The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]

By noticemesenpai2000

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Sehun has social anxiety. He is anti-social and has a lot of trouble approaching and talking to people unless... More

Twenty One


167 17 20
By noticemesenpai2000

Kai was frozen in place, petrified, mouth hanging open, unable to believe what had just transpired.

She saw...

He didn't even realize his hands were shaking so much until Sehun held it in his own. He turned to him, finding Sehun looking equally scared and concerned.

"Kai... You're shaking."

"I... She's going to tell dad... I-I..."

"It'll be alright. Let's just... Let's just think of something."

Kai shook his head slowly, feeling his heart thump as if it was gonna blow right out of his chest.

"Maybe we can say it was just a misunderstanding, or..." Sehun trailed off, mind going blank.

Kai stood up, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He was completely lost and panicked, he couldn't even hear what Sehun was telling him. He then stormed out of the room, leaving the other staring behind him.

He stayed on his bed, unsure of what he was supposed to do. Should I follow him? Should I stay put? Should I just leave...?

Kai had obviously never come out to his parents, and that was definitely the worst way for it to happen.

The way she looked at me... The pure disgust in her eyes... Kai shuddered as he thought about it. He jogged down, stopping halfway through the stairs on hearing two voices downstairs.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm telling you, I saw them! He was... Kissing that boy!"

"Nonsense. Kai has a girlfriend."

"Well when was the last time we even saw her around here?"

"It's probably just a misunderstanding."

"I know what I saw! Why won't you believe me?!"

"You're not exactly the most trustworthy person I know."

"I-" She stuttered, clearly in a fit of rage, "Why would I lie about this? Since you don't trust me, ask your own son! Call him down here, right now! Along with that faggot."


Kai found himself quaking on his father's commanding tone, fists clenching. How dare she... How dare she call him that!? The fear in him was slowly turning into rage as he gritted his teeth.

He only calmed down slightly when he felt a soft hand landing on his shoulder. He turned around to see Sehun behind him. Just from the look in his eyes, it was clear he heard. But he looked more concerned for Kai than anything.

"Look, I can take the fall for you. I'll tell them I kissed you, that I forced you into it. They'll never have to see me again anyway."

Kai knew how difficult this was for Sehun. But he was still willing to take the blame for him. Just the gesture alone made him soften instantly, placing his hand on top of Sehun's. He shook his head.

"You don't have to."

"This never should have happened. You're not ready. I'm here for you... Let me help. Please, let me do this."

Kai frowned, looking between Sehun's gentle expression and down the stairs where a storm was definitely brewing.

He pulled Sehun in and hugged him tightly, digging his face into his shoulder.

"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"It's okay," Sehun comforted him, rubbing his back gently. When they heard footsteps coming towards the stairs, they quickly pulled away and nodded at each other.

They started to make their way down and found Mr. Kim at the foot of the stairs, a scarily deep frown marring his face. Mrs. Kim stood in the hallway behind him, scowling deeply at Sehun. The look alone had a shiver run down his spine.

Parents are scary.

"Is this true?" Kai's father asked, looking between the two of them coldly.

"D-Dad I- Let me e-explain..." Kai stuttered. Sehun had never quite seen him this jittery and nervous. It just showed how scared he was of his father, and it hurt Sehun to see him like that. He decided to step forward so he was in front of Kai, almost protectively.

"Look, I did this... I forced myself on him. I kissed your son. This wasn't his fault."

He watched as Mr. Kim's expression turned from icy to shocked, to anger as he looked between the two or them.

"You... You are despicable. Get out of my house, right now."

Sehun's breath hitched in his throat at that. It wasn't like he wasn't expecting it, but it still hurt to hear it, from Kai's father no less. Way to make a first impression. Trying to hide the pang that went through this chest, he stood up straight, nodding respectfully.

"I deserve that. I'm sorry, Mr. Kim."

"You faggot! How dare you touch him like that!" His mother added sourly, only adding fuel to the fire.

