He won't go

By Kim_Thomas024

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Dancing can change lives. For sisters Lisa and Leigh this is just the case, a bad break and a big break in Li... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
CHAPTER 3: Hulk, when his changing phases.
CHAPTER 4: For my love of dance let him keep it.
CHAPTER 5: There must be something mentally wrong with both of them.
Author's Note
CHAPTER 6: Steak, Beer and the Dance Floor
CHAPTER 7: Re-Schedule my life
CHAPTER 8: Since when is packing this hard...
CHAPTER 10: When realization sets, it sets in hard.
CHAPTER 11: The day before the day it ends.
CHAPTER 13: Hello Mr Tatum, Goodbye Lisa and Leigh
CHAPTER 14: From South Africa, Cape Town to America, Los Angeles
CHAPTER 15: It's show time
CHAPTER 16: What happened?
CHAPTER 17: He Won't Go
EPILOGUE: 2 years later...

CHAPTER 9: Nothing better than sisterly love.

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By Kim_Thomas024

They rode to the store in silence but it was soothing for both sisters. The roads weren’t full, there was a sense of peacefulness and calmness in the air and this was something that they both appreciated. When they reached the store they finally spoke, as always Leigh was the one to break the silence.


“Did you need anything from the store?”

“No, but I just needed to get out. Packing became emotional at one stage and I’m super sure if you didn’t phone to tell me you picking me up… I would have cancelled this entire thing” Lisa answered honestly

“Why? You bribed and conned me into this” Leigh said, trying to lighten the mood

“Well I started doubting myself you know, the usual” Lisa said hoping that Leigh never heard her.

“This will be discussed over some coffee, oh but first we going lingerie shopping” Leigh said from a serious tone to a playful, naughty tone. Lisa shook her head laughing, when a young man about the age of 15 heard what Leigh had said. Leigh had a way of changing Lisa’s mood instantly ever since they were young. They entered a random clothing store, not exactly knowing what they were looking for but they managed to buy them some sexy swim-wear and dresses that they might need.

“My luggage is increasing by the looks of this shopping trip” Leigh laughed, knowing that her 6 suitcases of clothes was a bit over the top.

“We need a limit sis, honestly how much bags have you packed and I want an honest answer” Lisa asked in a stern voice, being the older sister and all.

“Well I’ve packed 6 bags of clothes and 2 with my shoes and toiletries” Leigh answered fearing the reaction she was going to get.

“6 bags Leigh, 6 bags!!!!!!!!!” Lisa shouted in awe

“Why are you shouting, you know I’m very indecisive and what not”

“That is no excuse, we not immigrating, we going away for 3 months. 3 months means at least 2 bags of clothing, 3 if you really wanna push it. Americans doesn’t wear their clothing once and throw them away”

“Fine, why don’t you pack my bags then and you see if it’s easy”

“Leigh, what’s so hard to fold certain clothing items and placing them in a bag?”

“Whatever” Leigh answered knowing that she had lost this battle hands and feet down.

After about a half an hour, they finally reached the end of their shopping. Lisa bought her underwear wondering when she was ever going to wear them but felt like she needed something to help her feel ‘sexy’. Leigh never bought much knowing that her bag space was now limited after she realised that 6 bags was a bit much, if she had to admit it to herself. They reached the coffee shop and asked for a seat right at the back of the store.


“So, what were you saying about doubting yourself and that crap?” Leigh asked after they ordered their Latte’s.

“Well just think about it, there are how many other chorographers that are much better than me and I’m sure that they will be much better than me. This is a huge event for me to manage. This is my very first event that I have to co-ordinate and what co-ordination skills do I possess except telling little children and teenagers what to do?”  

Leigh gave Lisa’s answer some thought before she answered. Leigh was never one to let someone speak finish, she would always chime in or comment as the person spoke. This time was different, Lisa was more important to Leigh then dancing and that was a lot, almost the size of Africa. She took a sip of her coffee deep in thought before she answered.

“Lisa remember when we were younger, and we had that concert for mom and dad when mom was pregnant. The one for Liam. That’s the day our parents knew you were a control freak, and that you would be a good co-ordinator since you pushed me around for the entire week because I could not stand in the circle you drew on the floor. That was the first time you had organised something and it went perfect. You co-ordinated everything in your life and my life. The beginning of Twinkle Toes is because of you Lisa and my staff, all the dancers and I can’t thank you enough. I can’t change the doubt you have for yourself but after Dancers No Shy, and after it is successful I hope that all your self-doubt will disappear.”

Leigh placed her hands over Lisa’s and smiled at her, she never realised that Lisa had been crying all this time.

 “Why are you crying sweetheart, the truth shouldn’t make you sad?”

“Hearing things like that is warm heartening, since I never heard anything like that in a few months, years even”

“Babe, if that arse lowered your self-esteem, let me tell you why he did it, but only if you want to hear it?” Leigh asked while her eyebrows danced

“Let’s hear what his problem is sis, let me hear it”

Lisa knew that Leigh said the most ridiculous things when she is feeling down so she was listening closely to this one.

“Well in men you see as they get older certain things drop and there’s nothing they can do about it. If anything of a women drops, it can be lifted surgically. If u catch my drift…”

Leigh and Lisa broke the silence in the tiny café’ with fits of laughter. Their laughter stopped when Leigh’s phone rang, she checked her caller I.D. she knew something was wrong when her alarm company was giving her a call.


“Leigh Hale speaking how may I help you?”

“Good day ma’am, sorry to inform you but a fellow named Kyle Stevens has broken into your home. He claims to be your boyfriend”

”Leigh, they arresting me, tell them to take this handcuffs off me… Leigh tell them” Leigh heard Kyle screaming over the phone.

“Sir, his my ex-boyfriend. Leave him like he is but don’t leave he needs to learn a lesson. I’m on my way. Bye”

“Good day ma’am”

Lisa looked so confused, Leigh did not know if she had to be angry with Kyle or laugh at the expression on Lisa’s face.

“That dick head broke into my house because he wants to know where I’m going I’m guessing, I’ll fetch you when you done with your coffee. The alarm company wants to arrest the bastard. Do you think I should let them?” Leigh said in one breathe, one she never had.

“Calm down Leigh geez, I’ll go home with you, and no he is a douche but the things they will do to him prison… worth it but not when we won’t see it” Lisa winked as Leigh turned on her heels grinning at the thought.

They quickly paid for the bill and raced home. The sight of Kyle in handcuffs was hilarious, the look of pure horror in his eyes. The situation was quickly resolved and the alarm company left. Leigh was not done with Kyle just yet, he was still a bit shaken up about being arrested so she decided to tell him that she was leaving.

 “Kyle, I think it’s time for me to be honest with you as to where I’m going. So I’m leaving for America”

“Why are you going to America?” this dreadful question haunted him as Leigh took her time to answer him.

“A chorographer is needed, and when I inquired about it I realised I was qualified enough for it, took the chance and I got it.”

“So, I’ll never see you again. Is that what you saying?”

“I guess so Kyle, you can see yourself out I need to pack my things. Bye”

 She left leaving Kyle alone in the kitchen. 

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