Dirty Little Secret // C.H.

By Amadie

72.6K 1.9K 764

"We can't tell anyone." She told him. "Luke would kill us." "Don't worry, babe." Calum smirked. "It'll be our... More



1.1K 38 4
By Amadie

Niall drug his hand heavily across his face, attempting to wipe away some of his sleepiness as he trudged over to Sienna's bunk.

What was I thinking, he asked himself. Booking a 5 a.m. flight?

He'd only gotten roughly a little over an hour of sleep. After all, they hadn't even gotten back to the bus until after midnight. After that he'd spent time talking with everyone before turning in for the night around three in the morning.

I should've just stayed up, he realized. At least then I wouldn't feel like a zombie.

With a yawn he extended an arm out to Sienna's bunk, pulling the curtain back. He managed a chuckle as he found not just Sienna but Calum as well, stretched out in the bunk still sound asleep.

He supposed he shouldn't be surprised–Calum snuck into Sienna's bed nearly every night. He knew this. But he knew Calum usually returned to his own bunk before they could be caught.

Guess he slipped up and fell asleep, Niall thought. Lucky I chose to wake them first.

Niall couldn't help but smile at them, at how peaceful they looked. Sienna had shared his bed, had slept on his chest many nights, but something about this was very different. Something about the way they held each other, even in their unconscious, peaceful state was different—it was more intimate. They didn't just share a bed. They were molded together, tangled around each other as though they never wished to part.

He hated to wake them. But he had to before someone else woke and saw them like this. One look at them and anyone could see what they were to each other.

He placed a hand on Calum's shoulder, shaking him lightly awake.

"Mate," he said quietly as Calum began to stir.

Calum's eyes opened slowly and sluggishly. It took him a few moments to realize who Niall was, what time it was, where he was, and why someone was waking him.

"What's up?" Calum asked, his voice husky from sleep.

"Long night?" Niall grinned at him.

Only now did Calum realize what he'd done. He was still in Sienna's bunk. He'd fallen asleep before he could bring himself to leave her.

He still held her closely. He shifted beneath her. She still laid halfway on his chest.

"I'll give you two a minute before I wake the others." Niall told him, giving him another smile before walking away with a plan to splash cold water on his face.

Calum's eyes remained on Sienna. He smiled softly as he took in the sight of her; her blonde hair sprawled across his chest, her arms wrapped around his torso, her legs entwined with his, her full lips parted slightly as soft snores rolled from them.

He chuckled quietly, trying to keep his chest from bouncing enough to wake her. He wanted a few more moments with her like this. Wrapped up in each other, not a worry in the world, just the two of them.

He thought for a moment of a life he had always dreamed of. A life spent seeing the world with his best mates and his girl, doing what he loved most. Looking into the crowd of each show to see her face, going to bed each night with her in his arms. Living a life that seemed too good to be true.

He pictured himself with Sienna years in the future. Their features would have matured but still hold their devilishly playful light, they would have grown together but retained that flame of excitement and electricity between them, they would always be they way they were now—hopelessly and entirely enamored with each other.

Calum's own thoughts surprised him. He had always been the kind of person to scorn the commitments he now dreamed of. He had never wanted to even date a girl, yet he now dreamed of a life spent by Sienna's side.

He found himself wondering if he was foolish, if his new dreams were misplaced. After all, many people believed they would spend their lives with their first love and very few ever turned out to do so.

It doesn't matter, Calum realized. Even if we don't work out, even if this isn't forever, there must be a reason I never felt anything for anyone but her. Whether we're destined for a life together or not, I shall dream of it.

Calum cupped his hand around Sienna's face, stoking his thumb in gentle strokes across her cheek. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.

What will be will be, Calum told himself as he admired Sienna's peaceful face. All I can do is hope she's the one I was meant to find.

He nearly rolled his eyes at himself.

Listen to me. Going on about meant to be and forever.

He fought the urge to chuckle again. He smiled wider at Sienna.

What have you done to me, he wondered as he admired her.

He could hardly bring himself to believe how monumentally different his views on relationships and love had become since he'd met Sienna.

Sienna stirred in his arms. Moments later her eyes opened slowly to land on Calum's face. A small smile tugged at her lips. She cuddled closer to him, letting her eyes shut again.

"Good morning, darling." Calum said quietly, kissing her head again.

"Morning, babe." Sienna mumbled, her voice quiet and her words slurred.

Calum chuckled as he watched Sienna attempt to go back to sleep.

"Sleep well?" He hummed, brushing her hair away from her face.

He wondered if she felt the same peace he felt, having spent all night entangled together.

Sienna gave him a weak nod, failing to open her eyes again. Before she could try to ask Calum how he slept, she was already slipping back into sleep. She wanted to wake up and talk with him, but sleep was just too inviting in that moment.

Calum giggled to himself once more as he watched Sienna's sleepiness win her over.

"I'll make you some tea." He said quietly although she couldn't hear him.

He gently rolled Sienna onto her side as he slid out from the bunk. He smiled as Sienna stirred, adjusting to his absence. She clutched the blankets around herself before falling entirely still apart from the rise and fall of her chest.

Calum made his way to the cupboard by the refrigerator to begin preparing Sienna's tea. He was so lost in thought—warning himself to be more careful about falling asleep with Sienna—he didn't hear Niall step out of the restroom.

