Leaving home to home

By Ayeeshertee

169 52 1

Not the regular watt pad love story. Self discovery and life expectancy. Family is everything✨. More



15 5 0
By Ayeeshertee

The unbearable smell of  Alcohol and ciggeratte woke me up to see me tied to a chair sitting in the middle of a big room with three thugs behind me watching TV and enjoying their best lives. My body was hot as I could feel it burn into ashes countless times. I tried moving my body but I was too weak and was tied to a chair from head to shoulder.
I raised my head to see a guy opposite me starring at me with disgust and hatred in his eyes he was burning with anger.
I heart skipped fast and I got really scared.
"Please let me go" I said in a whisper loud enough for them to hear.
"What did you say baby girl" one of the guys said walking up to me with a vodka bottle barely standing on his feet.
He smells so bad.
"Please" I begged as hers filled down my eyes.
"You can't just leave without anything" he said leaning close to my face.
I felt like vomiting.
"I promise you my father doesn't have that money" I said sniffing my nose hard it made my head spin.
"Please" I begged.
"Shut up!" He shouted.
"Shut her up" he added pointing at the guy next to me as he walks up to me with a seal tape.
As he walked closer I admired him his tall masculine figure and his fair complexion matched perfectly.
Haram! You are in the middle of a battle between death and life and you are thinking other wise. I thought.
"Please" I whispered to him thinking he was not like them.
"Shshhh, keep shut baby girl"
"You will have to get used to it" he said sealing my mouth with the tape and holding my chin with his hands.
I mumbled.
"Shut up" he said smirking and he walked away sitting back at his former position.

I wish I had stayed back home the love for rain got me into this trouble. Umma and Abba I hope they are fine they must be worried.
I cried my lungs out thinking they would pity me but to no avail I got more slaps from the drunk thug making me faint in my thought for a thousand time.
I sat down quietly, defeated and scared looking at the guy opposite me completely lost on his phone tying want so ever, he knew.
Suddenly six skinny tall girls in their mini skirts and bras came in walking like dogs that went astray.
"Hey baby" one of the girls said who seems to be their leader throwing herself to the guy sitting opposite me as he creased her extensions and kissed her.
How shameless!.
"You have got costumer" she said more like a question.
"Yeah baby" he replied giving me a deadly glare.
I turned to the other side to avoid seeing anything ya would curse me. The slut's were dancing removing their clothes bit by bit till they were naked.
Those things they called clothes were all over the ground.
I shut my eyes to avoid seeing anything but that didn't stop me from hearing.
My stomach stumbled into different directions I kept on praying to God to take me out of this mess I rather die than keep experiencing this.

Hess!" The shameless slut called making me to slowly open my eyes.
"Take" she said handing me over a plate of food.
"Eat" she added chewing on my gum hard it made annoying sound.
"Oh I don forget" she said roughly painfully removing the tape on my mouth.
"I give you five minutes finish" she said
"No thank you" I managed to say.
I was hungry so hungry I could eat the table close to me but I didn't want to eat especially from her maybe she drugged the food.
"See watin this girl they say" she shouted making the three thugs to rush over me with their guns.
"Watin you talk" one of them asked raising his eyebrows.
"He dey talk to you answer am" the other guy shouted hitting the table.
"Nothing" I replied shaking
"Eat this food before I blow your head" he shouted.
I quickly picked up the spoon and started eating the most awful tasteless food I had ever tasted.
I guess this is my destiny.
I finish eating the food making sure I scrape it to the last leaving nothing on the plate because they forced me to.
"I need water" I said scared for my life.
"She want water" he said laughing.
"I need water" the girl said mimicking my voice.
The all laughed out loud making the room to echo while I seat there scared to death.
"You want water" he said trying to unzip his trouser.
What's he trying to do.
"What are you doing?" I asked moving my face away.
"I wan give you water nah" he said laughing ad they all joined him.
"Please" I begged.
"Hold am" he ordered as the two guys held me tight onto the chair.
The slut was also laughing at least have pity on me as a woman.
I already gave up I was ready for anything the monster was standing on my head. I closed my eyes and swallowed my last saliva. I had to be my last because after what is about to happen I won't swallow anything accept my life.
"What are you doing?" Thundered a voice from a far making them all to stand at ease and letting me go.
"Nothing Sir" they all chorused while the slut walk over him making all sorts of moves to get his attention but he didn't even spare her a look.
"Get away from there" he ordered.
Thank God! I am saved today.

The thought of been pissed on keep running in my head I felt lime vomiting but the seal tape on my !mouth is stopping me. I tried my best to hold on but I couldn't anymore. I called bit nobody answered maybe they couldn't hear me but the other guy who is their boss was watching me all this while.
He walked up to me and removed the seal gently.
"What?" He asked.
"I am pressed and I need to go" I lied
I was actually pressed but to the extent I couldn't resist.
"Okay " he replied
He is actually nice!.
He untied me lead me to the bathroom. The house was big and beautiful like a mansion how could is be a kidnapers hide out?!.
I did my business and stood still by the basin patiently waiting for my stomach to respond.

Hamza POV
I watched her pretty eyes get soaked in tears and her like dried from thirst and hunger. I couldn't do anything it was our policy to starve our customers so they get prepared for the worst and get what we want from them. She was too pretty to go thorough all this she had the most innocent eyes I had ever seen I can't wait to see her smile.
I had to be stiff, I had to be strong , I had to be fearless because I was the leader. I eat from this and I die for this!.
What's taking her so long? I thought. She had been in there for 30minutes now.
Should I go in? Nah! What if she escaped? Nah!
My attention was with unbearable noise coming from the toilet. She was vomiting.
"Are you okay?" I asked knocking on the door.
No answer.
"Are you okay?" I asked again.
"Bissy" I  called
"Yes baby"
"Get in there and see what's going on"
"Okay" she replied

Husaibah POV
My stomach was empty but I still fell things coming up my throat.
The door flung open the the slut was standing by the door looking at me with pity in  her eyes.
Am I a pity?
My monthly flow was here and I fell sick and scaredfor my life.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
Bitch!!! Clearly am not okay! I need a sanitary pad and clothes to wear!.
"Can I asked you something" I said
"Watin" she replied
"I need always" I said washing my hands .
"Oh okay, nayin since you dey here they waste my time" she said unzipping a bag next to her.
"Take" she said handing me over a full packet of sanitary pads.
This will be okay.
"Hurry and commot before you spoil my baby mood" she said making her way out with her loud heels on banging the floor.

I need to come up with a plan to get out of here like in he movies maybe I should steal their gun and use it  against them or maybe pretend to be dead and they throw me out in the bushes. I thought.
This is reality Husaibah if you try anything stupid you get yourself killed.
The day went by sitting in one position and seeing wonders.
I prayed to God and cried.
I miss my mom, I miss my dad. I never appreciated their presence now I do. Family is everything.

More fore for Husaibah💥💥💥🔥
Please vote as you read and share to your friends.
Assalamu Alaikum💛💗.
Follow up please😁💛
Not edited.

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