Out Of The Woods

By LunaMoon1947

71.3K 3.7K 493

Book #3 in the Into The Woods Series Ambrose was always a happy boy. He loved to spend time with his friends... More

New Book
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Six 1/2
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Into the Light


1.7K 95 14
By LunaMoon1947

Ambrose wakes to the feel of a tongue lapping along his fur. He whimpers, nuzzling into the mass of fur to the right of his small body.

The tongue glides across his head and over his eye, making him paw at the wolf. His eyes flutter open, meeting the soft golden eyes of Soren's wolf.

Soren whines, bopping Ambrose's little nose with his own. Ambrose huffs, his nose becoming itchy. He sneezes, the squeaking noises echoing throughout the room.

Ambrose stands, shaking out his fur before hopping to the ground. He grabs onto his robes, scampering into the washroom before Soren could beat him to it.

Ambrose is quick to shift into his human form after nudging the door shut. He sighs, leaning up against the door.

It takes him a minute to pull on his robes. He didn't want to move at all. In shock of all that happened the night before.

He completely freaked out in front of Soren last night. Thank Goddess, he didn't go straight to their father about it.

Ambrose tugs on his clothing, tying the string that held the robes together with his shaking hands. He couldn't help but replay the events of the previous night.

When you first catch scent of your mate, you begin to form a connection. Even if you don't meet right away. Which meant your mate would be able to feel when you bed another.

Which meant not only would Ambrose feel intense pain if he slept with Johnathan, his mate would also feel it. He or she would know if Ambrose slept with Johnathan. His mate would be in agony along with Ambrose.

The last thing Ambrose wanted to do was cause his mate any pain. But he also didn't want to jeopardize the lives of his family.

Johnathan was proving to have a great influence over Ambrose.

He had come so close to losing his innocence. If his siblings had shown up any later...

He didn't want to linger on what could have happened. It was almost too much for him. The amount of stress he felt couldn't have been good for his health.

Ambrose exits the washroom after relieving himself. Soren was in his human form now, already dressed in his everyday attire.

"Ambrose," he starts, looking guilty. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I didn't know that my wolf-,"

"It's alright," Ambrose interrupts, taking a seat next to his younger brother. "I'm okay. I overreacted. My reaction had nothing to do with you. So please, do not feel badly about it."

Soren sighs shakily, tugging Ambrose into his arms. Ambrose happily returns the embrace, snuggling close to him.

"Johnathan and I are going through a rough patch," Ambrose says, inhaling his brother's comforting scent. "But what relationship doesn't fluctuate? Every mated pair has their ups and downs. There is nothing to worry about, truly. I am only on edge and the smallest things seem to set me off lately."

"Is there anything I can do to help you and Johnathan?"

"No. It is something that I must deal with alone. You will understand once you find your mate," Ambrose smiles brightly, reaching up to ruffle Soren's hair.

"Well, I should head back to my bedchamber now. I will try to spend more time with you and the others. No promises though."

Ambrose stands, smoothing the front of his robes. Soren reaches out, embracing Ambrose from behind.

"Please do not hesitate to come to me if you're experiencing troubles. Even if I cannot fix things, I can always try to make you feel better. Stay safe, big brother."


Ambrose walks to his bedchamber, dragging his feet hoping he would run into someone in the hallway. Praying that someone would stop him and talk to him. To give him more time away from Johnathan.

His wishes seemingly come true as he spots his Uncle Ren down the hall.

"Uncle," Ambrose exclaims, rushing towards the older man.

Ren turns at the sound of his nephew's voice, opening his arms so he could catch the boy.

Ambrose launches himself into Ren's arms, wrapping his legs around his hips. He nuzzles his nose against Ren's neck, inhaling his familiar scent.

"I missed you," Ambrose murmurs, tightening his hold on Ren.

"I missed you too," Ren replies, chuckling softly. "Although, it has only been a week since I last saw you."

"I know, but I can't help it. I barely ever get to spend time with you whenever you visit the palace. Mama always keeps you to himself."

Ambrose slides down, Ren not letting go until Ambrose's feet touch the floor.

Ambrose realized that they were standing outside the bedchamber Ren slept in when he came to visit. There were more overnight bags than there usually was, making Ambrose's eyebrows furrow.