Niall had splashed plenty of cold water on his face, but exhaustion still nagged at his features. He saw that Calum had gotten out of bed, but Sienna still lay sound asleep.

This was his chance to speak with Calum without fear of being heard.

"Calum," Niall spoke up, making his way to where Calum stood.

Calum turned to look at him now, his hands mindlessly working to fix tea the way Sienna liked it. He gave Niall a curious look, having noticed the tone in Niall's voice that told him he had questions.

"Is she alright?" Niall worried.

He feared Sienna was not ready for him to go but wouldn't let him see that. Sienna knew it would leave him torn between his affection for her and his career. Even if it broke her heart, she would let him go if it was what was best for him. She would put his happiness above her own. While one of the things he loved most about her—her selflessness—he feared it in this situation.

Calum found the situation ironic. All the times he'd wanted to ask Niall the same question when he and Sienna weren't on good terms, his pride had stopped him every time.

"How is she?" He'd wanted to ask so many times.
"How badly did I hurt her? How royally have I fucked this up? Is she happy? Happier without me?"

"After last night, I think so." Calum told him truthfully.

Niall gave him a look of confusion. Calum read the questions in his eyes, "What happened last night? Do I want to know?"

"After she talked with you, she and I talked." Calum told him, hoping to clear his mind of whatever inappropriate scenarios may have popped into Niall's mind.

"About?" Niall asked with a relieved sigh, leaning against the wall next to where Calum stood. He crossed his arms over his chest and awaited Calum's explanation.

"Her past." Calum said simply. "What she felt back then, what kind of mindset she used to be in, why she turned to hurting herself, what she went through." He continued. "So many things I didn't know..." He paused, shaking his head slightly as he seemed to be somewhere else momentarily; lost in another place or time or memory. He blinked out of his trance and looked back to Niall. "She came to bed saying she needed to get it off her chest."

"And did she?"

"I think so." Calum admitted, a feeling of fresh relief filling his chest. "She talked and I listened." He told him. "She cried and I held her."

Niall didn't say anything. He looked to his feet as he took in Calum's reassurances. He tried to convince himself she would be fine without him. He noted the significance of Sienna opening up about her past to Calum, and hoped she would continue to accept and move past what she had been through.

"She's doing very well, Niall." Calum spoke up again, hoping to give Niall some peace.

Niall let out a breath.

"Can you do something for me?" He asked abruptly, meeting Calum's eyes again.

"Sure, mate." Calum nodded quickly. "What's up?"

"If you start to think something is wrong, if there's something bothering her that she won't talk to you about, call me." Niall instructed him in a serious tone. "If you think there is even a possibility she needs me, call me. Just..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Just take care of her." He breathed out, pleading. "Please."

"I will." Calum nodded, his voice strong and full of promise.

Niall gave him a nod and a sigh. He knew Sienna had called him before when she needed him, but he still wished she'd called sooner. Before everything had reached its limit, before she had to lock herself in a bathroom during a show to cry. He worried now, if she did need him, once again she would wait until she had withstood all she could take before calling. He didn't want her to. He hoped the second she needed him she would pick up the phone.

As worried as he was, part of him knew if something was off with her, something she wouldn't open up to anyone about, Calum would call him. Calum would hold to his word.

"You two are good for each other," Niall admitted after a moment of silence passed between them."You bring out the best in each other." A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. A grin spread across his face before he spoke again. "Well, except for that period of time when you both wanted to be together but neither of you would do anything about it. You especially were a real pain in the ass-"

"Oh, shut up." Calum laughed, pushing Niall's shoulder playfully.

It was nice. The two of them laughing and joking around again. Not at each other's throats over Sienna.

The more Calum appreciated the return of their brotherly friendship, the more he dreaded Niall's departure.

A moment later, Calum interrupted Niall's laughter by embracing him suddenly. He wrapped his arms around Niall, wishing to mend all grievances that may remain between them.

Niall, caught entirely by surprise, took a moment to return the embrace.

"You're a good friend, Niall." Calum told him sincerely. "Not just to Enna, but to me. No one else would've tolerated my behavior. I'm sorry."

"That's what friends do." Niall said happily, patting Calum's back as they continued to hug one another tightly. "Somebody has to watch out for you." He pulled back from the embrace to smile at Calum. "Otherwise, you'd probably still be making yourself miserable and denying how you felt about her."

They shared another laugh.

"Nah', I would've cracked eventually." Calum admitted laughingly. "I can't stay away from her. I tried. It nearly drove me mad."

"Believe me, I noticed."

They each chuckled at Niall's words. A comfortable moment of fading laughter passed.

Calum finally found the words he'd been needing to get off his chest. If Sienna could do it, so could he.

"I still don't understand why you approved of Sienna and I." Calum spoke up. "After everything I put you both through..."

"You're a good man, Calum." Niall assured him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I've always known that." He told him with a sincere smile. "Don't worry, we're good." He gestured between them with his free hand. "All is forgiven, I'm happy for you, and I wish you both all the happiness you've been looking for, mate."

"Thanks, man." Calum nodded, moved by Niall's reassuring words. "It really means a lot."

Niall gave him a bright smile and patted his shoulder once more.

"I've got a plane to catch." He told him. "We'd better start waking everyone else."

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