Trial By Tale

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My three-hour advantage had almost passed. All but two of the other pairs had entered, so I had forty-five minutes to get mentally prepared. I didn't trust any of the other contestants further than I could throw them, so I kept a consistent hand on the grip of my sword. I took a deep breath, I knew I had to stay calm if I wanted to do this right.
BOOM! Another pair entered. You've got this, you've got this, you've got this.
BOOM! I'm next. You're not gonna die, Ted is counting on you to win this.
BOOM! It's time. I confidently (at least that's what I hoped it looked like) strode into the Blue Forest, sword at the ready. The cheers of the other students fading behind me as I went deeper and deeper. I lit up my finger-glow for some light. There was a chance it could give me away- but I was so on edge that anyone who wanted to attack me would be met with a faceful of sword and/or magic. I double-checked the writing on my arms. One spell for each contestant. I'd have to read fast, or that would leave a big gap for an opponent to attack me.
After about an hour of walking around- I actually hadn't come in contact with anyone, but I had gotten myself to the highest point in the forest. There had been four cannons signaling a dropped handkerchief, sixteen more contestants counting myself. I was getting a bit bored looking for a fight- so in a moment of brilliance (or, according to Ted's later commentary, stupidity) I lit up my finger glow and cast a voice magnification spell.
"HEY!" I yelled, my magnified voice sweeping through the forest. "IT'S (Y/N)! ANYONE WANT TO FIGHT ME? WELL THEN COME AND FIND ME AT THE TALLEST HILL! TRY ME— I FREAKING DARE YOU! YOU WON'T, COWARDS." I stopped and smirked- that would get the princes coming, "EVEN TEDROS IS BETTING ON ME TO WIN." The princesses, "EVERS RULE!" The Nevers. I had successfully made myself public enemy number one- I was so excited. I pulled out my sword and started swinging it lazily, a cocky smirk on my face.
That idiot. She's going to get herself killed. That or win the whole thing. Honestly, I don't even know. (Y/N) can be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She has the high ground and has forced all the other contestants to come to her instead of wasting energy going around and looking for a fight. She was right about one thing- I am betting on her.
((Y/N) POV)
I had already caused three people to drop their handkerchiefs, twelve left to beat. That included Sophie and Hester. I had already used my spells for all of the princesses- I wouldn't have pinned them as the aggressive ones, but apparently, my Tedros comment worked better than I thought it would. As more people started coming towards my hill I started to have a little bit of fun with it. Some I wouldn't even let onto the hill. For example, a Never and a prince met at the bottom and started fighting each other. The Never lost and dropped their handkerchief.
The prince started to come towards the hill, so I whispered, "Prince Haron was wrapped up in sentient vines controlled by (Y/N)'s finger glow." As soon as I finished the sentence vines wrapped around him and pinned him to the ground.
"Drop your handkerchief and this goes the easy way," I called down the hill.
"Not... gonna... happen," Haron grunted, struggling against the vines.
"Fine then, hard way it is," I smirked and lit my finger glow. I flicked my hand towards a large tree. The vines followed my finger and slammed Haron into the tree. "Drop. Your. Handkerchief. I'm not planning on injuring a fellow Ever, but I'm not above it if you're going to be difficult." I growled. A look of terror flashed across his face. Not exactly what I was going for but it works. He reluctantly dropped his handkerchief and faded out back to the entrance of the Blue Forest with the accompanying cannon shot.
Ten more. Then nine. Then seven. Then four. Two princes, Hester, and Sophie. I had disarmed, or injured, or captured all of the others with spells from my arms.
The princes decided to go for a double attack. They both raced at me from opposite angles swords raised. Idiots. I fake yawned and pulled out my sword, lighting my finger glow on the other hand. I met swords with Prince Evanas and dueled him one-handed, pulling half of my attention towards Prince Willaren, I smacked his sword out of his hand with magic from my finger glow. Smirking, I sent him flying down the hill, but not before swiping his handkerchief and dropping on the ground. Three to go. Turning fully back to Evanas I started dueling him full force. Sparks flew as the blades twirled. Each of us gaining an advantage, then losing it, until I swiped Evanas's legs out from under him- sending him tumbling to the ground. I stepped on his sword arm with my one foot, and then stuck my blade under his neck. "Handkerchief. Now." Evanas hesitated, and I pushed the sword a little further, nicking skin and drawing blood. At this point looking absolutely terrified, Evanas used his unpinned arm to get the handkerchief and dropped it.
Two more. Hester and Sophie. It had to be nearly dawn- I had to finish this fast.I heard a screech through the woods. Which I assumed was Hester. My assumption was correct as she came barreling out of the woods, with a strange little red monkey-looking thing. Was that her neck tattoo? I figured she would have a magical approach vs a physical attack. I looked down at my arm- I would have to speed read this one.
"Hester found herself unable to use magic of any sort- finger glow or otherwise." The red creature shrunk back into her tattoo. She tried to use her finger glow and when nothing happened she screamed in an almost feral manner and started running at me- unarmed? Foolish. I lit up my finger and immobilized her. Causing her to fall face down in the dirt.
"Don't mess with me," I growled and dropped her handkerchief. Just Sophie now. Let's speed this along, shall we?
I projected my voice again. "SOPHIE FOUND HERSELF PURSUED BY HER WORST NIGHTMARES! HER PANIC WILL LAST FOR TEN MINUTES THEN SHE WILL DROP HER HANDKERCHIEF!" Cruel? Yeah, but honestly- Sophie made it her goal to wreck my life for the first fifteen years of it. She deserved this.
Shrill screams echoed through the forest as bushes and branches breaking were heard. This ensued for ten minutes and then there was silence. The final cannon went off. I just had to make it to sunrise which- if I was correct was only minutes away. I stayed on my hill and played around with my finger glow. The sun started to peak over the horizon and I felt myself being transported to the edge of the forest.
The cheers got louder and louder as I walked out of the Blue Forest. But I wasn't really paying attention to any of them. My eyes locked on a pair of bright blue ones and I found myself practically tackled in a hug.
"You did it, (Y/N)!!!" Tedros mumbled into my hair, "Oh my God, you did it!"
"Did you doubt me?" I laughed into his chest.
"Never. Not for one second. Oh my God, you really did it! You won! You did it!"
I pulled back from the hug and smiled up at him, "Nah, we did it- together."
It was almost as if something snapped in Tedros's mind. Before I knew what was happening his lips were pressed against mine. I nearly pulled away but it felt surprisingly good. Oh what the heck. I thought and kissed back, I felt Ted smile into the kiss.
When we finally came up for air, Tedros shouted, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that!" The crowd (which at this point was pretty much all Evers) laughed, "I know how you reacted last time but... Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower, will you go to the Snow Ball with me?!"
The crowd went crazy, I don't know if it was the adrenaline rush from the win or from the kids but I smiled and screamed, "YES!!!" Cheers surrounded us as Tedros kissed me again. This time I didn't hesitate to return it.
A/N: Guess who's baaaaaaack!!! I am SO sorry it's been so long since I updated. Thank you all for the 10k reads- that's what pushed me to actually write something for this. I'll try to be more consistent with these- but I can't promise anything (sorry).
But... yay! Romance! Yay! It'll be easier to write! Yay! I can stop stalling to make sure I'm not rushing the plot too much!
I love y'all so much!

Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower~SGE~ Tedros Where stories live. Discover now