One Piece: Law of Flame

By M-B312

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Harbinger D. Daisuke. A soldier, an assassin, a pirate, a powerful Devil Fruit User, and the eldest brother t... More



55 4 0
By M-B312

|| Time is Running Out! Seize the Ope Ope no Mi! ||

Corazon was paying no mind to the ringing den den mushi as he held a bright smile, his face red with glee.

"Oi, Cora-san! Cora-san!" Law barked, trying to snap Corazon out of his dazed-like state he was in as the den den mushi still continued ringing.

Daisuke stood next to Law, sweatdropping at the sight in front of him. "I like how it sounds," Corazon hummed, "call me again!"

Corazon ever really heard Daisuke call him Cora-san. True, some other members like Baby-5 and Buffalo would as well, but Corazon only really liked when Daisuke did it. Now with Law doing it as well, he couldn't help but be happy.

"Cut it out!" Law snapped, making Daisuke begin to laugh. Law quickly turned his head to Daisuke, trying to get him to stop. "Do not encourage this!"

"Don't be shy!" Corazon mused as Law quickly looked back, his agitation growing.

"Just pick it up! The snail!" He ordered, pointing to the yellow den den mushi that had similar eyes to Doflamingo's glasses as well as a mini version of Corazon's purplish-black, feathery coat and had a dark pink shell decorated by a lighter pink flower.

As Corazon picked up the call, the snail's lips formed into a smirk, matching the expression the person on the other end was wearing. An expression that made an uneasy feeling sit in Daisuke's stomach.

It's me, Corazon,” the voice on the other end said. Doflamingo's voice. Corazon's expression immediately shifted from cheerful to shocked and somewhat angry.

Corazon, you're there, aren't you?” Doflamingo's voice returned after a while of silence.

Not a word was said from Daisuke, Law, or Corazon as Corazon leaned closer to the den den mushi, tapping three times on its shell to indicate a "yes."

"It's been six months since you three left. Are Law and Harbinger with you?"

Law heard a gulp come from Daisuke. He briefly looked at Daisuke out of the corner of his eye, seeing that he had the same expression on his face.

The expression of why Doflamingo suddenly decided to call them after six months of nothing.

Corazon's finger hovered over the snail's shell as he debated an answer. Then, he tapped three times again.

Doflamingo's voice hummed. "I see. I'm glad the three of you are okay. Have you found a good doctor?"

Corazon didn't hesitate with his answer, only tapping on the den den mushi's shell twice, indicating a "no."

"I thought so. Bring Law and Harbinger and come back to the ship. We might be able to cure the disease." Doflamingo said, his voice savouring in bad intentions.

At his words, Law let out a gasp of shock, as did Daisuke. Corazon, however, remained quiet. His face was skeptical, which is a reasonable feeling to have when working for Doflamingo, a master of deception.

Knowing that Corazon was a "mute," Doflamingo continued on to an explanation. "I got information about the Ope Ope no Mi," now it was Corazon's turn to let out a silent gasp, "offered a huge amount of money by the Navy, some stupid pirates who don't know its value will accept a tradeoff, it seems."

Doflamingo let out a deep chuckle. "The Government must be pulling the strings behind the scenes. It's risky, but we'll seize it."

Law and Daisuke kept their eyes on the den den mushi, not believing what they were hearing. Especially Daisuke. He heard about the Ope Ope no Mi. Apparently, it's the "Ultimate Devil Fruit" for reasons Daisuke still wasn't sure about.

"Once we get it, because of the nature of its power, the person I trust the most should eat it. You eat it, Corazon. And cure Law's disease." Corazon's mouth was still agape and his eyes were still wide in shock.

Then, without another word, Doflamingo hung up. Daisuke was still skeptical and worried about the sudden knowledge bomb from Doflamingo, but Corazon seemed ecstatic.

He picked Law up and began to spin around with him. "It's good news! Law! You have a chance to survive! Forget about foolish doctors!"

Daisuke looked over at Corazon, watching him twirl around with Law. Law, on the other hand, didn't seem to fully comprehend what was going on.

