~Master of Inferno~

By Jayeuchiga16

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Jaye Ozi...... Maki's younger brother has the ability of pyrokinesis. He is very special as he has some abili... More

Chapter 1: The beginning...
Chapter 2: Newbie #2
Chapter 3: Rookie Games
Chapter 4: Company 5
Chapter 5: Princess Hibana
Chapter 6: Company 1
Chapter 7: Infernal Insects
Chapter 8: The Promise
Chapter 9: Cold
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2
Chapter 13: The Pyrokinesis secret
Chapter 14: Into the Nether
Chapter 15: Amajika Sol
Chapter 16: Day off
Chapter 17: Mistakes

Chapter 11: Adolla Burst

243 6 1
By Jayeuchiga16

" Jaye you need to get up" Maki said as she dragged me out of bed

" Alright, fine" I said as I got up off the floor and followed her to the Obi's office

" I SIMPLY HAVE TO SEE YOUR ADOLLA BURST" I heard as I opened the door to see a man trying to pick Shinra's feet up

" Oh my god...... I want you" The dude said as he pointed to me

" W-what" I said blushing

" WHAT" Maki and Obi yelled

" HELL NO YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY FUTURE" Obi yelled as he grabbed me and pulled me away from the dude

" Come on it's for research purposes" The dude said as I guessed that he is a scientist

" Anyways" Hinawa said as he calmed everyone down

" Victor Licht, let's see" Obi said as he began reading his resume

" I must admit, this is quite the resume" Obi said as he looked at Victor

" What can I say, I'm brilliant" Victor said

" More like suspiciously brilliant" Princess Hibana said

" This place is a dump, why do you want to work here" Princess Hibana said as I could feel Obi's feelings getting hurt

" Hajima kept me cooped up in my lab all the time and it was starting to get stale" Victor said

" I thought if I joined an outfit closest to the action, I might be able to get some intriguing new data out of the front lines, so to speak" Victor explained

" If I cause any trouble, you can just kick me out but at least let me join in for now" Victor said as he flapped his lad coat 

" Uhh....." Obi said

" Looking at your staff list, I'm a little worried" Victor said

" You guys don't have an engineer yet, do you" Victor asked

" It's nice that you have a researcher now, but are any of you qualified to service your vehicle" Victor asked

" You gotta take care of that stuff" Victor said

" Yeah, that's on the agenda" Obi said

" We have someone in mind already, Lieutenant have you been able to contact him" Obi asked

" Vulcan, he hasn't replied" Hinawa said

" You're trying to recruit Vulcan, are you taking this seriously at all" Princess Hibana asked

" Vulcan.... I know him" I thought

" Should I know him" Shinra asked as Arthur was sleep standing up

" The point is that nobody can recruit him, Haijima, the Special Fire Force, he turns them all away in an instant" Princess Hibana said

" There's a reason he does...." I thought as I remembered the day I first met him


" Damn, I can't find the part" I said as I looked around the junk yard

" He's gonna be mad" I thought as I bumped into his well built dude and fell to the ground

" Oh sorry, didn't see you there" The dude said as I laughed saracsticly

" Haha funny" I said as the dude helped me up

" No I am serious, what are you looking for" The dude asked

" This thingy" I said as I showed him a picture

" Oh I got that, here you go" The dude said as he gave me the piece of equipment

" Are you sure you don't need it" The dude asked

" Oh yeah, I got plenty back at my granddad's workshop" The dude said as I smiled

" Thanks, what's your name" I asked

" Vulcan Joseph, you" Vulcan asked

" Jaye Ozi" I said blushing a little

" Alright then, see you around cutie" Vulcan said as he walked away

~end of flashback~

" We'll show him some guts" Shinra said as I snapped out of my trance

" The other companies tried to tempt Vulcan with promises of money or status and the 8th is just sending some kids" Victor said

" Alright then, kids you go on now" Obi said as they left

" You too Jaye" Obi said as I walked out of the office and to my room

" Alright then, it's been a few years but I am ready" I said as I fixed my hair and changed into some comfortable clothes and met Iris, Arthur and Shinra outside of Company 8

" Ready to g-" Shinra said as I came out

~my outfit~

" Yeah let's go" I said as we walked to the junk yard and towards Vulcan's Workshop

" I've seen that animal in a picture book, the big one with the long snout" Iris said

