Battle of the Schools

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All the Nevers had retreated across the bridge over Halfway Bay, so I directed all the Everboys to create a barricade of shields over the width of the bridge to defend the School for Good from any ground attacks. The Evergirls were positioned behind the shields to assist with magical defenses. Everyone was still in their outfits from the circus— not ideal for fighting, but there was no time to change. In the darkness, the quiet was eerie and unnerving.
"I thought they would have attacked by now, (Y/N)," Tedros muttered.
Blaise chimed in, breaking ranks to come to discuss strategy, "The Evers are getting impatient— some of the boys are suggesting we make the first move."
"NO!" I shouted, turning to face the students, Blaise and Tedros following. "One of the fundamental principles of Good is that we never strike first. We must wait for the Nevers! We can defend the school with our lives, but to attack makes us no better than Sophie."
"'No better than Sophie'? Is it another 'fundamental principle of Good' to talk about others behind their backs? Or should I say behind your back?" A cold, familiar voice mocked through the momentary silence.
We whipped around. Sophie stood there smirking— finger glow ablaze— backed by an army of students of the School for Evil. Nervous whispers broke out among the Evergirls. The Nevers heard this and cackled, lighting their own magic.
"Positions!" I yelled over a rumble of distant thunder. It was going to storm soon.
"Oh look how cute." Sophie snarked, "For once the Nevers are in control. They won't fight without cause." Lighting flashed much closer than before and the following clap of thunder was almost deafening. "How's this for a cause?!" Before I could even open my mouth to respond, a bolt of violent red light flashed from Sophie's finger hitting Tedros square in the chest. His eyes widened, then rolled back in his head and he slumped to the ground.
"NO!" I turned from Tedros to Sophie, the clouds opened up and rain started to fall around the schools. "EVERS! This is an attack! Defend yourselves and the school, but leave the witch to me." 
Spells were flying and swords were clashing as thunder and lightning crashed around the School Master's Tower and Halfway Bay. At the very start of the battle I had used my magic to carefully move Tedros's- hopefully- no. Definitely just unconscious form away from the main zone of fighting. I motioned for Blaise to cover me, and he threw down a bomb filled with some sort of smoke-inducing chemical. A blanket of smoke covered the area, and lightning and finger glows were all that could be seen through it. A gust of wind created a thin spot in the fog, revealing the one and only bi- I mean witch. Sophie. I set my eyes on her even though she didn't see me, and started stalking across the bridge toward her, pulling out my sword.
"SOPHIE!!!" I screamed, catching her attention. The whole battle seemed to slow around the two of us as we made eye contact. "I haven't done ANYTHING to hurt you. And if I have why are you taking it out on the whole school?!" As I got more frustrated I was brandishing my sword in wider and wider arcs. "These people— no these kids are innocent!"
"Haven't done anything to me? How about stealing my life? I was supposed to be a princess. I was supposed to have the happily ever after! I hate you!" Sophie's face contorted in anger, magic swirling around her.
"Look! I'm sorry! It wasn't my choice to be taken! But look! You and the Nevers are about to destroy our schools! You—" I choked back a sob, "You may have killed Tedros! But look! Here I am, still apologizing to you for your bad luck. If that's not proof of me being in the right school, I don't know what is! Good forgives."
"And Evil punishes." Sophie launched a spell my way, which I quickly blocked with one of my own. We threw spells back and forth, circling each other but keeping our distance. I didn't want to use my sword because she wasn't armed with a physical weapon, and even in the heat of battle, you have to hold on to your morals. I kept my sword drawn, but down by my side. Mildly distracted by a shout from Beatrix, who was battling Hester and Dot, I failed to block a spell from Sophie that sent me hurtling toward her.
