have it all (l.h)

By sircalyum

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"You're actually upset right now? Look at everything the world has given you, Luke." "And that's great, but... More

have it all (l.h)
"challenge accepted"
"i really am special, huh?"
"sorry-please continue"
"let's have some fun, shall we?"
"just friends"
"beck and call"
"Hey ... I'm a big fan"
"did you dress up for me?"
"highly unprofessional"
"double feature"
"i like consistency, that's all"
"are we... okay?"
"what if i came over?"
"your threats only excite me"
"do your worst"
"what do you say?"
truth or dare
"could've fooled me"
"saving the best for last"
"the people want answers"
"stay the night"
"i have a lot to tell you"
"thanks to you"
"white boy named luke"
"might mess around and fall in love"
"can't get rid of me"
"you don't feel the same way?"
"you can always start a new puzzle"
"just daydreaming"
"luke-thank you for everything"
"sometimes all i see is you"
"what were we thinking?"
"wanna hear a secret?"
"you ready for this?"
"fear should never stop you"
"you're my favorite candidate"
"don't mention it"
"it's a silly daydream"
"when did you get so clingy?"
"i think i'm finally getting it"
"you sure did, lover boy"
"is that a promise?"
"why do we always get sappy in the mornings?"
"do anything you want to me"
"we've changed, lu"
"tell me about this boy"
"i could never get enough of you"
"but i'd rather have you"
bonus - "you wanna do that again?"

"you ready for more?"

3.2K 95 153
By sircalyum

chapter forty-three: you ready for more?

this gif is so hot to me and i cannot explain why


!!!!!! LISTEN UP !!!!!!! for all of u that got mad that i ended the shower scene early ......... this chapter is ur fault

WARNING !!! SEXUAL CONTENT AHEAD—please beware !!! this is not a tease !!!! (or is it???) no seriously i am not teasing you all !!!!! it is fully here !!!!! and it is unlike any jill content to ever have been released !!! if u guys hate it, it will NEVER happen again !!!!! (or maybe i'm totally trolling and they barely even kiss....... haha could u imagine) that's not what's going to happen !!!!! (but can u actually trust me???) YES U CAN !!!!

ok seriously i am so anxious ab what lies ahead that i'm stalling and trying to make u guys confused which is criminal. NSFW CONTENT IS WHAT AWAITS U ALL AND IT IS MUCH LONGER THAN JUST 4 LINES ... i cannot believe i am finally actually writing smut...

who am i

or did i even write smut at all??? i dunno!!! read to find out!!

(if ur not cool w/ smut, this chapter really might not be for u !!! ... read as much as ur comfortable with!! love u)

also i wrote this entire thing while listening to bang a gong by t. rex on repeat for three hours.........so maybe listen to it while u read !

WEDNESDAY EVENING. "Of course—I get it." I bit my lip gently as I watched Luke fidget while he was on the phone. We were in the middle of eating dinner—Chinese takeout—when Calum called him. They had been talking for at least ten minutes, but I couldn't discern any of their conversation. We were on the couch, and I was laying in the corner of Luke's sectional with my legs across his lap. He had started to play with the frayed ends of my jeans to keep himself occupied while he listened to Calum's words.

"Okay, I understand your stance, Calum, but I don't want to talk about this right now and definitely not over the phone. I appreciate your concern about it, but it's all unnecessary." My eyebrows furrowed as I took a bite of my Lo Mein—I had no clue what they were talking about. "What do you think the answer to that is, Cal? Yes, of course."

I sat up, placed my takeout box on the coffee table, and then reached for Luke's free hand, that was playing with my jeans. I took his hand into my own and Luke sent me a smile as I entwined our fingers. I sat back and Luke extended his arm a little to keep our hands together.

"Cal, this isn't the time, okay? If you need to talk about something else, that's fine. But I don't need or want to talk about this with you." I bit my lip gently as I continued to listen to Luke and I started to wonder if it would be appropriate for me to ask Luke about the call.

If he didn't want me to hear, he would've left the room... right?