"If we can get the Ope Ope no Mi, we'd be able to cure your White Lead Syndrome!"

Once they stopped spinning, Law looked at Corazon in confusion. "What's the Ope Ope no Mi?"

Law knew some things about Devil Fruits, but he didn't remember ever hearing that one from Daisuke, the boy who was teaching Law about them.

"It's a Paramecia-type that gives you the ability to modify human bodies." Daisuke answered with a hum, still by the den den mushi.

He was sitting down, watching Corazon and Law from over his shoulder, one of his knives dancing in his hand again.

Law never knew where Daisuke kept his knives, but he did know two things. One: Daisuke always had at least one on his person, and two: Daisuke seemed to have an infinite amount of the black-steel blades.

"You could, in theory, perform miraculous operations with it and cure unknown diseases." Daisuke then continued, reciting what he knew about the Ope Ope no Mi from memory.

Law looked over Corazon's head to meet Daisuke's eyes. "I don't believe in that magic crap," he said.

Corazon simply smiled widely, a newfound cigarette hanging from his mouth. "No! It's no magic! You need medical knowledge!"

He opened his hands, causing Law to fall out of his grasp. Law yelped, flailing his arms as he quickly backed up as to not fall over.

"Cora-san!" Daisuke barked, "Careful!"

"I know that you're the son of a doctor who was trusted by the people of Flevance!" Corazon said to Law, bending over to his eye level while ignoring Daisuke.

"Since the time you were able to understand, you were learning medical knowledge and techniques, weren't you?!"

Law leaned his head back slightly to take a better a look at Corazon, due to the massive difference in their heights. "Yeah, but... what does it have to do with this?" He asked.

Corazon stood up straight, placing his hand on his hip, his hand almost sliding into the pocket of his white-coloured jeans. "So, it's perfect for you to eat it!" Corazon said, pointing to Law.

"Me?! Doflamingo said you should eat it!" Law countered. Corazon closed his eyes, shaking his head and sighing.

"He can't," Daisuke called out from his position still by the den den mushi. This time he was eyeing the snail as if Doflamingo was suddenly about to call again.

"Neither can I. Or anyone who had already eaten a Devil Fruit can for that matter. For a person will die if he eats two Devil Fruits. Their bodies won't be able to handle it."

Corazon hummed. "Daiko's correct. Doffy said that because he doesn't know that I'm a Devil Fruit User."

Law was a bit nervous about Corazon's sudden serious tone, but he kept his stoic poker face. "You, Daiko, and I... we won't go back to the Family!"

Law's eyes widened. "What?" Corazon turned around, taking out his cigarette after taking a puff from it. He then exhaled the smoke, watching as the cloud rose up and dissipated in the air.

"I decided so when I noticed this journey would take longer than I thought. I think Doffy knows that I'm a traitor by now. Daiko too." Corazon said, his reddish-brown eyes lingering over to Daisuke.

He expected to see Daisuke's concentrated form, but instead he saw Daisuke's deep blue eyes looking back at him.

There was something in his eyes that was agreeing with Corazon's inner voice. There was a layer to them. Maybe it was the fact that Daisuke had another pair of eyes. A pair of brilliant green eyes in his dragon form.

Or maybe it was because Daisuke knew. Daisuke knew the fact Corazon worked for Sengoku and the marines. He knew that Corazon was undercover, trying to find out secrets that would help the marines take down Doflamingo. He knew that Corazon cared for Law. He cared about him too. But he also cared for Corazon.

Daisuke never really knew why he did. He just cared for the two like family. Family he wouldn't think twice about giving his own life for.

Daisuke's eyes spoke more than he did. They say that eyes are the gateway into one's soul. If they were, then maybe Daisuke really wasn't all he claimed to be.

"But he didn't sound like it. He said you should eat it." Law's voice snapped Corazon from his thoughts, and brought Daisuke's eyes to the boy that stood behind him.

"There is another reason for Doffy to say he wants me to eat the Ope Ope no Mi!" Corazon rose his voice, although it was pretty obvious he didn't mean to.

He took a step forward as Law's expression morphed back into one of mild shock and confusion.

