Jackpot baby: Devil May Cry 3...

By chasy2804

24.6K 514 35

Even though Devil May cry was the first game but I thought it make sense because the begin of Devil May cry 3... More

Mission 1 (Rewrite)
Mission 2 (Rewrite)
Mission 3 (Rewrite)
Mission 4 (Rewrite)
Mission 5 (Rewrite)
Mission 6 (Rewrite)
Mission 7 (Rewrite)
Mission 8 (Rewrite)
Mission 9 (Rewrite)
Mission 10 (Rewrite)
Mission 12 (Rewrite)
Mission 13 (Rewrite)
Mission 14 (Rewrite)
Mission 15 (Rewrite)
Mission 16 (Rewrite)
Mission 17(Rewrite)
Mission 18(Rewrite)
Mission 19(Rewrite)
Mission 20(Rewrite)

Mission 11 (Rewrite)

891 23 0
By chasy2804

(Y/n)'s POV

Dante opens the door before he pulls me close to his chest before he touches my (h/c) hair, "Let it out, (Y/n)." Dante says to me.  I looked at Dante with tears in my eyes before I fully cried on Dante's chest.  Dante pulls me closer to his chest before he comforts me, "It's okay, (Y/n)." Dante said to me in a calm tone.  Dante kisses my forehead before he pulls me away and he cleans my tears off of my eyes, "Feel better?" Dante ask me.  I looked at Dante before telling him, "Yes. I am okay. I am just tired." I said to Dante.  Dante just grabbed my hand before we started walking towards the room.

Dante decided to go first, so I followed behind him, but before we could make any conversation, we noticed demons were here, so we grabbed our weapons out and we started fighting them. Dante was able to get some good slashes at the demons, but I was able to get some good shots at the demons, we were able to defeat the demons.  We look around the area and it looks like a clock tower but this time the gears are sharp ass hell, so we took our time and of course Dante helped me to get down so I won't hurt myself, "Those are really sharp gears." I said to myself.  Dante just hums at this before we see a door and we open it to see a pathway so we walked and as so we were mid-point in the room. 

We heard a noise behind us, so me and Dante turned around quickly and we saw some blue and purple smoke.  We kept looking around the room to see two demons coming near us, "Let's get rid of these demons." I said to Dante.  Dante just nods his head at me before we start fighting these demons with our own weapons, but this demons were hard because they either teleport away or they turned into smoke, "I hate this demons." I muttered out to myself.  Dante just chuckles at me before he tells me, "You're not the only one." Dante said to me.

Dante's POV

We were able to beat those demons and the door was now opened, "Come on, let's go." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head to me, before we start walking towards the doors and once we were in the room.  The doors were blocked by demons, but there were no demons around, "Where do we go?" (Y/n) ask me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "It must be some kind of puzzle." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looked at me before we started walking around the room.  We noticed a sword was in the statue, "That's weird?" (Y/n) ask herself.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Yeah, it is weird." I said to (Y/n).

(Y/n) looks up from the sword before I looked at (Y/n) before I stuck my hands together, "Let me boost you up." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she moves her foot towards my hands before I boost (Y/n) up.  (Y/n) was able to get on the sword before she jumps up and climbs up on the edge.  (Y/n) gets up on the edge before she looks around at the top, "(Y/n)? What do you see up there?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at the railing before she tells me, "Well, there are some holes that look like it that it could belong to something." (Y/n) says to me.

I just wait for (Y/n) to give me a response before she starts talking to me, "Hey Dante, can you please pass me your sword so I could move them back?" (Y/n) asks me.  I looked at (Y/n) before I pulled out my sword before throwing it up, so (Y/n) could catch it.  (Y/n) catches my sword before she starts running to use my sword.  (Y/n) looks at me before she 'thanks' me before she takes off running.  I could hear (Y/n) using my sword to slash something before I heard something coming from my right side.  I turned around to see three heads and it looked like their eyes were bleeding from their eyes.

(Y/n) must've noticed that I was quiet, "Dante!?" (Y/n) calls out my name.  I looked up before I started talking to (Y/n), "I'm still here." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just sighs in relief before she ask me, "Did something happen?" (Y/n) ask me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Yeah, you must've unlocked something because I noticed one of the statue heads is bleeding." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just nods her head before she takes off running before she slashes something again before I hear my sword was being slashed.  I was just relaxing a bit before I heard something being opened. 

