Love Letters

By patroclxsprotecsq

221 3 0

Saffron Rhodes and Hunter Sanchez were best friends. And since she was a hopless romantic, before Saffron lef... More

Prolouge - How we met
Chapter 1 - The Swim and The Story
Chapter 2 - The Carnival
Chapter 3 - The Letter
Chapter 4 - We're going back
Chapter 5 - The Storm in His Eyes
Chapter 6 - Their Fire
Chapter 7 - My new family
Chapter 8 - My room, sorry, Our room
Chapter 9 - God, I missed you
Chapter 10 - It's my life! And my room!
Chapter 11 - Saffron Sanchez?
Chapter 12 - To the edge of Glory
Chapter 13 - 4 Captains in a Pod
Chapter 14 - Chemistry
Chapter 15 - Sleepover!
Chapter 16 - 3. 2. 1.
Chapter 17 - Learn to Lie
Chapter 19 - To Kiss or Not to kiss?
Chapter 20 - Spill
Chapter 21 - Drowning
Chapter 22 - Memories
Chapter 23 - Interrupted
Why I haven't updated
Chapter 24 - Snacking on kisses
Chapter 25 - Let her go
Chapter 26 - This isn't a dress rehearsal, this is our lives
Chapter 27 - Stories
Chapter 28 - The Monster That Broke my Heart
Chapter 29 - Nightmare
Chapter 30 - Prepare
Chapter 31 - The Final Dance
Bonus Chater - Chloe and Will
Epilogue - Saffron x Hunter
Final author's note and thank you

Chapter 18 - Tennessee Tiny Dancers Studio

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By patroclxsprotecsq

"All right employees!" Dave, the owner of Dave's Diner, called an emergency meeting this afternoon and I don't think anyone knew what was going on. I was cleaning up and practicing some of the moves for Hunter and my duet.

We gathered in the center of the diner and waited for Dave's seemingly big announcement. "Look. I know most of you are reliant on this job, but I just don't have enough money to pay all of you and support my family at the same time. So, it is with a heavy heart, that I have to dismiss all of you." We all started to protest, but Dave just wouldn't have it.

"Now, I know. I know. But I have job suggestions for all of you." Silence filled the room as he read out the list of jobs he had in mind. Then, we all packed up our stuff, hugged Dave goodbye, and went home, happy or unhappy about our new job suggestions.


When I got home, I dumped my stuff by the door and went to the kitchen to stare at the slip of paper Dave had given me. "You okay honey?" My mom walked into the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"I guess." I spun around in my chair by the kitchen island to face my mother. "Dave closed down the diner and he gave us new job suggestions."

"Well that's awful nice of him." My mom put down her coffee.

"Yeah," I sighed. "But he suggested I look at the job as a dance teacher at the Tennessee Tiny Dancers Studio."
"That's great! Isn't it?" I still had a glum look on my face.

"Yeah, but Dave was like a second father to me. I'm just sad that I won't be able to see him everyday like normal." I sighed once more. "I'm gonna go to the studio and see if the manager has a job for me."

I changed into gym shorts and threw on Hunter's t-shirt, grabbed my car keys and made my way to the local studio.

Opening the door to the Tennessee Tiny Dancers Studio, I walked to the wooden floor and examined the studio. It was in pretty good shape. There were changing rooms and lockers and the walls had barres bolted to them. Suddenly, a woman came in from what looked like an office. "Hi!" She smiled at me. "May I help you?"

"I'm Saffron Rhodes. I'd like to see the manager please." She guided me into her office.

"So, Saffron. My name is Jennifer. What brings you here?"

"Um, well, I used to work at Dave's Diner and since it's closing now, Dave suggested I become a dance teacher here." I explained.

"All right then. Can you dance? And if so, what styles would you like to teach?" Jennifer took out some paper and began to jot down things.

"Well, I do dance. I'm the captain of Melissa Valencia's dance team. And I guess I could teach all dance styles if you like."

"Well what a coincidence!" Jennifer exclaimed. "Melissa is my sister! I've heard of her star dancer and if you are her star dancer, I believe you may have the job!" I laughed and we shook hands. "Here's the class timetable. You'll start tomorrow with U13 contemporary."

I rushed home and parked my car in the driveway. I ran into the house and straight into my room. My jaw dropped when I saw the scene in front of me. It kind of looked like Hunter was studying, but his pencil was on the floor. On the bed, Will and Chloe were kissing. On the verge of making out. Hunter and I looked at each other and cleared our throats and the pair burst apart like missiles. They fell on the floor on opposite sides of the bed and we all started laughing. I pushed Will and Hunter out of the room and smirked at Chloe. She groaned and buried her face in the covers as I bombarded her with questions.

"What the hell happened?!" I screamed. "I was gone for like, I don't know, half an hour and I find you two practically making out! What didn't you tell me! I would've gotten popcorn!" I laughed as she chucked a pillow at my head.

"Where did you go?" Chloe asked.

"Well, I got a job at the TTDS. Oh, and did you know Ms Valencia has a sister?"

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