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Luke nodded a couple times, while letting out an occasional hum to signify agreement before ending the call with Calum. He set his phone down and then proceeded to take his hand away from mine in order to place his hands on his face, sighing in exhaustion as he aggressively ran his fingers down his cheeks.

"What was that about?" I asked him, letting out a quiet laugh in hopes to ease any possible tension.

"I told Calum—about us," Luke blurted out, which came as a slight surprise, but was also something I had expected him to to do eventually. "And he will not leave me alone about it. He's constantly nagging me about you. I told him about how I'm letting you look after my place, and he's been trying to tell me that it's a horrible idea because of the possibility that we could get into a fight or something. He's convinced that if things between us end up sour that you'll either trash my place or let the masses know where I live." My jaw dropped slightly as Luke spoke and I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"I'm glad to know how Calum feels about me," I said with a scoff. "I hate that he's less than supportive, but he doesn't have to be so mean to me in the process. I'm not crazy—if something were to happen between us and you didn't want me watching your place anymore, then I would be a civil human being. I would react like a stable person."

"Aw, babes," Luke said through a sudden burst of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked Luke, trying to hide a smile that was starting to form on my face merely from being such a fan of the noise coming from Luke's lips.

"I hadn't thought about it that way—like, it's nothing personal. You shouldn't take anything Calum says to heart. He doesn't have any issues with you... he just doesn't trust easy," Luke said before inching closer to me. "The thought of you going full ballistic is what's funny to me... I know you wouldn't do that."

"I think it has to be a little personal, Luke," I said, more seriously. "I bet he wouldn't care if Ashton gave Emma keys to his place."

"Hey... that's not true," Luke said, now speaking with a more consoling tone. "I mean, Ashton would never do that in the first place." I sent Luke an unamused look and he sighed quietly before placing his hand on my cheek.

"Calum was my second favorite after you—"

"I know." I glared at Luke as he spoke and he bit his lip as he stifled a laugh.

"Madalyn stans the wrong guy," I told Luke as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, c'mon, Jos. Calum's a good guy, he's just a little protective. He also nags me about you in a good way," Luke told me which intrigued me. "When I finally broke and told him, he was really happy. I mean, at first he wouldn't leave me alone about how he thought it was stupid of us not to just get together, but he's mostly just been happy for me. And he asks for little updates sometimes... especially when he notices that I'm in a really good mood. It's like he knows when you're the cause for my good mood." Luke's words made me smile, but it was more so the thought of me putting him in a good mood than it was because of Calum's interest.

"It sounds like Calum would get along perfectly with Madalyn, Emma, and Jenna. They never stop nagging me about you and about... us. I swear, it's only been about three days since they finally understood where I was coming from by not getting into a relationship with you." Luke swiped his thumb against my cheek gently and my eyes fell down to his lips. "Does Calum want things to work between us? Or is he a pessimistic Patty?"

"Pessimistic Patty?" Luke asked, but I simply waited for him to answer me. "I don't think he's waiting for things to crash and burn, Jos. He's just scared of what could happen if they do."

"I suppose I won't stay mad at him... maybe. But I'm still not keen on him at the moment."

"You don't have to be," Luke said with a shrug. "I think you disliking him gives me a better chance at all this."

"Luke, if you don't start making annoying jokes about Calum and me, I swear I—" Before I could finish scolding Luke for his constant reference to my moment with Calum, he crashed his lips into mine. I couldn't help but dissolve my slight irritation as my lips melted into his. I kissed him back and giggled against his lips as he maneuvered himself so that he was towering over me. "You can't just get out of me being mad at you," I told him as we pulled away from each other.

"I mean... it worked, didn't it?"

"Luke, it genuinely upsets me when you make smart remarks about Calum—" Luke leaned into kiss me again, but I quickly placed my hand over my face, causing his lips to make contact with my palm. "Are you a horny fifteen year old incapable of having a conversation?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," Luke told me as he gently moved my hand away. "I know I shouldn't make comments about it... I don't know why I do it, but I immediately regret it because I know it'll get me in trouble. I'm mostly mad at him for reeling you in with his boyish charm."