"Shut up already," Mr. Kim all but snarled at his wife.

Sehun took a deep breath, chest heavy as he began to make his way down the stairs. Before he could even take two steps, there was someone grabbing his arm, stopping him. Sehun looked back at Kai, finding a look of absolute rage on his face. One that almost mirrored his father's. He stepped down so they were at the same level, sliding his hand down Sehun's forearm and holding his hand. Sehun was shocked, wanting to shake his hand off but Kai's hold only tightened.

What are you doing?! You idiot!

His mother's face was scandalised as she looked down at their intertwined hands while Mr. Kim maintained a cold demeanor. By then, Lisa was already at the top of the stairs, watching in anticipation, eyes wide in shock.

"I'm so sorry, Sehun. I thought I could do this but I can't. I can't watch them talk to you like this," he said softly to this boyfriend, looking absolutely apologetic for making him go through that.

"Kai... What are you doing?!" His mother asked angrily, "Why are you..."

"Enough already!" He shouted, voice booming through the house as he looked at her angrily. "Don't you dare say one more thing about him."

He intertwined his fingers with Sehun's as he met with his father's gaze. "Sehun was just lying to cover up for me." He said determinedly. Sehun stood frozen in his spot, not knowing what he was even supposed to do in that situation. "But I couldn't just stand here and watch as you humiliate my boyfriend and kick him out of the house."

"Your- what?" His mother's face was hot with anger at that point as she stepped forward. "How could you! You dare to ruin our family's name for this fag-"

"Maria," her husband's voice boomed, face still icy and unreadable. "Go up to your room."



She flinched back at his commanding tone, before making a sour face and making her way up the stairs, purposefully shoving Sehun on her way. Kai scowled, protectively pulling Sehun closer to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, witch!?" Lisa scowled at her mother as she passed by her at the top of the stairs and the sounds of the ensuing arguement later faded into the background as Kai looked down at his father.

"Living room. Now."

With that, he turned on his heel and made his way into the living room, not bothering to wait for them.

Sehun looked to Kai in absolute horror. "Why did you do that?" He hissed, "I had it under control-"

Kai shut him up as he firmly pressed their lips together. "I know you did. And now I do."

"Your dad..."

"I can handle him. But this might get ugly so... Maybe it's best that you go home. I don't want them to say anything to hurt you..."

Sehun shook his head profusely. He knew Kai wanted him there by his side, that he needed support. "I'm not leaving you. We stick together."

"Sehun..." Kai's eyes softened as pulled Sehun's hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, like it was the most precious thing to him, "I love you."

Sehun blinked at him in surprise at the sudden confession. Wait- what? Kai smiled at him affectionately and began to tug him down the stairs before he could even muster up a reaction, hands still intertwined. He seemed to have this newfound strength in him. It didn't take Sehun long to realize something.

He's doing all this for me.

They sat silently across from Mr. Kim, none of them able to utter a single word. His presence itself was just so overpowering. Their hands were still intertwined between them and Kai tried his best to keep a brave front, even if he was crumbling a bit on the inside.

His father was just watching them with a total pokerface. It was almost impossible to get a read on him. Until, suddenly he began to laugh.


Sehun frowned in confusion and Kai just looked surprised yet somehow terrified. Oh my God, he's a psycho. He's literally thinking of all the ways he can kill me.

"You know what's funny Kai? All these years... I've been training you to become a social person, on how to carry yourself in front of people, on how to use your words to get whatever you want. And let me be very honest, you... You were always terrible at it."

Kai's eyebrows quirked up in confusion. Why the hell is he even bringing this up now?

"What do you mean... I've literally always done exactly what you wanted me to do."

"Exactly. You never did what you wanted, and that was the problem! Why do you think I kept provoking you? Why I told you not to go to college? I wanted to watch you fight for something. You never did. You disappointed me, time and time again."

