Soul Reapers Work For Death:...

By Twilight_Prankster

17.4K 522 358

From the gal who wrote A Railgun In Fairy Tail, we get another start of a super duper crossover. Substitue So... More

FOOL! Welcome to Death City
Must Have SYMMETRY!!!!
School of Death
A Dark Instinct.
Medusa Gorgon
Frogs On Ice.
Black Blood
More School Mates
Lord Death.

Chainsaw Massacre. Not in Texas.

935 33 27
By Twilight_Prankster

"Oww..damn.." Ichigo walked ashore what appeared to be a deserted beach.. carrying Maka on his shoulders as Soul dragged himself on all shores up the beach a little ways ahead...

Ichigo was currently in his Bankai form.. and like Maka and Soul.. he was sopping wet.. plane wreckage was washing ashore, with no signs of survivors, or even any bodies. In fact.. there was.. nobody.. at all.. except for Excalibur, who stood at the head of the beach yelling. "COME FOOLS!! WE HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY!!! ONWARDS FOOLS!!"

Ichigo had managed to use Tensa Zangetsu's Getsuga Tenshou to envelope the group and shield them from the explosion.. which was now a smokey cloud about a mile away from the beach. He had then dragged Maka and Soul through a mile of ocean.. using his bankai to speed to land at incredible speed..

They were all exhausted.. Soul stopped crawling for a minute and spat a fish out of his mouth. "Thank God for dry land... bleagh..."

"Wh-where...huh?" Maka was in a daze.. her ears still ringing from the explosion of the plane earlier as Ichigo carried her on his back. "Ichigo? Where's the plane? Wh-what?"

"This.. was not a nice adventure.." Ichigo muttered. "Screw you Bilbo Baggins.. if this is what it means to have an adventure.. I don't want any of it.."

"Bilbo who?" Soul muttered, his voice muffled in the sand.

"I-I think I...I want to have a long nap.." Maka muttered.

"Yo Maka.. Maka!? Maka!" Ichigo set Maka down and nudged her shoulder. "Hey Soul, howabout we get some sort of camp set up? Maka looks like she's going to faint.."

"A-as soon.. as I ... I.. zzzzzzz.." Soul started snoring.

"Damn.. that plane really took the wind out from em." said Ichigo.

Ichigo shook himself.. letting water fly from his hair... and the dropletts created a sparkling mist around him in the sun.


"Eh?" Ichigo started at the sudden outburst from Maka. "What is it?"

Maka had gone red for a minute. "N-Nothing.. "

"Anyways.." Ichigo muttered. "Now my clothes are wet.."

In a flash.. Ichigo reverted from his Soul Reaper form. "Darn... my stupid normal clothes are soaked too!!"

Ichigo stripped off his shirt. "Guess I have no choice."

"I-I-ICHIGO!!!" Maka squealed once more.

"What now?" said Ichigo. "I'm not gonna catch a cold because of some stupid wet clothing.. anyways.. I see a bunch of luggage washed ashore.. we might get some clean clothes out of there.."

Maka just looked away, red in the face. "I-it's nothing.. I-I'll help you look.."

"Hey.." said Soul getting up. "While you guys are at it.. why don't you find me some pants..? Mine are soaked..

Soul began to take of his jeans.


Soul suddenly found himself in the sand as Maka whacked him in the head with a book. Her face was now so red.. a volcano could have erupted out of the top. "There will be no more stripping on this beach... NONE!!!"

(Gray Fulbuster: *currently reading this book* "Well that's a bummer.")

"Wait.. no.." Ichigo said as he noticed something in the wreckage.

"What is it Ichigo!?" said Maka. "Survivors!?"

"NO NO NO NO!!!" Ichigo ran over to what appeared to be Maka's manga all scattered around the beach.. the books ruined from the water.. and plenty of the pages torn apart. "NO NO NO NO NO!!! WHY!? GOD DAMN IT!!! NOW I'LL NEVER KNOW IF MIKOTO BRINGS BACK THE ORIGINAL MULTIVERSE!!! NOOOO!!!!"

"Mikoto merges with Twilight Prankster, beats the heck out of the main villian and brings back the Multiverse." Maka said with a roll of her eyes. "Now can we please get going? We have to find out what happened with the plane! And if there are any survivors!! Right Soul? Soul?"

Soul was on his knees, scrambling to piece some torn wet pages back together. "C-come on.. live damn it!! LIVE!! I need to see if Natsu beats Kakine!!"


Ichigo and Soul both ate sand as Maka thwacked her book into both their heads.

"Bunch of idiots.. " Maka grumbled.

After Ichigo, Maka and Soul had found some dry clothes.. (From their own leftover luggage luckily enough.) They began to explore the beach..

The island looked like one of your stereotypical deserted islands. A tropical forest in the background.. a volcano in the distance... really white sands... coconuts..

Soul picked up one coconut, and morphed his arm into a scythe blade so he could carve a goofy face into it.

"Soul what are you doing?" Maka muttered.

