New Kid

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"MAGIC?! I DO NOT WORK WITH MAGIC!" I gulped, but then as the smoke cleared the figure pulled down his bandanna and goggles revealing a boy our age. "I mean, technically, it's alchemy— magic is my dad's thing. Merlin ya know? Anyway, easy mistake."
    I just stared confused at what was happening. Before I could figure out what to say, Tedros asked the question that was running at the forefront of my mind. "Um, hi, sorry, but who are you, exactly?"
    "Oh! I'm Blaise! Blaise Kepler Wyllt! Son of Merlin at your service," he bowed jokingly. He spoke with a bit of a Scottish accent.
     The smoke had finally cleared and I could get a clear look at him. Blaise's hair was streaked with blond, brown, black, and ginger, it curled around his ears and was cut in shaggy bangs at the front tipped with bright green. He had one brown and one green eye- the brown had a splotch of blue in the bottom left, and the sheer amount of freckles this kid had was almost unrealistic.
    "You can stop staring, (Y/N). I know it looks like genetics threw up on me. Side effect from being almost entirely comprised of magic— genes couldn't make a decision. The green, however, came from an alchemy accident- just doesn't go away, even if I get a haircut. I think my dad may have jinxed it to 'teach me a lesson about being careful' or whatever." Blaise rambled making his voice deeper when he was imitating his father.
    "Wait, slow down. How do you know my name?" I asked, cutting him off.
    "I said I don't work with magic. Doesn't mean I don't have it. I have the special little gift of foresight. So, I saw you introducing yourselves in the future... aaaand here we are. Oh, and by the way Tedros, I'm your new roommate!"
    Tedros looked confused, "When exactly did you get here? Why didn't you start at the beginning of the year?"
    "Oh, my dad felt it necessary to wait. Didn't tell me why. Did tell me to watch out for you two. Evidently, you need it, sneaking out after curfew and then proceeding to shriek like banshees." Blaise snickered at his own joke. "I think you two will want to keep me around. I might be very important in the future. You know, the Merlin to your Arthur?!" He nudged Tedros with his elbow, grinning maniacally. Ted looked uncomfortable.
    "Um, okay. Can I just talk to (Y/N) for a second... alone?"
    "Already knew you'd want tooooooooo!" Blaise sang, and skipped away, over to the other side of the garden.
     "This kid is crazy! Merlin's son?! How didn't I know he existed? Our fathers were like best friends! We probably both grew up in Camelot! Foresight? This is creepy and weird! And alchemy?! Blaise is the son of the most powerful wizard in our world and he doesn't use magic, he uses aLcHeMy?!" Tedros ran out of breath from his little rant.
    "I know Ted, believe me, I know. But if Merlin thinks he's gonna be important to us, he has to be important, right?"
    "I guess you're right— I'll give Blaise a chance. But you are going to help me deal with him."
    "I knew you'd come around. I am always right, after all," I smirked.
    "Don't get too cocky."
    "Or what?"
    "Or this!" Tedros practically tackled me and started tickling my sides and stomach. I tried to restrain the laughter, but eventually, small giggles and shrieks started escaping me. 
    "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm not always right." I said, trying to escape.
    Before Ted could respond, Blaise walked back over to us. "Are you lovebirds done yet?" He said loudly, Tedros glared at him, "What?! Foresight, remember? Someone's coming- we've gotta go."
    "Okay, go back inside, Ted will be in in a minute." Blaise walked inside grumbling about how we were gonna get caught. He slammed the door, and a small explosion could be heard inside the room. Tedros looked pained.
    "Save meeeeeeee." He pleaded.
    "I told him you were coming in— maybe tomorrow." I smiled at him sadly, "Good night," I went up on my toes and kissed his cheek, "and good luck!"
    Ted gave me a boost up to the rope and I shimmied back up, we waved at each other once I was back on my balcony, and he reluctantly headed inside.


The sharp-tipped quill ripped across the page with fury. So much had unfolded since it had started writing the story. The story of a strong-willed girl who refused to be a princess and the prince that she had somehow fallen for. The Storian had been working around the clock to keep up with the details. The denial, and the fighting. The Trial by Tale and the moment that the pair finally realized what they wanted. So, so much more was going to happen, and the tip of the quill shivered in anticipation. In the meantime, the Storian started creating a detailed picture of a boy with multicolored hair and eyes, smiling widely with a colorful explosion in the background. This boy could be a gamechanger.

A/N: Two chapters in one day!!! Wow!!! The pic at the top is the Storian's picture of Blaise! Thank you all for reading!!!

Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower~SGE~ Tedros Where stories live. Discover now