"You are ridiculous—"

"I just hate to think about something like that happening now. Knowing how upset I was when it happened, even though we were just supposed to be fooling around... I just don't know what I'd do if that happened now. So, I guess my subconscious wants to be a dick about it because I want to let you know that it made me feel like hell." I bit my lip gently as Luke spoke and, not knowing exactly how to respond due to guilt attacking my stomach, I leaned up in hopes to place my lips on his. However, due to Luke moving, my lips collided with his cheek instead. "Hold your horses, missy. You're not a horny fifteen year old that's incapable of having a conversation, are you?"

My cheeks instantly began to burn as he used my own words against me and I sighed quietly as I glanced away from him for a second.

"I wouldn't do something like that now," I told Luke as I looked back up at him. "The only reason I did it was because I didn't understand how I felt about you... and I was trying to not get attached. But, it didn't help me whatsoever." The corners of Luke's lips began to curl and I playfully rolled my eyes at him "I regret doing it, but part of me thinks that if we hadn't stopped what we were doing and took the time to appreciate each other... maybe this would've never happened?"

"Everything happens for reason?" Luke asked more so than stated, in which I nodded my head in response to.

"Uh—do you remember the camera guy—"

"Stevie?" Luke asked, seeming confused as to why I had brought him up.


"I loved that guy," Luke said as he nodded, a smile appearing on his face. My nerves began to jumble in my stomach and I didn't exactly know why I was deciding to tell Luke about Stevie's flirting, but I also wanted to let him know that he could trust me. "Should I not love that guy?" Luke asked, suddenly seeming suspicious.

"No, he's a good guy—it's just, I wanted to let you know that he sort of... told me he has a thing for me. And I guess he was dropping hints and hitting on me for a while? But I couldn't really tell. I had my suspicions, and I tried talking to Emma about it once, but—that doesn't matter. I told him that I was taken... sort of taken." Luke initially looked at me with a frown, but his face slowly warmed up to hold a smile.

"No kissing Stevie the camera guy when I'm gone," Luke warned which caused me to laugh as my eyes rolled.

"I can promise you that will not be happening," I told Luke as I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"Did you tell him who?"

"Who what?" I asked Luke with furrowed brows.

"Who you were sort of taken by," Luke clarified, which caused me to become nervous. I had told Stevie, but I didn't know if that was a good thing.

"Yeah," I told Luke hesitantly, hoping he wouldn't be upset with that answer.

"Good." Luke's unexpected response caused me to smile widely which seemed to be contagious, judging by the grin that soon took over his face. "If any guy is going to try and hit on you, he'd better know what he's up against." Luke leaned down and pecked my lips. "Plus, thinking about you telling anyone that I'm kind of your person makes me wanna melt."

"You're so cute, did you know that?" I asked Luke just after pressing my lips to his jaw. "How do you do it?"

"Do what? Be cute? You're plenty good at that—"

"No—I mean, how are you genuinely the cutest guy I've ever known while also being the hottest guy I've ever seen? You make my heart flutter, but you also make my heart pound... you can do it all. You're quite versatile, Luke. You should put that on an application."

"Okay—on my application to be your boyfriend, that'll be listed under my best qualities." I sent Luke a look, but nothing had the power to remove the grin from his face. "I patiently await your careful consideration."

"Mister, we had an agreement—"

"I am not saying anything about that happening in the present! I do not expect you to give me an answer soon... I'm not asking you anything right now—I am simply putting in an inquiry of sorts for a later date." I couldn't help but smile at Luke's attempt at weaseling out of any trouble. "Am I staying at yours tomorrow? I can't remember."

"We haven't decided," I told Luke with a shrug. "You can if you want, but it's not like your attached to my place. I'm attached to yours. That's why we're here all the time."

"That damned bed," Luke cursed which caused me to giggle. "Is Madalyn going to be home?"

"I don't think so," I told Luke with a shake of my head.

"I say we stay at yours," Luke told me, which caused my brows to furrow. "When we're at yours and Madalyn's not around, I get lucky."

