The bad boy and me

By Itsmajapapaya

519K 7.9K 1.9K

Cove Bentley. River Smith. Two complete opposites. While Cove has lots of friends, a great personality and an... More

Two encounters
Why is he nice to me?
Her savior
River vs Hector
Who's here?
With him
The layout
The storm
Meet my parents
Oh Ernie
First date
Oh Brad
Shots fired
The lake
Miss president
A what?
The truth
True love
New years
The "Boss"
A strange letter
Game on
Lucas Sacul
Him and I
Final A/N


17.3K 249 43
By Itsmajapapaya

Cove's outfit above ^^
Cove's POV
It's a two days later and I'm currently in the shower getting ready for school. River took me home after taking me to lunch on Saturday. He said that he had something to do and I couldn't go with him.

I was sad to leave him at first, but it was fine since I would see him on Monday, which is today.

After I washed myself with my rose scented body wash, I got out and quickly dried off.

I then started looking through my clothes and decided on a pink sweater, black leggings, and white adidas with black stripes.

After I got dressed, I ran downstairs to the kitchen and quickly cooked up some eggs. I accidentally made a lot, so I left about half in the pan and put the rest on my plate. Just as I started eating, the doorbell rang. I totally forgot that River is taking me to school today.

I ran to the door and opened it so quickly that The Flash would be embarrassed. As soon as the door was open, I threw myself in Rivers arms.

"Morning Princess," he chuckled. "Good morning," I murmured in his shirt. We stood like that for a few seconds before I remembered that I had extra eggs. Perfect!

I pulled away and dragged him inside.
"Here, sit," I said once we reached the table. He obeyed and sat down while I ran to get another plate.

"You hungry?" I asked as I scooped eggs on the plate. Hopefully he is because I already have it all on a plate. "Sure," he replied.

"Good because I accidentally made extra," I said and put the plate down before sitting next to him.

Unsurprisingly, River finished eating before me, even though I already started earlier. I'm starting to see a trend here.

I took both of our plates to the sink and hand washed them, then let them dry on the mat.

"Ready?" I asked while walking out of the kitchen. He nodded and stood up. We walked, well he walked and I skipped, to the door. I slipped my backpack on and River grabbed my hand before going to his car.

In the car, I started mentally preparing myself for all the stares that we would get at school. I mean the bad boy who talks to no one and some random un-popular girl hand in hand, who wouldn't stare?

There's nothing I can do about it though, well I guess River could do something but his way isn't the best way.

Anyways all I can do about it is be prepared for it, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Bring it school.
🌊 🌊 🌊

Scratch everything I said this morning, I was not prepared at all for the stares that we got. Let me take you back:

River parked up front and we got out. He took my hand and we walked inside together. As soon as we stepped inside, everyone turned to look at us. Their eyes traveled down to look at our joined hands and they widened in shock.

Everyone stopped talking and stared. River ignored them and kept walking, but it was impossible for me to ignore. I felt like I had two heads or something.
As soon as we turned the corner, everyone started whispering to each other.

Our school may be big, but rumors spread like wildfire. River left me at my class, and as soon as I walked in I was swarmed. Everyone was asking so many questions that I couldn't even understand what they were saying.

I pushed through them and sat at a
random desk in back. After ignoring everyone that came to me for like 5 minutes, the finally seemed to get the hint and left me alone.

Second period was no better, especially since I sit next to River in it. Again, as soon as I entered, I was swarmed. They were like seagulls and I was the food.

To make it worse my friends were shooting me glares, probably because I forgot to tell them about River and I.
Somehow, I was able to make it to my spot while ignoring them, but again that didn't stop them from following me to my desk.

"Are you guys really together?"
"Does he talk to you?"
"Is he nice?"
"When did you get together?"
"Have you kissed?"
"How big is he?"

Those are some of the questions I got, although I don't really know what the last one is supposed to mean.

They only went away when River came in and sat next to me. "Woah," was all he said.

"Tell me about it," I groaned and put my head down, mentally exhausted.

Repeat basically the same thing for my third period, and now it's lunch time.
Usually, lunch is my favorite time of the day, but not anymore now that I have to face my friends and basically the rest of the whole school.

I left my class and headed to the cafeteria. Okay Cove, you can do it, just open the door.

Never mind , I can't do it. I'm just going to wait for River.

I walked around and soon enough I spotted River leaning against his locker.

"River," I sighed when I reached him, and he looked down at me with amusement in his eyes. "Cove," he answered in the same tone I used.

I glared at him and grabbed, dragging him to the cafeteria with me while he just laughed .

"Okay, you got this," I said to myself once I reached the doors. 3,2,1. I opened the doors and everyone turned to look. Silence spread through the entire cafeteria, and I let go of River to walk to my table. I silently prayed that he was following me, and thankfully he was.

I reached my table and sat down. River sat next to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. People finally started talking again, but not at our table. The silence kinda reminds me of when I tripped over River's backpack a few days ago.

