The Other side of the heaven...

By YoonminSlaysus

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[ COMPLETED ] I ran upstairs looking for an escape but there was none. There was no hope. I was trapped in a... More

Author's note


84 8 2
By YoonminSlaysus


" ...don't disappoint me, Jin."

My eyes opened and looked over the group of people walking ahead of me. I could see Maya laughing evilly over her win in this game. I could see everyone in the darkness. The moon glistened through the trees. We walked away from the people cheering over Zia's death. My heart filled with somewhat guilt but I knew I deserved better so maybe I will regret over it a bit more less. Maya offered me to tag along for the celebration but I refused. I was feeling a bit nauseous so I drank some water upon reaching home and went straight to bed. I couldn't sleep and the feeling of puking took over me. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

I stood in front of a basin coloured in red. It smelled like blood. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I swiftly opened the tap and rinse my mouth thoroughly. I rubbed my stomach to feel a bit better. I stepped out and stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection. I could only see myself but the figure beside me who reflected in the mirror was of Namjoon. I turned my head to look back but didn't found anyone standing there. I turned back and suddenly Zia stood in front of me in the reflection.

" Zia.." I mouthed and swallowed hard.

" You will bring justice to me, right ?" She whispered to me. Her words felt like a melody which was long forgotten but never left the heart who heard it.

" Zia.."

" I want justice, Sebastian," she said with eyes filled with tears.

" I- Argh! ARGH !" I clenched onto my chest, falling on my knees and grabbing my chest as if I don't hold onto it it will rip open. My heart felt like it grew bigger and the contraction and expansion of my heart just gave so many pain and jolts. My body started becoming weak and my eyesight started getting blurred. I could only hear Zia's voice in my ears.

" I want justice, Sebastian."

" I want justice, Jin."

" I want justice, Sebastian."

" I want justice, Jin."

" I want all of them, Sebastian."

" I want all of them dead."

" Don't disappoint me, Sebastian."

" Don't disappoint me, Jin."

The words faded as I fell into unconsciousness. The voice of Zia started faded and sounded more like a male husky voice. more like Namjoon's. My head grew heavier and heavier even when I laid on the cold floor, resting my head on its' cool surface. my eyes closed and my body losing the will to fight or even stay alive.

I wanna feel numb.

I wanna feel lost. I wanna...

...I want to kill.

I want to kill.

All of them.

I want to kill them.

Each one of them.

My eyes slowly gaining sight as if stepping out of a blurry view and adjusted to a more clearer image. I rose and sat up, straightening my back. I look around and saw Keith wasted in the Sofa nearby. A grin appears on my lips. I looked around if there is anyone else but seems like it was only me and him. The empty liquor bottles on the table could be of great use for killing him.

I got hold of one and smashed the bottle against the edge of the table, breaking the glass bottle into two. The sound woke him up a bit and he looked around still feeling a drowsy. I walked over to him slowly trying not to grab his attention to me. But somehow he called me out.

" Hyung.." his voice felt soft but still clear.

" Sebastian.." he called out.

" Hyung..."

" Sebastian.." he rose and I attacked him, smashing the empty the glass bottle on his head.

" Hyung !" A voice called me out.

Keith turned around to defend himself and lost his balance. I punched him across the face which threw him off to the floor.

" Hyung... Don't ..."

" So you are here to take the revenge for your wife." Keith laughed.

" Get back to your senses, Hyung. Hyung, it's me !"

I looked past him at the kitchen cabinets and back at him being focused. He stood up, still shaky in his movements. He wasn't able to stand straight.

" Your wife deserved it, you devil! She deserved to get killed."


" Your wife was just an sl- argh !" His eyes widened and mouth left agape.

He looked at me with eyes filled with horror. I watched his body fall on the floor like a sack of grain with no support. The kitchen cabinets left open and all the knives and forks are stuck on his back. The knives and forks were so deep that I could only see their handles. I stepped ahead to turn him on his back with my foot. He grasped my ankle, begging for his life.

" Let me live..." he begged.

" HYUNG !!!!! SET ME FREE !!! HYUNG !!!!"