" Yeah, it's called an elephant right" Shinra asked

" That's it.... I think" Shinra said

" This place is really something" Arthur said as we walked towards the shop

" EXCUSE ME" Shinra yelled

" Maybe he's not at home" Iris said

" Or he's just ignoring us" Shinra said

" Maybe the second one" I said

" I am the Knight King, Arthur Boyle, Fire Soldier-" Arthur said as fire came out of the moose's nose

" AAAH" Iris said as the fire scared her

" How audacious of you to disrespect the Knight King" Arthur said as I rolled my eyes

" It's the fire soldier part he didn't like" Shinra said

" GET LOST" The moose said as I could tell it was Vulcan but then the door opened and a can was thrown

" Shinra" I said as I ran in front of Shinra and stopped the can

" Woah- OW" Arthur said as a can hit his head

" Sorry" I said

" EEP" Iris said as she covered her head

" Don't throw one at me please" I said as the hand went back into the workshop


" You think your feeble projectiles intimidate me" Arthur asked

" Um, hello can I help you" A little kid said 

" HUH" Shinra and Arthur said as they both turned around to look at the boy

" Latom" Iris said as she held her hands together and that's when Shinra saluted to the little boy

" I am sorry for being so rude, we're here from Special Fire Force Company 8, I'm Shinra Kusakabe, a First Class Fire Soldier" Shinra said

" And I am a hero too" Shinra said as I rolled my eyes

" Another visit from another Fire Force Company huh, you're here to recruit the master but he won't let you in I assume" The little kid said as he walked passed us

" Hello Master, I've returned with the parts you asked for" The little kid said as the door opened and we all got prepared for another can to be thrown but a well built dude came out with a mask

" Yu, I told you not to call me "master", remember" The dude said

" W-why is his c-chest out" I thought blushing madly

" It's either "Vulcan" or "dirtbag" take your pick" Vulcan said

" Vulcan then but anyways, the parts that you need are in that bag" Yu said

" HOLD ON DIRTBAG" Shinra an Arthur yelled but received cans thrown at their foreheads

" Enough with the ca- huh" Shinra yelped as Vulcan threaten him with a can

" What, there is a second can assailant" Arthur asked as Vulcan took off his mask

" Oh jesus" I thought as I covered my face and looked the other way

" I have nothin' to say to you Fire Soldiers, buzz off" Vulcan said as he walked into his workshop and closed the door

" His voice got even deeper as well" I thought as I covered my mouth

" Damnit" I thought as I looked over at my friends

" Ugh we didn't even say anything and he is already picking a fight" Shinra said walking away

" Let's go, this isn't gonna work" Shinra said

" Hold on a sec, I'll hear you out if you guys'll take me" Yu said as I smiled as we all relaxed

" It almost sounds like he is playing drums in there" Arthur said as he built a kingdom with scrap materials as me, Shinra and Yu went to a nearby hill to talk

" Did Vulcan make all of this crazy stuff lyin' around" Shinra asked

" Yeah, pretty much" Yu said

" There are projects of his father and grandfather in there too" Yu said

" Wait, and you bring him parts, is he forcing you to do all of his busywork" Shinra asked

" He doesn't have to force me, I want to but it's not official" Yu said

" I am kinda Vulcan's apprentice" Yu said

" Good for you" I said

" I always like tinkering with machines and I admire Vulcan's work, so I asked him if I could lend a hand around the workshop" Yu said

" That was the plan bu-" Yu said as I interrupted him

" He's got you running errands right" I asked as I remembered I used to do the same thing

" Yeah pretty much" Yu said as we walked back down to the shop

" So did something happened to change that" Shinra asked as the wind blew

" Vulcan's talent is the real deal, his works shows precision, speed and above all else, creativity" Yu explained

" He's the ultimate technician with no weak points" Yu said

" I am not into the whole skull thing but it's whatever" Yu said

" Anyway, as you can imagine, he's in high demand from Hajima and from you guys" Yu said

" But Vulcan turns everyone down on the spot, Haijima wasn't too happy about this of course, so they pulled some strings and now no more merchants will work with him" Yu explained

" Wow, that's dirty" I thought

" He can't get materials anywhere" Yu said

" But I've been able to get the parts he need by running around to different junk shops" Yu said

