š”šš„š—šš„š‚š“š„šƒ, meteor...

By strwbbychaer

243K 1.5K 200

ā it was that smile. the first time I saw it, I knew I wanted to see it for the rest of my life. āž [ a meteor... More



12.2K 294 28
By strwbbychaer

LI NA HAD UNDERESTIMATED HOW MUCH harder senior year would be in comparison to her previous years. Though her first three years had been pretty tough, especially knowledge-wise seeing that a lot of the content she was learning in most of her classes were completely new to her.

But this year, the amount of work they were being given right from the get-go was difficult, and she knew it wasn't because of the major she was doing, Yujie and Nayao were struggling with time management just as much as Li Na was, despite being part of completely different majors.

"I didn't think senior year would hit us this hard." Yujie groaned as she laid her head on the table she was currently working on.

The three were currently cooped up in their dorms trying to get work done as they had already attended their lectures for the day. But the exhaustion from trying to get used to being back at school and catching up on the now piling work was starting to get to each of them, especially Nayao, who was known to do well under pressure.

Yujie laid her head on the table for a couple seconds before turning to look back at the previously concentrated Li Na and Nayao, "Have you gotten anything done yet?"

"Nope." Li Na shook her head, "Still deciding on the topic for my study." she explained, now closing her eyes too in annoyance over not being able to come up with a single topic, despite the amount of time she'd had to decide on it.

"You know what, I think this calls for a break." Yujie exclaimed, shutting her books as she turned to the two girls with a grin.

Nayao gave her a blank stare, "It's only been ten minutes Yujie . . ." she pointed out.

"Yeah, ten long minutes." she exaggerated, "Come on, let's just watch one episode of the drama. Please." she pleaded, clasping her hands together to emphasize just how much she wanted to do something other than studying for the time being.

Li Na sighed. Knowing that she was going to regret her decision later, "Fine."

Though the trio had initially agreed on only watching one episode of the drama they'd collectively started on together a while back, they ended up watching much more than just that episode and eventually got sidetracked. They weren't sure of how much time had really passed, but they knew that it had been more than they'd anticipated once they heard the sound of the door opening, which indicated that their other roommate, Meili had returned from her last class of the day — which wasn't supposed to end until after eight.

"Oh Meili!" Yujie perked up when the familar sight of spacebuns came into view, "You're back early—" she started but paused when she noticed damp tears on the girls face.

The three immediately paused the tv and rushed to a whimpering Meili, "What's wrong?"

"I . . . he-" Meili said, trying to form words but wasn't able to because of the unwilling sob she let out. Ofcourse, that led to Meili full on crying, whilst Yujie and Nayao tried their best to comfort her.

Li Na on the other hand balled her hands into fist, wanting to know who had caused her to be in such a state, "Who did this to you?"  

Meili didn't say anything at first, and just cried. But after managing to somewhat calm her down a little and down a cup of water, she explained what had happened.

Apparently she'd went to apologize to someone for an incident involving a fallen cake from a while back. She'd made some cupcakes herself to show her sincerity to the person over the previous encounter, but when she'd reached them, the whole thing didn't go as she hoped it would. Let's just say the whole encounter ended with both Meilis feelings and the cupcakes being squashed like a bug.

"The name, Mei." Li Na asked, now already decided in her mind that she was going to confront the person for have making Meili so distressed.

With a shaky breath, Meili uttered, "Daoming Si."

That was all Li Na needed to be sure of her next actions.

Li Na got up, grabbing her coat and a pair of shoes, before turning to the smaller girl with a determined look, "Come with me."

"Where are we going?" Meili asked, now startled by the Guo girls actions.

"To get you an apology."

Meili didn't say anything and instead stood frozen in her spot upon hearing Li Nas words. Nayao and Yujie however stared at Li Na in horror.

"Li Na! Are you sure that's a good idea?" Yujie cut in.

This caused Li Na to cross her arms, "Why not? He made Mei cry."

Nayao nodded, trying to make Li Na understand their concerns, "We get that, but with F4s reputation . . . do you really that's a good idea?"

Li Na however scoffed. She knew her friends had a point and that picking a fight with the infamous group that basically ran Mingde wasn't a good idea. But she couldn't let them get away with what they did to Meili. Especially not after she approached them with good intentions and intended to make things right.

"I'm not scared of them Nayao." Li Na stated, "They're regular students, like the rest of us, so they have no right to treat anyone this way, especially not Mei — who was simply trying to apologize."

