Bethroed To The One I Called...

By lussy7

170 16 0

Let's just see what it is about........... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten

Chapter eleven

5 1 0
By lussy7



"If you want to go fast walk alone but, if you want to get there, go as a team" ‐‐‐‐‐

We arrived at the airport the paparazzi was no different from the one before. I didn't bother asking where we were going because it's dumb asking a question you know you'll never get the answer to

Marcel was there dressed in his jacket suit that was made for his body. I don't know how come I never asked where he was since he practically disappeared when we arrived

"Fancy seeing you here darling" I greeted Marcel using my fake British accent

"Hey Ken" He smiles genuinely at me

"Where were you?" I question as soon as I took a seat beside him

"Around handling mafia business" He shrugged "Don't let Chris know that I told you" he whispers

"Lips are sealed" I pretended to lock them and throw away the key

"You know I never got why people always do that like why would you throw away the key that is meant to open your mouth that you closed" He complains "It's pointlessly pointless"

"I will never get it either" I laugh

"Not to break up your reunion or anything but, Celly I need to borrow you for a minute" He intrudes using the weirdest nickname for Marcel

"Not that you intended to but I'd like you to know that you just did break up the reunion" I sassily reply

"Watch the attitude" He points and glares at me taking my only company away. They went through a door and towards the room closing the door behind them.

I just sat there and I thought; it wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop. I got up and went straight for the door

At first they were talking about drug deals and shipments being sealed which was boring but the mention of my name made me inch further if that was possible

"Have you found out where Kenese's father is?"

"James said that her father doesn't exist the name doesn't match his identity at all and we can't find anything on him" Marcel answers the question asked before

"What?" He asks rhetorically "It's been 9 days since he's been looking for him" 

Why the hell would they be looking for my dad don't they know he's dead and what do they mean by my dad doesn't exist; ofcourse he does or atlest did

"If James hasn't found his true identity then you know what that means" I could now feel the tension vibrating in the door

"Yeah, I sure do" He scoffed

"So do we tell her?" Marcel asks.

Tell me what?

"Hell no Marcus, we wouldn't want anything to get into the way of her training from my POV, I know she is going to be one of the greatest yet" What training are they talking about?

I wouldn't want to get caught so now that they were no longer talking about me I just ran back to my seat

After about fifteen minutes of awkward silence between Marcel and myself a pretty dark haired young flight attendant approached us with three chocolate mocha on her tray sending billion dollar smiles our way

"Excuse me but I don't think you are in the correct career path" I say as she greeted us pleasantly

"Excuse me?" She asked taken away by my words, she must've really taken it for an insult

"Really look at you" I say pointing her up and down "Hunny you were made for modeling, I mean look at you, you are skinny, your beautiful black skin is flawless, a billion dollar smile, there aren't enough words to describe your beauty or why I think you should model" By the time I was finished she was literally crying

"I don't think I have felt so good in myself for 4 years, you know everyone is always sayin I'm too skinny, too tall and I'm not pretty" She sobs "I'm sorry and thank you so much for your words of encouragement"

"I was just stating facts" I smile, I don't know what had gotten into me because I'm not the type to go around and give complements

"Mr.Cartel I'm so sorry for crying on the job" She apologize. How can you apologise for crying? I guess people are just scared of him to that point they don't want to do anything stupid around him

"No problem beautiful" He smirks at her

"My name is Serina" She says extending her hand towards me

"Kenecia" I say accepting her hand and shaking it

"Well thank you" She says walking off with her tray in hand. I couldn't help but stare at her ass she walked off. I'm serious all I see when I see her is a great model my God look at her stunning legs

"Are you gay?" Marcel asks and I burst out into laughter saying no "Well atleast you are in a great mood" 

"Not really you know I just thought she should know the truth"

"Let play 10 questions" He suggests and I nodded excitedly I have always been a big fan of playing games with questions "Chris you wanna play?" He ask looking over to Cartel and I just made note that his jaw line had never looked sharper

"No thank you" He responds typing away on his phone clearly not interested in anything else

"Lets start off simple; where are your parents?" 

