The Roommate Therapy āœ“

By addinginfinities_

797K 47.1K 19.8K

[š–ššš­š­š©ššš š…šžššš­š®š«šžš] - š–ššš­š­š©ššš š‡š š„šš¢š­šØš«'š¬ šš¢šœš¤ šŒššš² šŸšŸŽšŸšŸ ā˜† 19-year ol... More

ā€¢ Welcome ā€¢
ā€¢ Cast ā€¢
ā€¢ Playlist ā€¢
00 ā€¢ The Beginning
01 ā€¢ Confounded Misunderstanding
02 ā€¢ Your Call Princess
03 ā€¢ Samba
04 ā€¢ Bitchiness Galore
05 ā€¢ Rainy Bliss
06 ā€¢ Scars That Run Deep
07 ā€¢ It's TYCHE Not Tikki
08 ā€¢ Neon Lights
09 ā€¢ Boyfriend?!
10 ā€¢ Hold Me Please
11 ā€¢ Jerk Alert
12 ā€¢ I Should Have...
13 ā€¢ Blues
14 ā€¢ Bike Rides and Long Nights
15 ā€¢ Letting Go
16 ā€¢ Jitters
17 ā€¢ Colour Me Red
18 ā€¢ All Over The Place
19 ā€¢ Vibrators and Terminator
20 ā€¢ Atychiphobia
21 ā€¢ Later, Skater
22 ā€¢ Playing With Fire
23 ā€¢ Habeas Corpus
24 ā€¢ Fragile Bonds
25 ā€¢ Karela Couture
26 ā€¢ Carpe Noctem
27 ā€¢ Delirium
28 ā€¢ Emotional Detox
29 ā€¢ Changing Tides
30 ā€¢ Starlight And Illusion
31 ā€¢ Conflicted
32 ā€¢ Crossfire Of Emotion
33 ā€¢ Begin Again
34 ā€¢ Faux Pas
36 ā€¢ Nightfall Angels
37 ā€¢ Early Morning Bratfest
38 ā€¢ Celibacy And Imported Peaches
39 ā€¢ Cranial Tornadoes
40 ā€¢ Electric Buzz
41 ā€¢ Euphoric Haze
42 ā€¢ Racing Hearts
43 ā€¢ Repudiation
44 ā€¢ Castle In The Clouds
45 ā€¢ The Butterfly's Dream
46 ā€¢ Queasy Wreck
47 ā€¢ Midnight Drawls
48 ā€¢ Underhand Devilry
49 ā€¢ Unexpected Company
50 ā€¢ Festive Vibes
51 ā€¢ Closer
52 ā€¢ Stalemate
53 ā€¢ Liberation
B1 ā€¢ Philophobia
B2 ā€¢ Lacuna
ā€¢ Epilogue ā€¢
ā€¢ Author's Note ā€¢
ā–ŖļøŽ New Book ā–ŖļøŽ

35 ā€¢ Testing Waters

9.6K 685 440
By addinginfinities_

《Short Recap》

I clicked on my inbox with bated breath.



I see that you've been stalking my profile ;)



I don't normally make it a habit

to text teenage dirtbags



I sat up straighter, eager for the next message.

I suddenly felt a lot less tired for some reason now.

I was already thinking of my next reply


"I think it would be great if we thought about 5G user options too." Harsh stated, placing his hands on the table.

I nodded thoughtfully.

"I think that's a great way to vouch for the shelf life for the company. Plus, with various companies in the final stages of 5G research and development it shouldn't take more than two years to hit the market." Neel said, scratching the side of his head with the bottom end of his pen.

I shot him a wide glare, momentarily glancing at Harsh.

"What?" Neel shrugged, "I'm certain we're all working to take this product to the market right. Correct me if we aren't all on the same page with this."

"Yeah, it's what I was thinking," Harsh sat straighter in his chair, "We can't have anyone using our idea."

A relieved smile broke out on my face as I said, "Phew! I wasn't sure how to approach the matter. I'm glad we've all been thinking the same."

"It's all or nothing babe!" Neel smirked, winking at me, "Besides, what the nation really needs at the moment is a stronger capitalist mindset."

Harsh raised his brow questioningly, "So you're in it solely for the money?"

"I like to think that I'll be a successful service provider who will in turn work to be an ideal consumer." Neel stated gravely.

"Well, that's a great way to say that you want to earn big bucks just to waste them on your stupid things like diamond encrusted platinum collars for your non existent pet dog." I chuckled softly.

"I was thinking more along the lines of building an exclusive sound proof gaming room with recording equipment. I've always wanted to become a youtuber." Neel bit his lip skeptically, "But maybe I need to give it a second thought. Dad's going to skewer me alive if I drop everything to become one."

Harsh and I guffawed at the last part as Neel pouted.

