Book of Secrets

By KC-Blares

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Story ideas ranging anywhere from horror to fantasy. If you fancy any of them, vote and leave a comment and b... More

Rest in Pieces
I Spy Something Hot
The Detective's Apprentice (Posted on Gotham_Girl)
Robin's Hood
Pumped up Kicks
Falling Embers
They All Fall Down
Hot in Alcatraz (Posted on Gotham_Girl)
The Perfect Crime (Posted on Gothem_Girl)
Midnight Dress
The Rose's Shadows
Slaughter House
Love Birds (Posted on Gothem_Girl)
Night Nurse
Sweet Justice (Posted on Gothem_Girl)
Drop Dead Gorgeous
My Disney Crush
Bye Bye Blackbird
Whispering Woods
The Lost Princess
Take me or Leave Me
Nightshade (Posted)
Heels and Guns
Pride and Pack
Moving On
I don't Mate with Jerks (Alternate Ending)
Son of a Witch
Lock Down
Can't Rely on Love
Born of Fire
Ryder's Red Hood (Posted Gotham_Girl)
Phantom Howl
I'm not Alexis Marshall
Frozen Thorns
The Alpha Games
Her Name is Mystery
Happy Birthday
The Devil has Seven Wives
The Man with a Heart of Gold
The Tiger's Secrets
Secrets under a Full Moon
Not Weird. Unique
They All Fall Down (DIFFERENT STORY)
Carving Hearts
The Circe Project
He Loves Me
Paint me a Smile

Somewhere only we Know

626 3 0
By KC-Blares

Title: Somewhere only we Know

Genre: Fan Fiction, Romance, Action, Historical Fiction

Discription: Violet Harkens may seem like the kick-butt, bad ass, Greaser girl a majority of the population of Tulsa, Oklahoma thinks, but she's really a sweetheart she just won't show it. After breaking up with the Greaser playboy, Dallas Winston, she finds her mean streak breaking and her heart blooming for another Greaser boy she never took time to notice...


(Note; not first chapter)

I leaned back against the outside of the diner, taking a quick breather before heading home, where I doubt I'll be as lucky as I was yesterday. With numb and tired fingers, I lit my cigarette, drawing in the smoke and weed before blowing it back out into the night air. My muscles relaxed a bit and I slid down to the ground, not seeing what the big rush is. My parents wouldn't give a crap if I was late or not.

Few cars rolled along the street, the old street light above my head beginning to faintly flicker. September was approaching and the cold air was rolling in, the leaves on the trees in the lot across from the diner already beginning to golden.

I shivered, a cold breeze blowing my hair across my face. Sighing, I stiffly got to my feet, sorely making my way back home. I was sure my parents were awake and were furious and stressed after a long day's work. Like always, I'm sure they'd take all their anger out on me.

The stairs creaked and moaned as I jumped up them, quietly opening the annoying rickety screen door to find Mom and Dad arguing in the living room, throwing anything they could grab at each other. I hated it the most when my parents fought; that's when they were most pissed and most abusive.

"What you lookin' at, girl?"

Once my father's cold, ice blue eyes landed on me, my body went stiff and I knew what was coming. I wanted to shrink back and cower but kept my stand as my father stormed up to me, my mother screaming at him from behind. He grabbed me brutally by the arm, twisting it at an odd angle as he threw my to the ground like a rag doll. I didn't have any time to react before the toe of his boot connected with my cheek, my head jolting to the side. 

I bit back the cry and scream that was trying to force its way through my lips. Screaming would only make it worse. 

Suddenly, a beer bottle flew by and missed my father by inches, crashing against the wall behind him. His face already bright red and filled with rage tore his eyes from my crumpled body and looked up at my mother, her swearing everything under the sun. 

Kicking my once more in the gut, my father stormed past me, all his aggression towards my mother as she threw another glass object at him. While they were distracted with each other, I quickly stifled up from the ground and ran up to my bedroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

My cheek was beginning to swell up, my vision in my right eye becoming blurry. My stomach was screaming in pain where my father had kicked me the second time. I was surprised I was able to keep my lunch down.

Of course, the last time I got sick when he beat me or got blood on the carpet, he made me clean it up while my mom sat in the living room with a beer in her hand and watching her favorite TV show, not even bother to stand up for me. She cared about me just as much as my father did, and that was nothing. 

I was like a waste of space to them, nothing but their punching bag. I was just the mistake they made when they forgot the birth control pills.

Sore, tired, and numb, I collapsed onto the bed, relieved to know I didn't have to work at the diner tomorrow. It didn't take long for sleep to take over my body, my body going limp, and darkness consuming my vision.



The air was cool and crisp, the sun still low in the sky. My sneakers skidded lazily against the cracked pavement, slowly tearing away at the souls. I had nowhere to be, but anywhere was better than home when my parents were in their angry hang over hour. 

I kept my head faced towards the ground, trying to not have my swollen and bruised face noticed. I owned no hats nor any hooded clothes. My parents never bought me anything and since I started saving up for my own house, I haven't spent much of it on clothes or anything else for that matter.

I heard a popping and roaring engine noised and glanced back to see a familiar red pick-up truck pulling up beside me. Darry Curtis rolled down the window, smiling warmly down at me. Luckily, my hair hung messily, hiding the right half of my face.

"Hey, Violet. You headin' to work?" he asked. I had always liked Darry. He was more caring than my parents were and I was jealous of Ponyboy for having such a responsable older brother. I mean, Pony's complaining all the time that Darry's yelling at him, but he doesn't realise how easy he has it.

"Nah, I got the day off," I replied, glancing up at him before casting my eyes downward. My cheek must've twitched when I talked because Darry's smile wavered and his bright eyes were quickly shadowed with concern.

"You alright? Listen, if it's about the break up with Dally--"

"It has nothing to do with Dally!" I snapped, instantly regretting it. "Sorry, Darry, I'm just tired is all. My parents have been on me again," I sighed. Darry nodded stiffly, understanding but detesting my parents maybe even more than I did. I guess the only real reason why I still hung around them was because I thought that one day they'd realize who I was and would actually treat me as their daughter instead of a piece of trash.

The entire gang knew what happened inside my house. Johnny's parents were actually exactly like mine. Abusive. Sometimes when it got really bad though, I'd stay at the Curtis' house. Sometimes Two-bit's. But when I was with Dally, it was almost all the time I'd stay at his place.

I quickly snapped my thoughts away from that. Those good times with Dally were probably lies and were over before they even started. It meant nothing to him and shouldn't mean a thing to me. 

"Sorry, Vee, gotta head off to work. Steve and Soda are at the DX if you wanna hang there for a while. You know how they always like your company," Darry was able to bring back his smiled as he slowly pulled away and continued driving down the street, giving a small wave goodbye.

I sighed; maybe the DX wouldn't be such a bad idea. Soda was always able to bring a smile to my face when I was down and Steve was just a nice guy to have around. Who knows, maybe Ponyboy and Johnny would stop by later too.

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