I was walking towards the pathway that is now open, but before I could move forward I heard a gunshot go off and I turned around to see (y/n) aim her gun almost near my direction, "Dante get out of the way!" (Y/n) yells out to me.  I listen to her before getting out of the way, so she can killed the demon but I did remember that I did had those two other swords the ones that I forgot about their names, so I grabbed them before I started to killed demons.  (Y/n) jumps down before she throws my sword at one of the demons.  (Y/n) used her guns before she started firing at the demons before I used the two swords before we were able to kill them.

Once we got rid of those demons, we were able to get the other doors to open, "Finally." (Y/n) sighs in relief.  I just chuckled at her before we started running towards the two doors and we opened the doors and we looked at the room to see some kind of wagon, "(Y/n), we can finally take a break from running or walking a bit." I said to (Y/n) with a small smirk on my face.  (Y/n) just chuckles at me before she tells me, "I could go for a break." (Y/n) says to me with a small smile on her face.

We started walking downstairs before we got on the wagon.  (Y/n) lays her head on my chest before she tries to fall asleep, "Looks like someone hasn't last slept night?" I ask (Y/n) with a teasing in my voice.  (Y/n) just chuckles at me before she yawns.  I touched (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair before we heard demons were going to get us, "(Y/n). We have to deal with these demons." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) moves her head out of my chest before we start attacking the demons with our weapons, but (Y/n) gives me back my sword before she points her guns at the demons and she starts firing her guns at the demons, while I used my sword to hit the demons.

Little Time skip still Dante's POV

After that long ass ride and fighting demons on there, we were able to make it to the other side.  I noticed (Y/n) looked really tired before she started to walk a little slowly, but I looked at (Y/n) before I started talking to her, "(Y/n) maybe I can carry you on my back, so you don't have to walk up of those stairs." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she gives me a small smile before she kisses me on my cheek before she slowly pulls away from me.  I got down, so (Y/n) can get on my back before I felt her arms wrapped around my neck before I picked up her legs and I made sure that I wasn't going to let her go at all.

(Y/n)'s POV

Dante was making sure that I was hanging on tight behind his back, "Dante, can you at least walk a little slow on the stairs, so I could at least get some sleep?" I asked Dante.  Dante looks at me before he tells me, "Of course, (Y/n). You deserve some rest." Dante said to me with a small smile on his face.  I just hummed at this before I started to lay my head onto Dante's shoulder before I fell asleep on his shoulder.

Dante's POV

(Y/n) fell asleep on my shoulder real quick, "I guessed you were tired?" I asked myself.  (Y/n) just snuggled on my shoulder before I started walking upstairs a little slow, so (Y/n) could at least get some sleep.  (Y/n) was already snoring, but it was a soft snoring, 'Oh yeah, you were tired.' I said to myself in my head.  I was getting a little closer to finish walking upstairs, but I decided to let (Y/n) sleep on my shoulder and then I would wake her up, when I opened the doors.

Once I got to the doors.  I let (Y/n) sleep for a bit before I opened the doors to see a room that looked a little weird, but I noticed an item was just a few feet away from us.  I decided to wake (Y/n) up, so I put her down for a second before I started calling her name, "(Y/n) it's time to wake up." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) didn't wake up, so I tried again and this time I saw her (e/c) eyes looking at me before she started to yawn, "Do I have to?" (Y/n) asks me in a tired tone in her voice.  I just chuckled at her before telling her, "Yes, you have to (Y/n). We still have a job to do." I said to (Y/n) with a little smirk on my face. 

(Y/n) starts to stretch herself before she stops stretching and we were walking towards an item that we could get.  (Y/n) looks a little tired but she didn't stop at all, she decides to keep going.  We were walking towards the item before I could grab the item we heard a growling noise, "Sparda!" We heard a voice yell out.  We didn't pay attention because I was getting close to grabbing the item, but not before we heard the same growling voice, "SPARDA!" A voice yells out to me.  Me and (Y/n) looked up to see rumble was coming towards us, but I punched the rumble that was coming towards us.

We move back and we see a big demon that almost looks like a dog or a cat but none of us don't know.  I pushed (Y/n) behind me before I started talking to the demon, "Aww, you poor thing. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door?" I asked the demon.  The demon ignored my comment and started talking about my father, "That odor I know it!" The demon yells out to us.  We noticed the demon was walking towards us with his two legs.  I started to joke around with the demon before I started to smell myself before telling the demon, "Gimme a break. Tell ya what, next time I'll try and wear some cologne, okay?" I asked the demon.