"So umm Cove, why didn't you come to school last Friday?" Emma asked and I silently thanked her a million times for breaking the silence.

"I was sick," I responded, and silence once again came over us. This has got to be the most awkward thing ever.

After no one made anymore attempts to talk, I took out my sandwich and started eating. Everyone else got the memo and took out their lunches as well. Well everyone except for River.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear. He shrugged and reached in-front of me to steal half of my sandwich.

"Hey!" I yelled rather loudly and tried to swat his hand away. I missed though, and he took the opportunity to take a big bite out of my sandwich.
I gasped. Now it's on, no one steals my precious food!

He shrugged and ate the rest of it in front if me because he knows I can't do anything about it. At least not now.
"Just wait until later," I mumbled and ate the remaining of my sandwich in peace.

Lunch ended quickly after that and I went to the rest of my classes.
The same thing happened where everyone swarmed me and I ignored them in my next class which was biology, and finally it was time for the last class of my day, math.

A lot people hate math, but I like it. It's easy to me. When I walked in, I scanned the room, ignoring the people asking me questions, and my eyes landed on River. Since when does he have this class?

I made a B-line towards him and plopped down next to him. By the look on his face, he's just as surprised as I am.

"You have this class?" I asked and he nodded. "Why didn't I see you on Thursday?"

"I skipped," he answered. Ahh that makes sense. Typical River.

"Hey you know what I just noticed?," I asked after a moment of silence.


"Our names, River and Cove, go together. They're both about water."

He took that into consideration, then answered, "I guess we're meant to be."

I nodded and turned to the teacher.
🌊 🌊 🌊

After class, River took me to the back of school to this area with a tree over it and a wooden table.

"I need a smoke before we go," he said.
I nodded and sat at the table. River lit a cigarette that he grabbed from his pocket, then came to sit next to me.

I looked around the scenery and noticed some people walking behind the fence that separated the back of school from the neighborhood behind it. The people were walking on the sidewalk closest to us, there looked to be about 4 of them.

Suddenly, one of them dropped something, but he kept walking. I don't think he realized that he dropped it.

I got up to tell him that he dropped something, but River stopped me by grabbing my arm. My bad arm.

"Those are bad people bab-" he started saying, but stopped when I hissed in pain.

"What is it?" He asked with a bit of concern in his eyes. "My arm," I replied weakly.

River immediately let go and pulled me into his lap. He started pulling up my sleeve carefully, but I stopped him.

"I-it's okay, I'm fine," I said. I don't want him to see how badly my arm is bruised, that's partially the reason I put on a sweater even though it's still summer.

River didn't listen though and pulled up my sleeve completely. He froze and his jaw clenched angrily as soon as he saw it. This is exactly why I didn't want him to see.

River's POV
All day people have been staring a whispering about Cove and I. I can tell that it's stressing her out, so it's stressing me out and I really need a release. I need a smoke.

After math class where Cove surprised me by showing up, I took her outside to one of the spots I like to smoke at. It's the one with a table and a tree shading it over.

While I was smoking, Cove started looking around. She noticed some people walking, and I tensed a little when I realized who they were. They're part of another gang, and although we get along well, they're not good people.

I guess it's fine though since they're over there and we're over here. Or so I thought until one of them dropped something without noticing and Cove went to tell him. I stopped her by grabbing her arm, and she winced in pain.

When I asked her what's wrong, she said it was her arm so I immediately let go. I needed to check it out still though, so I pulled her in my lap and started pulling up her sleeve, that's until she stopped me.

She said that she's okay, but that made me even more worried. I pulled up her sleeve anyways, and froze.

Her arm is completely covered in purple bruises.

I clenched my jaw and balled my fists. I know exactly who they're from. He won't get away with this.

"Cove, baby," I said once I calmed down a little bit. She just whimpered and buried her head in my chest.

I sighed and flipped her so that she was straddling my lap.She moved her head to my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck. I moved my hands from her hips to around her back to complete the hug.

A few minutes later, I took one of my hands and lifted her head up so she was looking at me." Baby, do you have anymore bruises?" I asked.

She nodded and pulled back from our hug so she could move her hands to her sweater. Slowly, she pulled up the back of it up and turned around.

I could barely see any of it, so I pulled her sweater up more and was met by some very large bruises. These bruises are darker, so I knew that they're older.

"From Hector," Cove spoke for the first time in a while. I nodded even though she couldn't see me, and started to softly trail my fingers up her back. I was careful to not touch any of the big bruises, those ones looked painful.

I felt her shiver at my touch, and I smiled to myself at her reaction. I then remember how Hector threw her against the wall, and afterwards she was icing the back of her head.

I moved my hands to her head and felt a bump on the back of it. Cove whined when I touched it, so I quickly removed my hands and opted to wrap my arms around her waist instead.

She leaned back in my touch, and started to close her eyes. "Are you tired?" I asked, and she nodded without opening her eyes.

I chuckled and in one swift movement stood up and placed her on the ground.

"Let's get you home then," I said and took her small hand in my bigger one.

2216 words

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