"Are you planning on staying for a while?"

"Actually," Ren says, glancing at the closed door to his bedchamber. "I am moving into the palace."

"You are?! That is wonderful news," Ambrose squeals, clapping his hands. "This means we can spend more time with you, right?"

"Well... I hope that this is a permanent move. I found my mate, Ambrose," Ren smiles, gesturing to his bedchamber. "He is going to live with me for the week. I hope that by the end of the week, I can convince him to stay with me. And if not, then I will live with him in his kingdom."

"His kingdom?"

"Oh, right. You already met him at the ball. He said he considered you a friend already. His name is Levi."

"You're mated to Levi?!"

Just as Ambrose speaks, the door to Ren's bedchamber opens and a tired Levi steps out. He rubs his eyes, reaching for another bag to take into the room.

His eyes widen, however, when he spots Ambrose. His face takes on a brighter expression, eyes sparkling with recognition.

"Ambrose," Levi exclaims, embracing the young prince. "How have you been? You have to tell me what happened that night. I am so curious as to what you decided."

"What happened," Ren asks, raising his eyebrow. Ambrose flinches, averting his gaze from his uncle.

Ambrose opens his mouth, searching for a lie to use as a cover-up so Ren wouldn't find out about Johnathan.

Just as Ambrose goes to speak, a voice calls out, making him flinch.

No! Anyone but him!

"Ambrose, there you are," Johnathan says, making his way towards the small group. He tugs Ambrose close, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Ambrose tenses, his body almost burning at the feel of Johnathan's skin against his. He wanted Johnathan to take his filthy hands off of him.

"Oh, hello, Johnathan," Ren says, smiling at the man. "Are you staying at the palace as well?"

"Only for a few more minutes," Johnathan replies, slinging his arm around Ambrose's shoulder. "Ambrose wanted to travel back to my estate. I know Ambrose might feel embarrassed if I reveal this, but he wanted us to be alone while we complete our mating process."

Ambrose freezes. He could practically feel his face paling. If Johnathan was able to get him alone, he would surely be in trouble. There would be no way to escape Johnathan if he isolated him.

"Oh, no need to feel embarrassed, Ambrose," Ren reassures, noticing Ambrose's expression. "It is perfectly normal for mates to want to have their privacy. It is a very intimate act for us wolves. It binds your souls together forever."

Ambrose wanted to scream. To sob. To cry out to anyone who could hear him. To tell the world that Johnathan wasn't his mate and that he hurt Ambrose.

But as Ambrose glances at Johnathan, he spots an object glinting in his other hand. A sharp silver dagger. Not concealed, but still hidden from Levi and Ren's view.

Johnathan moves the dagger so the tip rests against the small of Ambrose's back. It pierces the soft fabric of his robes, barely touching his skin. He could immediately feel the burn of the silver, making him flinch.

Levi was hauling bags into his arms, saying something to Ren before disappearing into the bedchamber. Ren was too busy looking at Levi's retreating form to notice the interaction between Ambrose and Johnathan.

Ambrose swallows thickly, eyes raising to meet Johnathan's. His eyes were darker, carrying a more sinister undertone to them.

'If you so much as utter a single word about me to your family, I won't hesitate to jab this dagger into their throats.' Johnathan snarls through their mind link.

Levi comes back out of the bedchamber, smiling up at Ren.

"I finished putting all my things in the room," Levi says proudly. "I figure we can take some time to put everything away and then maybe we could all-,"

"Well," Johnathan interrupts. "Since you seem busy, Ambrose and I should leave now. I already prepared a carriage for us. His Majesty is aware of our departure. I hope the both of you settle in well, I will see you around," Johnathan smiles widely, showing off his teeth.

"Alright... I was hoping to speak with Ambrose, but that's fine. Be safe," Levi says, his eyes meeting Ambrose's.

Ambrose shudders, whispering a soft goodbye to Levi and his uncle.

Johnathan says nothing as he leads Ambrose out to the front of the palace, helping him into the carriage.

The air was still freezing, a light dusting of snow covering the pathway. Ambrose huddles in on himself, his body shivering from the cold.