" I guess I'd hate Haijima too if I were him" Arthur said

" I dunno, he hates Haijima and the Fire Force a lot, I haven't heard the details but I've heard it's quite the grudge" Yu said

" Trust me, we aren't like the other companies... You have my word" Shinra said as I nodded

" Please, can you at least tell Vulcan to hear us out, just this once" Shinra begged

" Maybe you're right, I have to admit you guys aren't like the others that'd come here" Yu said

" I'll take you in, it's worth a shot" Yu said as he ran into the shop

" Come on guys" Yu said as we followed him

" Should we barge in without asking like this" Shinra asked

" Vulcan might yell at me about it but it's fine" Yu said 

" Woah, it was a machine all along" Shinra asked as a can came to the side of his head

" Owie, another one... How many-" Shinra said as we saw a tall girl holding a can

" Actually, that one was thrown by Lisa, she lives here with Vulcan" Yu said

" Yu come on" Lisa said as she rubbed the can on Yu's head

" You know better than to let the Fire Force in" Lisa said as she pulled Yu's arm

" My arm, you're breaking it" Yu cried as some steam came out of a pipe

" I dunno about all of the banging but he's fast" Arthur said

" I've never seen that technique before" Shinra said

" Well here it comes" I said as I pushed Shinra and Arthur back

" When what co- AAHHH" Shinra screamed as Vulcan hit the engine and kicked it to the wall

" Alright, it's done" Vulcan said

" Why would you kick something you just made across the floor like that" Shinra asked as I looked the other way not trying to get recognized

" A machine that breaks from one kick is defective, far as I am concerned" Vulcan said

" HEY YOU LITTLE RATS WHO INVITED YOU IN HERE" Vulcan yelled as I covered my ears

" We want to talk, that's all" Shinra said putting his hands up in defense


" Sir" Yu said with a plate of drinks

" Oh, thank you" Shinra said

" YEAH RIGHT" Vulcan said as he threw the cans at us

" Just five minutes ok" Shinra said putting his hands up

" I've heard enough from the Fire Force to last a lifetime, so get your ASS OUT OF MY SHOP" Vulcan yelled as he threw another can

" Watch out Arthur" I said as I caught the can

" Woah... the only person who was able to catch my throw was...... JAYE" Vulcan said as he walked up to me

" Yeah.... It's me Vulca-" I said as I was engulfed in a hug and then an alarm went off

" Vul, looks like he's back" Lisa said

" I'll handle it" Vulcan said as he put his shirt on 

" Nooooo keep it off" I thought

" Are you ok alone" Lisa said

" It'll be fine" Vulcan said as he walked out the door

" That's the Captain of the Third, their Company is tight with Haijima" Shinra said

" Does that mean they are gonna nab Vulcan before us" Shinra asked

" No way, if Vulcan goes with them, there is no way his dream will come true" Yu said as I looked at him surprised

" He's told you guys his dream" I asked

" Yeah, who are you" Lisa asked

" I am Jaye Ozi, I known Vulcan since we were 9 and then once we turned 16 I had to move so we couldn't see eachother" I said as Vulcan came back in

" What's your problem, I thought I told you to get outta here" Vulcan said walking right passed me

" What's wrong with you, you just out of nowhere hug me and then plain on ignore me" I asked

" Sure it was smart to piss off Haijima like that" Shinra asked

" It's not your problem either way" Vulcan said

" Oh I see how it's gonna be" I said as I walked over to the generator he kicked to the wall

" Actually it is, the 8th was formed to investigate the Fire Force from the inside" Shinra explained

" We're not like the other Companies who are tied down by big organizations" Shinra said

" The only thing we care about is helping the people so talk to us, maybe we can even help you too" Shinra said as a squirrel with screws in it's nose came flying with water coming out of his butt

" Who turned that thing on" Vulcan asked as Lisa and Yu where chuckling

" Oops, I must of touched it some place weird" Arthur said as the water came from the front now

" Why do I like this doofus again" I asked myself

" Oh you like me" Vulcan asked as I jumped

" No I don't" I said

" What does this button do" Iris asked

" Nothing good, don't press it" Vulcan said

" WHATS YOUR DEAL" Vulcan said as spikes came from a hedgehog

" Watch out" I said as I moved my hands in a circle in front of me melting the bullets instantly