"Luke!" I let out a bogus laugh as I smacked his arm, but I immediately wished I hadn't because, to counter-attack, Luke started to tickle me. "Stop!" I yelled as I found myself laughing at the damned feeling. He continued, laughing as well, which caused me to let out a full-on scream. I hadn't meant for it to come out, but it was loud and on the verge of blood-curdling.

"Joseline Culley!" Luke exclaimed in a harsh whisper as he tried to contain his laughter, taking his hands away from my sides to cover my mouth instead. "You're going to get me written up for a noise complaint."

I tried to respond, but my words were mumbled by Luke's hands. My incoherent response caused us both to laugh and by the time we had settled down, I felt exhausted.

Luke had taken his hands away from my mouth and had pushed himself up, so that he wasn't towering over me anymore. We both had stupid grins on our faces, being on the verge of another burst of laughter at any second.

"I'm sort of concerned that no one's knocked on your door—you could've been killing me, for all they know."

"Loyal neighbors," Luke said with a shrug and I scrunched my nose at him. "Your face looks so cute all scrunched up like that."

"I'll just look this way forever, then," I told Luke, keeping my nose scrunched as I spoke. Luke tackled me suddenly and placed his lips on my own. I laughed quietly against his lips as I kissed him back, and he eventually rolled us over—carefully and skillfully—so that I was on top of him, instead of landing us both on the floor.

While I hadn't fully expected it, I smirked to myself as I felt Luke's bulge beneath me. Feeling the want to tease him, I let my hips rock against him, causing him to twitch beneath me and a small moan to leave his lips.

Luke's hands began to explore my hips and he managed to use his grips on them to force my hips to rock against him for longer. As we continued, I brought my hands up to his shirt. He was wearing a loose button up and before I could fully comprehend my actions, I was unbuttoning it as my hands trailed down his chest. I pulled away from Luke and trailed my lips down his neck, to his chest. I fully opened his shirt and kissed his chest all over.

I looked up at Luke to see him looking down at me, breathing heavily. I moved my face back up to his and started to kiss his jaw. I ducked my head into his neck and started to gently suck on the skin just below his ear. After leaving a mark, I kissed the skin leading up to his ear and took his earlobe in between my teeth, tugging on it gently before pulling away.

"How's about we finish what that shower started?" Luke asked quietly as he brushed his lips against my ear. "I want you, Jos." His breath on my ear alone aroused me, but I felt myself become torn at his words. My heart began to pound at the thought of having sex with Luke. Of course, we had had sex plenty of times before, but not since we admitted our feelings to one another. It would mean something different now. "You don't want to?" Luke asked, the look on his face softening.

"It's not that... because I do want to..." As I stared into Luke's eyes, trying to find an excuse to not share his wishes, I realized I would soon drive myself crazy if I didn't at least let myself give in to something. "Fuck it. I want you, too." I crashed my lips into Luke's and he kissed me back hard.

In contrast to his gentle nature before, Luke flipped us over without a second thought.

Luke threw me down onto his couch and took off his unbuttoned shirt as he sat up with his legs kneeled in between my own. I took the time to better situate myself and brought Luke's face down to mine once he dropped down to hover over me. Our lips collided in a synchronous fashion and I felt a shiver run through my whole body as Luke took my hands away from his face, holding my wrists down on either side of my head.

Luke began trailing his lips down my neck, until he reached the collar of the shirt I was wearing. He created more distance between our faces as he took his hands away from my wrists and reached for the end of my shirt. I assisted him in taking it off of me, leaving me in the bralette that I had worn in case of the possibility of something happening between Luke and myself.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" Luke joked as he stared down at me. "You know this is my favorite one." Luke teasingly tugged at my bralette strap before letting it snap against my skin. I flashed him a smirk before I brought my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him down, wanting him to kiss me.

As we kissed, Luke brought his hand to my side and started to force his hand under my back—I countered and arched my back so that he could get to the clasp of my bra. He undid it in a second and pulled it off of me completely just moments later.

