My Best Friend's Brother // Y...

Av JEllana

740K 15.7K 3.3K


Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Partially Edited)
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 4
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 5
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 6
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 7
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 8
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 9
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 10
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 11
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 12
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 13
Important Note
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 14
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 15
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 16
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 17
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 18
MBFB Valentine's Chapter
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 19
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 20
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 21
MBFB Extra (Charlie)
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 22
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 23
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 24
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 25
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 26
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 27
MBFB Extra (Cindy)
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 28
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 29
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 30
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 31
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 32
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 33
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 34
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 35
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 36
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 37
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 38
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 39
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 40
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 41
MBFB Christmas Special
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 42
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 43 (Pt. 2)
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 44
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 45
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 46
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 47
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 48
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 49
My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 50
Check Out The Sequel
Acknowledgements + Questions

My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 43 (Pt. 1)

9.5K 197 124
Av JEllana

Chapter 43 (Part 1)

My feet felt heavy today. My stomach was churning with nerves and jitters. It wasn't helping that Mr Corby decided to shine the light on me. He was wishing me luck for the pageant tonight, which people had been teasing me about. Personally, I thought it was more ideal if he just told me in private, but that was just Mr Corby. He liked giving people credit, 'cause he was nice like that. Thanks, but I didn't want the attention. I couldn't really blame him, though; that was just the way he was. I said it before and I'll say it again: I would always be the sort of girl who preferred the backstage--or being a humble wallflower, that too.

"Don't you just wanna shrink right now?" Charlie mumbled mockingly from the seat next to me. He was talking to me as if I were a child. Idiot.

"Charlie, don't make me say your middle name," I warned, forcing my eyes to not look at his, because despite of what I think of him, I was still on that emotional seesaw. I wasn't about to let him tip me off to any end.


A couple minutes later, he slid a piece of paper in front of me. The paper looked like he ripped it from the bottom corner of his notebook. The edges, except for two, were fuzzy and jagged. It was a horrible way to rip paper. Didn't he know there was this contraption called scissors?

Tentatively, I casted a quick glance his way. He was listening intently to Mr Corby, head resting on his arms that were folded above the lab table. His dark hair fell slightly over his gold eyes, but he was too lazy to move it out of the way. His lips were set in a cute pout--

No. No, don't say cute.

Like snapping out from a bad dream, I pushed away my previous thoughts and turned the scratch paper. Scrolled at the top was the word 'sorry'. My gaze trailed down to the ugly, but somewhat endearing doodle. It seemed like a stick figure of me, my dark hair in noodle-like swirls in black ink and two, blue ink dots for my eyes. I had a broad smile and my twiggy arms were raised almost victoriously, hands in circles--which I guess you could say were fisted. I had a badly proportioned tiara on my head, and red flowers scattered around my feet.

My skin fizzled, cheeks slowly going warm. It was probably one of the sweetest nonsense gestures I had ever received from anybody. Even more so, that it came from Charlie.

"When did you do this?" I asked, eyes wide, body rigid.

Charlie furrowed his brows, my posture not going unnoticed. But, instead of questioning me, he just shook his head. "I create a masterpiece and that's all you get from that?" he joked, feigning disbelief. "But, just so you know, I did it while you were internally dying of embarrassment."

"You saw that, huh?"

"Well, I only saw the bit where you were sinking in your seat and your face was tainted red. I mean, honestly, I missed the whole shindig!" Charlie replied, sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Who even says shindig these days?" I commented, looking at him weirdly.

"Obviously, people with charming, good looks." Then, he abruptly paused as he glanced at the doodle he made. "Not to mention thoughtful, and funny, and have kind hearts, and--"

"Stop it, Charlie." You're making me like you.

"As you wish, Eli-cat."

At lunch, there was a buzz in the air. It wasn't anything technical, just an ever-present vibe. People were excited, giddy, and I wasn't entirely sure why.

Okay, so maybe I had a suspicion.

Cindy and I sat with the whole gang today. Everyone was there, even Andrew. On one side, Charlie, Zeke, and the twins sat, chatting. On the other side, me, Cindy, Drew, and Benjie were making conversation. Diana was still in line, waiting to pay for her food. She got out of class pretty late, so that was understandable. There was nothing exciting about lunch. Except for maybe the last half of it. Drew was making Cindy and I laugh until our stomachs hurt and we developed temporary abs. His dad jokes were so lame that it was borderline hilarious. Of course, I noticed Charlie glancing at us a few times, but I was too giggly to acknowledge the conflict in my head. I didn't know why, but since the whole "I may or may not like him" incident, I kind of became hyper-aware of Charlie; what he was doing, who he was with--you know, the I'm-sort-of-obsessing-over-this-guy-but-not-really phase.