Doffy... since I won't refuse you, you're looking to have eternal life in exchange for my life, aren't you? Corazon thought to himself as he clenched his teeth, luckily not snapping his cigarette in two, I'll get killed if I go back!

He quickly turned around, bending down to Law's level as he placed his hands on the young boy's shoulders. His sudden shifts in behaviour were beginning to worry Daisuke, and his worried gaze showed.

"Listen, we'll get a jump on Doffy and the others and steal the Ope Ope no Mi!" Corazon barked. Law's silver eyes bored into Corazon's reddish-brown.

"You eat the fruit! When you get cured, let's go hide somewhere!" Corazon ranted. Law didn't even realise Daisuke had moved over to his side until he heard the older boy's voice. "Hide somewhere?"

Corazon didn't elaborate as he shifted around to the den den mushi. "Daiko, prepare to set sail! We'll get the Ope Ope no Mi at any cost!" Corazon ordered, typing a number into the den den mushi.

"Aye-Aye, Cap’n," Daisuke gave a lazy salute as he then placed his hand on Law's shoulder, "why don't you help me out?"

Law looked up at Daisuke, seeing the older boy giving him a soft smile. A smile that seemed to illuminate his pale features.

As Daisuke left to start packing up, the two heard a voice from the den den mushi. "Rice crackers!"

"Rice cracker pellets, it's me." Corazon said back, using the same code he always does when he rang this "Rice Crackers" guy.

"Rosinante! It's been a while. I've been worried about you!" The voice chimed, "Hey, Garp! Why don't you go out for a sec?!"

A new voice appeared on the den den mushi, probably this "Garp" character that Rice Crackers mentioned.

True, Daisuke was a hundred percent sure that "Rice Crackers" wasn't actually his name, but he didn't know the man's name, so he just ended up calling him that.

"What?! I just brought you senbei crackers! Make green tea for me!" The knew voice was deep and gravely, but also seemed to have some sort of parental tone. Sort of like a grandfather's.

"Now isn't a good time, Sengoku-san?" Corazon asked, but he didn't get a response. "Get out!" Rice Crackers barked to Garp, "Idiot! I gotta work! W-O-R-K!"

Sengoku-san? Daisuke thought, pausing what he was doing as he looked over at Corazon who was seated in front of the den den mushi, Law still standing behind him, watching Corazon as well.

Ain't that the name of someone high-up in the Navy rankings? Cora-san works for the Navy but... does he work for Sengoku-san? Whoever that is?

There was a long pause as Garp left whatever room Rice Crackers was in, closing the door behind him. "Um... can I talk?" Corazon asked, feeling a bit awkward.

Rice Crackers sipped something before answering. "Yeah, sorry. Go ahead."

"Do you have a deal regarding the Ope Ope no Mi?" Corazon asked. Suddenly, the sound of someone spitting out their drink was heard before Rice Crackers's voice got quiet and closer to his den den mushi. "H-How do you know that?"

"My brother knew it." Corazon simply replied.

"What?! But it's top secret!" Corazon began flipping through papers he had with him, probably those he kept within his coat. The damn thing was so long it could probably hold an entire panda shark without struggle.

Law seemed to be deep in thought as he watched Corazon. Maybe he was putting the pieces together, as both Daisuke and Doflamingo taught the young boy about the Navy.

"I wanna know those pirates' activities." Corazon said. Law slowly walked over to the bag Daisuke had been using to pack up camp, still keeping his eyes on Corazon as he kneeled down to it.

"I don't think we can find them before the trade." Rice Crackers replied. "Even if Doflamingo is looking to steal the Ope Ope no Mi before the trade?" Corazon asked.

"Is it true?!" Rice Crackers barked. Law squatted down to the bag, still staring at Corazon as Daisuke finished packing up as well.

Law was beginning to feel dizzy. His odd behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Daisuke as the older boy approached Law.

"You a'ight, Law?" Daisuke asked, watching as Law rubbed his eye. "Y-Yeah, I just... feel kind of dizzy..." he answered.

Daisuke didn't like that answer. "Dizzy?" He questioned, trying not to show the worried tone in his voice, "Did you get enough sleep?"

