Sandstorm {Discontinued}{Rewr...

By ladyawesome45321

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This story is being rewritten. Now titled Undeserted More

1. It's a Rip Off of Doctor Who
2. To Be or Not to Be
3. The Waverider
4. He's a Star Wars Gag
5. You're not Legendary
6. To Be or Not to Be Take Two
7. Codenames, Goofs, and Kinks Oh My!
8. Norway
9. Nuclear Warheads
10. The Legendary Screw Up
11. Love Poem and Training/Mental Illness
12. Leave it to the Arsonist to be Brutally Blunt.
13. Crash Landings and New Jackets
14. Killer Hawk
15. A Vast Majority of This Chapter is Ray and Dez Fangirling
16. A Mission for Sand and Puns
17. Debates on the Beach
18. Cocktail Parties and Bounty Hunters
Interlude #1
19. Blood Lusts and Dark Pasts
20. Late Night Talks
Interlude #2
21. Anger, Bloodlusts, and Spywork
22. The Pentagon
Interlude #3
23. Arguments and Comfort
24. Football Therapy and Accidental Spying
25. Welcome to the USSR
26. The Deal
27. White Knights, Explosions, and Contemplations
Interlude #4
28.Kissing and Fighting
29. New Friends and Trouble pt 1
29. New Friends and Trouble pt 2
29. New Friends and Trouble pt 3
30. Jail Time and Confrontations
Interlude #5
31. The Bratva and the Flash
32. Infantino Street pt 1
32. Infantino Street pt 2
32. Infantino Street pt 3
33. Enter Hawkwoman
Interlude #6
34. Prison Break (Addmitedly Not as Good as Canon)
35. Earth 38
Interlude #7
36. Myriad
37. "Higher Morality Hero Crap"
Interlude # 8
38. Hope
Interlude # 9
40. The Pilgram
41. "Conversations with my Thirteen Year Old Self"
Interlude #11

39. Show Downs and New Suits

71 4 0
By ladyawesome45321

Deserey's suit was nothing short of perfection. It was a single garment made from protective leather -- a sandy tan color to match the theme of her powers and code name. White fabric outlined the arms, legs, and hips; her sand bag had been attached to the suit's side. On the back of the neck there was a netted hood with a matching pair of netted gloves on her wrists. Over her eyes she wore a pair of dark brown goggles with tinted lenses. Her boots matched her goggles to a T, all laced up and ready to go.

"So how do we smoke 'em out?" Kara wondered. She was standing next to Deserey clad in her Supergirl uniform, blonde hair flowing in the wind behind her, red boots planted firmly on the ground beneath them.

"I think we just did," J'onn said from Dez's other side. He had shape shifted into his natural form -- a six foot man with green skin and a pointed head. His eyes were narrow, his ears nothing more than identical slits on the side of his head. He'd morphed his clothes too -- a black battle ready suit with a red X on the chest. (Deserey was trying not to stare, but she thought it was just so cool! How many times would she get to see an actual martian in front of her?)

Non touched down just six feet away, eyeing Deserey and the two other aliens like they were the scum of the galaxy. Next to him stood a skinny woman with dark blue skin. She sort of reminded Deserey of Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy, not just because the skin color, but because she kept narrowing her eyes at them as if she was about to pull out a dagger and stab them at a moment's notice. Her hair was bright orange; it was pulled back, one side braided while the other side was left as a simple ponytail. It was a bold fashion statement, Deserey had to admit. She must have been Indigo.

"Where's your army?" Kara asked, tilting her head towards Non.

"Already in their sleeping pods," Non snipped back. He sounded like he was speaking for some uppety talk show. "Ready for the journey that awaits once we dispense with the three of you."

"And the omegahedron?" Kara asked.

"It's right here." Non held up a small do-dad that must of been the alien tech they were talking about. "Take it." He tossed it so that the little ball landed between Kara and J'onn's feet. "Smash it into little bits. You still won't stop us."

Dez snorted. "That's what they all say right before we beat their asses senseless." For added emphasis she slammed her fist into the palm of her hand. Non looked around slowly, his eyes landing on Dez. "There were more of you. Have your alleys left you to die?" Apparently, he was still thinking it was a good idea to underestimate the Legends.

"Aw, don't worry about me, sugar. I don't need a team to be bad ass," Dez grinned back at him. "I do that all on my own."

Firestorm flew in from behind the evil duo, blasting flames at the back of their heads and sending them flying across the field. "But since you asked..." He held his arms out like here we are!

The rest of the Legends stepped out from where they'd been hiding behind the largest hill moments ago -- all except for Ray, who was teeny tiny and of course Stein was absent as well, having merged with Jax.