"God, you're fucking beautiful," Luke mumbled as he trailed kisses away from my mouth and down to my chest. He kissed along my right breast before he started to leave a mark, just beside my nipple. I let out a moan due to the feeling and pushed my hand against the cushion behind my head as he continued. As Luke finished leaving the mark, he trailed kisses over to my left breast before repeating his earlier actions. "You and this tattoo," Luke pulled away for a moment, speaking softly as he admired the tattoo of a flower just below the marks he was leaving, "the both of you drive me crazy."

As he continued, his hands trailed down to the top of my jeans. He unbuttoned them and ripped the zipper down, causing my clit to pound. Before I could even prepare, he slipped his hand into my undies, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

I was already wet, just from the basics, and Luke was accustomed to the speed at which I became aroused. He slid his fingers against my folds before slipping two fingers inside me, causing my head to fall back slightly as I let out a moan.

Luke swirled his tongue around my nipple just as he started to rub his thumb against my clit, causing my breathing to become heavy. He pumped his fingers in and out of me slowly at first, nearly teasing me, before quickening his pace.

He continued to pump his fingers in and out, now with himself distanced from my breast as he observed my reaction to his care.

Luke's fingers curled inside me, finding my sweet spot as if he had it memorized and I clenched around him as I let out another moan. My hips rolled against his grip and I mentally cursed at myself for being so easy to please. However, I doubted it was solely due to my ease of reaching satisfaction; Luke knew what he was doing. With the combination of him knowing just where to put his fingers inside of me and his thumb rubbing against my clit as if had aced a test on how, I was being handed an orgasm. I let out a scream-like noise as I came to satisfaction, yet I tried to muffle the noise by rolling my face into the cushions.

"On second thought, maybe my neighbors are just used to your screams." In a second, Luke had dropped his face down to mine again and I let myself laugh at his words as I breathed heavily. He continued to pump in and out of me slowly—as if to prolong his effect which caused me to shiver—before taking his hand from my pants.

"Shut. Up," I breathed out before placing my lips on his desperately. He kissed me back just as desperate for satisfaction as I felt myself to be and I almost couldn't believe that we had both had the self-restraint to not go all the way the day before.

Luke pulled away from me and brought his hands back to the waistline of my jeans. He started to pull on them and I assisted him in taking them off; we shared a laugh as we struggled to get the tight ankles over my heels, but once I was left in my undies, Luke's face was back above mine.

"You ready for more?"

"Yes," I breathed out, knowing what he had planned. My mind raced as I prepared myself for all the things I would be doing to him later.

Luke rolled off the couch and kneeled before grabbing me and pulling me to where he wanted me. He forced open my thighs and I bit my lip as he brought his face down to my now soaked undies. He sunk his fingers into my thighs before dragging them down, causing me to tremble, and I brought my hands down to the elastic of my underwear, wanting them off, but Luke stopped me.

"Patience, baby," he whispered which caused me to whine. Luke pressed his lips to my inner thigh and he began to nip at my skin, causing more sounds to erupt from my lips. He trailed kisses to my undies before pressing a kiss to my clit through them. My hand instinctively reached for his curls as I nearly melted from the pleasure.

His hands finally found their way to the waistline of my underwear and he took them off, with my assistance. He pried my legs open once again and I bit my lip as he flashed me a smile, just before wrapping his tongue around my clit. I looked down at him, seeing his cheeks hollow as he began to suck.

"Fuck," I breathed out, nearly incapable of fathoming the pleasure he was bringing me. As Luke continued to flick his tongue over my clit, his fingers slipped inside me and he began to pump again, nearly driving me insane. My hand still had a fist full of his curls, and Luke let out an occasional moan as I pulled on them just right.

It didn't take long until another loud sob of satisfaction erupted from me, causing Luke to slyly chuckle—he was always pleased with himself.

Luke kissed my clit once more before pulling his face away and pulled his fingers out of me, slowly brushing them across my clit to tease me, which caused my hips to tremble.

I grabbed the back of his neck and forced him close to me as I placed my lips on his. He started to get up and I pulled him down on the couch beside me before taking his place of being kneeled in front of the couch. My hands immediately reached for his belt buckle, and my fingers worked quickly to unbuckle it. Luke unbuttoned his jeans, being just as impatient as I had been moments before, but I pushed his hand away before I slowly unzipped his jeans; I knew it drove him crazy when I went slow.

