The love for their Izuku

Por Flowertalek

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Hello this is my first fanfic posted. I'm on the second season of BHNA so sorry if I get some things wrong I... Más

Chapter 1: The unexpected news
Chapter 2: Comforting
Chapter 3: Normal Schedule
Chapter 4: Watch what you say
Chapter 5: MPQ
Chapter 6: Lets meet!
Chapter 7: Truth be told
Chapter 8: Charles
A/N :)
Chapter 9: Surprise, surprise!
Chapter 10: Meet and greet!
Chapter 11: Can I come over?
Chapter 12: Conversate
Chapter 13: Sup Boi
Chapter 14: Teamwork
Chapter 15: Caught!
QnA folks!
Chapter 16: Dilated o_O
Chapter 17: Fluff
Chapter 18: Reminder
Chapter 19: Thank you!
Chapter 20: I'm back
Chapter 21: Skittles
Chapter 22: Get away!
Chapter 23: Jack!
Chapter 24: April
Chapter 25: Padded room
Chapter 26: Worry the past
Chapter 27: We are here now
Chapter 28: Kisses and smooches 😘
Chapter 29: No rain, no flowers
Chapter 30: Life is weird
Chapter 31: Maybe before is better than after
Chapter 32: We have to face the noise
This story will continue (p.s thank you to everyone who commented :) )
Chapter 34: Thinking back

Chapter 33: Emotions

162 7 0
Por Flowertalek

Reminder I did add tails and they are still here. People don't judge me, I was thirteen when I made this story. Also I made this nice and long but not that long. I hope you enjoy!

P.S: It may have errors 💖

Chapter 33

Izuku's point of view

I was currently sitting in the hospital bed. Dr.Brooklyn was asking me questions. Shoto and Katsuki were out training. They told me to tell them if anything important happens.

Dr.Brooklyn grabbed the clipboard and looked at the paper. He flipped the pages as he sighed.

"So, Izuku, how are you feeling?" 

I started to answer all of his questions

~Inside their head~

Charles' point of view

Jack slapped me across the head. I hissed as I rubbed my head.

He turned away from me to act like he was angry, but I could tell he was happy to see me because his tail was wagging.

"Don't do that, you scared me half to death." I smiled and hugged him.

"Aww missed you too, Jack." I let go of him and walked towards the others.

They were all sitting down. James was playing with Milo on the floor. Shawn was on the couch stretched out.

I smiled and jumped on him. He yelped in surprise. He looked down at me and growled.

"Get off me." must still not like me that much.

"I don't even get a hello?" he pushed me off of him. 

"No." he turned away from me as he crossed his arms.

Yep still doesn't like me. I looked down at Milo. He looked up at me with his big purple eyes.

"Charles?" I nodded my head.

"Yep!" he jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you! I thought I would never have my building buddy back!" I chuckled and hugged him back.

"Yep, yep, I'm back." he got off of me and continued to happily play with his building blocks.

James looked over at me. I smiled. He nodded back at me.

"Nice to have you back." he looked back down at the playing blocks Milo was giving to him.

I could feel Shawn looking at me with distaste. I laughed.

"Shawn if I was that beautiful you could have just told me," I turned to him and as I suspected, he was looking at me, "come on, Shawn, you can't be this sour. That was a mistake I didn't mean to do everything I did. I wasn't thinking straight." he rolled his eyes and walked away from me.

He walked over the Jack and went close to his ears. Jack's ears perked up and he nodded his head. 

They walked into an area that was far away from everyone else. I wonder what they are talking about.

Shawn's point of view

"I don't want him here, Jack. Why don't you just get rid of him?" Jack crossed his arms and put his ears down.

"Why is this coming up all of a sudden? I thought we all forgave him for what he did and now are trying to help him." I clicked my tongue and looked away.

"The only reason I did it was to stop the conflict and I did feel bad, but," I looked at him, "what if he does it again? What if he tries to take over a third time?" the red-eyed personality shook his head.

"I see where you're coming from, but look at him. He looks a lot better and his eyes went back to their normal color. You have to give him a chance, if I see that he's going back to his old ways, I'll put him back in his place." I rolled my eyes.