My brain was all: Drew or Charlie? Drew or Charlie?!

And I was all: Drew. But what about Charlie? Wait, no--just stop thinking about it!

I don't know about you, but thinking about feelings--that are possibly one-sided--for extended periods of time was exhausting to me.


"One, two, three, four--chop, chop everyone!" Ms Queen yells, like the dictator that we all know she is. Meanwhile, Mr Brower observes us from his little spot in corner next to the stereo system. We're all in heels now, practicing on the actual stage. All the decorations are up and it's becoming all too real.

Trying to ease myself into lighthearted conversation, I whisper, "They say that practice makes perfect; but then again, nobody's perfect. So, why practice?"

Drew laughs, staring at me with that wide-eyed look of his. "How do you come up with these things?" he asks, amused.

"Nah, I overheard it from a girl at the supermarket. I mean, I'm just rehashing."

"I knew it..."

"Knew what?" I replied, brows dipping down in confusion. I mean, why must I be attracted to the most cryptic of guys?

Drew grins, pinching my cheek. "That you're eccentric; that I chose the right girl."

Before I could say anything back, Ms Queen tugs on our arms. "Less talk, more dancing, you two!"

I'm really not sure of what to say to him. A week ago, if you asked me, I would've said, "Yeah, me too." But now, it's all different. Am I meant to tell him I chose the right guy, when technically, I haven't chosen as per sé? With Charlie popping up in my head and fighting for my attention, I don't think it'd be fair. So, I just shrug at him, hoping that he'll understand me.

Part of me knows he won't. Part of me knows that there's only one other person, apart from Cindy, who does.

After practice, Mom picks me up and we go straight home. I take a shower as soon as we get there, and so the pampering begins. Penny blasts Blank Space and we all get in the zone. Cindy arrives with not a minute to spare, hair products in a big, yellow-gold shoulder bag. The hue briefly reminds me of Charlie's eyes, but I dismiss the thought. Like a pro, she sets her station up in the living room and does my hair. Leaving it in soft waves, she pins it back. When I see myself in the mirror, I immediately like it. It's different from my normally wild curls, but it still feels me. It's loose and messy, but still elegant in its own right.

After I thank Cindy, she makes me apply the anti-allergy cream on my face. Twenty-one minutes later, Mom begins to work her magic. Though, I'm still nervous about the possible red splotches appearing on my face, I have faith in my mother. She won't do anything that'll harm me, that I'm sure of. Within half an hour, she finishes and carefully hands me a mirror. Mom squeezes my hand reassuringly, and that's all I need. I lift up the mirror.

"Oh my gosh, Mom! I look so..." I start to say, but I can't find the right words.

Mom hugs me and she laughs at my reaction. "Elouise, you look the same as always; beautiful," she whispers in my ear and I hug her more tightly.

"Thanks, Mom, but it's fine; I know you're obligated to say that--you're my mom!" I kid and she hugs me again.

"Eli, don't be so down on yourself. You're a total babe," she winks and I gasp.

"Mom, no!"

She ignores my outrage, of course. "Now, come. You have to change," she retorts with a warm smile. Mom whisks me off upstairs, to my room, where Penny set up my gown for the first formal wear event, The Presentation of Candidates.

I shove them both out of my room as I stare at the gorgeous article of clothing. It's a deep blue colour, like the night sky. It's strapless, made of silk and tulle. Sparkly sequins litter the top endlessly, flowing out and spreading as it goes down the beautiful gown. They're like stars. Beside it is a pair of pumps, the same colour and style as my dress--midnight blue and littered with shimmery silver jewels. This must've cost a fortune, I think to myself. Then, I wonder, what about my other change of clothes? They must've been expensive too!

Oh my god.

Still, though... "IT'S GORGEOUS!" I yell as I attempt to put it on. I hear her and Penny laughing from the other side. This time, it's my turn to ignore them. Once the pretty gown's on, I open the door and ask Penny to zip it all up for me. She does as I say, but not without commenting about the beginnings of my back sweat, of course. I mean, she's considerate enough. She at least has the decency to hand me tissues afterwards. Then, Penny and Mom add a few more finishing touches to my hair and makeup.

Several minutes later, the doorbell rings and Dad gets the door. Cindy and Charlie appear at the opening, looking all chummy. Cindy's wearing a yellow dress that ends just above her knees and a pair of white heels. Meanwhile, Charlie dons a dark blue button-down, dress pants, and...his feet are clad in navy blue Converse shoes. My best friend grins when she sees me all glamorous and dressed up. She runs to me, blonde hair flying everywhere, and squeezes me 'til its hard to breathe; in which case, my father has to gently detach her from my being. Charlie remains at the doorway, hands in his pockets, hair still a bit of a mess, giving me that stare again--the I've-never-seen-you-before stare. I question what he's doing, you know? I just don't know what I'm meant to think.