Kai leaned back in his seat, exchanging a bewildered look with Sehun. "You wanted me to fight you? That's why you were always so hard on me?"

"Listen Kai, no matter how tough you think I am on you, trust me when I say the world is gonna be a lot tougher."

He then turned to Sehun who retreated slightly just on getting his attention. "The moment I saw you two, I knew there was something up. And you're a terrible liar by the way. I didn't believe that hoax for a second." Sehun blushed in embarrassment as Mr. Kim turned back to his son. "Moreover I was disappointed that you were about to just let your boyfriend take the heat for what happened and get away with it. I kicked him out just so I can get a reaction out of you. Because I finally saw something that you could fight for."

Kai's eyes were wide as saucers by that point. "Why? Why would you do this... If you wanted me to get stronger, you could have done it differently! Then maybe I wouldn't have suffered from anxiety all these years! Didn't you see that you were destroying me? I'm your son, for God's sake!"

"It was my own parents who destroyed me as well. They forced me to marry that wench up there," he said coldly, gesturing up with his head. "I wanted to be the one to destroy you before anyone else could. Then I wanted to watch you build yourself back up and be stronger."

Kai shook his head in disbelief, "You are cruel as hell..."

"Maybe I am. But I can't say I regret it. After all," he gestured to Sehun, "What you did today, was something I failed to do back then. And it's all thanks to him."

Sehun felt his chest swell up with pride as Mr. Kim smiled at him. Well this is really unexpected.

"I guess now's a good time to ask what's the deal with you and mom," Kai said, crossing one leg over the other.

"Oh, her. My parents forced me to marry her back in the day. She's an heir to a big company and it was a mutually beneficial marriage, you know the drill. But she was the biggest mistake of my life. I had to leave my girlfriend that I was actually in love with at the time because I was too scared of them."

"Of course she never really loved me either. The difference between us was that she never had respect for the fact that we were married, while I did. She had an affair on the side for years, and I was too busy with work to notice. I only knew it when she got pregnant the second time, but not from me."

Kai leaned back in shock, "W-wait... You mean...?" Sehun felt uncomfortable, almost like he was intruding on a really private family conversation. But he also realized that Mr. Kim must have really liked him if he was saying all this in front of him, with no hesitation.

His father sighed and nodded slowly, "Yes. Lisa is your half sister. But I still signed her birth certificate. I always treated her like my own daughter, and she is. As for Maria, I kept her in check by threatening to ruin her reputation."

"How come you never told me this... Never told Lisa?!" Kai shook his head in disbelief.

"Does it change anything? Do you love her any less?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why does it matter whom her father is? Why hurt you both with the fact? Obviously I will tell her at some point, when she's a little older."

Kai ran his hands through his hair in frustration, shaking his head. "I hate her..."

Mr. Kim sighed, "No matter how terrible she tries to make you feel, I want you to hold your head up high in front of her."

Sehun placed a comforting hand on his boyfriend's back, lightly rubbing it. It was a lot to take in, and he couldn't even imagine how Kai must be feeling. Mr. Kim stared at the two of them for a while before speaking up.

"I'm sorry about what I did, Kai. You may say that I've been a bad father. But I was never going to force you into anything you didn't want to do. Especially when it comes to relationships. While it is a surprise to know that it's a guy... I promised myself I'd let you love whomever you wanted. I don't want you to go through what I've been through," he turned to Sehun and addressed him. "Besides, I really do like you, Sehun. I had a good impression ever since I saw you on every top achiever board for the last few years in a row. I liked you even more after we met today."

Sehun blushed a bright red as he bowed, "Th-Thank you, Sir!"

Kai stayed silent, seemingly still taking in all the information he just got. He then looked at his dad and shook his head.

"With all due respect..." He stated dryly, "but fuck you, dad. Seriously."

Mr. Kim blankly stared at his son for a long moment before laughing. "I guess I deserve that."