"When and where will the trade be?" Corazon inquired to Rice Crackers, not hearing the exchange between the two boys.

"Three weeks from now, at Rubeck in the North Blue." Rice Crackers responded as Corazon stared at the tan-coloured map in front of him, taking out a small pen, "I'll meet up with Doffy and the others at Swallow Island three days before the handoff." He informed Rice Crackers.

Daisuke stopped tuning in to Corazon's conversation as Law was worrying him. The boy kept claiming he felt dizzy, and the fact that his skin seemed to have paled significantly.

"Oi, Law, are you sure you're okay?" Daisuke asked, placing both hands on Law's shoulders. His silver eyes seemed dull, and he looked really faint.

Corazon heard the person on the other end of the den den mushi line thank him before he ended the call. He watched as the snail lowered its eyes, indicating it was "off."

"Oi, Law, Daiko. Are you two ready? We gotta sail out—" Corazon began, expecting a simple response. But what he heard instead sent panic throughout his body.

"LAW!" Daisuke suddenly shouted as Law collapsed and began breathing heavily. Corazon whipped his head around to see Daisuke kneeling down by Law's unconscious body, trying to shake him awake.

Corazon bolted over, kneeling down by Law as well. "Law! Oi! You gotta be kidding! Stay with me!" Corazon cried, worry and panic completely filling his voice.

"Not now! We finally got a chance! It's not been three years yet! I thought you still had time left according to your calculation!" Corazon kept yelling.

Daisuke put his hand to Law's head before quickly pulling back. Law's cheeks were bright red, and his body temperature had skyrocketed.

Definitely not a good sign.

"H-He has a high fever, Cora-san!" Daisuke deducted, stuttering over his words.

Corazon flipped to Daisuke, putting his hands on Daisuke's shoulder and began shaking him. "What do we do then?!"

Daisuke placed his pale hands on Corazon's wrists to get him to stop shaking him. "Stop shaking me! I-I don't know, Cora-san! I'm not a doctor! Law knew more than either of us!"

"Those damn doctors are all useless anyway! What do we do?!" Corazon repeated after dropping his grip on Daisuke.

Daisuke scanned the area, even his pockets, before his eyes landed on a small canteen of water. "Try giving him some water!"

"Right!" Corazon filled up a cup with the water from the canteen and as he was about to make his way over, he tripped over his coat, almost falling off the edge of the cliff the camp was by.

"Cora-san!" Daisuke shouted in worry, this whole situation making him unable to think straight.

Corazon climbed back up, throwing the empty cup down in anger. "Dammit!"

"Please make it!" Corazon begged, kneeling down by Law again, "stay alive for another three weeks! Give me a chance!!"

Daisuke noticed how Law's eyes were tightly shut, and he seemed to be in a lot of pain. "L-Law..." he muttered quietly, feeling a sense of worry he's never experienced before.


Almost three weeks have passed and it was finally time. Three days before the exchange. During the wait, Law would have days where he was conscious, and others where he was completely out.

He wasn't getting any better.

That night, the third day before the exchange was going to take place, the seas were raging and choppy. Daisuke hated the water, mostly because he was a Devil Fruit User. But he was willing to risk it all if it meant saving Law's life.

"Dammit! Why does it have to be so choppy now?!" Corazon cursed. He was trying to keep the small dinghy as steady as possible, which was very difficult to do.

"Cora-san..." Law muttered out quietly, almost too quiet to hear over the howling winds and thunder. "Huh? What's wrong, Law?"

Daisuke was seated in Corazon's lap, Law seated in his lap. Law was rapped in a shaggy brown blanket, mostly dry due to Daisuke.

"The Government knew that we would die but they kept making us dig up White Lead, for money!" Law looked up at Corazon, his breath becoming visible due to the approaching cold weather of Minion Island.

"My family... and the people of Flevance... the Government killed them!" Corazon clenched his teeth as Daisuke just stared into Law's eyes.

"So if you're a Navy soldier allied with them, tell me the truth." Daisuke knew that Law had been suspecting Corazon for working with the Navy. True, Daisuke knew the truth but, he didn't know what to do.

