By stephsteph__

7.6K 1.6K 917

She was betrayed by the one she loved She was cheated on She was left in her pool of tears, heartbroken Adeto... More

C O P Y R I G H T//Authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Authors note after 100 years๐Ÿ˜ญ

Chapter Twenty three

201 47 7
By stephsteph__


Christmas break was over and school was in section. I had successfully avoided Nathan during assembly but I knew I wouldn't be able to escape him.

"All these influencers. 20seconds ago, 100 likes!" Lily exclaimed, eyes glued to her phone.

"I know right! Thankfully, I know what it's like to be an influencer." Vanessa said and in return, Lily rolled her eyes.

It was no doubt Vanessa was a big time model.

"That's true. Sophie, when are you going to use that phone we got for you?"

During the holiday, the girls got me an iPhone X as a gift. I was reluctant to collect it but I still did.

"I'll start. Soon. Patience." I said dropping my pen.

I've been so occupied during the break I forgot about it. My sister introduced her boyfriend to the family.

Yes, I was surprised too! She has a boyfriend. A rich one!

I know if he wasn't rich, my sister wouldn't date him.

I smiled as I remembered how lovey-dovey they were acting.

It reminded me of my suckish love life.

"This one you are smiling. You are thinking of Nathan right? Of course you are!" Lily said, moving her brows up and down. Looking like a complete fool!

I gave her a sad smile, before going back to my biology homework.

The girls were still oblivious to everything going on.

"Sophie, you like him right?" Nessa's soft voice said, making me sigh.

"I did. I'm just confused!" I groaned.

I felt Lily's brown eyes boring holes into me.

"I know my brother. He was miserable without you. He was so pissed he yelled at my parents. He poured out his heart to them. Something he had never done before. My brother likes you."

And I scoffed," What difference does it make? He is graduating this year. July, to be more specific. It doesn't matter!"

The library door opened and closed, I didn't even feel like looking at who it was cause I didn't care.

I went back to my home work and then, a familiar scent filled my nostrils.


I could smell him. Lily and Vanessa had matching smirks on their faces.

"Mr Korede is calling me. I have to go." She lied and left.

"Caleb just called. Important meeting. Bye!" She exited the library too.


The empty seat in front of me was now occupied by Nathan.

I bit my lips as I looked at him like he was a snack. A sexy ass snack.

He had a neat shave. His hair looked curlier than before and my hands were itching to touch them.

The little birthmark by the side of his face looked so attractive. And his skin....oh my God.

I thank God for giving me the spirit of self control.

"You done staring?" The usual smirk was plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my homework.

"Wanna skip class with me?" He asked hopefully.

"I am busy." I said sternly, avoiding eye contact.

"C'mon Sophie! This is the last period before break and I know you have free period right now!"

"So you are stalking me?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Wouldn't be the first time baby!"

"What do you want from me Nathan? Leave me the fuck alone!"

I packed my books and made to leave.

"I'm not staying for graduation. Once it's June, I leave for Canada. Just skip class with me. Please?"

And I froze.




I sipped my drink and took a bite of my chicken pie as we ate in silence.

We had stopped at a chicken republic restaurant, ordered some snacks which we are currently munching in Nathan's car.

The only sound could be heard from the radio, Dababy's rockstar was blasting from it.

"This is my jam!" Nathan exclaimed, increasing the volume.

I nodded my head.

"Say something Sophie!" He whined.

"I should say something?" I asked and he nodded. " Coker Nathaniel, what do you want from me?"

"I want you!" He said and I resisted the urge to gag.

"Do you know why I didn't kiss you that time? I had two chances to kiss you but I didn't. Cause I wanted our first kiss to be special. I want it to be romantic! That's the reason I didn't kiss you!"

And I turned my head to him for a second. Then I turned to the window.

"Sophie, I really really like you! You have to believe me. I like you a whole lot!"


"In a couple of months, yes, I'll be gone. But do you know what wouldn't go? My love for you. We can make this work. Just believe in me." He said, softly.

He kept his hands on the sides of my face and leaned in till I could feel his breath fanning my lips.

"You drive me crazy Sophie." He said softly.

"Then kiss me!"

And his lips met mine.

I feel butterflies in my belly as his soft lips touched mine


My hands found his hair, his left hand holding my waist firmly.

He pulled out and we both gasped for air, his forehead still touching mine.

"I love you Sophie!" He whispered, placing a kiss on my cheek.

And I smiled.

He loves me!

They finally kissed oml! Thank you guys for 2k reads!

This book is coming to an end...sha...and I have another book in mind.

Maybe a sequel? Or nahh....idk

What did you think about this chapter? Comment abeg!

Vote, comment and tell your friends!

Stay safe. I love you

Oh and shout-out to tessyadaeze. Your comments had me rolling on the floor😭😂😂Keep em coming!❤️

Byeee!! Till next time

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