Kai then stood up and made his way over to his father. Mr. Kim stood up, sightly towering over his son. As Sehun watched, he couldn't help feeling the overwhelming sense of power the two were eminating. It was almost like they could literally sparkle at any given moment.

Wow. Kai looks so hot all alpha like that. It was probably an inappropriate time for a thought like that but when were his thoughts ever appropriate, anyway?

Kai then smiled and spread his arms out, hugging his dad. His father hugged him back, lightly patting his back. It was obvious they didn't do it often, if ever, and it was touching to watch. Sehun felt his eyes well up with tears but he held them in.

I wish I had a father like that.

"Thank you, dad." Kai said sincerely, digging his face into his shoulder. "Your acceptance means the world to me."

"You did good, Kai," he said as he pulled back, placing both hands on his shoulders, "No matter what, I'll always be proud to call you my son."

A light sniffle had the two turning to Sehun, who was wiping away the lone tear that managed to slip out of his eye.

Kai softened as he saw his boyfriend, making his way over to him and sitting next to him. "Hey... What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just..." He sniffled, "This is just so wholesome."

Kai smiled as he wiped a single tear away with his thumb, leaning in and kissing him on the forehead.

"Hey, Sehun, why don't you stay over tonight? It's late." Mr. Kim suggested, looking at the two.

"I uh... I don't think that's a very good idea," he mumbled, fumbling with his shirt.

"Oh, don't worry about Maria. I know how to handle her. And I am really sorry about what she said."

"N-No, it's totally fine!" Sehun shook his head profusely, "You don't have to apologize, Sir."

Kai smiled at him affectionately, "So are you staying over?"

"I guess I could send mum a text..."

After Sehun put on one of Kai's black T-shirts and and shorts, he went to sit on the bed next to him. Kai was staring ahead at nothing in particular, clearly deep in thought.

"You okay?"

"Huh? Uh yeah... Just thinking."


Kai gave him a blank look.

"Oh yeah... Stupid question."

The elder sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Today was just... A lot to take in."

"You're worried about Lisa, aren't you?"

He nodded slowly, "She's still my little sister and I love her to pieces. But I don't know... It just feels wrong for them to have hidden this for so long."

Sehun nodded in understanding. "You're right. But it must not have been easy on him either. Something like that is just hard to talk about. I found it really cool that he took her in and treated her like his own daughter. Anyone else would have just dumped her along with her mother..."

"Yeah," Kai murmured. Just then, the doorknob turned. This time though, Kai had taken the liberty of locking it. "Who is it?"

"It's me, asshole."

Kai stood up and unlocked the door, letting his little sister in.

"Speak of the devil..."

"Yo, today was wild! Mom's gone totally nuts," she exclaimed, leisurely walking in and jumping into bed. She smirked at Sehun. "Look at you, already getting my big brother into trouble. And not the good kind."

Kai rolled his eyes as Sehun blushed.

"Get off his back already."

"But that was pretty dope! You guys were on fire, defending each other and shit. And Kai finally stood up for himself. About damn time! I wish I recorded that shit. Also mom's a dick. And dad's surprisingly not the biggest douche in the world. I mean, he totally accepted you guys and he asked Sehun to stay over! Who would've thunk it?" She blabbed.

"How do you know that?" Kai quirked a brow.

"Well obviously I overheard the whole conversation. You didn't think I was gonna pass up that drama, did you?"

Kai and Sehun shared a slightly panicked look before turning back to Lisa. It didn't take long before realization dawned on her.

"Oh yeah... you guys are worked up about me being the illegitimate daughter huh? Big yikes. But that's old news. I already took my time to mope about it."

"Old news?" Kai was shocked to say the least, at how casual she was about the whole thing. Like it didn't bother her at all.

"You know me... I'm always snooping around, eavesdropping on conversations... I found out about that like two years ago."

"Seriously? You never told me!" Kai frowned. She played with her bottom lip, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Well you know... I just didn't know how you'd react... Or if you'd... Treat me different..." She trailed off looking down at the ground.

