Dirty Little Secret // C.H.

Від Amadie

72.4K 1.9K 763

"We can't tell anyone." She told him. "Luke would kill us." "Don't worry, babe." Calum smirked. "It'll be our... Більше



1.1K 43 2
Від Amadie

"Okay," Sienna chirped as she and Niall entered the boys' makeshift recording studio. Each head turned in their direction at the sound of Sienna's voice. "Strawberry with fudge," She extended the ice cream in her hand in Michael's direction. A casual grin decorated her features. "And extra sprinkles."

Michael clambered up from his seat next to Calum and rushed across the room, his arms outstretched for his ice cream and a wild look in his eyes.

"I love you." He took his ice cream in one hand and threw his other arm around Sienna. He kissed her head quickly before he began shoveling ice cream into his mouth.

They each chuckled as they watched Michael devour his ice cream.

"For the rest of you," Niall spoke up, extending the beverages in his hands. "Coffee."

Sienna saw as a quick look of relief pass over David's face as he saw the coffee. He looked exhausted from spending the morning trying to get the boys to record.

Niall made his way around the room, distributing coffee to each of them.

Ashton chugged his, Luke took sips in between takes of the song he was recording, Calum took a drink of his and made a distasteful face, David's disappeared after two large gulps.

Sienna smiled at Calum's soured expression, knowing he wasn't fond of black coffee but often forced himself to drink it so he had enough energy to get through the long days.

"So," Ashton began after finishing his coffee, relaxing back into his seat and tossing the empty coffee cup into a bin in the corner of the room. "You went bowling without us." He said, a joking tone of disappointment thick in his voice. He gave a disapproving tone, but Sienna could see the smile tugging at his lips, his dimples fighting their way to the surface of his cheeks despite his efforts to subdue them. "Poor Michael has been in all sorts of hysterics."

Ashton gestured to Michael, causing everyone's attention to switch to the lad devouring an ice cream.

Michael froze, mid lick, as all eyes fell on him. After a moment of confusion, Michael slowly continued licking his ice cream, the melted pink snack all over his face and dripping onto his shirt.

Chuckles passed across the room. Sienna turned her attention back to Ashton who fought his urge to laugh.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Ashton crossed his arms over his chest, glancing back and forth between Sienna and Niall.

Sienna and Niall looked quickly at each other. Niall gave her a quick shrug of his shoulders and a chuckle.

"You're my favorite so you can't stay mad at me?" Sienna said slowly with a slight wince as if knowing her response was a poor one.

For a moment, she and Ashton held each other's gaze. Ashton hoped his disapproval act would hold strong, but Sienna stood her ground. All she had to do was bat her eyes, she knew this. She knew Ashton had a soft spot for her which meant she would win a stare off with him any day.

"You got me." Ashton caved, throwing his hands up as his usual contagious grin spread across his face.

"Come on, man!" Calum exclaimed in defeat, throwing his hands up. "You totally had her! Just a few seconds longer and-"

"Look at that face!" Ashton defended, gesturing to Sienna. "She looks at you with those big blue eyes and you're done."

Tell me about it, Calum thought.

"She plays the "you're my favorite" card and you're done." Calum corrected.

"Oh, please." Michael scoffed, finishing his ice cream. "Says the guy who stays at Enna's beck and call."

"Let's be honest, we all stay at Enna's beck and call." Niall chimed in.


"Ladies, ladies, you're all pretty." David interrupted.  "Can we get back to work now?"

They all quieted down like children scolded by a parent, but the instant David turned his attention back to an amused looking Luke standing by the mic they all burst into laughter.

Sienna and Calum locked eyes for a moment and Sienna felt her heart jump. A sudden excitement ran through her body. She found herself wondering if there were any empty rooms or supply closets nearby she could sneak Calum off to.

When she realized what sort of thoughts were running through her mind, she found herself slightly surprised. All it had taken was a look from him to excite her.

The grin on Calum's face grew as he held her gaze.

What is going through that pretty head of hers, He wondered.

He searched her eyes, trying to decipher the electric look in them. His heart rate quickened and he had a crushing urge to jump up from his seat and rush to her.

