Determination's Punishment

By Wendy-ChanX777

4.8K 138 117

--------------------------- Yo!! This is basically a crossover of Undertale and Bnha that features Frisk! If... More

~A Second Chance~
~It's decided. We'll be heroes!~
~Case: In Progress~
~A Rodent?~
~A New Friend?~
~2 Years Of Organised Chaos~
~The Entrance Exams~

~Case Closed~

385 13 6
By Wendy-ChanX777

(3rd POV)

As Chara brought the weapon down, both Frisk and Aizawa stood up, startling Tsukauchi. Aizawa grabbed his scarf and willed it to throw the seemingly floating knife away, Frisk looking fairly concerned and swnding sorrowful looks at the adults.
Even with the knife gone, the detective and insomniac did not lower their guard. Suddenly, all 7 knives present in the apartment sliced through the air and floated in a circle around the two adults as Frisk quietly sat back down on the couch. Just as Chara was about to direct the knives to stab, Frisk raised her hands and clapped 3 times. This got Chara to direct his attention to her, dropping the knives. The pros looked at the girl in confusion.

"Everyone's here now. Sit and continue the interrogation." Frisk commanded with a close eyed smile. "Sit. Now." She once again commanded when no one moved.
Too baffled to argue, both pros sat on the opposite couch carefully while Chara joyfully sat down next to Frisk and hugged her side as an apology, his face still in its insane state.

Finally getting over the surprise attack, Tsukauchi decided to speak up.
"You say everyone's here. Does that mean that Dreemurr-San is here?"
When the question left his lips, Frisk's eyebrows raised in realisation and she quickly jutted her hands out in front of her, which caused Aizawa to raise a hand towards his scarf.
They gasped in fascination as a red heard emerged from her chest and physically landed onto her hands. Before they could question it, the heart glowed a blinding white, forcing them to look away as this was the first time they were seeing it.

When the light died down, in the heart's place were two smaller hearts. One of which was floating towards the 'empty' space beside Frisk. From the eyes of other people, what happened next would be considered amazing. Particles started to form around the room and piece together to make a body around the red heart. Almost as if it were a jigsaw puzzle. Unfortunately for them, in Chara and Frisk's eyes, it only looked like he was becoming less transparent.

The particles soon stopped appearing and now they could clearly see a boy hugging Frisk with a crazed expression that made them uncomfortable and slightly scared.
"Greetings!" Frisk, as if noticing their discomfort, turned to Chara and said 6 simple words.

"Chara, you look stupid like that." That was all it took for him to revert back to his more normal form.

Overwhelmed with everything, they continued their questioning.
"Dreemur-San, why did you attack us and attempt to kill us?" Chara smile grew wide as he answered in a cheery voice.
"I'll eliminate any threats. Speaking of threats, you're probably here because I killed some dudes a few days ago right?" Truth. When he got a slow not and a glare, he continued, not yet noticing the disappointment radiating from beside him.
"Well, it's their fault. They should really learn not to knock on a door screaming 'Get Over Here And Open the GodDamn Door!'. I simply taught them manners in my torture chamber. Don't worry, we all had fun. I also had fun with the other 34 people that posed a threat to us." Truth. He laughed eerily as Frisk's shot him a look and shook her head.
"I said no more killing. Redesign tomorrow." She casually stated with a frown, earning a small 'shoot' from him.

Aizawa decided to talk next.
"Frisk, are you not disturbed by the fact that you're living with a murderer? He could kill you at any given moment." She was about to respond when Chara beat her to it.
"Me kill her? HA I'd love to see that day. If anything she'd be the one killing me since she's waaaayyy stronger! Although, she does lack the want to harm... Besides, it's not like I could kill her even if I tried." Truth. This got him a smack to the back of the head. After rubbed the pain with a small pout, Frisk handed him a chocolate bar which caused his personality to go from sadistic to a small child. She decided to answer the question herself.
"I want him to stop and join me to become heroes.... Even so, Chara's my friend and no amount of death can change that." Truth. The mentioned boy smiled brightly at the information and lunged at her, causing both of them to fall off the couch, giggling.

"Either way, kid, we'll have to take him away. He's a murderer and you will be fined for hiding a villain." Aizawa quickly stood wrapped his scarf around the still smiling boy before continuing. Tsukauchi standing up also while still writing down information.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't get killed for you." At this, Chara and Frisk looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. This action only got confused stares.

"What's so funny?" The detective asked slowly. Both kids tried their hardest to stop the laughter which only caused them to laugh more at each other's misfortune.
"You couldn't kill me anyways! I'm already dead!" Chara struggled to force out over his slowly dying laughter. Truth. The adults turned to the girl for answers. Once she stopped laughing she looked Aizawa dead in the eye.
"He's a ghost that feeds off a certain energy of mine. He's the only ghost I can share with." " That's right! Even if you take me away from her, I'll phase away and come back to her There's only three people that I'll listen to when given orders, and if none are present, I'll wreak as much havoc as I can."

Taking in the new information, tsukauchi whispers something into Aizawa's ear. The latter's eyes widened and he whispered a complaint. While they were having their quiet discussion, Chara got out of the scarf's grasp and proceeded to play patty cake with Frisk. As the two pros came to an agreement, Aizawa claimed he needed to call someone and left the apartment to talk in the outside hallway.