" You're welcome" I said

" Hey, how'd you get this thing to stop" Arthur asked

" Don't ask me" Shinra said

" Oh what does this one do" Iris said giggling

" Uh, get away from there" Vulcan said

" Boom" Iris said as Vulcan ran outside

" THE ELEPHANT" Vulcan yelled

" What does this little round guy do" Iris asked as me and Vulcan grabbed the thing

" O-oops" I said as I let go

" Don't you dare" Vulcan threaten

" Oh, I'm sorry" Iris said as Vulcan began to laugh

" How'd you guys even function, you're totally nuts" Vulcan said laughing

" And I am supposed to believe you're Fire Soldiers" Vulcan said

" Alright fine, you'll probably get in trouble if you go empty handed, am I right" Vulcan asked

" I won't join your team but I will show you somethin' to make your trip worth it" Vulcan said as he held the metal orb

" After that, you'll leave me alone" Vulcan said

" I'm listening" Shinra said

" I haven't got to see this in a long time" Yu said

" Hey, should I bring this with me or what" Arthur asked

" Just put it down" Shinra said as Arthur put the squirrel down and we walk out the workshop

" Alright now gather around" Vulcan said as he but the orb thing into a contraption

" Back up now" Vulcan said as we backed up

" Alright, that's enough room" Vulcan said 

" So what is it, some invention of yours" Arthur asked

" When I was little, I made this with my dad and granddad, now shut up and watch" Vulcan said

" Has he always been this rude, and why is this Lisa chick so close to him" I thought as the orb began to open 

" I want to make something people have never seen, I won't settle for something ordinary" Vulcan said as holograms of sea animals appeared

" Man this gets better every time I see it" I thought as I watched all of the different scenes play out

" Not too bad huh, would you believe that there used to be over 1.7 million species of animal across the world" Vulcan asked

" This is unreal" Arthur said

" Those are elephants, aren't they" Iris asked

" Yep" I said as I was next to Shinra

" Huh, what are those" Shinra asked

" Migratory bir-" Vulcan said as I interrupted him

" Geese" I said as Vulcan looked at me and smiled

" These geese used to fly from continent to continent but with the way things are now, there'd be nowhere them to go" Vulcan said

" I don't understand this feeling but for some strange reason, I can't stop crying" Iris said as she cried

" Amaterasu can only generate enough power for the empires people, so I want to create a new energy source" Vulcan said

" Something even stronger that can bring the whole world back" Vulcan said

" And I will bring all of the animals that went extinct back to life with it, that's the dream I am fighting for" Vulcan said

" Cute" I thought as I stared at Vulcan

" That's the one thing I'd admire about him, he makes a dream and uses his power to make it into a reality" I thought as the holograms went away

" Every time I watch it, it blows me away" Yu said

" So what did you guys think" Yu asked

" Honestly, it touched my heart" Iris said

" So cool" Arthur said

" Listen Vulcan, I know you'd love it at Company 8, please stop by and talk to our Captain and you'll understand" Shinra said

" Sorry.... Nothing you say will ever convince me to sign with anyone under Haijima's thumb" Vulcan said

" I'll find my own way" Vulcan said as he headed towards his workshop

" Vulcan wait" I said as I ran after him

" Vulcan sto-" I said as Vulcan pulled me into the workshop and slammed my back against the wall

" W-why........ why did you leave me and join that HAIJIMA BASTARD" Vulcan yelled as I put my hand to his face and he swipped it away

" I-I had to, I told you it was out of my power" I said

" YOU COULD OF RAN AWAY WITH ME" Vulcan yelled as he punched the wall

" I-I couldn't, my father would of tore this workshop apart and even the whole world to find me...... I'm sorry Vulcan" I said as I made him look at me in the eyes

" I'll come back later.... I need you to be on Company 8" I said as I kissed him on his cheek

" I'll see you later" I said as I walked out of the workshop and to Shinra and the others

" No don't say that, we just nee-" Shinra said as I felt weak to my knees

" The time has come, Vulcan must be killed" I heard Giovanni say as I fell to my knees

" Hey is something wrong, you're acting weird" Arthur said

" Anyway, I think this is a bust, let's head back to the station and see what's next" Arthur said

" No..... we have to stay" I said

" Call it my hero's intuiton but it feels like something might happen to him" Shinra said

~3303 words~

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