Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower~SGE...

By GhostOfJackLondon

83.6K 2.4K 331

In the towers of the School for Good it has always been Evergirl's dorms in the Purity and Charity Towers and... More

The Day of the Kidnapping
Arriving and Settling In
The Theater of Tales Pt. 1
The Theater of Tales Pt. 2
The Theater of Tales Pt. 3
Conversations in the Garden
The School Master's Tower
Good or Evil?
A New Strategy
On My Own
Go Time
Trial By Tale
I Can't Dance
New Kid
The Snow Ball
2k Special!- Nightmare
The Circus of Talents
Battle of the Schools

Sophie's Confrontation

3.9K 123 19
By GhostOfJackLondon

  A/N: Back again! Thanks to the people who keep requesting updates!
             (Y/N) POV
  'Ok, first day of class as the real you.' I thought pacing around my room, completely ready physically, mentally... not so much. I was terrified of what people would think of me, mostly during Beautification, in all my other classes at least I had Tedros to back me up, but not in there, with the princesses.
  Composing myself one final time, I headed down the stairs rushing for my first hour classroom. Darting through the door, turns out I was earlier than I thought because I was the only one in there, or so I thought.
  "That was quite an entrance you made yesterday." A melodic voice chimed from behind me. I flashed around to see my beautification teacher, Professor Emma Anemone, sitting at her desk filing her nails. 
  "...Thank you?" I said hesitantly, something about her put me off for some reason.
  "So, since you don't seem to want to be a princess, we're going to need to figure out a look for you, for the Snow Ball and whatnot." The professor stood up and circled me, taking in every inch. Her finger started...glowing and strips of material flew around the room fitting themselves around my body. The process went by so quickly that I didn't really know what was happening until it was done.
When Professor Anemone stepped back, she admired her handiwork and then guided me to a full length mirror. The girl I saw was me, but at the same time not me. (This is basically a description of the outfit in the media above, you have free reign of the color and you can change it if you want) I was wearing tight fitting black leggings with (F/M/C) (Favorite Metallic Color) embroidery, and a matching black jacket. Over top of that was a (F/C) breastplate with more (F/M/C) patterns. Matching (F/C) boots and arm guards provided armor for the places they covered. To top off the outfit a (2/F/C) (Second Fav. Color) cloak wrapped around my neck and trailed down on both sides of me, the attire was both beautiful and functional, I loved it.
Professor Anemone snapped her fingers and the outfit disappeared, leaving me in my blue school uniform.
"You can find the dress in your closet." She said with a wink, and just like that Evergirls started pouring in and class started.
Time skip to lunch(I will write about the other classes in different chapters.)
I was walking through the tunnel of trees to get to the clearing where both Evers and Nevers had lunch, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Expecting to see Tedros, I turned around smiling, a sassy remark ready to greet him. Instead it was Beatrix, the blonde, much prettier than me, princess who seemed to have a massive crush on Tedros, as if he'd ever like her.
"What makes you think you're better than us, reader?" She snarled the last word like it was profane. "Just because you don't live in our towers doesn't mean you can just act like a boy!"
I rolled my eyes at her, 'this wasn't worth my time'. Beatrix went to make another remark, when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.
"Now now ladies, play nice, you're both pretty. You're prettier though (Y/N)." Tedros mumbled the last part so only I would hear it. Beatrix, having only heard the sarcastic first quip, huffed and flounced away.
Tedros and I walked over to the red-caped nymphs handing out the picnic baskets full of lunch for the Evers. Thanking them we walked over to a shaded part of the clearing, sat down and started to have a light conversation. When Tedros asked me to tell a little more about my life in Gavaldon, a screeching voice shattered through the calm, relative quiet of the clearing.
"I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT HER LIFE IN GAVALDON!!!!!!" Sophie was storming over, dressed in the shapeless black smock of Evil. I looked down, whatever she would cook up would certainly make Tedros end his friendship with me. Sophie started snapping out random stories, mostly false, in a hysterical tone, something in me snapped.
"OK LISTEN HERE SOPHIE!!!" I screamed furiously, "YOU HAVE BEEN AN A**HOLE TO ME, MY WHOLE LIFE!!! I'M FINALLY HAPPY HERE, SO IF YOU WOULD JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE AND GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!" Growling the last word I sat down and ignored Sophie, waiting for a reaction from someone. After a moment of deafening silence, I felt an arm sling over my shoulder and Tedros's voice say in a light, but slightly in awe tone,
"You heard her, witch, back to your side of the clearing, we don't want your crap here."
Sophie, stomped away fuming, I knew this wasn't the end of my conflict with her.
A/N: FINALLY!!! I had the time/inspiration to finish this chapter. Thank you SO much to anyone who has read, voted, or commented on this story! I started school a few weeks ago, so updated might be a bit slower... see you when I update next!!!

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