"What? No... I would never. You're still my little sister. You dumb?"

She chuckled humorlessly, "You're just saying that so I don't feel bad..."

"Bitch," he pulled her into a hug, "Shut up. This changes nothing. You're still my baby sister... And I'm still your big brother. Capice?"

She relaxed into the hug for a minute before pulling away, smacking him on the chest. "Ahh knock it off already. Before your boyfriend starts tearing up again."

"Hey!" Sehun piped in indignantly.

"Anyway...I gotta go read some gay shit since you guys probably won't show me any."

"You are gross."

She winked before walking out the door. Kai made sure to lock it before making his way back to Sehun.

"Well... Part of me is glad she already knew."

"I think she's more scared of losing you than anything at this point." Sehun said as Kai sat next to him at the edge of the bed.

"I noticed," he let out a long sigh, "this has been a long, crazy night."

"Yeah... we should probably get some rest."

Kai nodded in agreement as he lay back on the bed, turning off the light. Sehun was soon lying down next to him, a good distance away.

Come to think of it, this is the first time we have a sleepover.

"I hope you don't mind if I take my shirt off. I can never sleep with it on."

Sehun was thankful for the light being off so he Kai didn't have to see the way his cheeks flushed.

"I mean... Sure... It's your bed...'" he mumbled. Kai chuckled, sitting up to take his shirt off. He scooched closer to Sehun and lay down next to him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I won't forget what you did for me today. I know it was hard."

Sehun shrugged, "I've done nothing..."

"I never could have done this without you. You know that, right?" He placed a soft kiss on his shoulder. Sehun relaxed into him.

"I'm glad I was here, then."

"You make everything better..." Kai whispered, reaching for his hand to hold it. "I meant what I said earlier."

"Which part, exactly?" Okay so maybe he knew what it was but he played dumb. Probably because he just wanted to hear it again.

He turned to his side so he was facing Sehun. The moonlight shining in from his window lit the room just enough for him to see Sehun's face, but not nearly enough to gauge his expression.

"When I said I love you."

Sehun's throat bobbed as he gulped nervously, feeling the head rush to his cheeks at those three words.

God, that feels good.

"I know I'm the type that falls in love to easily. Maybe I'm even a hopeless romantic. But this is different. The way you stood up and took the blame for me, the way you held your head high as they insulted you. I... I knew right then that you were worth fighting for."

Sehun stayed silent for a while before scooting closer to Kai, also turning on his side to face him. He lifted his hand up to cup his cheek, staring into his eyes through the dim lighting in the room.

He had so much he wanted to say to Kai. But in the end, he didn't have to say anything. Sehun wasn't the best with words, anyway. This was one moment he didn't want to ruin with his incoherent rambling.

He nuzzled into Kai until their noses were touching. He pressed his lips to the corner of Kai's mouth, ever so gently before backing away slightly. Kai stayed put, anticipating Sehun's next move. His slender finger tips landed on Kai's collar bone, lightly tracing down his soft skin. Kai's breath hitched in his throat, every touch leaving a trail of fire at its wake.  He bit his lip as Sehun trailed down slowly, from his chest down to his abs. At this point the younger was blushing a deep red, marveling at the feel of Kai's body. Kai exhaled, holding Sehun's wrist and pulling his hand so his palm was flat on his abs.

Taking it as a boost of confidence, he dragged his palm down across his muscles, feeling every curve and muscle. He could swear his mouth was watering by then. Kai let out a soft, barely audible groan as his hand traced down his navel, finally stopping at the hem of his pants.

"God, you're so perfect..." Sehun whispered. "I wish I could draw you like this."

AKai smiled, "You can't even see me."

"No, but I can feel you."

"And how does it feel?" Kai breathed. Sehun didn't answer, instead leaning in to press their lips together. He lifted his hand up, resting it on the left side of Kai's chest, feeling his heartbeat pick up.