"Jack you've gone soft. Aren't you upset? He knocked you out and he controlled the other personalities. Aren't you the leader? Shouldn't you be taking more action on the enemy?" he laughed darkly and got kind of close to me. 

I stepped back because the aura around us turned dark and cold. He looked at me with a smile going ear to ear. 

"Why don't you do it then? Why don't you put him back to where he was?" his scythe appeared in his hand, "Oh, I forgot," his ears went up as his tail swung back and forth slowly against the ground, "you can't because no one has the power to except for me. You can try to manipulate me all you want, but you forgot one thing dumb-ass." he grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to him, "I'm crazy and I don't think before I do, so if you keep pushing the right buttons, I will surely make sure you don't forget I could put you down at any moment." he let go and pushed me away.

He put his scythe away and rested his smile back to his resting bitch face. I shook out of myself out of shock. I stood up and cleared my throat. I looked away from him.

"Whatever, Jack." he chuckled a little bit.

Before he could say anything, Charles came over to try to cool the situation, I guess, even though, it wasn't helping me. 

"I can feel the tension over here, both of you need to calm down." he touched Jack's shoulder. 

Jack took a breath and he looked a lot more relaxed. His pupils weren't as big as they were before.

Jack growled and pushed Charles away. Charles responded my chuckling at Jack's behavior.

"Leave me alone." Jack walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Charles turned to me and smiled warmly at me. His tail was wagging happily.

"I know we haven't been on the best of terms and I really am sorry for my past behavior. I know that you probably hate me and," his ears went down and his tail stopped wagging, "I shouldn't be using my mental state as an excuse. I was in a very bad state and the hallucinations kept telling me to do things. I know I have my own mind and I made my decisions but it's hard to feel alone even when you have other people in your head, so when they talked to me, I felt like I was actually being listened to and heard so I followed what they said. I hope you forgive me."

His head went down as he started crying. I felt bad and rolled my eyes. I went close to him as my mind was telling me that I shouldn't do it, but my heart was telling me to hug him. 

I wrapped my arms around him. He noticed I was hugging him and hugged back. I felt his emotions seep into me. I felt guilt and sadness. God damn it, this is why I hate his quirk. 

It's always been weird to me that Jack and Charles are the closest kind of 'siblings' because they were made on the same day. One is really wholesome and kind when not depressed, as the other is just a crazy sociopath that has an awful god complex. 

I looked down at the sobbing personality. I put my hand on his hair. I smoothed it out and sighed.

"Alright, you can stop now Charles." he nodded and got off of me.

He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the tears. He had small little hiccups. He looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"This doesn't mean I forgive you, yet. I just hugged you out of the kindness of my heart." his tail wagged as he giggled.

"It's okay, I'll get you to warm up to me one day. Also another thing don't worry about me taking your place. Just because I'm back doesn't mean I'm taking your place." I looked at him confused.

"Why are you telling me this?" I crossed my arms over my chest defensively. 

"I can see your insecurities, silly. One of the things you are insecure about is getting replaced by someone who is more qualified or more important than you. I'm just trying to tell you that Jack doesn't want me as his second hand man. I'm not even fit to do that because our personalities don't even match. I just wanted to tell you that so you can calm down a little bit." he started to skip away.

What the hell? How did he even do that? I walked back to where the other personalities were. Charles was poking at Jack's face trying to get his attention.

Milo and James were still trying to build a tall tower. I sat on the couch and eavesdropped onto their conversation. They were talking quietly so I had focus on them.

"Jack, I don't think he likes me." Jack sighed.

"I pretty sure not a lot of people like you."

"I'm serious, Jack." Jack groaned.

"Just let him warm up to you. You know how Shawn can be." Charles' tone of voice changed to his old voice.

"I don't know if he will, I've done some bad shit in my life. What if no one will ever-Ow! Jack!" Jack slapped him over the head.

"Come here and stop talking like that. You're so emotional, sometimes. Just trust me alright."

"Okay, I'll try." Charles' voice changed back to his normal tone.

After a little bit, I heard light snores. I opened my eyes and looked at them. Charles was on Jack's lap sleeping. Jack was smoothing out his hair as he slept. 