"That's absurd! I'm not a Navy soldier!" Corazon barked, crying out a white lie. But the answer eased Law.

The boy gave a closed-eyed smile. "Good." He chimed before using Daisuke's chest to keep the freezing rain out of his face.

"In fact... you need to realise a-are along the Ope Ope no Mi means... we'll make enemies of everybody. Doflamingo, the Navy, and the Government! We'll be chased by all of them! You better be prepared to fight to live!" Corazon cried.

Daisuke chuckled, "Guess it's a damn good thing I've been willing to go up against the Government for years."

Minion Island is a pretty desolate island that has a winter climate. Then again, in the North Blue, almost every island has a winter climate.

The only town on the island is a ghost town that's been abandoned for years, according to the books Daisuke's read. But, recently, according to Corazon and Rice Crackers, the Barrels Pirates have begun using Minion Island as their base of operations.

"Have you found the pirates, Sengoku-san?" Corazon asked Rice Crackers on the den den mushi line.

Law had fallen unconscious again, laying in Daisuke's lap. Daisuke simply stared ahead at Minion Island, observing as the snow flurried down.

Corazon calling Rice Crackers "Sengoku-san" confirmed Daisuke's previous suspicion a few weeks ago, but he was currently more worried about Law than the marines.

"Yeah, east of Rubeck where we'll have a trade, there's Minion Island which has a ghost town. Looks like that's where their hideout is."

Corazon brought his binoculars to his eyes to observe the coast of Minion Island as Rice Crackers spoke up again, "Diez Barrels is the pirate's name. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah," Corazon replied, "he's a former Navy officer."

"That's right. Our look-out ship is staking out Minion Island now. Meanwhile, at Swallow Island where you and Doflamingo were going to meet up, there are two warships. I won't let Doflamingo steal the Ope Ope no Mi!"

Corazon put the binoculars away before putting on his sunglasses, despite it being nighttime. He docked the dinghy in an area that was pretty secluded from any possible watching eye.

He tossed a rope that connected to an overhanging tree, since that was the only physical way up to the island.

Daisuke stood next to Corazon, not wearing anything suited for harshly cold climates like that of Minion Island.

He didn't need to, for his body naturally generated more heat than the average human. That heat acts as a shield, protecting Daisuke.

"Law, it won't be long. Wait here." Corazon said, tugging on the rope to make sure it was secure enough to climb.

Without thinking, Law tugged on the end of Corazon's coat. When Corazon looked back at him, he seemed shocked to meet Corazon's eyes.

Understanding what he was trying to say, Corazon gave a nod as he hoisted Law onto his back and began to climb up the rope.

Daisuke looked around the area before taking out a cigarette and setting it between his lips.

"Tsubasa," he whispered quietly, not wanting to draw any attention as he used his Devil Fruit ability to summon his dragon form's wings on his back.

Then, he lifted into the air, filling the quiet atmosphere with soft wingbeats as he followed Law and Corazon up to the island.

Upon landing in the pure white snow, the same valiant white colour of his wings, they disappeared from his back as if they never existed.

Entering the ghost town was easy. No one was around to see the three enter one of the houses.

Once they did, Corazon tightened his coat as he walked over to the barn-wood-style door, leaving Law with Daisuke.

"Law, I can't take you with me from here," he said, turning to face Law as he opened the door. Law was seated upon a crate, Daisuke standing next to him with his hood over his head, casting a shadow over his eyes.

His hands were in his iconic, black and red sweatshirt as a cigarette could be seen hanging in his mouth.

"I know it's hard but... wait here for a while. Daiko will watch over you." Law watched Corazon for a moment before looking over to Daisuke.

Seeing Law out of the corner of his eye, Naon looked back with a bright smile and a familiar "peace-sign" pose that Corazon always did with his hand.

"I'll be back in no time," Corazon continued, making Law's attention return to him, "with the Ope Ope no Mi!"