He asks and I knew the only reason he asked was to gain information on my dad who they clearly can't find his true identity or whatever

"Well um my dad's dead and my mom is in New York probably getting a pedicure with her new husband and haven't realized that I'm missing" I chuckle a bit, building up the walls so that he couldn't see the pain I felt

"That sucks" Marcel states "My parents are probably still in Italy haven't seen them since they kicked me out 5 years ago because I told them I am gay" Marcel truly didn't look like the gay type but like they say looks can be deceiving

"Ouch I feel that one but look at the bright side it lead to you meeting someone as awesome as me" I could feel my self confidence chip in and he chuckled a little bit

"What age did you loose your v-card and to whom" I ask total getting into the interesting things

"Lost mine at age 16 to Jasper, let's just say I was stupid and in love with someone who was just using me"

"Exactly why I think having a boyfriend is a waste of time"

"You can't blame me the guy was hot, almost as hot as Chrissypoo over there" He cursed  totally forgetting that Cartel could hear him

"I knew you were checking me out and you are insulting my body by saying Jasper is almost as hot as me, boo Jasper couldn't be half as hot as me if he tried" Cartel defended totally forgetting about what he was doing on his phone, he was so confident about his body and I like that

"Shut up I was trying to find one good reason as to why I slept with him and you just blew my cover" He whispered punching him on the arm and I just burst out laughing I couldn't hold it anymore

"What about you Ken?" Marcel asked and Cartel turned right back to his phone and I know he is definetly going to eavesdrop

"That easy, I lost mine to Kyle Hammond he was smart, hot and devilish, I was fifteen" I say not feeling ashamed at all, regrets just aren't my thing

"My turn" Marcel raised his hand as if we were in a classroom "Who was you first boyfriend and where is he now?"

"Boyfriends are a waste of time never had one" I say and he was shocked "Let's just say I like the boys but they don't like me"

"Liar liar that's impossible" Marcel points at me glaring

"Alright you got me" I raise my hands in surrender "I rather be a heartbreaker than to be heartbroken and rejected once more"

"You're a savage"


"Same ol' Jasper and I really don't know where he is " Marcel says a deserted look on his face

"How many persons have you slept with?" Marcel questions winking at me

"I'm so not answering that" I mumbled so fast I knew they barely heard me

"That's cheating" Marcel complains "I'll go first then let's see um–13"

"You can't possibly beat Cartel" Marcel trys

"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you" I warn playfully

"Really Kenny you just gonna–"

"Yep I'm just not gonna answer" I cut him finishing his sentence for him

"You are a cheater, I'm done" He whines taking a sip of his mocha and then going back into full working mode. It was hard to believe that he was the funny, stress free person I was talking to less than a minute ago, I really love how he could change personalities so quickly and that also makes him dangerous

The feeling of drowsiness caught up on me, I knew it would eventually since I haven't been sleeping last time I slept properly was the night I got drunk and after that I've been getting like two hours rest mac per day

I tried fighting it not ready to face my father, Clarissa, Mom or my step-dad, but as usual sleep won and I lost once again


"Hello dad are you home?" The little 11 year old asks walking into her house after a long day of playing with her bestfriend but no answer came so she started on her search for her dad

She searched the kitchen, the living room, the bedrooms and there was still no sign of her dad who she decided to do something she shouldn't she walked into his bathroom without knocking

It was fine until she pulled the shower curtain and there he was; he was laying in the tub how eyes wide open and his body cold

"Dad" She whispered her voice shaking "Dad wake up" There was still no movement at all and she started to get worried as she continuously screamed his name shaking him but he never woke

She soon realized that something was extremely wrong and called the number he had made her recite a hundred times 911 it rang and rang and then finally a female answered asking how she may assist

"My dad he um he's in the tub and he's not moving and he feels cold and his eyes aren't closing" She says scared and nervous tears falling from her eyes

"We'll track your number and we'll be there in no time don't hang up" She says and she nodded going back into the bathroom

"Kenny you killed me" Her father that she thought was dead says to her

"No you're not dead the cops will be here any minute now" He tries to reassure her

"They can't save me and it's all your fault" He yelled and she trembled "You are nothing but a coward Ken you always were and always will be" He growls standing up and grabbing her hand