Non stood from where he'd been thrown across the way, emitting a low growl of annoyance. In two swift movements, he shot identical blue streams of lasers at the Legends before flying right at Supergirl. The Legends scattered, Kara retaliating her uncle's attack by bringing them both into the sky. Carter and Kendra followed suit, Kendra tossing her knife like a boomerang, Carter swinging his mace expertly. Firestorm followed behind, sending repeated blasts of nuclear energy at the Scar-esque evil uncle.

Meanwhile, down below Sara charged Indigo, sending a hard kick to her stomach and knocking her down. Deserey followed her attack with one of her own, entrapping her in a massive sandstorm. One after another Leonard, Mick, and Rip took turns firing their guns into her. There wasn't much time for her to fight back before J'onn sent his own punch her way, sending her flying again.

"It's just a means to an end. Its power comes from her." Non gestured to the giant doughnut sitting behind them -- Fort Ross, according to what Kara had told Dez before leaving the DEO headquarters. He was being pinned down by the two hawk warriors while Firestorm and Kara tag teamed their attacks on him.

"Can't smash that to little bits," Indigo said smugly, which was rather hard to do considering she was getting her ass kicked by a whole bunch of humans and a Martian.

It was a classic mistake all bad guys made in the movies, and Deserey had to try very hard to hide her laughter. They talk too much. In effort to throw them off their game, get inside their heads because they know their losing, Non and Indigo had given away everything the Legends and Team Supergirl needed to defeat them. And Ray, the only occupied person at the moment, was easily able to slip away undetected thanks to his Atom suit.

Kara shook her head. For a moment, the fighting ceased, even Leonard and Mick paused, waiting to see how this little scene would pan out. Maybe their team was just trying to distract Non and Indigo as much as they were trying to distracted Kara and co. "This is not what Astra wanted. Please, don't kill everyone."

"Your aunt wanted to save this planet," Non sneered, yanking his arms from Kendra and Carter, sending them hurtling back to the ground. "The humans extinction will do just that."

"Like Noah after the flood. Only without Noah. Or you," Indigo said.

Dez scoffed. "That's just rude... And a bit homicidal. Have you considered therapy?"

Indigo growled, which only furthered Deserey's concern for her mental health. She ducked as the blue alien threw a punch her way, letting her go stumbling past her and right into J'onn's fist. His hit sent her soaring, crashing threw the fence on the other side of the valley; he flew after her, only for her to extend her arm, stabbing him in his side. She was going to kill him! "It's time for you to join your people, Martian!"she shouted loud enough that Dez could hear from the distance. There was no way they'd get there in time, no one could run that long of a distance that quickly.

Up in the air, Kara and Non were exchanging blows, Firestorm swooping down to get the hawks back on their feet. At some point Non got the upper hand, sending Kara slamming to the ground, kicking up dirt and leaving a crater where she'd hit. The hawks and Firestorm hurried to her aid. But Non was gaining the upper hand again. He was easily able to take on all his opponents at once. "Tell your parents hello!" Non hissed, firing lasers at Kara, punching the others away from him as they tried to attack from behind.

"Tell them yourself!" Kara hissed back, her own lasers colliding with Non's. It went back and forth for a while, a few times Kara looked like she might win, but their luck was running out. Even if Non and Indigo were the ones who were outnumbered, the Legends were out matched -- or so it seemed.

Deserey stamped her foot on the ground, a sand blast in either direction. Maybe she couldn't run as fast as Barry and cover that much ground in such a sort time, but she did have one thing going for her: the ground beneath her feet. This was her domain. It was their big mistake, leading her to a fight on her own territory. Indigo flew ten feet in the air away from J'onn. The other sand blast pushed Non far away from Supergirl, causing him to land on his ass. It might have looked comical under different circumstances.

Dez turned to Leonard and Mick as Indigo came crashing down. "I need to borrow your guns. I have an idea."

Leonard held his gun the slightest bit closer to himself, probably remembering what happened the last time she'd attempted to use his gun. "How about you point us in the right direction and we'll shoot."

Dez rolled her eyes. "That's what I meant! Don't worry, you can keep your limbs this time."

Mick grunted, already charging the Heat Gun up."What's the plan, Sandy?"

"I need to get the sand wet," she told them.

Leonard gave a skeptical look as the other Legends made their way over. "You realize these guns don't make water."

"No," Dez agreed. "But yours makes ice and his makes fire. Fire melts ice, and melted ice turns into water. Didn't you pay attention in science class?"

"Bold of you to assume I even bothered to show up to science class."