I took a moment to tie my hair back with the scrunchie I was sporting on my wrist and as I glanced at Luke, I could tell the action alone excited him.

I began to pull his pants down and he helped me to get them off his legs, leaving me face-to-face with his boxer-covered bulge. I placed my hands on Luke's thighs as I lowered my face to his boxers, kissing his bulge just to witness him squirm under me. I nearly ripped his boxers down, allowing him to kick them off fully before taking his length in my hand and pumping a couple of times, just to get him started.

My lips wrapped around his tip moments later and I pushed my head down, taking in as much of his length as possible. Luke let out a strangled moan as his hand grabbed hold of my ponytail and I moaned slightly as he kept a firm grasp, pulling to the point where the pain felt like pleasure.

I pressed my hands against his thighs as he thrust his hips enough to cause me to gag, but I kept my lips around his length, my cheeks hollowing as I went back down. Luke let out a frustrated cry as I took my mouth from his member and start to pump with my hand, knowing he liked it better when finishing. Soon his release coated my hand and I leaned forward, letting him watch as I licked it from my fingers.

Luke grabbed me by the waist, his breathing heavy, and pushed me down, with my back against the plush cushions. Luke lowered himself to be on top of me, with his hand just above my head. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips as his other hand pried my legs apart and my lips fell from his as his tip brushed against me, another moan escaping me.

"You comfortable?" Luke checked in before making any sudden moves.

"Yes, Luke—just fuck me."

Clearly not needing to be asked twice, Luke first dipped his tip into me, getting ready, before thrusting into me and causing my breath to hitch in my throat and my hand to once again find the back of the couch, needing support as my head dipped back. Luke started slow, like he always did, almost like a punishment before he would start to thrust faster. We fell into a pleasurable rhythm and I breathed heavily as he continued, crying out as his cock swiped my sweet spot with every thrust.

Luke's hand that had been holding onto my hip moved away and I didn't know where it would be relocated until I felt his thumb against my clit, rubbing it and causing me to tremble from how sensitive it had grown to be.

It amazed me how nice sex with Luke was—the number of times I had faked orgasm was probably a crime, but not once had I faked it with Luke.

Luke's fingers plucked at my clit as he continued to thrust into me hard—although I tried to hold out, I barely had control over myself as I came, a high-pitched squeal leaving my lips.

Luke always held out longer than I did—so I knew we weren't finished. Luke began to slowly thrust again, pulling out as we both breathed heavily. He took my waist in his hands and flipped me over, with ease—it amazed as well excited me how easily Luke could throw me around. It was a definite perk of being so much smaller than him.

With my chest pressed against the couch, and my face basically pushed into the cushions, I arched my back and lifted up my hips, giving Luke the best possible angle to enter me. He placed his hands on my hips, but I gasped seconds later as he took his hands away just for them to collide with my ass.

He centered my hips before slowly entering me, causing me to breathe in deeply. Only his first couple of thrusts were slow—I could tell he was itching to come.

We had honestly only had sex without a condom about two or three times, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't prefer it. I liked feeling him inside me, every inch of him, without the protective layer.

I rolled my hips against Luke, doing my best to aid his experience as he continued to thrust into me fast and hard.

I could tell Luke was close, so as he pulled out while letting out a familiar cry, I prepared myself for his release on my back. Luke buckled down against me as he finished and I laid down flat, my entire body feeling exhausted as we came to an end.

Luke brought his face down to my head and planted a couple of kisses on my temple.

"Stay here, I'll be right back and we'll get you cleaned up." Luke connected our lips before getting off the couch and walking away, leaving me laying on the couch. My eyes were closed and a smile was planted on my lips.

I wasn't sure, but it was possible that I had fallen asleep for just a minute or so and was awakened by the sensation of a warm washcloth being pressed against my back, cleaning up the mess that Luke had made. I breathed in deeply as I allowed myself to enjoy the sensation.

Luke pressed wet kisses against my bare shoulder blades once he had finished and left me again, most likely to throw the washcloth in the wash.