"'s how everyone does it.." said Soul with a shrug.

"Okay.." said Ichigo. "So... as far as we know, we have no idea where we are... we're stuck on a beach with.." Ichigo shivered and pointed at Excalibur. "Him.. And we have no way of knowing where civilization is.."

"Hey look a light house." said Soul pointing at what was obviously a light house on the west end of the beach.

"I stand corrected." Ichigo muttered.

12 minutes later.. Ichigo was knocking on the lighthouse door. "Hello? Hello!? er.. we're not salesmen.."

No answer.

"WHAM!!!" Ichigo suddenly kicked the door and sent it flying into the building with a crash.


And right after Ichigo found his chin hitting the ground as Maka once more whacked him over the head with the spine of her book.

"Y-ya trying to turn me into a living bookshelf?" Ichigo groaned.

"Ha!" said Soul. "If I were Arnold Schwartznager I'd say this was the perfect time to get AWAY from the Choppa.."


Soul ended up on the ground next to Ichigo.. a bruise growing on his head as he moaned. "G-get to the choppa..."

"Hmph.. Fool.." Excalibur muttered.

A few seconds later, the foursome peeked into the lighthouse.. looking around beyond the doorway. It seemed as if the place was deserted.

"Kay.." said Soul. "Maybe if we look around, we might find something to communicate with.. eh Ichigo? Ichigo?"

Ichigo was staring up at the chuckling sun with a grumpy frown. "Creepy ass sun.."


"Oh uh.. right.."

The group moved inside.. turning over old boxes that were all full of books and strange files.. it was then that one file in particular caught Maka's attention..

The title said. "Study of the Relation between a Soul Reaper and Zanpakuto... by Dr. Franken Stein.."

Maka's eyes went wide and she picked up the book and then began flipping through it. "It's not possible.. no way.."

"Hey Maka.. What's that you're looking at?" Soul suddenly popped up behind Maka so suddenly, that Maka jumped several feet in the air in shock. "MAKA CHOP!!!"

Maka's book swung wildly and ended up hitting Soul right in the crotch. (For a gist of how Soul Reacted.. see video..)

"OwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooO!!!!!!!!" Soul fell to the floor, squealing in soprano.

"OH MY GOD I'M SORRY SOUL!!!" Maka shrieked.

"J-just.... don't ever mention this..." Soul whispered, as he huddled to the floor, shaking. "Ever...."

"Maka.. you sick girl.." Ichigo muttered.

"I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE!!!" Maka screamed.

"Maka...I don't think... I'm going to make it.." Soul muttered.

"JUST HANG IN THERE SOUL!! Er.. I-I'm going to get some ice!!"

Ichigo sighed. "Jeez.. where the Hell is Excalibur anyways..?"

The little Excalibur was nowhere to be seen.. had he gone off somewhere?

As Maka continued to fuss over Soul.. Ichigo proceeded up the spiraling staircase of the light house.. as soon as he got to the top floor where an old rusty light was... apparently not used in years.. he saw a figure standing nearby..looking over the sea. He wore lare brown gloves that went up to his forearms.. had sandy hair.. and a workman's like outfit.. plus plenty of earings.

The first thing Ichigo thought was... THANK GOD!! AN EXCUSE NOT TO FIND EXCALIBUR!!!

The man turned to look at Ichigo.. looking curious at first.. then grinning. "Oh man.. ya actually survived the crash? You're tougher then you look orange hair..."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed. "Who are you? What are you doing in this light house?"

"Nothing much.." said the man. "The name's Giriko. I saw your plane crash a little while back there... I'm guess you're survivors right?"

"You could say that.." said Ichigo.

"Well.. I'm the one who made the call about the rampaging golem.. it's good to see that you Meisters made it out in one peice.."

"Yeah yeah, it's grand." Ichigo muttered. "Now.. just tell me where the golem is, and me and my friends will go deal with it.."

"Yeah.." said Giriko. "About that.. the golem's right through... here.."

Suddenly the entire  top of the lighthouse was torn to shreds in an instant.. as a massive mechanized stone statue with a dome-like head and wearing what appeared be giant mechanic's overalls wrecked it's way through the small round area..

Ichigo instantly turned into a Soul Reaper and used Zangetsu to block the magic machine's stone fist. "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Oh wait.. there's more!!!" In a flash, Giriko suddenly changed into a massive chainsaw.. the golem grabbed the chainsaw as it reved it's engine sinisterly and the golem began ramming the chainsaw's whirring blade at ichigo, whoc repeatidly blocked with Zangetsu, throwing up sparks as he did..

"DAMN!!!" Ichigo smashed aside the chainsaw's blade momentarily and leapt into the air. (The roof kinda blew up.) "GETSUGA TENSHOU!!!!"

The massive Getsuga collided agaisnt the golem who brought up the chainsaw to block.. slicing it apart..letting the whirring blade smoke from the sheer heat of impact.

"Ya quite done yet!? HA!! Lame!!" Giriko's voice came out of the chainsaw. "I thought you were supposed to be scary strong.. Ichigo Kurosaki!!"