I blink, my eyes getting overwhelmed by his intense, golden ones. Tentatively, I smile, but Charlie doesn't smile back. His dimples press in on each cheek, and I wonder if they're the ones who want to say "hi" to me. I blink again, but very slowly now, as if it'll save me from my embarassment. It doesn't. When I re-open my eyes, I wave at Charlie and look away, unsure as always.

Out of the blue, I hear someone else talking from beside him. Cropping up out of nowhere is Andrew. He's wearing a black tux with a sleek, black tie. His hair is parted on the side, his smile intact, blue eyes glued to mine. I grin in return. And then...I chance a look at Charlie. He's not talking anymore, only distant. He stares at the horizon, face expressionless.

What could he be thinking?

Before I know it, we're all going and I still haven't said anything to Charlie. I want to know what's on his mind, but my confidence just isn't there yet. So, I simply sigh, and in my head I pretend I'm not too shy to talk to him. Hey, Charlie.


"Welcome all to The Annual Lincoln Bay High School Pageant!" greeted Mr Brower, glammed up himself. He wore a grey suit and shiny "old man shoes", as David from The Sorcerer's Apprentice referred to them as. Beside him stood Ms Queen, looking tall and beautiful. Her ballerina stance was especially noticeable tonight as well. The red gown she was wearing, it had a slit running from her ankle to half of her left thigh. It didn't look slutty or anything like that, only elegant.

Ms Queen smiled at the crowd, before lifting up her microphone. "Tonight will be jam-packed with awesome activities, everyone, but first--"

"Let me take a selfie!" some random guy yelled from the crowd. Of course, everyone laughed. I had a sneaking suspicion regarding who it was. Very few people would have the guts to do that.

"No," Ms Queen replied with a quiet laugh. Knowing her from my few weeks of rehearsals, she was probably getting ready to suspend that student. "Actually, we'll start with The Presentation of Candidates."

Cue classic, no-lyrics music.

My heart was pounding, and I gripped Drew's arm too tightly. If it hurt him even the slightest, he didn't show it. As my eyes flickered around, my eyes saw Drew's reassuring smile and bright eyes, Macy's nervous smile, Emily Lang fixing her gown, and...Charlie. With Anna Stanton, who was fixing his button-down. Wait, why? What the heck was he doing here? With ANNA?

My stomach flopped, in time with each girl's disappearance, along with their partners of course. The presentation was alphabetical. First, it was Rebecca Austen, then Stephanie Cruz. The rest of us followed; Jackie Densen was up, followed by Delaney Flannegan. At that point, I was biting the inside of my cheek. I kept glancing at Charlie, who seemed to be avoiding my stare. Drew was silently smiling to himself, watching me as I stood here. I was quite cross with myself. No--I was jealous. More jealous than that time I found her with Drew.

Tell me again why it's always Anna that I'm jealous of?

Macy Jefferson and her cousin step out onto the stage, and we exchange quick smiles from afar. Emily Lang and her partner shortly followed. Then, Anna and Charlie. I scowled at the floor, but I was jolted in surprised when Drew kissed me on the temple.

"Don't worry," he said, looking at Charlie's previous spot. When he looked back at me, he didn't say anything else. I wasn't sure what he meant, but I wasn't about to question him. With Wilma Stokes already gone and Karen Truman getting ready to strut her stuff, I only had about ten more seconds away from publicly humiliating myself. I mean I do tend to fall over; especially when wearing heels. These pumps with a long gown... I better put 911 on speed dial before we go up.

Okay, just calm down.

"Elouise Walton, accompanied by her escort, Andrew James!"

Oh, fiddlesticks.

To be continued. . .

* * *

Howzat you guys? :)

Bet you didn't see Charlie being paired with Anna, huh? Anyway, Eli is obviously starting to catch up with her repressed feelings. Gurl, you slow.

I'm sorry the update's a tad late, but to be fair it's pretty lengthy! Pretty awesome things are to come on Part 2 of Chapter 43! So yeah, comment what you think: what is Charlie's reason to be with Anna? :)

Dedicated to @Dead_Or_Death who supported and voted for my story nonstop! Stay awesome (Gotham)! Haha sorry Anna Akana for stealing that. :)

Nearly 70K guys! Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooo much!!! :D *insert happy dance here*

Multimedia Weekly:
- Eli's hair and dress (just picture the shoes with the same style)
- One by Ed Sheeran <3

Feel free to check out Midnight Blues to read more from me. Laura and Cole will definitely thank you! ;)

Anyways, please VOTE, COMMENT, and/or SHARE! If you want, you can even put in the hashtag of your choice: #TeamCharlie #TeamDrew or #MBFBlove to let me know you're there!



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