I smiled at his plight and shake off his hand. I applied force to push him on his back. I placed my feet on his ribs and pushed him farther down. He screamed, trying to stop me. The blood gushes out of his back. I could hear the sharp blade tearing off his skin further and destroying his internal organs.


" JIN HYUNGGG !!!!!"

His body finally stopped struggling and the blades appeared on his upper body. The blood escaped his mouth like a river which finally found the small escape to be free. The handles were no longer existing on his back instead they were completely inside him. I looked at his eyes wide open and his body motionless. I smiled as I turned to look at the reflection on the window.

Everything was quiet now.

The pain in my heart lessened a bit.

The reflection on the window made me more happier.

I could see the blood splashed all over my face and clothes.

I felt the happiest.

The only difference was.

my clothes weren't the same as my reflection.

The reflection wore all black clothes.

with hair pushed back and his evil smile.

smiling back at me as his dimples deepen.

It looked like Namjoon.

The reflection looked like Namjoon.


Harold woke up with the sudden knocking on the door. he sat up and guided himself towards the sound. He stepped down the spiral stairs that lead to the rooms. ' Must be Father Joseph. ' he thought to himself as he quickened his speed as the knocking got louder and more violent. He came down into the main hall and alter. He walked towards the big wooden door to open it. He almost laid his hands on the handle when he felt a gush of uneasiness.


A loud knock came on the door as if someone is trying to be inside desperately. He looked back at the statue of God at the altar. Thoughts ran into his mind, thinking who it would be at such an odd hour. He was gonna ask when a shaky voice came across the door.

" OPEN UP, HAROLD! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL US !" He heard a familiar voice of Keith.

" Keith ?" He opened the door swiftly to find a very shook and shivering in fear, Keith.

" What happened? He asked in urgency.

" No time for that! Maya needs our help! Come on out !" Keith called him out of the church.

Harold stepped out of the church as he followed him who already started walking away quickly. The air outside the church felt a lot more heavier than it was inside. Harold look around and the residents were sleeping in their houses. The streetlights were dim and flickering.

" What happened? Whom are we running away from ?"

" Zia's husband, the devil," Keith answered.

" Hold on !" Harold held onto his arm to stop him. " It was a rumour, Keith. We spread it out around the town." He said trying to make Keith understand.

" But her husband is a devil," he said in a harsher tone.

" What ?" Harold asked as he looked at Keith's back which was facing him. He looked at him and the knot of fear in his heart tightened. He looked back at the open door of the church. He turned around to run away back to safety. He felt someone grip his neck from behind.

" Keith !" He shouted in agony.

" Namjoon is the name, my dear Harold." An eerie voice muttered.

The clasp of fingers on his neck started to compress as if trying to make a fist. His bones started to break and the cracking of the bones could be heard. He felt like choking as he tried to free myself from the evil clasp. He shouted with all his might, coughing and gasping for air.

" H-Help me..."

" J-Jin ... Hyung.. Jin."

The compression increased as his neck felt numb and his body fell into paralysis. His eyes could see but his body refuses to move. He was dragged by his hand onto his safe place, the church. He laid on the cold floor outside the church door. A kick on his ribs pushed him inside like an empty box being pushed away when kicked. The force was too powerful that his head hit every bench lined up for sitting in the church. The benches were pushed apart as Harold's hit them. Being hit in the head and kicked in ribs that damaged his organs, his body stopped at the marble steps that led to the statue in the alter. His mouth spilt all the blood that tried to escape.

The dark figure of Namjoon looked at the statue and smiled.

" People who worship you are evil but it is us who get blamed. Such a pity! " He walked over to the nearby fountain.

The moon shined in its glistening light, spreading over the land. The moonlight fell on the water of the fountain, making it shine like million diamonds were placed inside it. My reflection with blood spots on my face became clear. The round face and eyes filled with the fire of ending it all. The plump lips painted with bloodspots. The broad shoulders carrying the burden of revenge. I leaned down to wash my face with my hands. Washing thoroughly so there is no trace of blood.

Ripples of the water stopped and the moon shined with a new light, witnessing everything. Blue moon comes once in thousand years. ' This moon will symbolize my fire for revenge' I thought as I stared back at the reflection of mine that had deep mono lids eyes and dimples that appeared at each side with tan skin. I walked away to my next prey.

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