"But—" Yujie tried speaking up again when Li Na cut her off.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything reckless." she said trying to assure her, though she herself knew that what she said wasn't entirely true.

Li Na then turned to Meili who was still frozen in spot, not having said or done anything over the past couple of minutes, "You don't have to go in with me, if you don't want to. But at least show me where I can find them."


Much to Li Nas suggestion, Meili ended up showing her where it was that the group had been residing in when Meili had encountered them, but she refused to go inside, both out of fear and embarrassment from what had happened previously. Li Na didn't pressure her at all and instead asked her to wait for her, assuring her that she'd be back pretty soon.

When Li Na had gotten close to the door for the entrance of the room, she heard faint chatter, which indicated to her that the group was still present inside the place. Which's why she wasted no further time in entering and doing what she planned.

When Li Na walked — or more like barged into the room, she paid no attention to the fact that the door had harshly slammed onto the wall behind, leaving a mark or of the confused look on the rest of the F4 members face. She simply made it her mission to spiral down the staircase towards where they all resided on at find the culprit of the whole thing.

"Which one of you is Daoming Si?" she asked straightforwardly, though already having a good an idea of who he could be from amongst the group of four.

She ended up being correct in her guess when the one with the coldest stare and weirdest hairstyle spoke up, "What do you want?"

Li Na pulled out the box of squished cupcakes she'd brought along with her, and brought it towards him to see, "Look familiar?"

Whilst his friends around him gave eachother confused looks on what they were seeing, Daoming Si simply shrugged his shoulders, "Should it?"

Li Na gritted her teeth, wondering if the boy before really had forgotten what he'd done or if he was playing dumb on purpose, "You stepped on them a while ago after my friend tried apologizing to you." she reminded him.

Daoming Si however cocked a brow at her, still wondering what the purpose of their chat was, "So?"

"So?" Li Na repeated out, "You really don't have anything to say for yourself after what you did?"

Si however, shook his head, not even having an ounce of guilt for the harm he'd caused poor Meili, "What kind of human being are you? I mean, what do you get off at by treating people this way!"

"Hey, freshmen." Si cut in before Li Na could say anything else again, assuming she too was a first year like Meili, "Is it my fault that your stupid friend thought she could walk in here like she owned the place and say or do whatever she wanted? Much like you currently?"

Li Na laughed, "She went out of her way to show she was sorry for the other day, asshole. You not only wasted the cupcakes she worked so hard on making, but you also made her cry." 

"Whatever." the Daoming boy stated, boredly looking away, "She annoyed me."

Li Na felt herself growing frustrated by the growing second, not only by what had happened to her friend, but also over how nonchalant and unaffected the boy before her was acting.

"Apologize to her."

This caused Si to look up, wondering if he heard her right, "What?"

"I said apologize to her." Li Na repeated herself.


Li Na tilted her head, "No?"

Si shook his head as he leaned towards the girl in a mocking manner, "No." he repeated, before leaning back, "Are we done here, now?"

Si had expected Li Na to simply accept his words and leave. But she wasn't done, not yet. So as she watched Si attempt to grab the drink sitting on the table before him and the rest of F4, Li Na beat him to it. Before he had a chance to look up and say anything, she harshly threw it, causing not only for the drink to spill, but for the cup it was in to also shatter everywhere.

Whilst Ximen and Meizuo turned to one another in horror, knowing that something was definitely going to go down, Lei watched curiously at the scene before him, now intrigued by Li Na.

Si stood up on his feet, now walking towards Li Na at a dangerously fast speed, "You want to explain what you just did?"

Li Na however remained glued to her spot as she crossed her arms before her, "Your words annoyed me." she repeated him words from earlier.

Si however furrowed his brows in confusion, the glare still evident. This caused Li Na to perk up, "Yeah, you heard me. Your words annoyed me, so what I did shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Si chuckled, as he stepped closer towards her, "You're going to regret that."

At this point, Ximen and Meizuo had stood up from their spots too, now worried over the situation before them escalating further.

Li Na, however, scoffed, not feeling intimidated in the slightest by Si. "I'm not scared of you."

"You should be."

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )


A/N: Guysss, I feel like this chapter was too rushed. I'm sorry if it was, but I wasn't sure what else to add or how to end it so I decided to just leave it as I did. I hope y'all enjoyed it, I know it was still a filler chapter until the actual events, but I made it a lil more dramatic, so hopefully that was entertaining.

If you guys have any sort of suggestions or feedback, please let me know as I'd love to hear anything from you guys to know if there's any improvements I can do to make you guys happy.

Anyways, that's all. Happy Wednesday!

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