New Generation

By Yuki_nah

206 35 7

As Crazy as it is, no matter what it is. This is the new generation. Can you survive this cruel, unreal world... More

1. The Curse?
2. Camiel
3. Confession
4. His Unfulfilled Love
5. For Chrysanthemum Part 1
6. For Chrysanthemum Part 2

7. Who..

14 3 2
By Yuki_nah

Can't help but think, today's not going to go well. It's not like everyday's a fun one but.... who knows.

Mt instincts don't fail me much. One foot inside the classroom and I get attacked. This blue twigtail's girl is going to get me kill or what?.. Lime doesn't say a word and just continues to hug me tight with all her strength.

"H-hi.. Morning?" I said. She releases me from the long hug and finally looks at me. "Morning, Camy-ah! But I don't know if it's gonna be good or bad!" She said in a cute tone but her expressions revealed her rage with that fake smile of hers.

I just smiled along as I take my sit. She leans on my desk. "Why were you absent yesterday? You know, I was freaking lonely!!" She exclaimed in a sad tone. "Ah.. Sorry. I was sick and all so..."

"You were sick.. Uhmm.. Then is it normal for a sick person to be recovered in a day and also wear makeup?" She said in one breath while maintaining eye contract with me. What am I even witnessing? Is it normal for someone to act like best friends forever with whom you have known for only a few hours or so.

I can't help but keep on smiling. It might be easier to just explain it all but... I don't wanna repeat same mistakes twice. What's the point of taking useless risks that will only result in my loss. "Sorry, but it's complicated. I don't want to talk about it.." I said as I broke eye contact with her.

After that it was silent for a while. The only thing that was heard was the classmates chattering and all. Lime slowly sat on her sit. I could feel her unwavering gaze upon me. That made me more nervous as I was thinking on what to do if she were to get pushy about it. I would hear her sigh for the 3rd time.

"I understand. Let's not talk about it. So, don't avoid me now..." She said. "Everyone's got their own problems.. I didn't think it would be something serious. I hope I didn't offend you or so.."

It felt as if she was hurt. I should have been the one apologizing but it doesn't seem to be the case. Tho, my anxiety is gone. I'm relieved. "Lime, it's okay. I wasn't offended." I said with a reassuring smile.

She blinked for a while in confusion, I suppose. She was silent.

But soon after, she turned back to that cheery girl. Her gloomy face soon turned into a big grin as if she was up to something. Something mischievous.

"So..." She gave out another one of her big hug. "Are we best friends yet?" She asked.

Her voice was cheerful. But, somehow I would feel that she didn't meant it in a cheery tone.


She was lonely....

That's what my heart told me....

As she broke the hug, she waited for me reply with that big smile of hers. Somehow.. I knew if the answer were to be negative, she do still smile and say it was joke or something..

I choose neither yes nor no. Because, I want to be clear first before choosing a path...

Small decisions lead to those paths that cause something big... as in negative or positive.

"We just barely know each other.. How would I deserve to be the best rather then your long term friends?.." I said.

"I just know. I believe in my heart and what it wants."

"Then, I could also say the same. I just know, this friendship won't work out... It may be better if you leave me alone..."

"No. I won't and it will work." She said. Her expressions revealed her seriousness. But the voice and tone revealed her childish nature or motive...

I give up. I don't wanna fight. I'm weak against girls. I put my hands up in the air in admit of defeat. "Okay, Yes, yes.. Why not?" I said while giving out a long sigh.

She squeaks in happiness with her hands up in the air. "Yeahie~~ Finally got a bestfriend!" She said sweetly and cheerfully.

I looked at her childish behavior as I giggled.
I feel like... I won't be able to get mad at her. Like never ever. She will always win.

Her eyes are suddenly widened. As though she's surprised. "Pie~SweEtiE~~!!!" She literally screamed. Her voice is really loud. And here I thought my voice was the loudest.

I turn around to see the person she was calling out to. Lime was waving with a big grin on her face.

As soon as I took a glance at that person. My whole world froze. My body had shut down. My brain wasn't working anymore.

I was shocked.

Literally would have gotten a heart attack. The pain that I felt throughout my body was.. I can't even describe it. Everything in me had stopped working, all the logics... I just wanted to puke.

I was scared. Shocked. And. Confident. These three feelings and emotions were rolling on me. Even tho I felt like crying out of pain. More than that..... I wanted to get everything out. This feeling off of my chest and the weird feeling in the stomach. I really wanted to puke so bad. As shivers went down my spine.

She was waving at Lime. But as soon as we made eye contract, even her face dropped from smile to gloomy.

She was shocked just as I was.

All the colors were drained from life. Her face was blank.

I assume... She's also lost. Right? She really didn't expect me here and neither did I.

There was a heavy silence forming between us. As soon as I had calmed my nerves. I gave out a sigh and simply just glared at her.

Lime broke the silence, she doesn't like it.. "Guys.....? What's wrong?" She said as she smiled trying to change the mood in the air.

I choose to speak first, to reply to her. "Maybe. Do you mind to introduce her to me?" I said, trying to be as rational as possible and just go with the flow. But truth be told, rage was forming in me. Ready to explode. The fear in me had turned into rage.

"Yes~ Of course~ She is Pily~ I nicknamed her Pie as I call you Camy-ah~" Lime said as she clapped her hands. "I'm so happy you guys finally met! Also, Pie why didn't you come to school! Like 3 days in a row!" She pouted.

"Sorry.... I had to go visit my grandma.. She was sick." Pily said as she walked over to our seat and stopped in front of me.

I felt like going for her face with a fist of mine. I was ready to abuse her verbally. But, I was still trying to be calm. Even tho, it will backfire on me.

- To Be Continued~~

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