"Do you want to take a shower now, or in the morning?" Luke whispered as he was suddenly by my side. I had to pry my eyes open, and I saw that he had thrown a pair of shorts on when he was gone. "Baby, you're exhausted," Luke cooed as he bent down, brushing my hair out of my face. "What if I ran you a bath? That way we can clean you up, then get to bed?"

"That sounds nice, as long as you don't let me fall asleep in the tub," I joked which caused Luke to laugh before promising me that he'd keep careful watch. He left me to start the bath and I pushed myself up on my elbows, not wanting to drift off again.

Luke came back in about five minutes before swooping me up off the couch, as if it was the simplest task he'd ever done, and he walked me to the bathroom that was attached to his bedroom before setting me down in the tub.

My muscles craved the comfort of the hot water and I didn't waste much time before convincing Luke to join me. He sat behind me, helping me wash myself in my tired state. I wished I could just fall asleep there, in his arms where I felt that I belong most.

After about fifteen minutes of soaking, Luke started to drain the water, but let the shower head run as I mustered up the strength to stand up to wash my hair. Luke dried himself off as I finished washing my hair and left the room. Once I was finished and had turned off the water, he reappeared, back in shorts. He handed me a towel and I dried myself off before slipping the teeshirt that he had brought me over my head. He had also grabbed me a pair of fresh undies—I had at least four pairs at his place.

Luke started to brush his teeth and I joined him once I was dressed—he handed me my toothbrush and the toothpaste. We both quietly and sleepily scrubbed at our mouths before taking turns to spit.

I dried my hair as best as I could before leaving Luke's bathroom; my hand found his as we made our way to his bed. I got in before Luke—who left to retrieve our phones from the living room and turn off all the lights on his way back. He plugged both of our phones in and turned off the light before crawling into bed beside me.

Luke turned to me and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his chest to my back as he kissed my ear. "I can't believe we made the decision to willingly stop doing that," I whispered and smiled as Luke let out a soft laugh.

"I think we were both pretty reluctant to stop... deep down, at least," Luke countered, which was a fair point.

"I would've probably been better off not remembering how fucking good it felt before you leave me for so long," I pouted. "This was cruel of you."

"We still have some time, maybe I can try and make up for lost time... in advance." Luke nuzzled into my neck as he pressed kisses to my skin and I smiled in satisfaction.

"You can try, but I doubt you'll succeed."

"What's it with you and challenging me, Culley?" I giggled tiredly at his words and turned around in his arms. I pressed my lips to his, but didn't allow him time to kiss me back.

"Don't you ever think that maybe I do it because I want you to prove me wrong?" I toyed with him and he held me tightly as he pressed his lips against the tip of my nose.

"Challenge accepted, for the millionth time," Luke whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. "Now, get some sleep. You can't be getting hunkered out like this so easily next time." I rolled my eyes playfully before closing them and snuggling into Luke's chest.

"Goodnight, Luke."

"Goodnight, Jos."



this was not what i quite had planned ..........

i almost just posted this chapter when it was like 2000 words long and ........ WOW ........ i just sorta got carried away....

um ... ok ... usually when i write anything sexual, i'm SO disappointed but... i kinda think this is sorta good ??? like i probably have NO BUSINESS writing this kind of content but like......... maybe it wasn't a total fail????

i guess u guys will be the judges on that but !!!! give me a break !!! i tried FOR YOU GUYS

i really am the queen of teasing and ... TO HELL WITH THAT !! maybe this is who i am now (...it's not...)

but i seriously hope u all enjoyed this !!!! if it sucked, pls let me know but be nice ab it.

i am genuinely exhausted bc i typed all of this in one go and it took about three hours ............. so i am now going to silently cry while wishing that i had a luke hemmings to run me a hot bath

Ok! i'm gonna go

i love u guys !!! thank u so much for reading !!! pls don't hate me !!! i hope this could quench ur thirst bc some of y'all rlly do be BEGGING me for smut...... and i can't blame u

if i was better at it, i would treat y'all better & that's all i have to say

okokok BYE !!!! much love !!! u all get virtual forehead smooches for being good sports



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