"So, do you mind telling me about your last home?" The remaining adult tried to start a conversation. Both 12 year-old's eyes sparkled in delight as they dragged him to their bedroom. Amused, he laughed at their reaction and realised that even if they were peculiar, they were still kids. For a moment, he forgot that one was a murderer.

When they arrived at their room, Frisk was off to get a drawing and Chara climbed onto the beds and dressers to get the items that were hanging on the wall. Instead of getting a drawing off the wall, Frisk pulled a few out of her desk, along with some pictures.

(1) Frisk showed a picture of her attempting to protect a group of scared mutants from an off screen threat. "Chara took that picture when she threatened to kill all of us and pulled out a jar of grey dust. Everyone got really scared and since I don't turn to dust, I decided to protect them!" They smiled at the memory. Turn to dust, huh? He also took notice that that was the longest she had talked so far. "Yeah. The other monsters got so scared!" Monsters?

(2) The next was a drawing of 3 humans and a goat. Under that drawing was a more monstrous version of them. "Ooh That's a comparison drawing I made. Our normal selves versus ourselves at our 'worst'. Those two are the others that Chara will listen too: Kris the human and Asriel the goat. Also Flowey the flower but he's basically Asriel." "They're pretty cool people but they can be really scary..." The detective didn't doubt that.

"Kris' 14 years old and he was practically a non-official member of our three man squad. We never got to make him a necklace though." Chara solemnly stated before remembering that Kris too had an interest in a specific someone.

(3) They showed another drawing. "That's when I dressed up as frisk and we tested Kris to see if he could tell the difference. He baited me with chocolate." "We didn't manage to get a video but I drew it."

(4) Chara brought out his phone and furiously swiped through his camera roll. "I have a video in here of my bro basically proposing to Frisk after she saved him from destroying everything!" The mentioned girl blushed in embarrassment as he showed the detective the video despite the sinking feeling in his chest. They looked so much younger.

(5) This one was another made by Frisk. It showed most of their monster friends. half of them were ready to battle while the other half were calm. "Hey, I haven't seen this one yet. Is it new?" "Yeah. I finished it this morning when I remembered how scary it was to fight everyone to keep my soul..."

They continued to share memories with Tsukauchi as he wrote down important information. Luckily for him, they only cared for bragging about their friends so they didn't mind him writing it down. They also pointed out which Item belonged to who. The last thing they managed to show him were their matching heart lockets, claiming that the third was with Asriel/Flowey.

The insomniac walked into their bedroom, glad that they hadn't harmed his companion, and stated that they had an offer for them. An offer they had no choice but to accept.
"You mentioned before that you wanted to become a hero, correct? Well I talked to someone and we might be able to help quite a bit. What do you say?" Chara and Frisk both looked each other, having their own silent conversation. Eventually, they simultaneously looked at the two adults and nodded, causing a grin to break onto their faces.

"Great. I'll pick you up at around 3:20 It's a 10 minute walk away so we should get there by the time classes end. We'll discuss more there." When he got two nods, they said their goodbyes and left the kids in their apartment.

"Thanks for joining me Aizawa. I would've died if you didn't." Tsukauchi joked half-heartedly before going off towards the station to report that everything was handled.

Aizawa sighed tiredly. Needless to say, he was exhausted from all the events that happened in that small encounter. Having started teaching only a month ago, he feared what more he'll have to deal with with his class. But all he needed right now was a long rest.



Yo! My hands are aching but I still decided to write this.
Forgot to mention this earlier but Frisk and Chara appeared on the same day that a new school year started.
Here are the images I was talking about in this chapter (in order).

I do not own any of these works of art. I could only wish my art skills were this cool. All credit goes to the owners!!


After Tsukauchi reported his findings, he was asked a question that made him panic.
"What was the reason behind the cuts and bruises?"

Chara doesn't seem like he would purposely hurt her so he's out of the question. Self harm maybe? She doesn't seem to have a reason to do that. Or what if she's getting bullied?! No, Chara would kill the bullies. Perhaps she's just really clumsy? Yh that sounds reasonable. But what if......

After trying to think up different situations, he blurted out a random excuse.
"She game rages and sometimes breaks nearby objects" He deadpanned.
What's worse is that it was acceptable as a plausible answer.

Deep in his mind, he was mentally apologizing to her and begging Chara not to attack him for spreading lies.

Also, here's what some items give you when in hand:

Papyrus's Scarf: +50 defence
Asgore's trident: +30 attack and access to special attack
Sans' bone: +40 attack, unlimited access to bones, easier soul manipulation and gaster blasters
Alphys' glasses: +20 defence and speed reading/analysing
Undyne's spear: +30 attack, unlimited access to spears and access to special attack
Napstablook's headphones: Space meditaton and music.
Mettaton's make-up kit: Unlimited amount of make-up. Perfect for covering marks and great for disguises.
Toriel's pie: Unlimited slices and gives max health. Doesn't ever spoil
Muffet's tea: Great for luring spiders, gives max health, doesn't run out or spoil.
Chara's knife: +99 attack
Frisk's stick: +99999 mercy and +0 attack
Kris' pencil: +99 attack
Heart locket: +30 defence

If these items are outside of a 50 meter radius of both Frisk and Chara, they teleport back to one of their inventories. They're also unbreakable.

Now that that's over, I hope y'all are doing great today and if you're having a bad day/night, just remember that good and bad will almost always balance out. Bai Bai~

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