The golem leapt up and brought the chainsaw crashing down at Ichigo, who brought up Zangetsu and blocked once more. The sheer strength of the golem was great enough that the floor under Ichigo's feet collapsed and he shot down through the middle of the light house, exploding into the ground in a cloud of smoke.

"MAKA!!" Ichigo growled as he stood up quickly. "A little help!!?"

"Uh-uh.... uh.." Maka looked at Soul who was still on the floor, huddled up and groaning. "Er.. Soul?"

"Just need... about... a few moments... to .....owwww...." Soul wheezed.

The Golem crashed down to the floor below and picked Ichigo up by the foot, hanging him upsidedown.

"DO SOMETHING AT LEAST!!" Ichigo roared.

Maka took a stone on the ground and threw it.. intending to hit the golem.. but the stone just bounced off of Ichigo's head like a rubber ball..


Maka took a book and threw it. It hit Ichigo's head again and fell on the floor.



"Oh for the love of.. BANKAI!!" Ichigo blasted the golem back as a tremendous black aura exploded into him.. letting him transform into his Bankai form..

There was a flash, and suddenly the golem's left arm was sliced clean away from it's body, revealing gears and rotating mechanisms in it's stump.

"GETSUGA TENSHOU!!!" Ichigo appeared right behind the golem and let a black Getsuga smash the golem out of the building..

"Well this just got interesting!!" Giriko shouted as the golem turned and charged Ichigo, swinging the chainsaw around maliciously.

Ichigo parried the grinding blows repeatidly, standing still in one spot, his bankai's durability holding strong.

"You've gotten a little stronger just now!!" Giriko roared. "I love it!!"

Suddenly there was another flash of speed.. and Ichigo reappeared right behind the golem.. his sword swept casually to the side.. as if he had already dealt a blow.. which he had...

The golem suddenly split clean in half and crumbled into the ground..

Giriko appeared, standing on the wreckage, clapping his gloved hands in mock applause. "Very good.. you're pretty fast.. but I'm not all about letting a meister tell me what to do.."

Giriko leapt into the air and spun around as chainsaw blades appeared on his legs and began rotating and whirring around..

Some sort of partial weapon transformation? Ichigo thought.

"SAW FOOT!!" Giriko's chainsaw leg smacked into Tensa Zangetsu's blade.. grinding against it with tremendous force..

Ichigo gritted his teeth as he blocked the move. This guy, was brutally strong..

Ichigo smashed Grikio aside with the blade and used his superior speed to instantly close the gap in between them.. weaving his black blade into an entourage of deadly slashes.

Giriko grinned however, as multiple unmoving chainsaw blades wrapped around his body like bladed metal rope, blocking the slashes, throwing up sparks from the relentless friction.

"Damn it!!" Ichigo flashed out of the way as Giriko lashed out several chainsaw kicks at his face.

"Alright kiddy, Meisters and Weapons 101... don't let the weapon decide for the meister... but I'm in the opposite case!!" Giriko jumped up and used the rotating blades on his feet to vroom forward on the ground like some sort of dirt skater.. the blades rotating like tank wheels...

Giriko sped towards Ichigo, throwing a dust trail in his wake.. he wrapped his arm in rotating chain blades and slashed it at Ichigo who flashed away again and reappeared right behind Giriko.

Giriko whirled around just in time to block Ichigo's blade with his arm. However the powerful strength from the attack sent Giriko flying back.

Ichigo flashed right underneath Giriko while he was in the air.. lashing out a powerful slashing uppercut.

Giriko roared in pain as blood fell from his body.. and he landed on his feet a short distance away.. eying his wound with an angered expression.

"You really like to get on my nerves kid. That's a fact." said Giriko.

"You aren't normal.." Ichigo muttered. "Okay.. you obviously lured me here for something.. tell me.. are you with Medusa!?"

"Medusa?" said Giriko. "Yeesh no.. don't even know anything about the chick except that she's my master's sister.. though her.. I do know a bit about her.."

As Giriko said this.. swarms of spiders began pouring out of the wreckage of the golem.

"You see... the reports about a rampaging golem was actually a bit of a cover-up scene gone wrong." said Giriko. "You see.. somebody saw.. and I had to get into a little rampage on them. But there's nothing wrong with my golem.."

The spiders began to pile up into a humanoid shape, merging, becoming clothes and skin..

Ichigo's eyes widened. "What.. the hell?"

"This is Arachne.. the only master I ever needed... cause she let's me go as wild as I want." said Giriko. "The greatest witch alive.."

The spiders had formed into a beautiful woman with a long black dress that had a web netting design around her collarbone.. Something that looked like spider legs were coming out of her jet black hair.

"My.. my.." said Arachne in a smooth bored voice. "My revival was only just achieved.. and I have to deal with this rif raf."

Arachne looked directly at Ichigo. "Greetings boy... my spiders have watched you for a while.. however..I'm afraid that unlike Medusa.. I'm not particularly interested in letting you live.."

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