The ride is mostly silent, Ambrose's heart beating fast as he desperately searches for a way out of this situation.

"Johnathan-," Ambrose murmurs, his breath hitching as Johnathan grabs ahold of his chin, forcing him to meet his eyes.

"Once we make it back to the estate, I will lay my mark on your shoulder."

"The mark will not take," Ambrose counters, flinching away from his touch. Johnathan only grips onto him harder, making Ambrose whimper.

The mating mark was only permanent if both wolves are true mates. Or if two wolves true mates happen to pass away and they decide to re-mate. The mating mark would not take to a wolf's skin otherwise.

Johnathan's mark would only fade overtime until it completely disappears. To keep up appearances, Johnathan would have to re-mark him every three weeks or so.

The mark would be extremely painful as well. Because Johnathan and Ambrose were not true mates, Ambrose's body will reject the mark.

Ambrose's true mate would be able to feel the pain as well. Ambrose could care less about how much pain he himself went through. He was only worried about his mate. He didn't want his mate to go through any suffering because of him.

Ambrose's eyes begin to water, blurring his image of Johnathan.

"Ambrose, you can either mate with me willingly, or I will force you. There is no third option. No way out of this. We are mating tonight whether you wish to permit it or not."

Ambrose thinks back to his encounter with Levi and Ren. How Johnathan threatened to kill them. Johnathan would kill his family, the people he loved if he did not comply with his wishes.

As much as Ambrose did not want to subject himself to an extreme amount of pain, he knew what he had to do to keep them safe.

"...Alright. Fine, Johnathan. I will mate with you. You have my full compliance."

"Good boy," Johnathan smirks, patting the young prince's cheek. "I see you are learning. It will do you good to listen to me."


*Tw: Rape*

Ambrose finds himself in Johnathan's bed, his body bared. Johnathan hovers over him, rubbing erect his cock over his entrance.

Ambrose keeps his hand tightly situated against his mouth as Johnathan presses into him. The pain was intense, the feeling of agony spreading throughout his body.

Goddess, all Ambrose could feel was pain.

All he could think about was how much pain his mate must be going through. His mate would know he was sleeping with another. And that fact alone made Ambrose sick to his stomach.

Ambrose glances up at Johnathan through his tears, gasping as he sees his expression.

Johnathan looked... like he was in pain.

Johnathan was sweating, his eyes clenched shut. His breathing labored, and his chest straining.

Could it be...

That Johnathan found his mate as well?

"Johnathan... agh!"

Ambrose cries out as Johnathan thrusts into him all the way, not once slowing down his movement.

Ambrose's whimpers and cries continue throughout the night, a terrible pain ripping through his entire being.

His legs trembled as they were spread as wide as they could go. A sharp pricking feeling occurred at his hips and the base of his spine.

His hole was clenched tightly around Johnathan. Aiding to the sickening feeling. It felt as if he was being torn in half. He couldn't find it in himself to relax his aching muscles.

Tears leaked from the outer corners of his eyes, rolling down and wetting the sheets under him. His face was flushed a blotchy red, and his nose leaked. His lips quiver as he cries.

Although he was experiencing the worst pain in his life, he couldn't stop his member from becoming erect. A burst of pleasure shooting through him each time Johnathan slams into his prostate.

His body was betraying him.

Ambrose was betraying his mate!

How would his mate feel if they knew Ambrose was receiving pleasure from sleeping with Johnathan?

They would hate Ambrose...

Ambrose sobs as the build up in his abdomen became too much. His orgasm brought him no pleasure. The guilt weighing on him too strongly.

With one final thrust, Johnathan releases inside of Ambrose. Ambrose shudders at the feel of Johnathan's seed coating his insides.

Johnathan grasps onto Ambrose's golden hair, yanking his head to the side. He descends upon Ambrose's shoulder, biting down.

Ambrose screams, the burning pain becoming much more intense. He kicks and pushes at Johnathan, desperately shoving at his chest.

"Johnathan, please!"

Ambrose's sore body convulses, his head becoming heavy. He felt faint, unable to move any longer.

With one last weak shove in a feeble attempt to  remove Johnathan from his body, his eyes flutter shut.

Ambrose slips into darkness, finally losing consciousness.

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