A Wolf In An All Vampire Scho...

By TransBtc

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Just A Quick Little Thing


95 6 0
By TransBtc

*next day*


I was at my locker, waiting for Zach and Jack to get here.

I then saw Jack and Zach coming in. They came over.

"What's wrong Daniel?" Zach asked realizing I was sad.

"Last night.... I was at Corbyns place and.... I-"

"We were in the bedroom and I wanted to do something with him" I looked at them.

They were confused.

"I wanted to have sex"

Their eyes widened.

"I kissed his neck and put my hands under his shirt and he knew I wanted to do it"

"But he said he didn't want to. So I just left"

"I was so embarrassed.... I just.... I don't know what I'm supposed to do"

"Maybe he will change his mind tonight and you guys will do it" Zach said.

"I hope he is ok and he will come to school" I said.

"Of course he will" Jack said.

I sighed and looked down.


Then I heard laughter.

I saw Jonah, Eben and Corbyn walking down the hallway, laughing.

Corbyn saw me and got nervous. I sighed and looked down.

I looked up and saw Jonah and Eben coming over.

Corbyn walked past us and didn't look back.

"Hey Dani" Jonah said.

"He told us what happened. Why would you do that?" He asked.

"I-I wanted to do it. I'm such an idiot" I said.

"I should've asked him"

"Why do I always ruin everything?"

I walked away.

I went into the bathroom stall and cried silently in my knees.

I heard the door open and I stopped crying.

"Dani?" I heard Jonah.

"Dani where are you?" I heard Eben.

"Go away" I said.

"Dani" I heard Jack.

"Daniel come out" Zach said.

"I want to be left alone" I said.

They sighed and then left.

I got up after calming down and left the bathroom.

I turned my head to look for the guys but didnt see them.

I turned around and ran into Corbyn.

"H-hey" he said.

"Hi" I looked down.

"Listen. About last night. I'm sorry" he said.

"No it's fine. I understand"

He lifted my head.

"I should've asked you" I looked down and tears formed in my eyes again.

"I should go" I tried to walk past him but he put his arm out to stop me.

I looked at him with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Listen. I'm sorry" he went in front of me.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I didn't ask you"

"Listen. It's not your fault. You wanted to do it and I said no"

"It is my fault"

"No it's not" he said.

Everyone was in class so nobody saw us or could hear us.

"Yes it is!" I yelled.

He dragged me into the bathroom and pinned me to the wall.

"No it's not!" He yelled.

I got nervous.

"It is my fault!" I yelled.

"No it's not Daniel!" He yelled.

"Yes it is! Just agree with me!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can! You know it!"

"No I can't!"

I sighed and looked down.

"I should go home" I tried to leave but he pinned me back to the wall.

He looked mad.

His eyes were red and I could see his wolf teeth.

"Baby. Calm down"

"Then stay here!" He yelled.

"No! I want to go home!" I yelled.

"I'm not letting you"

I hissed at him and he growled at me.

He barked and I got nervous.

I pushed him and he fell to the floor.

He growled and looked at me. He got up and barked again.

"Baby. Dont"

He ran over and grabbed my shirt. He threw me and I hit the floor.

He ran over and pinned me to the floor. I hissed and bit his arm.

He whined in pain and fell to the floor. I got up and ran out of the bathroom.

I ran home and went to my room. I shut the door and sat on my bed. I cried in my hands.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened and I saw Anna. She ran over and sat next to me. I cried in her shoulder.

"I hurt Corbyn" I said.

"Shh shh" she rubbed my back.

"You'll be ok"

I fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up and looked around the room.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. I saw text messages from Jonah, Zach, Jack, Eben and Corbyn.

Where are you?!
Corbyn is worried and he is hurt!
What did you do to him?!

Come back Daniel!
Corbyn told us what happened
Why did you bite him!?

Come back to the school please!
Corbyn is worried about you
He told us you bit him

Come back please!
We are all worried
Why would you bite Corbyn!?
He did nothing to you!

Tears rolled down my cheeks when I saw Corbyns texts.

You fucking asshole!
Why would you bite me!?
All I wanted was for you to calm down!
And you fucking bite me!


I put my phone down and then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened and I saw my mom.

"Me and dad are going out and Anna's going to a friends ok"


She shut the door and walked downstairs.

I heard the door downstairs close.

*time skip*

The door opened downstairs and someone came running upstairs, to my room and then the door opened.

I saw an angry Corbyn.

I sat up and he shut the door.

