Fated To The Alphas

By ValerieMmani

42K 1.3K 271

23 year old Lucy Brown has always felt like there was more to life, little does she know that a switch of env... More

Chapter 1 - Moving day
Chapter 2 - Running to you!
Chapter 3 Meeting <3
Chapter 4 - Longing
Chapter 5 - Fate
Chapter 7 Beautiful stranger
Chapter 8 Touch
Chapter 9 - Im a mess
Chapter 10 - Trying
Chapter 11 - Mixed feelings
Chapter 12 - Happenings
Chapter 13 - unexpected
Chapter 14 - confused
Chapter 15 - Ideas
Chapter 16 - Dreams
Chapter 17 - Events
Chapter 18 - Disbelief
Chapter 19 - knowing
Chapter 20 - Details
Chapter 21 - Understanding
Chapter 22 - The move
Chapter 23 - Rested
Chapter 24 - Worn out
Chapter 25 - Winner
Chapter 26 - Respect
Author note.....
Chapter 27 - Picnicking as much as we panic
Chapter 28 - The cliff
Chapter 29 - The Cabin
Chapter 30 - Take me away
Chapter 31 Losing you
Chapter 32
chapter 33 Unbelievable

Chapter 6 paper planes

1.8K 54 9
By ValerieMmani

Lucy POV

Being with Janet today has been an experience for itself. There is just so much to do, but given I like the rush of being busy, I think I'll get the hang of things soon. Jaylen on the other hand, has been everywhere and I mean everywhere..... Almost all the Patients I and Janet had today were his personal patients. The man is confused! The moment I get into the room and our eyes connect, I can't explain the feeling I get but it's overwhelming. It's like.... There is this pull between us, electrifying if I may add.  It's just too much for me to handle right now. To think that he will be here all the time.... I really don't know how I'm going to maintain being professional around him.
Meeting Jack was like meeting lightning and thunder, he made himself known. I couldn't escape his presence even if I so dear wanted to! Then with Jaylen it's like taking yourself to the lion's den, you know for sure you're not getting out of there alive.
Speaking of the devil I see him staring directly at me, while he's seated on his motorbike. Did I mention he's wearing a black leather jacket and some denim jeans, that hug him all so wel. Walking in his direction, since that's where the busses go. Automatically he calls my name.
" Lucy, I was wondering if I could give you a ride home?" He asks with his puppy dog eyes on full display.
I really want to say no but who could say no to that face. "Won't it be too much for you?" I ask, trying to reason with him.
" Not at all" he says with a smile
"Okay then, just so it's said I live near the university." I say as he hands me another helmet. I'm short, boy had to get off and place me on his machine.  Just as his hands touched my waist, I'm struck by this overwhelming feeling of need ? Which makes me feel like asking for so much more from this man. Might I add, never have I ever felt this way for anyone in my life....
" Are you comfortable ?" He asks as he gets on the motorbike. " I'm good thanks, but...." I pause, how am I going to hold onto him, now that I know I can't control myself ??!?
"What is it Lucy?" He asks with his back turned so that he can look me directly in the eyes. I just want to kiss him so bad, but I snap out of it. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asksuddenly.
"I'm single, why do you ask?"
" uhm,,, I'm asking, because I don't want hit for touching what's not mine" I say, directing my eyes to where I've placed my hand.
"Ah, that's cool, I will make sure to ride slowly and carefully," he says with a smile. I blush but he can't exactly see it.
He roars the engine and I'm forced to hold around his waist, his sweet scent hits me hard, like that's all I've ever needed to survive... it's on another level. It's the type of scent you wouldn't want to leave you. It's just so intoxicating and amazing. Now I'm acting a crazy lady, but in my defense I don't know what's happening to me.

————(After the ride)————

"Thanks for the ride Jaylen, it was so comfortable" I say, taking off his helmet.
"My pleasure" he says as he gets off the machine. Now I'm thinking to myself this boy better not be thinking of getting in... because my apartment isn't exactly as clean as I would love him to see.
"Can I come in?" Of course he had to ask, I head palm myself in my thoughts. I should have seen this coming...
" yeah, sure" I say as I gesture the way into my apartment. "I just arrived yesterday so it's not as clean as I would like it to be"
"I won't mind" he says, as he mumbles something else that sounded like.... As long as it's with you.
Opening the door my eyes widen, shit! I left my bra and nighties on the floor, I quickly rush to pick them up. Thankful I don't think he saw what it was.
"Take a seat" I say, faking my nevous smile, as I stuff the items in the most appropriate place I see.
"Thanks" he says as he looks around
"You live here alone?" He asks with a brow up. " Yeah, why do you ask?"
"Just wondering, such a beautiful lady like you living in this area alone, I'm not sure that's a good idea."
" why wouldn't it be? By the way, what would like juice, coffee or would you like us to go get a bite out. Because I kinda don't really have much to choose from here" I say being honest about it.... I didn't manage to go shopping yesterday.

"Coffee and your company would be nice," he says with a smile on his face. I blush at the thought of us just keeping each other's company.

"Coffee it is then" I say as I get to the kitchen area to make some coffee.

" Yeah so what I meant was, there are so many hungry guys out here, I actually have an apartment near where I live that you could stay at." He says, as I pass him his coffee. He's trying to look honest but there is this little hint of something else I'm missing.

"Won't that be weird and I just moved here, I paid everything also which makes it harder for me to move. Though thanks you for the offer." I say.

"Don't worry about that, I actually know your landlord so that wouldn't be a problem at all."

"But then if I were to take your offer, how far is it from work?" I ask

"It's like 15 mins, transportation is in the apartment package as well" he says with a smirk.

"I need to think about it if that's okay" I say, I really wanna go but that would be cheap of me. I don't get why I'm thinking about things like this....


We ended up talking about everything and anything, our conversation not pushed or forced. I like when a conversation just flows and Jaylen makes that very possible. Found out that he loves Landon Austin. The boy loves music just like I do. He loves adventures, hiking and being with his woman. How I wish I were her.
He decided to walk me to the store so that I could get some stuff, in his words " at least now you have an extra set of hands". We got all I needed, you would think since they are my stuff I would pay, but do you think jay bae would let me do that? He paid for everything, it's like I was just there to keep him company and choose what I needed. You might be wondering where Jay bae came from, I love making nicknames for a living and that's Jaylens new name, I haven't told him yet but hey maybe one day *wink wink*.

"Thanks for everything Jaylen, it's been amazing and you are amazing" I say, showing how grateful I am

"No thank you for even sparing me your time" he says as he starts to walk to his motorbike. He pauses and turns around. "Lucy, can I ask you for something ?" He says

"Yes Jaylen"

"Can I have a hug?" I nod gesturing a yes, as I try to fight the smile creeping up on my face.
He quickly rushes to me and hugs me passionately and longingly, I hug him back of course. We pull away after a while...
He heads to his bike and starts off.

I get into my apartment and decide to make something easy to eat. I then put on some music. Spotify is the best thing out there.... I turn on the "new & cozy" playlist by Spotify. I put on magic by Gabrielle Alpin, I love this song, no, I love the playlist, it's just everything.
As I prepare the food, flashes of Jaylen's presence here flood my mind, but then they are replaced with Jack. Which is weird, I can't be thinking of both brothers.... I switch the song and miss you 2 by Gabrielle Alpin comes on... I'm haunted by these two gods and it's not pretty at all. I give up and turn off the music to keep a clear mind. Because I can't and I won't be thinking about two brothers at the same time let alone two guys.


Have you ever made a paper plane before? 😅 it's so much fun, stay tuned, comment and vote.

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