They kissed slow, wet lips sliding against each other in a languid motion. Kai put his hand on Sehun's waist, pulling him in as close as humanly possible. His other hand played with Sehun's soft hair. Kai was so unbelievably gentle and passionate that Sehun felt as if he could literally melt at how intense it all was. He found a moan inadvertently escape his lips as Kai slipped his tongue into his mouth.

He began to pull Sehun's shirt up, teasing his skin with his fingertips as he did so. When his shirt was all bunched up at his chest, Sehun didn't hesitate to take it off, tossing it aside.

Kai watched him in awe, marveling at the way his muscles rippled and flexed under the dim moonlight. He wanted so bad to just touch him.

Sehun looked at him shyly as Kai pressed his palm against his chest, running his hand down to feel every curve his body had to offer. Sehun bit his lip, nuzzling into Kai's neck to softly bite it, muffling yet another moan.

The feeling of Sehun's teeth sinking into his skin was electrifying, sending a jolt down his spine in both pleasure and pain. Kai was quick to pull him up to kiss him on the lips again.

"Doing things like that can be dangerous, you know?" He whispered, pulling on Sehun's bottom lip teasingly.

"How so?" Sehun breathed. Kai didn't say anything, placing a hand on Sehun's thigh and lifting it up so his knee was touching his area.

Oh. Oh my.

Sehun felt his entire face get red hot and his heart thumped madly against his chest. Kai was just staring at him, eyes darker than how they usually were. Sehun bit his lip shyly, pushing his knee in a little to get a better feel. Kai sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden friction.

"Okay, now that's even worse," he breathed, pushing Sehun's leg away. While part of Sehun was really embarrassed and taken aback, the other part was kind of giddy at the fact that he could have such an effect on Kai.

"Sorry..." He mumbled. Kai laughed softly, shaking his head.

"You are so cute," he said, cupping his cheek.

"C-Can I ask you something?"

Kai hummed softly, gesturing for him to go on. Sehun fidgeted slightly.

"Have you uh... Ever... You know, done it before? It's alright if you don't want to tell me... But I'm just curious."

Kai blinked at him, not expecting that question out of the blue like that. "What do you think?"

"I mean, you've had a whole bunch of girlfriends... I'm sure you must've done it at some point..."

"To be honest," Kai sighed, "I was never comfortable with the idea of going all the way with any of them. I mean, we definitely messed around and stuff but... I'm actually still a virgin."

Sehun retracted, surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously," Kai chuckled, "It just never felt right, you know. It might sound kind of cheesy but I was always waiting for the right person... Someone I was really in love with."

"Huh..." Sehun breathed, trying to hide the fact that he was weirdly happy. Maybe because he didn't have to be the only virgin in their relationship. Maybe also because hopefully someday, in the near or distant future, he'd love to be Kai's first.

"What are you thinking?" Kai asked with a smirk.

"Oh nothing... Just thinking about how pretty the moon is today."

"You can't even see the moon from here."

"I saw it earlier."

"No you didn't. It wasn't even out yet when you came over."

"Well then I saw it from your window."

"You didn't even look out the window. We were making out on my bed the whole time."

"W-Well... I have super vision and I can see through walls!"

"Last time I checked, you were a plant, not an X man."

"If you keep questioning me then I'm really gonna be your ex man."

Kai chuckled as he leaned in to peck him sweetly on the lips, "That's never gonna happen."


Don't you guys just love some good old wholesome family drama? I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter because it feels like a turning point for their relationship. Not to mention I literally word vomitted the whole thing but I think it turned out fine in the end.

Don't forget to leave your feedback, lovely readers. Until next time!

Song of the day: "Ghost" by Baekhyun. I first heard this gem on Superstar SMTOWN (highly recommend this app if you're into rhythm games). It just hits all the right spots, seriously. Y'all need to hear this shit. Support our EXO boys!

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