The demon still ignored me, but I turned around to see (Y/n) was looking at me, "The nerve of this guy." I said to (Y/n) with a smug look on my face.  (Y/n) looks at me before she just chuckles at me before I notice the demon just grabs (Y/n) real tight before he throws her hard before she could say anything to me, her head falls down on the floor before she was fully passed out.  This really annoyed me, before the demon was talking to me, "It's the stench of betrayal, the odor of that accursed Sparda! I will annihilate every last blood relation of Sparda!"The demon yells out to me in a pissed off tone in his voice.

The demon tried to get me, but he missed me before I started to chuckle at him.  I noticed the demon just got down on all four legs before he roars at me before I told the demon, "A son cleaning up his dad's mess, huh? Where've I heard this story before?" I ask myself before pulling my guns out to the demon.  I noticed (Y/n) was still out before I started racing towards (Y/n) before I picked her up slowly in bridal style, "(Y/n) just hang on." I said to (Y/n).  I moved (Y/n)'s body away from the demon before placing her down before focusing back on the demon.  I got my guns out and started firing my guns at the demon before I switch it up a bit before I used my sword to slash at the demon real hard before going to my demon form and start attacking the demon real hard without even thinking twice.

I didn't stop attacking the demon because he was going to pay for what he did to (Y/n).  I was able to beat the demon before I started to aim my sword at the demon before I noticed the demon was going to punch me.  I'll throw my sword to the demon's eye before the demon punches me on the floor.  My sword was able to hit the demon's eye before the demon punches me hard on the hard floor.

The demon moves his demonic hand off of me before he starts to scream in pain before he starts to hit something because he thought I was going to attack him, "The odious one whose heart pumps the blood of Sparda! Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent!" The demon yells out to me.  I got up and I grunted from this before I got up and started running towards (Y/n)'s body.  (Y/n) was groaning in pain before she opened her eyes and she looked at the demon, but I made (Y/n) looked at me instead before I pulled her close to my chest before I lifted her up and carried her in bridal style.

The demon started talking to me, "I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!" The demon yells out to me.  The demon takes off with his wings but he was flying crazy because I made the demon blind now.  Once the demon was gone I started talking to me, "Why do I have to take the heat for my father?! Come on, man! Cut me some slack!" I said to myself.  (Y/n) looks at me before she snuggles on my chest again before I hear her talking to me, "Are you okay?" (Y/n) ask me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "I should be the one to ask you, (Y/n). You got thrown by that demon." I said to (Y/n) in a worried tone in my voice.  (Y/n) looks at me before she starts to touch my chest before she tells me, "I am okay." (Y/n) said to me.

I looked at (Y/n) before I looked at her before pulling her close to my chest before I touched the back of her head.  (Y/n) looks at me before she snuggles on my chest before giving her a kiss on her forehead before I could say anything to (Y/n).  I felt something wet on my fingers before I pulled my hand away from the back of (Y/n)'s head and my fingers and finger less glove shows blood on them.  (Y/n) looks at me before she notices my hand shows her blood on my hand, "You don't think it's from the demon that throws me?" (Y/n) ask me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Yeah." I said to (Y/n).  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "(Y/n), let me take a look behind your head." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) nods her head at me before she turns around and I moved her (h/c) hair out of the way to see a bit of blood, but luckily it wasn't too deep.

I was moving my hand in one of my pockets to feel some bandages in my pocket before I wrapped the bandages around (Y/n)'s head, "Dante? How do you know how to wrap bandages?" (Y/n) ask me.  I'll look at (Y/n) before telling her, "It was a long story before I even met you. It was probably one of my missions, when I used a fake name at the time." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she asks me, "What was your fake name?" (Y/n) ask me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "My fake name was Tony Redgrave." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "I used to have a fake name too." (Y/n) said to me.

I looked at (Y/n) before I asked her, "What was your fake name?" I asked (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "It was (f/n) (f/l/n)." (Y/n) said to me.

(The (f/n) is a fake name and (f/l/n) is the fake last name. If you guys were confused.)

(Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "I had to because I escaped the orphanage since I was a little girl. I never liked living there it was just evil for me. I even had to pickpocket people to survive for myself." (Y/n) says to me.  I just looked at (Y/n) before pulling her closer to me, "Nothing wrong with that (Y/n). I just know that no one is perfect at all. Shit I am not even perfect as well, but here I am. I am alive, stopping demons, going to take down my brother, and I have an amazing girlfriend." I said to (Y/n) with a smile on my face.  (Y/n) just smiled at me before she  kissed me on my lips real hard before we went for a hard kiss.

We pulled away from each other before we started walking towards the item.

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