Out of instinct, I threw my sword up in front of me. A flash of lightning revealed the shocked look on Sophie's face, she looked at me and looked down. A dark spot was growing across her grey uniform and the tip of my sword was poking out of her back. I stepped back, my eyes widening.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. I—"
Sophie's weakening voice interrupted me, "Don't. I guess this is proof you are meant to be in Good. Good always wins." She crumpled to the ground and I almost didn't notice when she whispered, "Perdes eos, quia destruxerunt me." Sending the spell into the air and then growing still.
The battle was still raging around me as I tried to make sense of her spell.
"Destroy them... for they have destroyed me? No, no, no, no." I sprinted across the battlefield to Tedros's still unconscious body, screamed out a shield spell, and fell to my knees trying to extend the edge around all of the Evers. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was a huge explosion ripping through both schools and the Never side of the bridge.
The Storian quivered excitedly as fire ripped through the air around the protected tower. It never could have expected the wild tale that it was already writing. But one thing was strange... in an odd sense that only a magical quill could have, it knew that the story hadn't even reached its climax yet.
A bright light seared through the darkness in my head. I slowly opened my eyes, looking around. I was lying in the field I arrived in, but instead of a magical castle and princesses arriving, there were smoldering ruins and people lying on cots covered in bandages.
"She's awake!" I heard a familiar voice shout. Was that Beatrix? I pushed myself up into a sitting position so I could look around better. I heard footsteps approaching. Kiko and Beatrix came and kneeled by the side of my cot.
"What happened?" I asked, trying to remember the events from the battle.
"You killed—" Kiko started, but was quickly cut off with a sharp nudge from Beatrix.
"Sophie sent out a spell that was meant to destroy all the Evers. You used up all your energy throwing up a shield around us all— almost killed yourself. The spell ricocheted off the barrier and ended up destroying both schools- most of the Nevers just ran after that. Sophie is dead, though." She explained.
I nodded slowly, trying to let everything sink in. "Tedros." I shot up, ignoring the numb feeling in my legs, and Beatrix and Kiko's protests. I stumbled around the makeshift field hospital trying to find the familiar mop of curly blond hair. After a few minutes of searching, I found him lying with bandages wrapped around his torso. My legs felt like they were about to give out, so I kneeled down beside him. Almost as soon as I was beside him, his eyes fluttered open and he sat up, wincing and clutching the bandages. Out of instinct, I put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched for a moment, then looked at me and his face lit up.
"Ted." With that he threw his arms around me, hugging me, but then immediately regretted the decision and hissed in pain. "Oh my God, Ted, I was so scared. She hit you with that spell, and I didn't know what to do. We were supposed to lead it together, and just..." I trailed off, pressing my lips against his. "I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't. I don't think I could live with my—"
"Come back to Camelot with me."
Tedros grinned like a crazy person, "Come. Back. To. Camelot. With. Me! I mean, the schools are destroyed. What do we have to lose?" 
"Okay." I said without hesitation, "I'll go with you! But, we should probably wait until your ribs are healed— I'm guessing you cracked a few on impact from Sophie's blast."
Giving a joking sigh, Tedros smiled again, "Guess you'll have to wait for me then."
"Well, am I dumb or am I dumb?" I started laughing, "I have magic— you might want to lay down for this."
He complied and I lit my finger glow and started muttering a healing spell over and over again. After a few minutes, he sat up and tried to twist a little bit. He didn't flinch, surprising us both. He carefully unwrapped some of the bandages and stood up.  He pulled me to my feet and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead.
"Let's go!" I exclaimed, taking Tedros's hand and smiling up at him.
"Let's go home." We started running towards the setting sun, and the next chapter of our fairytale.

A/N: After four months I'm finally back!!! I'm so sorry it took so long, but thank you so much to everyone who voted and left awesome positive comments! You guys are the ones I keep writing for! So this is pretty much the end of anything canon S.G.E. (I mean, Sophie's dead, Agatha's out of the picture, and the schools are destroyed) from here on out it's just a storyline I'm making up! I really do love you guys!! See you in the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower~SGE~ Tedros Where stories live. Discover now