"Well, that was a productive meeting," Harsh started, as our laughter died down, "Since the exams are over I'm free most evenings so I don't mind when the next meeting's held."

"We're through the playoffs of this season of basketball and there's a small break for the next week before the quarter finals. I'll be busy for two weeks after that. So just mail me the work and I'll complete it." Neel said, running his fingers through his hair.

"I think we can complete the individual work ourselves and then we can meet to consolidate everything after the basketball season. I think that will work for everybody." I stated, marking a page in my mobile almanac.

"Cool," Neel nodded, "Do you need a ride, Akira?"

"No, that's all right. Thank you." I smiled, as he got up to leave, "See you tomorrow."

Neel mock saluted Harsh before sauntering out of the library, his backpack slung loosely on one shoulder.

"Neel is such a mood." Harsh remarked, shaking his head a little.

"I know right?" I laughed.

I stood up to sling my tote onto my shoulder and pushed the chair I had been sitting on, towards the large wooden library table.

"By the way, Akira?" Harsh asked, as we made our way out of the massive library and into the courtyard of the main college building, "Have you heard that Prof Iyer's going to take up a few students for extra credits?"

"What?" I knit my brow, "How on earth am I not aware of it?"

Harsh shrugged, "Well, you know now. So are you going to volunteer?"

"I'd love to. I mean he's very knowledgeable and a great mentor, so why not. Even though I don't really like data analytics all that, if it's for extra credits then why not?" I answered before continuing, "Have you tried talking to Vinay?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Harsh replied with a small smile, "Can't say it was anything pivotal but we sit at the same table at meal times now so I guess we've made progress."

"That's amazing, Harsh!" I gushed zealously, "I'm so happy for you."

"Well..." he started, scratching the back of his neck shyly.

"No, do not question the motion of events," I cut him off midsentence, "Remember that you have many people who really love you and go with the flow. Sometimes you need to be the bigger person and stop fighting."

"Okay!" Harsh exclaimed, "I just wanted to thank you for hearing me out that day."

"Oh," I muttered, sucking my lips into my mouth, "No problem. Anyone would have."

"Can't be entirely sure of that, but thank you," Harsh grinned, "I should probably head home now. Bye."

"Bye." I nodded, raising my hand slightly in a wave.

As Harsh's footsteps became fainter on his way out, I made my way to the librarian's cabin to drop in and greet Ms. Banerjee before heading home.

Suddenly, the shrill ringtone of my phone cut through the static air, disturbing the quietude of the library.

Casting an apologetic look at a student glaring at me, I received the call.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Where are you?" Vinay's voice bombarded my ears without warning, "Neel and Harsh already left."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "What are you even doing here?"

"I need help." He stated simply, choosing to ignore my question.

"Look Vinay, if you've screwed up and need me to clean up your mess, I don't want to." I asserted.

There was a silent pause on the phone line and I heard Vinay let out a noisy huff, before he asked hesitantly, "Is that really how low you think of me?"

"Uh well, no. Not exactly," I started, slightly panicked at the prospect of dealing with a brooding boy, "I meant..."

"No," he cut me off, "You don't need to explain."

"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes, "I'm coming out. I have only fifteen percent battery left and I'm not wasting it on you."

I walked briskly towards the exit and made my way towards the almost empty parking lot.

Vinay stood there, leaning against his parked motorcycle, sullenly staring at his phone. He looked up when he heard me approaching and I smiled brightly at him.

"Hey." He greeted me, threading his long fingers through his messy hair.

"Hi." I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into a quick hug.

I smiled to myself as he wrapped his hands around my torso and I think I felt him sniffing my hair. Too bad I hadn't washed it for three days and the sebum was starting to collect on my scalp.

"So what did you need my help for?" I asked, breaking away from the embrace.

Vinay bit his cheek from the inside shyly.

"I, uh..." he began, "My father's birthday is coming up soon and I wanted your help to buy him a present. Also, it's been ages since we actually talked so I was hoping we could grab a bite after that. You obviously don't have to if you're busy."

"Sure, I'd love to," I stated simply, my mouth curling into a playful smirk because of his shyness.

Vinay grinned widely as he scratched the back of his neck.

I hopped onto his bike after him and he revved up the engine.

The cool air instantly hit my face and I savoured the blissful feeling that I'd missed these past couple of weeks.

Vinay drove us to the mall, two blocks away from college and we made our way inside the massive building lit up with lots of LEDs and boards of various brand offers.

The mall looked pretty crowded for a regular weekday. It was probably because of Eid the following week.

"What does your father like?" I asked, when Vinay frowned as he scanned the numerous shops on the ground floor."

"I don't know." He replied flatly.

I raised my brow questioningly.

"There must be something," I urged, "Does he like sports or maybe collecting something?"

"Well he does like cricket, but he never really plays. He's more interested in Dhoni's individual gameplay than the sport in general. And he doesn't collect anything." Vinay replied after a moment.