Once Deserey had indicated where she wanted the boys to shoot, Leonard charged up the Cold Gun, an icy land scape forming under Non and Indigo, the two villains slipping and sliding as the attempted to stand up right once more. Mick followed immediately once Leonard's beam was out of the way, melting the ice quickly; Dez went next, moving the sand grains, mixing it with the watery substance Leonard and Mick had made for her.

Indigo and Non struggled to remove themselves from the sludge, only managing to get themselves in even more of a bind, Deserey causing it to become thicker and thicker, denser, and denser. It wasn't long before the pair of them were completely, utterly trapped in the quicksand.

"Don't struggle," Sara told them. "You'll sink faster."

"Actually, Miss Lance," Martin started as he and Jax separated. "That's a commonly believed myth. Quicksand is a colloid consisting of fine granular material and water. It forms in saturated loose sand when the sand is suddenly agitated. When water in the sand cannot escape, it creates a liquefied soil that loses strength and cannot support weight. Humans don't sink in quicksand, because it is denser than our bodies. It seems Ms. Dunet and our resident thieves have constructed an equivalent that is even denser than a Kryptonians body mass, thereby being able to hold both our opponents. Astonishing!"

"Eh, it sounds cooler when there's a threat of sinking," Sara shrugged.

"We did it we won!" Kara shrieked happily as she and J'onn flew over to the Legends. It was nice to see her smiling again. "Let's shut down Myraid."

"Dr. Palmer is already on that," Rip informed her. He'd been quiet since he'd gone in, but no news was good news right?

"It can't be shut down, fools. I locked down the system!" Indigo hissed triumphantly. "The engines won't fire. You won't be able to fly Fort Ross away. All you'll be able to do is sit back and watch everyone around you die." She sent a deviously little grin at J'onn and Kara. "Between Krypton and Mars, I guess that's old hat for you two."

To their credit, neither of them wavered. Maybe because they realized she was just blowing smoke, maybe they had as much faith in Ray as the Legends did. Or maybe they were just really good at masking their fear. Kara and J'onn each knocked the evil aliens unconscious. No one wanted to hear their crap anyways.

It was five minutes in counting until the humans of Earth 38 would explode. "Ray, how we doing?" Sara asked over the coms.

"Well I'm working with alien tech that I've never seen before so..." Ray replied. He was silent for a beat. "You'd think there'd be a simple on/off switch."

"Can you turn it off or not?" Sara demanded.

"Yeah, but uh..."

"That doesn't sound good," Jax noted.

"There's a fail safe to the fail safe," Ray informed.

"Meaning what exactly?" Leonard asked.

"It's rigged to blow."

There wasn't time to argue. In the next three minutes Ray and Kara had switched places, Supergirl taking Non and Indigo, flying Fort Ross away from earth, lifting it with her super strength. She almost didn't survive, but Rip got the bright idea to catch her in the Waverider, and Gideon fixed the Kryptonian right up, not that she needed too much patching up.

In the next few hours Kara had gotten a promotion from her boss, National City was transitioning back to normal, and the DEO had come up with a solution to send the Legends home. (Well, technically Winn found the solution with just a little help from the DEO computers...)

"So basically we just needed something to match the amount of energy used when Kara and Barry combined their speed last time," Winn explained. "If Kara combines her strength and her speed that should do the trick."

"Got it," Kara nodded. "Run fast, throw hard."

Once good byes were said, the Legends boarded the ship and Kara suited up, taking the Waverider in her hands. Deserey would say the sensation was like a rollercoaster, except that wasn't quite accurate. It was much faster, much jerkier. She would have checked to see if her face was peeling off had she been able to move her hands away from her safety harness.

In seconds, the Legends were back on Earth One...only to immediately fly straight into yet another problem. Evil truly never rested....

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ

I'm not sure about this chapter tbh. I'm not confident in my fight scenes. Hopefully you still like it though since it's different from Supergirl canon, but I figured the fight would be over pretty quick since there's the Legends and Supergirl and Martian Man Hunter all only fighting two villains. Hopefully it's not too anti climatic...

What did y'all think of Deserey's suit??? I've been meaning to get it out forever! It was always meant to be revealed on Earth 38 because I wanted Winn to make Cisco's design Writing is hard. Updating frequently is also hard. I hope I described it okay. I wasn't confident about it...

But speaking of updating. I'm going to try to finish this some time before the end of the month. It's almost finished and I really just want to hurry up and get done because.. Yeah. If all works out that should be one chapter every day for the next two weeks or so... But I don't want it to be rushed, so we'll see!

ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴀʟʟ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛᴏᴏᴅʟᴇs!✧

~ Elsie

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