He wondered for a moment if anyone had noticed the two of them, completely caught up in each other and oblivious to everything around them, but he couldn't bring himself to look away from her to find out.

If he had looked, he would've seen that Ashton had noticed the two of them. While Calum didn't notice, Niall did. When Ashton's eyes flickered to his, Niall could tell by the look on his face he had figured them out.

Just seeing the way they looked at each other had confirmed what Ashton had suspected.

After holding Niall's gaze for a moment, a wave of clarity washed over Ashton although part of him had already known it to be true. After all, he had encouraged it to happen.

They're together, Ashton realized. His eyes moved from Calum to Sienna and back again. He couldn't help but find himself at least somewhat surprised.

After all, he and Calum had been close friends for years and Calum had never even entertained the idea of being in a relationship or, for that matter, had never truly cared for a girl. Until Sienna. And not long ago Calum had been so confused by his feelings that Ashton had started to believe he would never stop denying that they were there. He had become convinced his friend would allow his fear of commitment to rule over his affection for Sienna.

He had been wrong.

Holy shit, he thought as he looked to Calum once again. He really did it.

"So, how was bowling?" Michael asked finally, breaking everyone from their Sienna and Calum focused trance.

"Great." Niall told him, giving Sienna time to snap out of her daze. "I crushed her."

Michael grinned and high-fived Niall.

"I still skate better." Sienna laughed, shrugging at Niall's words about her poor bowling abilities.

Niall stuck his tongue out at her which made her laugh more.

Calum smiled at the sound. He watched the way her eyes creased at the corners when she laughed hard enough, the way her dimples formed, the way her shoulders bounced.

He wanted to be closer to her. He wanted to put his arm around her, or rest his hand on the small of her back, or even just stand next to her. He couldn't help but long to be near her.

"Why don't you show us a little bit of that moonwalking action, Enna?" Calum teased. He couldn't resist bringing up what he had seen in the videos on Twitter. "Your little dance routine is trending on Twitter."

Sienna muffled her laughter with her hand as she searched Calum's face, wondering if he was just messing with her.

He wouldn't have known about the moonwalking if he was joking, She realized.

"Someone got that on video?" Sienna exclaimed, laughter flooding through her shocked words. "Of all the things I did today, they video the moonwalking?"

Calum prided himself for bringing it up as he listened to Sienna's laughter. He was relieved to see she wasn't embarrassed that so many people had seen her dancing. Instead, she was rather amused by it. Something about seeing her take pride and amusement in her silly actions made his heart ache, overwhelmed with the way he felt about her.

"Well, let's have it." Ashton held his hands out, waiting for Sienna to demonstrate the dancing Calum spoke of.

Sienna gave Niall a quick grin before she began moonwalking across the room with ease. It had been a move she'd picked up easily during her dancing lessons when she was younger. Lessons Calum often made jokes about, but she knew they had paid off.

Ashton and Michael cheered as they watched Sienna, Calum gave a loud whistle, and Niall laughed.

"This what you wanted to see?" Sienna asked Calum, looking to him as she continued re-enacting the dance moves she had used while bowling.

"Absolutely." Calum laughed.

Calum watched his girlfriend with hopeless adoration, consumed in the joy he felt just from watching her be happy.

Sienna came to a sudden stop when David snapped around to glare at all of them.

"I'm going to kick the lot of you out if you can't keep it down." David warned.

None of them moved or dared make a sound.

As David once again turned his attention back to Luke, Sienna slowly made her way to the closest seat. Niall claimed the seat next to her.

"Well done, twinkle toes." Calum said quietly, a smirk on his lips.

Sienna held up a hand, middle finger raised, in Calum's direction.

Calum laughed quietly at the gesture and met her eyes again. The smirk on her lips shook him up. He even thought perhaps his hands had begun to tremble slightly. His heart raced and he wanted more than anything to feel her lips on his.

As he looked at her, as he noticed the effects one look from her had on him, only one thought crossed his mind.

She is everything.




WE HIT 6K!!!

I can't thank you guys enough for reading and voting for this story!! I love reading the comments you guys leave and all the positive feedback!!

This is incredible! Thank you!!

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