"I told you Kev, I told you you've spoilt her too much trying to give her the childhood you never had" Clarissa says walking into the bathroom with a belt in her hand

"Suprise suprise you are right again Clarissa" He laughs sarcasm dripping from every word

"She needs a spanking" Clarisssa states "May I?" She asks holding the belt out

"Ofcourse" He smiles and she started at first it just felt like a spanking but then she got rud of the belt and started using her hand instead, she sent a couple slaps across the face and when that wasn't enough she started throwing punches

Being just eleven all she could do was just take the hits and cry having no alternative

"Please dad I'm sorry just make it stop" She cried holding her ribcage, but he just turned away "Dad please" He didn't turn around and it broke her heart but she continued to scream anyways




"Ken" She heard the distant voice call "Ken wake her" Yelled the voice once more shaking her. She did as was told and she opened them

I opened my eyes to meet a set of green ones looking into mine, it was Marcel's. I looked around and I was where I fell asleep except I wasn't using Marcel as a pillow and Chris wasn't there anymore. Probably gone off to fuck one of the flight attendants

"Feel my heart" He lifts my hand to meet the rapid vibration on the left side of his chest "Don't do that again Kenny you nearly gave me an heart attack"

"Poor Marcy you worry too much, I'm fine" I laugh slapping his cheek playfully

"Look at you Ken, you were screaming in your sleep you are sweating like you just won a marathon and you have goose bumps all over your skin. This is not fine" He yells running an hand over me

"What do you want me to say that I have nightmares everytime fucking time I sleep and that my own dad doesn't think that I deserve a break. God dammit I am sick of being scared to sleep I'm sick of waking up and feeling like I deserve to not be able to sleep, I'm sick of the goddamn demons that follow me wherever I go and let me do bad things, at this point I'm sick of being Kenecia Kàjera Pryce" I say breaking down the walls I put up earlier and he just pulled me into his warm embrace

He smelled like lime, aftershave and very strong perfume that is going to set off my allergies so I pulled back and looked him in the eyes and in them I saw pity but I don't want pity, pity is for the weak

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I ask breaking contact

"Like what?"

"Like I'm some poor dog that just got ran over on the street"

"I'm sorry and I want you to know that you can talk to me the nightmares if you want" He says going all shrink mode on me

"No thank you" I decline politely

"Another thing don't ever call me Marcy again" He warns

"You know you like it" I joke and he rolls his eyes

I got up and headed straight for the bathroom and that was when I saw what I saw blood. Why did my period have to start when I'm in a freaking jet flying to God knows where, I rolled my eyes cursing nature.

I pulled up my pants and went on a search for Cartel I asked Marcel and I was told that he was in the sleeping room so I headed straight for it not caring wether he was asleep or not

I placed my hand on the knob twisting it and beyond layed a shirtless sleeping Christopher. He was sprawled across the welcoming bed his hair messed up, his muscles relaxed, his sweats hanging dangerously low ,silent snores filling the room, his eight pack needing someone to put some whipped cream on it and lic‐‐‐‐

"What do you want ken" He growls his voice husky bringing me out of my thoughts

"I need a tampon or a pad" I blurt before I could think and I could feel the heat going to my cheeks, I looked up to Chris and he looked terrified. I knew he heard me but I just had to make this embarrassing for him "Christopher whatever Cartel did you not hear me?"

"Um I'll–I'll go get some I-I don't know how but I–I'll try" Seeing Cartel struggle was the best thing I would see in my entire life the great ol' Cartel stuttering and at a lost for words

"Well hurry the hell up" I yell since he didn't even shift. He pulled on a shirt running a hand thought his perfect black hair and he was perfect

"My middle name's Càrderò so you don't have to replace it with 'whatever' " He corrects before running through the door

So that's where the name tripple C is originated form

Christopher Cardero Cartel

❤@-lionezz thank you for all the support

Please vote/share/comment/follow it would mean the world to me

I have this wierd thing where I can only write at late hours and I don't know how or why and  I certainly don't how I'm gonna do this but I guess I'll just have to and it would mean the world to me if you vote so please do 


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