He mirrored the same pose as Naon, a smile dawning his face as well. Law smiled back, and with that, Corazon used his Nagi Nagi no Mi ability to make himself and anything he interacted with make not a single noise as he ran off to the large, malevolent-looking house that sat on a large hill towards the back of the island.


It had only been about a minute since Corazon left when Daisuke opened the door to the abandoned house he and Law were in.

"D-Daiko-ya?" Daisuke heard Law's voice, the strain in it tugging at his heart. "Yeah, Kid?"

Daisuke looked over his shoulder, seeing Law looking right back at him. "I-Is everything... g-going to be okay?"

Daisuke nodded. "Yeah. Everything's gonna go without a hitch. Cora-san's gonna come back with the Ope Ope no Mi, and you'll finally be cured! Promise!"

Oh how wrong he was.

The positive tone to Daisuke's voice made Law relax as Daisuke turned back around to the cold outside. "Stay here, okay? I'll be right outside if you need anything."

Daisuke heard a small hum of acknowledgement come from Law as he stepped outside onto the abandoned house's front steps, quickly shutting the door behind him.

He moved to the edge of the steps, taking a seat as he looked toward the mansion in the distance while also continuing to be aware of his surroundings.

As he sat there outside in the snow, Daisuke didn't shiver once, or show any sign that he was cold. Because he wasn't. In all honesty, he hasn't been cold since he ate the Uroko Uroko no Mi, which he did at six.

Despite the situation, Daisuke was oddly at peace. True, he had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, but maybe it was the small tinge of hope that brought him ease.

The ghost town, although abandoned and covered in snow, was pretty beautiful. The nighttime atmosphere definitely added to that fact.

About a few minutes later, the door behind Daisuke opened. The creaking sound caught Daisuke's attention immediately, causing him to look over his shoulder again.

Law walked out of the weatherbeaten stone home, tightly rapping the worn brown cloak tighter around his body.

"Law, go back inside. You shouldn't be out here." Daisuke said, bringing Law's attention over. Daisuke stared into Law's weak, yet determined, silver eyes. The boy said nothing as he took a seat next to Daisuke on the steps.

Daisuke knew that it probably wasn't a good idea for Law to be outside in the snow whilst sick. He was obviously freezing, and his nose and cheeks were a cherry red.

Daisuke let out a sigh, seeing his foggy breath in the cold air. Law wasn't going to go back inside. He was too worried about Corazon to do so. So, Daisuke picked Law up, and placed him in his lap close to his body.

Law had gotten used to being so close to Daisuke, but for once, he felt different. Daiuke's body was warm, but not in the sense of a fever. It was a warmth that Law greatly accepted in the frost-bitten atmosphere the two sat in.

"How... are you so warm, Daiko-ya?" Law asked, feeling safe and comfortable being in his arms.

Daisuke smiled, "My body generates heat on its own because of the Uroko Uroko no Mi, the Devil Fruit I ate. While giving me the ability to turn into a dragon, it also gave me some level of control over fire. Because of that, my spirit burns with the flame that fuels my fire, making my body produce a lot of excess heat. Meaning I can't get cold, and I can keep you warm." Daisuke explained, hugging Law closer to him.

Law hummed in satisfaction, burying his head in Daisuke's chest when suddenly, a massive flame erupted from the mansion Corazon went to, illuminating the sky.

Both boys looked over, Daisuke feeling nervous while Law was too tired to really feel anything, although he was worried for Corazon.

Due to the missing sound, Law was reminded of the time Corazon showed off his Devil Fruit abilities. No matter what he touched, nothing made a sound from smashing a vase to shooting a rocket. And every time, Corazon always had a smile.

"Cora-san... please be safe..." he heard Daisuke mumble as the fire began to eat away at the building.

More minutes pass by in complete silence except the occasional shifting from Daisuke. The silence was comfortable despite the worry for Corazon.

Then, there were gunshots. A rather unsettling amount of gunshots. Law felt Daisuke tense up from under him. When he looked up to see Daisuke's face, even though there was a shadow covering it because of his hood, Law saw the worry that was present on Daisuke's features.

He too, felt worry. They shouldn't have heard those gunshots because of Corazon's Devil Fruit.


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