He ran over and pinned me to the bed and roared.

"Corbyn. Calm down" I said.

He lifted his hand up and I saw his claws.

I squeezed my eyes shut and then I felt him scratch me. I yelled in pain when he continued to scratch me.

"CORBYN! STOP!" I yelled.

He stopped and roared.

I looked at him and saw that he was still mad.

There was blood on the walls and the bed and on his face.

His eyes widened and he calmed down.


"Baby. I'm so sorry. I-I didnt mean to"

"No no it's ok" I said.

"No it's not. I hurt you"

I sat up and looked at him. He pulled me closer and I cried in his shoulder.

"Shh. Shh. It's ok. I'm so sorry for hurting you"

"It's ok baby. It was an accident"

I looked at him and saw tears rolling down his face.

I wiped them away.

"Let's go get cleaned up"

We got up and went into the bathroom.

I grabbed a washcloth and got it wet. I cleaned the blood up on his face and then on mine.

"How are there not any scratches?"

"We can heal ourselves"

"How is that possible?"

I grabbed a knife from the drawer from the sink.

"Want me to prove it to you?"


I cut my hand and put the knife down. The wound started healing.

"How is that possible?"

"We are vampires. Cuts or any wounds on vampires can heal. I mean besides a stake to the heart but"

He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

I washed my hand and walked out.

I took my shirt off and put a new one on.

He pinned me to the wall and kissed me.

I kissed back and he put his arms around me.

We pulled away slowly.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said.

We laid down and he put his arms around me.

He grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

He went into YouTube and searched Spelling Bee comedy Gacha life.

"This is really funny"

He clicked on a video and we started watching it.

(A/n: the videos above if you want to watch it. It is hilarious)

The video started and I saw a character. It was silent but she was talking.

"They only had these type of videos so"

"Its fine. I actually watch these kind of videos in my free time"

He smiled at me.

I liked the position we were in.

His hand holding the phone in front of us. We were close. He was sitting up on his side a little and I was laying on my back. We were both looking at the phone.

We started laughing at the video.

*time skip*

We were sitting on the bed and we were talking.

I sighed and looked down.

"Something wrong love?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I said.

He lifted my head and I looked into his eyes.

I sighed and looked down.

He lifted my head and kissed me.

I kissed back and he smiled in the kiss.

He threw his phone onto the carpet floor and pinned me to the bed. His hands traveled up my shirt.

He removed my shirt and then kissed me again.

*time skip*

I smiled at Corbyn. He was laying down next to me and his arms were around my waist.

He smiled back and kissed my cheek.

You probably know what we did already.

But if you don't know..... then you will find out soon.

"That was fun" he said.

"Yeah it was.... thanks"

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

He laid his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I rubbed his head slowly.

*time skip*

It's been about 10 to 15 minutes and Corbyn has not moved.

I looked at his face and saw him sleeping.

I then heard my phone buzz.

I grabbed it and saw that Zach was calling me.

I answered it and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Dani. Are you and Corbyn ok now?"

"Yeah. He is sleeping right now so I have to be quiet"

"Oh ok. What did you guys do?"

"Well. He came over angry. He scratched my face multiple times then calmed down. And felt terrible for what he did. Then he asked me why I didn't have any cuts on me when we cleaned the blood up. I explained why"


"Is that Jonah?"

"Yeah. Eben and Jack are here. And you are on speaker phone so they can hear what happened too"

"Ok then.... we um... we started watching comedies. We both started talking and then"

I smiled at the memory.

"Then what?"

"We had sex"

"No way!"

"Mhm. Now he is sleeping on me. And uh.... that's it"

"Are you guys still naked. Be honest"

"Eben. Why would you ask that?"

"We're just wondering"

"Yes we are both still naked"

"This was your first time doing it. And you are the first one in the group to do it"

"That's true"

"But the thing is. It was his first time as well"

"No way!"

"Mhm. I've got to go. Corbyn is waking up. Bye guys"


I hung up and put my phone down. Corbyn started moving more.

"Morning baby"

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He looked exhausted.



"Well maybe it is because of what we did"

"Probably" he said.

I smiled and touched his cheek softly. He kissed me and I kissed back. He laid on top of me and my eyes widened.

We pulled away.

"Sorry" he got off of me and put his arms around me and put his head back on my chest.

"It's ok baby"

"I'm gonna go back to sleep ok"

"Ok" I said.

He closed his eyes.

I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

This one kind of made me uncomfortable.


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