I pulled my mouth into a thin line, shaking my head.

"Fine let's start with the budget. We'll see what to buy based on that." I said, brushing aside a stray lock of hair from my face.

"About three to four thousand." He shrugged, looking at me intently as I thought.

My eyes widened for a moment, before I could mask my surprise.

"That's quite a bit!" I inhaled purposefully, "Definitely makes it easier, I suppose."

I started walking towards the Raymond store on the other side of the floor, Vinay following close behind.

"Clothes?" he asked, pulling a face.

"No, of course not." I huffed, "You're going to get your father cufflinks and a matching tie. Simple yet classy."

A cold wave of air conditioning air hit my face as I entered the store.

A salesman was by our side in an instant, greeting us politely and leading us inside.

After about half an hour of browsing, Vinay decided on a pair of oval silver plated cufflinks and a blue grey tie that had a kind of metallic shade.

Paying for his purchases, we stepped out of the store and made our way to the food court.

"Akira?" a woman dressed in office formals, called out from a few yards away.

I squinted my eyes, knitting my brow as I tried to recall where we'd met.

After a moment's recollection, I remembered that she was Sasha, Mrs. Pinto's daughter.

"Hi Sasha!" I smiled brightly, "How's Mrs. Pinto doing now?"

She nodded at Vinay before replying, "She's much better now. Her physiotherapy sessions began a couple of weeks ago and she's started walking around the house without help."

"That's great to hear!" I nodded, "I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit recently. And if you need a helping hand at the book store, I can always drop in on weekends."

"Thank you dear, but that won't be necessary," Sasha smiled, "Also my mother is very grateful for everything you did that day. And Vinay, thank you for the home cooked food you brought in."

"No problem." He answered politely.

"Well, I apologize for keeping you two waiting like this," Sasha cast an apologetic smile, "My husband should be waiting at the movie theater. Bye"

I waved at her as she turned and strode towards the lift.

Vinay and I ordered burritos and sat at a table near the edge of the crowd.

"Thank you so much, for coming with me today Akira." Vinay said, as I took my first bite.

I raised my brow questioningly.

"Don't you dare thank me when you already knew I'd agree." I deadpanned, "Besides I'm sure both of us have been looking for an excuse to talk to each other since you moved back to you family house."

"Yeah, ok." He answered, the tips of his ears turning a faint shade of crimson.

I chuckled.

"Fine Akira!" he retorted, "I was just trying to be polite. Working on my rusty charm as you said. But if you don't want me to..."

"No, I like this version of you!" I shook my head, "But just be yourself. You don't need to force yourself to be someone you're not."

"Thank the fucking heavens!" he muttered under his breath, a smirk breaking out on his face.

I rolled my eyes at the sudden change in active vocabulary.

"Does that mean I can steal a goodnight kiss from you when I drop you home?" he asked, raising his brow suggestively.

"Of course not. You're just pushing your luck now." I glared.

"Think about it." He shrugged.

Ignoring him, I turned my focus to my half eaten burrito and picked at it.

"Have you tried talking to Harsh?" I asked quietly.

Vinay's jaw clenched slightly and he stared at his plate for a few seconds.

"Unfortunately." He gritted, "That bastard doesn't deserve it, but I don't want my father's health to deteriorate any more than it already has because of our differences."

I nodded.

"You don't have to forgive him right away, but holding onto grudges isn't the healthiest thing to do." I stated.

"Forgiveness isn't the easiest, when their mistakes are unforgivable." Vinay scowled.

"It's your call," I shrugged, "But not everything is about you. Your parents will be happy to have both of you on civil terms at the very least."

Vinay remained silent, choosing instead to devour his burrito.

"Can I please stay over at the apartment tonight?" he asked hesitantly.

I bit my lips and met his gaze slowly, "Ok."

He looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you fucking sure?" he asked, "I don't want you to feel pressured."

I sighed loudly, "I can make my own decisions, Vinay. And I do understand your underlying need to get away from your family drama."

"Fuck! I love you so much, Akira." Vinay said, a twinkle adorning his pupils.

"Right." I rolled my eyes.

"But it's true." He replied earnestly.

Shaking my head, I finished the last bit of my meal and wiped the corners of my mouth with a tissue paper.

"Just don't ever take anything for granted as I told you before," I pulled my lips into my mouth, "Please."


I wonder what happens next...

I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a little while to know though.
I am going to be taking a short break from Wattpad because of massive exam pressure. About a month, so there won't be any updates on 'Why Me?' for the next few days.

Also, 'Why Me?' has been featured by Wattpad's official Urban profile in their 'Street Love' reading list. :)

Hope you guys will support my decision. Do not fret though, I might drop in a chapter in the middle of my mini hiatus.

Until then, vote, comment, share and don't forget to spread the love!

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