I felt an emotion I never felt before. What is this? I looked at Jack. He had his eyes closed as he leaned his head again his fist. His arm was rest on the couch. I knew he wasn't sleep because I could see his ears moving in all directions.

"Jack." he hummed, "Why do you treat him with more care of him your other teammates? He used to be the enemy."

"Keyword used to and he has an unstable mental state. I know you heard us. You heard the tone of his voice change. Once he's back to his normal self, I can let him do his own thing, but until then, my attention will mostly be in him." he opened his eyes and looked at me, "Are you going to have a problem with it?" I shook my head.

"N-no, I won't." he hummed and closed his eyes back up.

"Good. Is there anything else you wanted?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah...I'm still your second in command, right?" he nodded his head.

"Why would you ask a stupid ass question like that? Don't be going dumb on me now, Shawn." he lightly growled.

"I just wanted to make sure." 

He didn't respond back to me. Charles started to whimper softly. He curled his tail around himself. Jack growled as he opened his eyes. 

He looked down at Charles. He went close to his ear and whispered something. He backed away and went back to smoothing his hair out. 

Charles calmed down and his facial expression relaxed. He's never shown this type of emotion to anyone. Why do I feel hurt? Should I even feel hurt? I've never felt this before, why am I feeling it now?

I wrapped my arms around myself. I've never acted like this. Usually I'm the sarcastic, cold personality, why am I all of a sudden acting out of character. I huffed as I crossed my arms.

"What is it? You seem as if something is bothering you?" he turned to me.

His eyes were soft as they landed on me. They don't even looked crazed! Why is he so calm?

"I don't know I feel a certain emotion I've never felt before." 

"Take to James the therapist. I can wake up Charles so he can play with Milo." I shook my head.

"It's not even-"

"Charles! Wake up!" he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What Jack?" he turned to him.

"Go play with Milo. He's been missing you. Now get on with it loser." Charles nodded and got on the floor with Milo, "James can you talk to Shawn for a second." he nodded his head.

"Yeah, sure." James stood up.

"Go on Shawn, I don't want my second in command to be messed up." I groaned and stood up.

James and I walked over to an area that no one could hear. I leaned against the wall. 

"So what's wrong?" he asked me.

"I don't know, I feel hurt I guess. Jack has never showed any of us the amount of care he gives Charles. I don't even know why I'm upset about it."

"Hmm well do you think it's because you want him to care for you like he does to him or do you want his attention?"

"I don't I think I'm just scared of losing him. I don't want him to leave me. Also, I'm like his best friend and he's never showed that amount of care to me-I mean us." James chuckled.

"You sound jealous my friend." I pondered on the statement. 

"You think so?" he nodded.

"You have never acted like this and not really cared about what Jack does. The only time you cared about what he was doing was when he would go crazy, but now you care a lot about what Jack is doing. You seem to really care about him caring for  Charles. You must have to remember that this is going to last long. Charles will get better and go back to his normal self." I sighed.

"You're right. Do you think I should talk to him? Will that help with these emotions?" he nodded.

"That might help, yes." I nodded my head.

"Okay, I'll talk to him, again."

"I'll bring him over for you." 


James walked away and leaned over the couch. Jack stood up and walked over to me. He put his hands in his pockets and held his chin up, showing he is better than you. God complex. 

He stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

"What did you want to talk about now?" I could tell he was getting ticked by me.

"I want to try something." he raised a brow.

"What's that?" I heaved a breath.

Here I go. I hugged him. I put my chin on his shoulder. I could feel him ball up his fist.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I slowly felt a little less jealous.

"Just let me do this, it'll make me feel better." he groaned.

"Fine if it makes you feel better." he patted my back awkwardly.

It was something I would never do but it felt right at the moment. I let go of him and sighed. He unballed his fists and crossed his arms over his chest. He growled at me.

"We are never doing that, again." he walked away.

I smiled to myself for some reason. At least I know he won't leave me.

End of chapter 33

Yayy one chapter finished. I hope this was good. As you can tell Shawn is a little jealous of Charles because he's taking most of Jack's time and he's not used to that. No, I'm not shipping them together, it's just friendship problems :). I hope you have a great rest of you day/night, see you in the next one! 💖💖

Word count: 2497

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