gesture is for greeting but I thought it would make a nice farewell.

He shook her hand.

(White Diamond) It was a pleasure meeting you, Steven. I hope we meet again someday.

(Steven) Me, too.

He leaves.

The tower

The door opens.

(Pink Diamond) Steven? What are you doing here?

(Steven) I'm here to tell you something.

(Pink Diamond) What?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

She went silent before responding.

(Pink Diamond) Is it because of me?

(Steven) No. My service is no longer needed so I'm leaving. I will come back but I don't know when.

(Pink Diamond) Oh, well, good luck. And I'm sorry, for everything.

(Steven) I forgive you. And good luck on your sentence.

(Pink Diamond) Thanks...

He leaves her.

Back on Earth

Little Homeworld

Steven knocks on the door of the little house he is visiting. The door opens.

(Volleyball) Oh, Steven. What are you doing here?

(Steven) I came to check on you.

(Volleyball) I'm doing okay. It was a bit stressful during the rebellion and me having the cracks on my face but thanks to you for helping me with my problems.

(Steven) You're welcome. I have something to tell you but you may not like it.

(Volleyball) What is it?

(Steven) I'm leaving.

(Volleyball) What for?

(Steven) Since peace was established yesterday, and justice has been delivered, I'm no longer needed by gemkind and the Earth and Homeworld is safe.

(Volleyball) Oh, but will you ever return here?

(Steven) Yes, I promise. I can't tell you when but I will come back when I can.

(Volleyball) Okay... Thank you for healing my eye and good luck.

(Steven) Thanks, and you, too.

They hugged.

Back at the house.

Steven found Spinel in the livingroom, inhaling some of Blue's clouds.

(Spinel) Hey, Steven. Want some clouds?

(Steven) No, but I do have something I want to say to you.

(Spinel) What is it?

(Steven) I'm not sure if you're ready to hear it.

(Spinel) Bullocks. You can tell me anything.

(Steven) I'm leaving.

She snorted clouds out of her nose.

(Spinel) WHAT?!

The clouds weren't working anymore.

(Spinel) W-w-what for?! Is it because is me?!

(Steven) No. I'm leaving because I'm no longer needed here.

(Spinel) B-but...

(Steven) What?

(Spinel) I don't want you to leave...

She grips onto him as she was crying.

(Steven) I'm sorry. But I have something to give you.

He gently pulls her away and gives her a communicator.

(Steven) I have another like it. We can use it to talk while I'm gone. That way, you won't feel lonely anymore.

Her lip was trembling before she grabs him into a hug.

(Spinel) You get out there and be whatever you wanna be... Don't let my tears slow you down.

(Steven) I appreciate it. I promise I'll talk to you when I can and you can talk to me if you want.

(Spinel) Yeah, I'll do that.


Steven had Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, and Connie visit him outside, next to his car.

(Connie) So, Steven, what is it?

(Amethyst) Yeah, dude, what did you call us for?

(Steven) This might be hard for you to hear but I'm leaving.

It went dead silent.

(Steven) Hello?

(Amethyst) Why?!

(Pearl) Is it because of all those names I called you?! I swear, I never meant them!

(Steven) No, I'm not leaving out of spite. I'm leaving because In fulfilled my usefulness in the Crystal Gems. I don't have much planned here so I'm leaving. I'll come back someday but not sure when.

(Garnet) I see 1376 possibilities of you returning on certain days. But they're all randomized so I can't calculate when. But I hope you return very soon. We will miss you.

(Pearl) I will, too. And I am still very sorry about the names I've called you before.

(Steven) It's okay, Pearl. You were in distress, most of the time.

(Amethyst) I won't forget all the times when I doubted myself until you told me that it was okay to be me and that my flaws don't define me.

(Steven) I learned that from someone very close to me.

(Garnet) Phoebe.

(Steven) How did you know?

(Garnet) Greg told us. She was a beautiful woman.

(Pearl) Yes. Wished we met her before she passed away.

(Connie) Yeah. Me, too.

They all hugged Steven.

(All) We'll miss you.

(Steven) I'll miss you all, too.

They let go and he gets into his car. He doesn't have much luggage. He has a little box full of photos of his friends, a photo of Phoebe, a photo of Greg, a small box full of money (Greg gave him enough to have on his own), another box of food and water, and he has a communicator.

He waves them goodbye as he starts his car and drives off.

The End.

Author's Note: Thank you all so much for reading this story. Your comments and feedback mean a lot to me. I apologize if anything was rushed, I had to finish this story before my publishing schedule would plummet. So, I'm going to answer question(s) if you have any before you ask them in the comments. If your question wasn't answered in this note, feel free to ask in the comments.

Question 1: Will there be a sequel or prequel?
Answer: Possibly. I'm not sure if it would be an original series or something else. What I mean by that is that there are some rumors about a new Steven Universe show or a spinoff for a character. If that is true, then a sequel could be about that. If not, then it would be original.

Question 2: Is Phoebe a original character?
Answer: Yes. Phoebe was inspired by Garnet but more human and no future vison.

Question 3: Will any villains on the series make a comeback? And will there be an original villian?
Answer: Probably. I'm not very certain on original villains since I'm not much of an OC person for certain fandoms (Like my own versions of a gem. I can make OC humans but not OC gems).


Steven Universe. Steven Universe: The Movie. Steven Universe Future was created by Rebecca Sugar.

This AU was written by Samuel152.

Story inspired by HowardTheAwesome1

Chapter ideas were thought of from HowardTheAwesome1 and lwlOliverSanlwl

Special thanks to Wattreader7389 Tinakelly13 LordRedsontlborn and roseychuckheart for motivating me to continue this story.

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